I am using TFS 2015 to perform automated builds of my libraries in a cross-platform environment. I just added support for building my libraries on macOS but I am unable to figure out how to order the builds. Here is my situation:
I have libraries A, B, and C (in separate build definitions). Library B depends on library A, and library C depends on library B. Libraries A, B, and C have a small bit of overlap in terms of shared files in TFS, so when a user checks in files from these overlapped directories, all of the libraries are built, but in random order. I need to be able to build library A first, then library B, then library C.
Any help in configuring this (in a way other than creating a single build definition)?
Unfortunately, there is no such feature to control the order of vNext build and move items up / down in the queue.
There is no logical order and without any configuration to control this.
I have created a uservoice for you, you could vote up and monitor it. TFS PM and Admin will kindly review the suggestion.
Order TFS vNext Builds
For now you have to use the workaround, creating a new single build definition to combine them.
This is not an exactly Gradle problem. But a more general build question. We have some projects structured as the following:
-- A (by team 1)
-- build.gradle
-- settings.gradle
-- B (by team 1,3)
-- C (by team 2)
-- D (by team 3)
They are separate CVS modules. A, B and D are java projects and managed by two teams (team 1,3). C is an C++ project managed by another team (2). B use C via JNI. (The fact that C is C++ is not that important, the key is that it is developed and managed by another team.) There are two applications, A is the entrance of the application 1, A->B->C; while D is the entry point of the application 2, D->B->C. The development often involves change in all three levels. All three teams sit together and communicate constantly. In practice, we (team 1) might need some changes for application 1 in C; team 2 works on C and gives us a temporary copy; we might need some further changes after integration. We will go back and forth for several rounds for one problem. Similarly for application 2.
Currently, A,B and D are managed by various ant scripts and C by make. We started to explore new tools, in particular, Gradle. In our first cut, A includes B as a sub-project (in the Gradle sense) and they always are built and published together. We also always use the head of C (compiled ourselves from source in windows or grabed the latest Jenkin build) and when we are happy with the build, we tag all three projects. We recently adopt an internal Artifactory repository. We are thinking about how to mange the dependency and versioning. Once we finished, we will introduce it to team 3 for module D as well.
We can try to include C as a subproject for A and then always build from the scratch for all three. Similarly include C and B as subprojects for D. The application name can be in the version name for example.
alternatively we can always depends on a fixed version of C in the repository.
In 2, we cannot totally depends on the head/snapshot of C because that might involve their development and might be unstable. But we need their change so frequent that it seems inpractical to put a new version for every C changes.
We are wondering what is the best practice for such a setup? A quick search in internet does not yield much results. Can anyone give us some advices or point me to some books or documents?
Thank you so much.
As I can read from the whole description it seems that during development time (and in production also I suppose) all 3 projects are really tight coupled. So I'll use the first scenario for convenience of work. I'll also build all the projects together, tagged them together and keep same versioning pattern - in general even if it's separated this is a single project.
The first scenario can be carried on till no 3rd party (external) application/library/team uses any of the projects (I suppose it could only be C project). Then backward compatibility issues/pull requests and other may happen and the mentioned projects should be separated. If there's no chance that such situation takes place You shouldn't bother too much. But remember about good (semantic) versioning, and tagging the repository to be always sure which version is deployed to which environment.
After question update.
If You've dependency paths like A->B->C and D->B->C I'll reorganize the project structure. B should become a subproject of both A and D or maybe not a subproject but an external library that is added to these projects. B and C should be a separate project with B dependent on C.
All three projects (A,D, B with C) should be separately versioned (especially B with C) because this is a common part for clients (A and D).
Now, for a convenient development You can add to A and D snapshot libs that will be built often on CI server and then update to artifactory. This will allow You to introduce changes to B and have them visible fast in the projects A and D. But stable release of B (and hence C) should be maintained totally separately.
I hope I understood the problem well and helped You a bit.
P.S. Please consider also using gitflow - a branching model. Then You can used SNAPSHOT versions in dev branch and a stable version of B in release.
I'm managing release process for couple of projects that target external API. Typical scenario is that a single solution targets a particular version, say v1, of 3rd party runtime in a production and newer version (v2) in development phase. I have to maintain dependencies for v1 for production support but also v2 for a DEV branch. Those scenarios may even go more complex depends on the rollout plan.
I tried branching + nuget but the problem is API I use is huge and it is hard to build a scope of a nuget package. Putting everything into one package makes no sense for smaller projects and on the other hand depending on what features we integrate, combination of DLLs may vary a lot and they are not nicely separated into closed concerns.
On top of it, usually we have multiple solutions that use those APIs.
I was thinking about building API version repository in TFS in some form
- myAPI
|- v1
|- v2
|- v3
Is there a way to configure a build process to look inside a server for referenced DLL files depending on a build setup? I can maintain multiple builds in the system obviously but I don't know how to provide referenced files location for each individual build.
We are working on a large project. The project has multiple external sites and multiple internal sites all stored in Subversion.
The external sites allow a customer to make requests of various things we provide, pay utility bills and more. We decided to break many of these functions apart because most work completely different than the others. So this is one Visual Studio solution with the WebUI and the database layer broken into two projects each. For instance, utility billing has a Utility.WebUI project and a Utility.Domain project. All DB/business logic is kept in the domain project.
The internal sites bridge the gap between the back-office system (IBM i) and the web database. Also will replace/enhance some of our older RPG programs. In theory they should use the exact same database logic that the external sites use because they access the same database right? What is the best way to reference these projects from a different solution? Should I just add a reference to the dll or should I import that project from the external application solution into the internal application solution?
This comes down to that we have two developers working on this project. Myself, I do most of the back-end coding. The other developer does most of the GUI coding. So we need to make sure that this project works on multiple workstations.
Does this make sense? Any thoughts?
Use the svn:externals property to reference the shared project into your project(s).
You have to choose between 1) referencing the directory containing the shared project's source code (i.e. where the csproj and cs files are located) or 2) referencing the directory containing the shared project's build output (assembly / dll).
I normally prefer method 1) since it makes modifications to the shared project's source code easier (you can make changes without having to open the shared project's solution in a second instance of Visual Studio). If you don't intend to make changes to the shared project often then method 2) might be better. It reduces compile time and prevents accidental modifications of the shared project's source code. Both methods are fine - matter of taste.
It is recommended for both methods that you version your shared project. i.e. create tags with version numbers and reference the tags, not the trunk. When a new version of the shared project comes out you can update the svn:externals property of your other project(s) with the new version number, run "svn update" to download the new version of the shared project, and recompile. This works especially well if you have a build server for the shared project that does the tagging for you automatically.
I think you can use a sort of "commons" solution that contains the common projects and then refer to these projects in you main solutions using SVN external pointing to the project folder in the SVN trunk.
Commons SVN repository must follow the suggested repository structure (trunk, branches, tags) to have always stable commons projects.
In this scenario you can consider to use a dependency management tool, such as NPanday or NDepend, where you must declare to which version of which assemblies every project depends on; using these tools you can have a local repository (such as Artifactory or Nexus) of binary assemblies to refer to, or choose to use SVN externals to refer directly to source code.
I don't quite understand the utility of Xcode 4's workspaces. What are they used for, and how do they aid with development in Xcode?
E.g. you have a library, that you use in two applications. You will most likely have an own project for this library, correct? Now, you are free to treat this library as an independent project with versioning and regularly do releases; but this can be very cumbersome, if you need to change the library code pretty often and all these changes are directly caused by changes to your two applications using that library. Instead you can create two projects, one for each applications and then two workspaces, one consisting out of the library project and app 1, the other one out of the library project and app 2. Opening a workspace always opens both relevant projects, workspace build settings automatically apply to both of them, they both build to the same build directory (which is actually chosen by Xcode automatically, but it is chosen by workspace, not by project) and when you do global searches, search for symbols, etc. Xcode will always do so in both projects. Further if you change build settings to the library project, because you have to, the changes are also correctly set when you open up the other workspace, which is an advantage to directly importing the library files to two different projects. And now think of 50 libraries, 20 apps and each of them uses various of those 50 libraries.
This may not be the idea Apple had in mind, it may not be the perfect use case for workspaces and other people may have better ideas, but this is one use case I can think of.
A workspace is mainly used to manage multiple projects in one logical space. This facilitates the management of dependencies between multiple projects. Very useful when you are involved with open source development.
I have 3 projects in my solution that I want to deploy. Is there a nice and quick way of using Visual Studio's setup projects to deploy all three apps using one MSI and letting the user decide which apps he wants to install during the install process?
I have setup projects for the 3 individual apps, I also have an overarching setup project that has the output of those other three projects. Am I on the right track or is there a better way?
I think you probably want merge modules. Accrding to MSDN:
A merge module is a standard feature of Microsoft Windows Installer that packages components together with any related files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic. You can use merge modules to install components that multiple applications share. You cannot install merge modules directly. You must merge them into deployment projects.
In your case, each application would be a merge module and you would need to provide some UI to select which applications you would like to install. You could modify one of the default page templates to do that.
If using WiX (which I suggest doing) then you break each project down into its components, each project would be represented as a Feature in WiX/MSI which you can do conditional installs on. The standard tree dialog on installers for selecting features is based on this and the WiX examples have a ready made UI that uses it.
As for merge modules the lead developer of WiX was involved in the early creation of the Merge Module specs and he reccomends using .wixlibs now. See Here
WiX v3 Docs
I also have a similar requirement, however i used merge modules but cant seem to find a way of selecting which specific msm to install and which not to. As i understand there is a no condition property which can be set on msm's while integrating them with msi's. Please let me know if there is some alternate way of doin so..
You can use Wix as i've posted here -->
VS 2005 Setup Projects: Deploy Many Projects With One MSI