I'm not worried about what happens if my key will go past Z right now, or capital letters. All I want is my outcome to be something like. text=abc key=2 and it print "cde". Where am I going wrong?
puts "What would you like to cipher?"
text = gets.chomp
puts " what number key would you like?"
key = gets.chomp.to_i
def casear_cipher(text,key)
ciphered_text = []
text.chars.each do |letter|
ciphered_text = letter
ciphered_text = ciphered_text.next
puts casear_cipher(text,key)
You're not using the key yet, so it will always just do abc -> bcd. If you're really not concerned about "Z" going to "AA", you can try this:
def cipher(text, key)
text.chars.map { |c| (c.ord + key).chr }.join
Since 'Z'.next => 'AA' and 'z'.next #=> 'aa', we can use [-1] to select the last letter.
In the code below we perform next! on each character n times using the times method. next! modifies the character whereas next does not.
def casear_cipher(text, n)
text.chars.map do |c| n.times { c.next! }
p casear_cipher('abc',2) #=> "cde"
p casear_cipher('xyz',2) #=> "zab"
p casear_cipher('ZEBRA',2) #=> "BGDTC"
More information about these methods can be found at http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.4.1/
I have an Array-1 say
arr1 =['s','a','sd','few','asdw','a','sdfeg']
And a second Array
arr2 = ['s','a','d','f','w']
I want to take arr1 and sort the frequency of letters by inputting arr2 with result
[s=> 4, a=> 2, d => 3] So on and so forth.
As far as I can muddle around.. Nothing below works, Just my thoughts on it?
hashy = Hash.new
print "give me a sentance "
sentance = gets.chomp.downcase.delete!(' ')
bing = sentance.split(//)
#how = sentance.gsub!(/[^a-z)]/, "") #Remove nil result
#chop = how.to_s.split(//).uniq
#hashy << bing.each{|e| how[e] }
#puts how.any? {|e| bing.count(e)}
#puts how, chop
bing.each {|v| hashy.store(v, hashy[v]+1 )}
puts bing
Thank you for your time.
I assumed that you want to count all letters in the sentence you put in, and not array 1. Assuming that, here's my take on it:
hashy = Hash.new()
['s','a','d','f','w'].each {|item| hashy[item.to_sym] = 0}
puts "give me a sentence"
sentence = gets.chomp.downcase.delete!(' ')
sentence_array = []
sentence.each_char do |l|
hashy.each do |key, value|
puts "this is key: #{key} and value #{hashy[key]}"
sentence_array.each do |letter|
puts "letter: #{letter}"
if letter.to_sym == key
puts "letter #{letter} equals key #{key}"
value = value + 1
hashy[key] = value
puts "value is now #{value}"
puts hashy
I don't get why reversed_string=string[i] + reversed_string puts the last char first. It seems that string[i] would index the first char and not the last. So if the string was "abc" index 0 would be 'a' and not 'c'. Could someone please explain how ruby gets 'c' from index 0? And then, of course, 'b' from index 1? Etc, etc.
Write a method that will take a string as input, and return a new string with the same letters in reverse order.
Difficulty: easy.
def reverse(string)
reversed_string = ""
i = 0
while i < string.length
reversed_string = string[i] + reversed_string
i += 1
return reversed_string
puts("reverse(\"abc\") == \"cba\": #{reverse("abc") == "cba"}")
puts("reverse(\"a\") == \"a\": #{reverse("a") == "a"}")
puts("reverse(\"\") == \"\": #{reverse("") == ""}")
reversed_string = string[i] + reversed_string
For example, if string is "abc", string[0] is indeed "a", but here it's being put in the beginning of reversed_string, not the end. reversed_string is added up in each iteration as:
"a" + "" #string[0] + "" => "a"
"b" + "a" #string[1] + "a" => "ba"
"c" + "ba" #string[2] + "ba"=> "cba"
Assuming you can't use Ruby Class String's built in Reverse method, you could try the following
def reverse_string(string)
new_string = []
i = string.length-1
while i >= 0
i -= 1
This will create a new string object, but it will reverse the string without using any built-in methods.
As you know, there is a method String#reverse to reverse a string. I understand you are not to use that method, but instead write your own, where the method's argument is the string to be reversed. Others will suggest ways you might do that.
As you are new to Ruby, I thought it might be instructive to show you how you could write a new method for the String class, say, String#my_reverse, that behaves exactly the same as String#reverse. Then for the string "three blind mice", we would have:
"three blind mice".reverse #=> "ecim dnilb eerht"
"three blind mice".my_reverse #=> "ecim dnilb eerht"
To create a method without arguments for the String class, we normally do it like this:
class String
def my_method
We invoke my_method by sending it a receiver that is an instance of the String class. For example, if write:
"three blind mice".my_method
we are sending the method String#my_method to the receiver "three blind mice". Within the definition of the method, the receiver is referred to as self. Here self would be "three blind mice". Similarly, just as the second character (at offset 1) of that string is "three blind mice"[1] #=> "h", self[1] #=> "h". We can check that:
class String
def my_method
puts "I is '#{self}'"
(0...self.size).each { |i| puts self[i] }
"three blind mice".my_method
would print:
I is 'three blind mice'
The method my_reverse is almost the same:
class String
def my_reverse
sz = self.size
str = ''
(0...sz).each { |i| str << self[sz-1-i] }
"three blind mice".my_reverse
#=> "ecim dnilb eerht"
You can think of self as a variable whose value is the receiver, but unlike a variable, you cannot reassign self to a different object. For example, we can write x = 1; x = 'cat', but we cannot write self = 'cat'. As we have already seen, however, we can change the references self makes to other objects, such as self[1] = 'r'.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong with my code. I am attempting to create a onetime pad cipher, which takes a string scrambles it and then puts it back out. But when I put a string in it doesn't work, can someone correct my work, thanks.
My Work:
h = {}
v = 0
('A'..'Z').each do |c|
h[c] = v
puts "Provide Input:"
input = gets
if input.include?("a")
n = h["A"] + rand(26)
puts h.index(n)
if input.include?("b")
n = h["B"] + rand(26)
puts h.index(n)
if input.include?("c")
n = h["C"] + rand(26)
puts h.index(n)
etc, etc... (All the way to the end of the alphabet)
I don't see any 'end' trailing each 'if' block. If that's the case, it means your ifs are nested, and you're only checking the next condition when the previous one is met (won't do anything if there's no 'a', won't do much if there's an 'a' but no 'b', etc). Also, any time you have chunks of code that are nearly identical and only vary by a small amount, it's typically a sign that there's a much easier way of doing what you want.
Say I want to puts the alphabet. So I can do something like:
alphabet = ('a'..'z')
alphabet.map do |a|
puts a
What I want to do now is exclude the vowels.
alphabet = ('a'..'z')
vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u']
alphabet.map do |a|
puts a unless a == vowels
I am trying to avoid this:
alphabet = ('a'..'z')
alphabet.map do |a|
puts a unless a == 'a'
puts a unless a == 'e'
puts a unless a == 'i'
puts a unless a == 'o'
puts a unless a == 'u'
How do I syntactically implement the second example so that it works properly?
A Range can be expanded into an Array. Then you can subtract another array.
chars = ('a'..'z').to_a - %w( a e i o u )
chars.each do |a|
puts a
As a side note, don't use #map unless you really need to. Use #each if you don't care about the returning value.
You don't want equality, you want inclusion:
puts a if vowels.include? a
Also, you're using map (same as collect) which will actually return the results of the puts statements. Unless you actually need that, use each. Or find the letters that match the condition and use that collection to print the results later.
Use the Array#include? method:
puts a unless vowels.include? a
Source: http://rubydoc.info/stdlib/core/1.9.2/Array#include%3F-instance_method
You can even get rid of the loop. This preserves the original alphabet.
alphabet = ('a'..'z')
puts (alphabet.to_a - %w(a e i o u)).join('\r')
Enumerable#grep would work, too:
('a'..'z').grep(/[^aeiou]/) { |a| puts a }
Or simply
puts ('a'..'z').grep(/[^aeiou]/)
Sample input:
"I was 09809 home -- Yes! yes! You was"
and output:
{ 'yes' => 2, 'was' => 2, 'i' => 1, 'home' => 1, 'you' => 1 }
My code that does not work:
def get_words_f(myStr)
h = Hash.new(0)
myStr.split.each do |w|
h[w] += 1
return h.to_a;
print get_words_f('I was 09809 home -- Yes! yes! You was');
This works but I am kinda new to Ruby too. There might be a better solution.
def count_words(string)
words = string.split(' ')
frequency = Hash.new(0)
words.each { |word| frequency[word.downcase] += 1 }
return frequency
Instead of .split(' '), you could also do .scan(/\w+/); however, .scan(/\w+/) would separate aren and t in "aren't", while .split(' ') won't.
Output of your example code:
print count_words('I was 09809 home -- Yes! yes! You was');
#{"i"=>1, "was"=>2, "09809"=>1, "home"=>1, "yes"=>2, "you"=>1}
def count_words(string)
string.scan(/\w+/).reduce(Hash.new(0)){|res,w| res[w.downcase]+=1;res}
Second variant:
def count_words(string)
string.scan(/\w+/).each_with_object(Hash.new(0)){|w,h| h[w.downcase]+=1}
def count_words(string)
.group_by{|word| word.downcase}
.map{|word, words|[word, words.size]}
puts count_words 'I was 09809 home -- Yes! yes! You was'
This code will ask you for input and then find the word frequency for you:
puts "enter some text man"
text = gets.chomp
words = text.split(" ")
frequencies = Hash.new(0)
words.each { |word| frequencies[word.downcase] += 1 }
frequencies = frequencies.sort_by {|a, b| b}
frequencies.each do |word, frequency|
puts word + " " + frequency.to_s
This works, and ignores the numbers:
def get_words(my_str)
my_str = my_str.scan(/\w+/)
h = Hash.new(0)
my_str.each do |s|
s = s.downcase
if s !~ /^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/
h[s] += 1
return h
print get_words('I was there 1000 !')
puts '\n'
You can look at my code that splits the text into words. The basic code would look as follows:
sentence = "Ala ma kota za 5zł i 10$."
splitter = SRX::Polish::WordSplitter.new(sentence)
histogram = Hash.new(0)
splitter.each do |word,type|
histogram[word.downcase] += 1 if type == :word
p histogram
You should be careful if you wish to work with languages other than English, since in Ruby 1.9 the downcase won't work as you expected for letters such as 'Ł'.
class String
def frequency
self.scan(/[a-zA-Z]+/).each.with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |word, hash|
hash[word.downcase] += 1
puts "I was 09809 home -- Yes! yes! You was".frequency