Google Social Login with Auth0 Tokens for [Authorized] API Calls -

Anyone here implemented social login through Google for Auth0? I have an issue with the tokens (access and id) being returned after validating with Google.
Here's my code:
var waGoogle = new auth0.WebAuth({
domain: '',
clientID: '************',
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080/'
connection: 'google-oauth2',
responseType: 'id_token token'
}, function(err, authResult){
console.log('Google Login Error')
Google screen shows up, I log in and I am redirected back to my application. From the application, I parse the URL so that I can get the access and id tokens.
let getParameterByName = (name) => {
var match = RegExp('[#&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.hash);
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var access_token = getParameterByName('access_token')
var id_token = getParameterByName('id_token')
Issue I am having is that none of the tokens allow me to call my APIs ( web api) which are decorated with the [Authorize] attribute. It returns a:
401 (Unauthorized)
I know that my API is working, as using the normal
method where I also obtain an access token, my api calls are just pulling through.
Are there any next steps which I need to do after obtaining the access and id_token from Google? Do I need to make an additional call to Auth0 to obtain the proper access token to be able to call my web api?

The token you are looking for is called an IdP (Identity Provider) Token. This is different from the one issued to you after logging in. There are pretty good instructions on the Auth0 site that walk you through the process of getting that token.
Here is the overview of IdP tokens
Here is a step-by-step guide to calling the Identity Provider
The tl;dr:
To access the IdP token you need to call the Auth0 management API from your server. For that, your server will need a management token. Then use that token to access the endpoint /api/v2/users/[USER_ID]. In the object sent back from Auth0, look for the google identity and extract that token.
Also note, you should probably keep that token on your server if you can. If you can keep those power tokens away from your client your users will be happy.


What URL do I use to send users to google oauth2 consent screen

I am trying to write a simple application to access google's api using user authentication tokens and html requests, however I am struggling to find what URL I send users too in order for them to select a profile and sign in.
URL I send users too in order for them to select a profile and sign in.
The thing is you are confusing authorization and authentication. Oauth2 a user can authorize you to access their data, it has nothing to do with logging in to your application that's OpenID connect.
However what you are probably looking for is the oauth2 consent screen This is the screen where the user consents to your application accessing their data.{clientid}&redirect_uri={redirectURI}&scope={scope}&response_type=code
Remember this is only the first step if they consent then you will be given an authorization code your application must then exchange the authorization code for an access token which you can use to access the api.
You may find this video helpful in understanding the fill Oauth2 dance. Understanding Google OAuth 2.0 with curl
If you are looking to login a user and check their profile something like this would be better
public async Task UserProfile([FromServices] IGoogleAuthProvider auth)
var cred = await auth.GetCredentialAsync();
var service = new PeopleServiceService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = cred
var request = service.People.Get("people/me");
request.PersonFields = "names";
var person = await request.ExecuteAsync();
return View(person);
The full tutorial and companion video can be found here Asp .net core 3 and Google login

Google Rest Apis and google sign in

I've successfully used the google sign in library to create a google sign-in button, request additional scopes however I'm having trouble figuring out how to translate this into a API request. I'm using googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token and getting a token but I'm not sure how to translate this into an access token to send along with my API requests?
I'm using pretty much just what the documentation has:
function onSignIn(googleUser) {
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
document.getElementById("acc").src = profile.getImageUrl();
console.log('ID: ' + profile.getId()); // Do not send to your backend! Use an ID token instead.
console.log('Name: ' + profile.getName());
console.log('Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl());
console.log('Email: ' + profile.getEmail()); // This is null if the 'email' scope is not present.
var oAuthToken = googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token
The ID Token returned by Google Sign-In is not accepted as a credential for any Google APIs. It is intended only for passing to your backend so you can securely identify the user there.
You need an Access Token to call Google APIs. The token can be retrieved in your onSignIn method with googleUser.getAuthResponse(true).access_token. This will only be present if you've requested scopes other than basic profile scopes, which you'd need for API access anyway.
Google Sign-In is built on top of GAPI. Once the user is signed-in, you can check gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get() to verify the user is signed in, as far as GAPI is concerned. At this point, using GAPI to call Google APIs will attach credentials to the request to Google's servers.

AWS Cognito: Add custom claim/attribute to JWT access token

My app creates a custom attribute "userType" for each new signed-up user. Now I would like this "userType" claim/attribute to be added to the JWT access token whenever the user signs in or the token gets refreshed.
Is there an option to tell cognito to add my custom claim/attribute to the JWT access token? (Without a pre token generation Lambda)
Custom attributes are not available in Cognito access token. Currently it is not possible to inject additional claims in Access Token using Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger as well. PreToken Generation Lambda Trigger allows you to customize identity token(Id Token) claims only.
You can use ID token to get the token with custom attributes.
Access tokens are not intended to carry information about the user. They simply allow access to certain defined server resources.
You can pass an ID Token around different components of your client, and these components can use the ID Token to confirm that the user is authenticated and also to retrieve information about them.
How to retrieve Id token using amazon cognito identity js
onSuccess: function(result) {
var accessToken = result.getIdToken().getJwtToken();
console.log('accessToken is: ' + accessToken);
onFailure: function(err) {
alert(err.message || JSON.stringify(err));
I have the same problem when I want to create several microservice. There isn't a way I can customize an access token, but only an identity token. However, I use client credentials in the machine-to-machine which needs access token. So, in no way I can customize my token. At last, I decide to add such info(like user type) in the event header. It's not a very secure way compared to customize a token, but there isn't any other easy way to do it right now. Otherwise, I have to rewrite the authorizer in Cognito. Like rewriting a customize authorizer and it's very painful.
I have the same issue with Cognito; exist other tools like "PingFederate"Auth-server of Ping identity and Auth0 Auth-server; I know that the requirement isn't part of the standard, but these applications were my alternatives to fix this issue
The responses suggesting to use the ID Token for authorization in your backend systems are bad security practice. ID Tokens are for determining that the user is in fact logged in and the identity of that user. This is something that should be performed in your frontend. Access Tokens on the other hand are for determining that a request (to your backend) is authorized. ID Tokens do not have the same security controls against spoofing that Access Tokens have (see this blog from Auth0:
Instead, I recommend that your backend accept an Access Token as a Bearer token via the Authorization HTTP header. Your backend then calls the corresponding /userinfo endpoint (see: on the authorization server that issued the Access Token, passing such said Access Token to that endpoint. This endpoint will return all of the ID Token information and claims, which you can then use to make authorization decisions in your code.

How to exchange Google one-time authorization code for a refresh token without callback (intranet)?

I'm working on a intranet-based application and I want to use Google services. Currently I have successfully implemented Google Authentication with "Sign-In for Websites" using JavaScript client-side authentication. My users can now sign in or sign up with their Google accounts.
Now I want to use Google API to create and share Google Sheets with my users. These documents will be created with a specific Google account and then shared with my users.
This is why I want to use this server-slide flow to get a one-time authorization code and exchange it for a refresh token:
This refresh token will be stored in my database allowing me to user Google services on behalf of this offline user.
Using JavaScript library, I was able to get the one-time authorization code that I send to my server with a AJAX request.
auth2.grantOfflineAccess({'redirect_uri': 'postmessage'}).then(grantOfflineAccessCallback);
var grantOfflineAccessCallback = function(authResult) {
var auth_code = authResult.code;
// Exchange the one-time authorization code for tokens
On server-side I use Google API PHP Client (v2.0.0-RC6) to acquire an access and refresh token.
$this->client = new Google_Client();
$response = $this->client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($oneTimeCode);
I wasn't able to exchange the authorization code.
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Missing parameter: redirect_uri"
On this page we can read:
On the server, exchange the auth code for access and refresh tokens.
Use the access token to call Google APIs on behalf of the user.
On the JAVA example code:
REDIRECT_URI: // Specify the same redirect URI that you use with your web
// app. If you don't have a web version of your app, you can
// specify an empty string.
Because the application I working on is an intranet application, I tried to specify an empty string for this redirect_uri parameter before calling fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode() method:
... result in Redirect URI must be absolute.
Can we use this hybrid server-slide flow without callback URL?
Is there any solution to my problem?
redirect_uri is where the user will be redirected to after he signed in. This URL must be registered in the Google Project (developers console). So redirect_uri is NOT the callback...!
Problem is now solved with:

LinkedIn JS API token exchange to REST token using Spring Social for Linkedin

I'm trying to do the following:
Let the user authenticate and authorize through Linkedin using Linkedin JSAPI, then take the authentication details and send them to my server to get the user profile via server side communication.
I got the Linkedin button setup, got the authorization cookie all the way to my server (as described here), and was able to verify that the token is indeed signed correctly with my secret key.
Now I'm stuck at the point where I am supposed to take the token I got from JSAPI and exchange it for an access token.
This is the code I'm using, as mentioned it uses Spring Social for Linkedin, and it doesn't work as it throws a 401 Unauthorized response:
LinkedInConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
new LinkedInConnectionFactory(myLinkedinId, myLinkedinSecret);
OAuth1Operations oauthOperations = connectionFactory.getOAuthOperations();
AuthorizedRequestToken art = new AuthorizedRequestToken(new OAuthToken(codeIGotFromJSAPI, aSecretKey), whereDoIGetThisSignature);
OAuthToken accessGrant = oauthOperations.exchangeForAccessToken(art, null);
if (accessGrant == null) return null;
Connection<LinkedIn> connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(accessGrant);
if (connection != null) {
LinkedIn linkedin = connection.getApi();
return linkedin.profileOperations().getUserProfile();
What I'm actually confused about is the AuthorizedRequestToken object. The codeIGotFromJSAPI part is simple enough I think, it's just access_token, but what about aSecretKey, is it just my linkedin secret key? what about whereDoIGetThisSignature, how do I create that one? Do I use the same hash method as I used to validate the linkedin response and hash the access_token with my secret linkedin key? In the linkedin page, it says:
You need to pass four values as query parameters:
oauth_consumer_key, to identify yourself
xoauth_oauth2_access_token parameter, set to the value of the access_token field in the cookie.
signature_method set to HMAC-SHA1
signature, calculated as described in the OAuth 1.0a spec
So (1) is automatically done by the connection I suppose, (2) is the access token I provided, but how do I do (3) and (4)?
Lets suppose I get the following data in the JSAPI cookie set by Linkedin:
"signature_order": ["access_token", "member_id"],
"signature_version": 1
What do I need to do with it to go through the next step?
Use the following process:
Read the cookie
Transform "signature":"..." to &signature=...
Transform "signature_method":"HMAC-SHA1" to &signature_method=HMAC-SHA1
Transform "member_id":"..." to &oauth_customer_key=...
Transform "access_token":"..." to &xoauth_oauth2_access_token=...
Append all to the LinkedIn url plus ?
The LinkedIn JSAPI Token Exchange as described in Exchange JSAPI Tokens for REST API OAuth Tokens is currently not supported by Spring Social, according to a Spring forum discussion on this topic.
But there are implementation available to solve this task without Spring Social by using standard OAuth libraries available for Java. The LinkedIn user's access token, that you get from the exchange, can be put into a new AccessGrant object which can be used to create a Spring Social Connection<?> in the user's ConnectionRepository.
The code published in the LinkedIn developer forum discussion shows how to use Scribe to perform the exchange. The request that has to be sent to LinkedIn is a standard OAuth request but must ship the access_token field from the JSAPI token object as a HTTP query parameter xoauth_oauth2_access_token. The member_id that is also available to you is just for your information, and the signature allows you to verify both access_token and member_id without querying LinkedIn.
