change database of osTicket - osticket

I am beginner with osTicket
I have setup osTicket version 1.10 to my localsystem with create new db setup.
my question is, if we have another existing db of another osTicket and we want to use it then I have change db setting in location
as below,
is it correct way to change db,and if correct then any other thing is remaining to change db setting with osTicket?
and used version of osTicket will metter in this if I have userd v1.10 and in another existing osTicket has older version then this then will it work?

You should always perform an upgrade of an old version. Database could have been changed and it will not work with the new version probably.
Here are upgrade instructions: Upgrade and migration


migrate Strapi project from sqlite to postgres

I've got a local strapi set up with sqlite. I didn't think ahead, sadly that I would need use postgres to deploy to Heroku later.
After struggling to deploy with the project using sqlite, I decided to create a new project using postgres and successfully deployed it to Heroku. Now, in the local project, I've already setup content types, pages and everything. I was wondering, instead of having to recreate what I have done locally, how do I copy what I've done to the new project on Heroku including the database (sqlite --> postgres).
Has anyone done this before or maybe could point me to the right direction?
thank you in advance!
According to this:
Database migration (content types and relations) is no longer an issue, but moving existing data entries from one database to another is.
To change database provider, I suppose you just need to edit config/environments/**/database.json according to Postgres setup.
Faced same issue, my solution is to use new project to generate a core for PostgreSQL and then run your existing code base on freshly created PostgreSQL:
npx create-strapi-app my-project and then choose custom -> PostgreSQL (Link)
When manually create a collections that are exists in SQLite, without fields
Run your old codebase with new database config which point on a PostgreSQL (that will create fields that you have in your data models)
Require a little bit of manual work, but works for me. Good luck!

Downgrade Heroku Postgres from standard to hobby

I'm trying to downgrade a heroku postgres db from standard to hobby basic. As I'm not fully using the web app currently but there is still some data in there that needs to be kept. How can I downgrade? (some downtime is fine).
Update: managed to setup and promote a new database based on the inststructions below, but i can't deprovision the old one.
heroku info shows:
Heroku's instructions for upgrading with pg:copy will also work for downgrading. Here's the summary:
Provision a new database
Enter maintenance mode to prevent database writes
Transfer data to the new database
Promote the new database
Exit maintenance mode
If your app isn't live (not being actively written to), you can skip the maintenance mode steps.
Once you've done that, you can deprovision your old database.

usergrid 2.1 ql not working with old records. portal also not giving the old records, but records count is available

usergrid 2.1 ql not working with old records. portal also not giving the old records, but records count is available,
I tried without ql and it working fine, but in my project, I am using ql. No way to remove it from the project.
If I insert the new records. Then ql is working find with new records. Is the usergrid 2.1 is not stable?
Previously I used usergrid 1.2. and I never faced any issue like db corrupt. After upgrading the usergrid I am facing the issue.
I recently had issues with moving a Usergrid installation to a new server.
While we were already on Usergrid 2.1, we still used Cassandra 1.2.
When we set up the new server, we wanted to go meet all the requirements and wanted to upgrade Cassandra to 2.1, too.
That's were our issue was. The Cassandra records from 1.2 are not compatible to 2.1 and must be upgraded step by step.
We had to subsequently upgrade from 1.2.19 to 2.0 and then to 2.1.
Pleas have a look at the
Therein is describe the necessary upgrade steps between the versions.
The Culprit
We could not export the schema from Cassandra using the node tool. Some datatypes, used by Usergrid, contain very long prefixes, which break the JSON format and terminates the export.
We needed to export and reimport the schema with cassandra-cli instead of nodetool.

How to fix 'HttpRequest' object has no attribute 'endpoint_arguments' in Odoo?

I was given a database backup (with filestore), the filestore folder and another folder with the installed modules on that database.
I am expected to restore that backup in Odoo 8 with no more data. So what I did is create the PostgreSQL role who owns the database tables and give it enough permissions (login, createdb, replication). Then I created an Odoo config file. Inside this, I set this new PostgreSQL role in db_user and its password in db_password. I added the path where I stored the filestore in data_dir, and the path of the folder with all the modules in addons_path.
As I was given no launcher file, I copied the OCB folder of other Odoo instance I have and used its file to start Odoo.
The new instance seems to run well, but now I have just restored the database, and I get this error:
QWebException: "'HttpRequest' object has no attribute 'endpoint_arguments'" while evaluating
I was googling a lot but I was not able to find anything about it, except for a non-answered question in other forum.
Does anyone know what is this about?
Changes related to this issue were introduced in Odoo on 29 February, 2016 (I mean the following changes: [FIX] website: alternate languages translated URL and [FIX] website: backport of as you can check for now these changes are available in the official Odoo 8.0 code base as well).
So most probably you have used outdated Odoo 8.0 server that do not contain above mentioned fixes. Please update to the latest official Odoo 8.0 and check if the issue still persists. Normally your issue should disappear after the update.
When you move backup databases and you want to restore them later on, make sure you mark the branch and commit point of the server files that you took the backup from. I have taken a look at my local v8 odoo and I can see that the endpoint_arguments variable is initialised upon the creation of a web request (openerp/ class WebRequest around line 192.)
You mention though that you are restoring the database on the v8 OCB Odoo. If you navigate their distribution and on commit:
you will see that this variable was missing and they have added it. So make sure that you git pull the server file to get that commit.
The root of the issue is that you took a backup from a server that had different codebase than the one you are trying to restore the database to. (The qweb file was searching for a variable that is not there)

How to upgrade existing graphenedb instance?

How can you upgrade an existing graphenedb instance to the latest version?
I tried:
heroku addons:add graphenedb --version v220
Adding graphenedb on myApp ... failed
! That type of add-on can only exist once per app and it already exists for myApp.
Or is it not possible and should I migrate the data to a new instance with the latest version?
BTW, I also tried heroku addons:upgrade. That was NOT what I was looking for!
I'm Alberto, one of the founders of GrapheneDB.
As you have noticed, $ heroku addons:upgrade graphenedb:plan will upgrade the plan, not the version of Neo4j.
Currently it's not possible to upgrade the version of Neo4j through the UI or the Heroku CLI. There are two options:
Export your data store using the export feature in the admin tab. Download a copy. Remove the add-on, add it again with the new version of Neo4j and perform a restore (admin tab again) with the downloaded store file.
Open a support ticket specifying the database and the version you'd like to have and we'll do it for you.
Thanks for using GrapheneDB!
