I want to get all data in elasticsearch 5.4 - elasticsearch

I used size :0 in Elasticsearch 2.x but now in Elasticsearch 5.4 this can not be used.
How do I get the same effect as size: 0 in Elasticsearch 5.4 ?

The size:0 was deprecated in Elasticsearch 5.x aggregations. You can check https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/22136 for workarounds.

Use ES's snapshot and restore instead :
Do note that a snapshot of an index created in 1.X cannot be restored to 5.X


How to upgrade elastic search from 1.7.x to 7.0?

I am in need of a solution to upgrade/migrate elasticsearch from 1.7.6 to 7.0 with all the data and the reports. Is there any way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
You have to install elastic search 7.0 and reindex the data again.
You can't just migrate the old indexes of elastic search 1.7 to elastic search 7.0.
Elasticsearch can read indices created in the previous major version.
If you have indices created in 5.x or before, you must reindex or
delete them before upgrading to 7.1.1. Elasticsearch nodes will fail
to start if incompatible indices are present. Snapshots of 5.x or
earlier indices cannot be restored to a 7.x cluster even if they were
created by a 6.x cluster.
Refer elastic search documentation

ElasticSearch - Restore Index to lower version

I have some indexes in a ElasticSearch 6.2.2 installation and because of some requirements I might be downgrading to ES 5.6.4
Q: Can I take a backup of the indexes of 6.2.2 and restore them to 5.6.4?
No this is absolutely not compatible in that way.
But you can may be reindex your data though. You can use logstash to read from the 6.2.2 cluster and write to the 5.6.4 cluster. It's not snapshot and restore but a way to workaround this.

Which version of Kibana is to be used with Elastic Search 5.1?

I am confused in choosing the right version of Kibana with Elastic Search 5.1.
Is it necessary to use Kibana 5.1 with Elastic Search 5.1 or can I use any version? Please suggest.
As mentioned in the official Kibana documentation:
Kibana should be configured to run against an Elasticsearch node of the same version. This is the officially supported configuration.
Running different major version releases of Kibana and Elasticsearch (e.g. Kibana 5.x and Elasticsearch 2.x) is not supported, nor is running a minor version of Kibana that is newer than the version of Elasticsearch (e.g. Kibana 5.1 and Elasticsearch 5.0).
However, in order to facilitate an upgrade process where Elasticsearch is upgraded first, you can run a minor version of Elasticsearch that is higher than Kibana (e.g. Kibana 5.0 and Elasticsearch 5.1). But this should only be temporary

ElasticSearch Upgrade 1.x to 6.x

We are using ElasticSearch 1.x on production for sometime now with millions of records.
We want to upgrade the version from 1.x to 6.x as:
There have been multiple updates by the company and the support for older versions is discontinued.
1.x does not support Kibana.
What's the best way to do it with explicit steps on data security?
I've recently did a migration from Elasticsearch 1.5 to 6.2.
Steps, that needs to be performed:
Update the mappings, there are a lot of changes that happened between those 2 versions (just as an example _all field is disable starting from 6.0). The official documentation should help you here.
After you updated the mappings you would need another cluster set up with desired version of Elasticsearch. Also update if needed your Logstash/Kibana.
Enable it to access your old cluster by adding your old cluster to the reindex.remote.whitelist in elasticsearch.yml, by doing: reindex.remote.whitelist: oldhost:9200
For each index that you need to migrate, you would need to manually create a new index in your new сluster with updated mappings from #1
Reindex from remote to pull documents from the old index into the new 6.x index
Full documentation regarding this one is available here - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/reindex-upgrade-remote.html

Elasticsearch index migration

I have installed elasticsearch version 0.90 and I have tried to move data to elasticsearch version 2.x with the help of logstash, Data is moved but index mapping is not migrated properly, please suggest the solutions
Finally I have migrated data from elasticsearch 0.90 to elasticsearch 2.3, First I created index with mapping then move index data with help of logstash, I had to change facets query to aggregations in my code.
