Updating individual sql databases inside Joomla - joomla

My work website is running on Joomla 2.5 (yes, I know it needs to be updated) and recently somehow the virtuemart module was updated, resulting in a slight glitch. Now, when hovering over the Virtuemart button in the back end menu, the dropdown menu is not there, and when I click on the VM button it takes me where I need to go, but there is about 200 lines of text now that needs to be scrolled past before I can access the actual VM menu.
I have a full sql database backup from prior to the update, but I just want to know if I can just roll back the update of the module without affecting the listings within VM? I have a feeling the answer is no, so I have pinpointed anything that has been added since the issue and exported the sql table, but can I execute the full backup and then drop the individual tables in afterwards?
Attached is a pic of the text that has appeared...
Please help.image

Login to your Joomla backend as super administrator.
In the main menu select Site -> Global Configuration, then click on the “Server” tab and look for the Error Reporting parameters (these options should appear in the “Server Settings” group).
Set the Error Reporting setting to “None” and click on “Save” to store the changes.
These steps will no longer see that kind of error


Calibre's "Live View" Panel Disappeared: Can't Redisplay It

OS Win 10
Calibre's latest version, as it was very recently downloaded and installed.
Can someone please advise as to how to reopen the Live View Panel?
I had been editing an ePUB file's text, and also adding images. It was an easy process to add images; i.e., by clicking the desired position in the Live View Panel, and then importing a image.
Unfortunately, I do believe that I probably inadvertantly clicked on something or another, which caused the disappearance of the Live View Panel. All the other panels on the editing screen were still visible.
A search of the edit screen for a feature enabling me to view display panel agin was unsuccessful.
I tried clicking other HTML files in the Text panel, hoping it would cause the Live View Panel appear, to no avail.
I closed the entire program, and reopened it several times, with the same results.
I loaded different ePub files, and each time I went into edit mode, the Live View Panel was missing. And, all along, I did try the previously mentioned measures.
I even uninstalled Calibre and reinstalled it, twice! And, I made sure that its installation folders had been deleted upon each uninstallation. But, somehow, upon reinstallation startup, Calibre knew the very "special" folder (i.e., which I had designated in an earlier installation) into which to setup its User-related files and its library. [I thought it was probably due to system registry setting.]
Finally, I again uninstalled Calibre. However, this time, before doing a reinstallation, I restored Windows settings. I used a (restore) point that I had created prior to Calibre's first installation. I had hoped that any Registry settings related to Calibre would surely not survive. Nevertheless, upon a subsequent Calibre reinstallation, the program simply failed to display the "Live View Panel." (Go figure!)
I would certaintly appreciate any feedback.

Clean up member history view?

Is there a way in MKS Integrity to clean up the member view? We have files that when you open the Member History view just look like massive spider webs. It would be nice if we could click a revision, hit a magic button, and only see the revisions directly tied to that revision (i.e., one level out from it). Does anything like that exist in MKS? (obvious: I'm new to MKS)
From the Member History window, go to menu -> View -> Change Filter to bring up the Filter Revisions dialog.
Modify the Filter Revisions based on whatever criteria you care about--in this case, probably based On Branch.
Click OK.
The member history should now display a filtered member history.
Unfortunately, there is no functionality for a "single button filter by current branch". If your organization has a current maintenance contract with PTC, you could have an appropriate contact log a feature request for this functionality on usability grounds.
Disclaimer: I work in PTC Technical Support.
As far as I know all my colleagues have the same problem. I can only give you the hint that when you have the Member History window you can set a filter in the menu [View].
Better would be to have some right-click menu for that - but this might be something related to an external script?
If you are using dynamic Member History views you might also consider having always 2 dynamic Member History views open.
One as list that shows all.
One graphical with a filter enabled with View -> Change Filter
If you never close that graphical history view the filter will remain active
even if you restart the Integrity client.

SQL Developer not showing tables

So, I'm kinda new to SQL Developer, but I always heard a lot about it and how it was good. The thing is, my SQL Developer never showed my tables, nor had a "Tables" tab. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but, I've searched everywhere and, wherever I search they simply show that SQL Developer automatically generate the "Tables" tab when you connect. This never happened to me.
One more question, all of a sudden, my SQL Developer toolbars changed and the old ones simply vanished. And, when I say "all of a sudden" I mean it. I closed it and, when I opened, it changed. Also, the buttons doesn't work, none of them.
Your screenshot shows that you have the Data Modeler extension active. All those toolbar buttons are for creating logical data models and ERDs.
It's a little weird as you have a worksheet active, so the worksheet/SQLDev toolbar should be active.
Glad a restart helped.
If this happens again, try Window > Reset Windows to Factory Settings
You're looking at the DBA view. You probably want to be looking at the Connections view. Go to View and choose "Connections". That will bring up the window that contains the tree view that lets you navigate to different object types (like tables) rather than the tree view that lets you navigate to different DBA tasks.
If you are on Windows, try this
View(from the top menu bar) --> Connection(click it)
Clicking on Connection will open the Connection view with all the tables.

Access 2010: Refresh Navigation Pane and Sum/Avg not visible on report

I have noticed a strange problem in Access 2010: when a user creates a new object (table, form, query, ...), this object does not show up in the navigation pane. It only does so after manually refreshing the navigation pane (F5) or after closing and reopening the access file. Furthermore, when previewing a report, the Sums and Averages do not show up until the user clicks on the field(s). Printing the report is ok.
This behaviour is machine dependant, the same file behaves correctly on other PCs. I was looking at the video cards installed on different PCs, but they all have Intel(R) HD Graphics.
Any ideas anyone?
The problem was indeed solved by repairing Office 2010
I was having the same issues with imported tables not showing up in the tables list and new queries also not showing up in the queries list. Re-installing Access fixed my issues.

Main menu in a FoxPro 9 app

If you use the Visual FoxPro 9 Application Framework to create a desktop standalone application and add a database and form, the exported exe shows a Quick Start on load which shows the form to select.
If one wants to show up his own MAIN MENU form on the exe load, what's the way to do it? Using Set Main on the Menu Form does not work.
Here is a visual representation of the idea.
In its simplest steps then, aside from the "Wizards" you can use to build forms and bind to data environments, tables, grids, etc maybe this will help.
Create an empty project.
Go to the documents tab and add a new form. Put a few buttons as you've described on it. One of the buttons, allow to close the form, such as "Exit". Double click this exit button and put in the code
Since there are no "data entry" elements on this form, we need something to make it keep focus. Buttons alone don't just "do" that. Go to the properties sheet of the form and go down to "Window Type" and set it to "Modal" - meaning, keep this form up until its intentionally closed. (This also keeps as a baseline for you calling any OTHER forms from this one for your application.) Save the form, such as "MyMainForm".
Click on the "Code" tab of the project and do a new "Program". In its simplest context, put in
DO FORM MyMainForm
Save the program, such as MyStartupProgram. Once saved in the project, right-click on this program and select "Set Main" for this to be considered the single entry point to your entire application. Save, build the project and run it. You should be good to go.
