Improve h2o DRF runtime on a multi-node cluster - parallel-processing

I am currently running h2o's DRF algorithm an a 3-node EC2 cluster (the h2o server spans across all 3 nodes).
My data set has 1m rows and 41 columns (40 predictors and 1 response).
I use the R bindings to control the cluster and the RF call is as follows
For the 3-node cluster (c4.8xlarge, enhanced networking turned on), this takes about 240sec; the CPU utilization is between 10-20%; RAM utilization is between 20-30%; network transfer is between 10-50MByte/sec (in and out). 300 trees are built until early stopping kicks in.
On a single-node cluster, I can get the same results in about 80sec. So, instead of an expected 3-fold speed up, I get a 3-fold slow down for the 3-node cluster.
I did some research and found a few resources that were reporting the same issue (not as extreme as mine though). See, for instance:!topic/h2ostream/bnyhPyxftX8
Specifically, the author of notes that
While not the focus of this study, there are signs that running the
distributed random forests implementations (e.g. H2O) on multiple
nodes does not provide the speed benefit one would hope for (because
of the high cost of shipping the histograms at each split over the
Also points at 2 different DRF implementations, where one has a larger network overhead.
I think that I am running into the same problems as described in the links above.
How can I improve h2o's DRF performance on a multi-node cluster?
Are there any settings that might improve runtime?
Any help highly appreciated!

If your Random Forest is slower on a multi-node H2O cluster, it just means that your dataset is not big enough to take advantage of distributed computing. There is an overhead to communicate between cluster nodes, so if you can train your model successfully on a single node, then using a single node will always be faster.
Multi-node is designed for when your data is too big to train on a single node. Only then, will it be worth using multiple nodes. Otherwise, you are just adding communication overhead for no reason and will see the type of slowdown that you observed.
If your data fits into memory on a single machine (and you can successfully train a model w/o running out of memory), the way to speed up your training is to switch to a machine with more cores. You can also play around with certain parameter values which affect training speed to see if you can get a speed-up, but that usually comes at a cost in model performance.

As Erin says, often adding more nodes just adds the capability for bigger data sets, not quicker learning. Random forest might be the worst; I get fairly good results with deep learning (e.g. 3x quicker with 4 nodes, 5-6x quicker with 8 nodes).
In your comment on Erin's answer you mention the real problem is you want to speed up hyper-parameter optimization? It is frustrating that h2o.grid() doesn't support building models in parallel, one on each node, when the data will fit in memory on each node. But you can do that yourself, with a bit of scripting: set up one h2o cluster on each node, do a grid search with a subset of hyper-parameters on each node, have them save the results and models to S3, then bring the results in and combine them at the end. (If doing a random grid search, you can run exactly the same grid on each cluster, but it might be a good idea to explicitly use a different seed on each.)


What is locality in Graph Matching problem and Distributed models?

I’m a beginner in the field of Graph Matching and Parallel Computing. I read a paper that talks about an efficient parallel matching algorithm. They explained the importance of the locality, but I don't know it represents what? and What is good and bad locality?
Our distributed memory parallelization (using MPI) on p processing elements (PEs or MPI processes) assigns nodes to PEs and stores all edges incident to a node locally. This can be done in a load balanced way if no node has degree exceeding m/p. The second pass of the basic algorithm from Section 2 has to exchange information on candidate edges that cross a PE boundary. In the worst case, this can involve all edges handled by a PE, i.e., we can expect better performance if we manage to keep most edges locally. In our experiments, one PE owns nodes whose numbers are a consecutive range of the input numbers. Thus, depending on how much locality the input numbering contains we have a highly local or a highly non-local situation.
Generally speaking, locality in distributed models is basically the extent to which a global solution for a computational problem problem can be obtained from locally available data.
Good locality is when most nodes can construct solutions using local data, since they'll require less communication to get any missing data. Bad locality would be if a node spends more than desirable time fetching data, rather than finding a solution using local data.
Think of a simple distributed computer system which comprises a collection of computers each somewhat like a desktop PC, in as much as each one has a CPU and some RAM. (These are the nodes mentioned in the question.) They are assembled into a distributed system by plugging them all into the same network.
Each CPU has memory-bus access (very fast) to data stored in its local RAM. The same CPU's access to data in the RAM on another computer in the system will run across the network (much slower) and may require co-operation with the CPU on that other computer.
locality is a property of the data used in the algorithm, local data is on the same computer as the CPU, non-local data is elsewhere on the distributed system. I trust that it is clear that parallel computations can proceed more quickly the more that each CPU has to work only with local data. So the designers of parallel programs for distributed systems pay great attention to the placement of data often seeking to minimise the number and sizes of exchanges of data between processing elements.
Complication, unnecessary for understanding the key issues: of course on real distributed systems many of the individual CPUs are multi-core, and in some designs multiple multi-core CPUs will share the same enclosure and have approximately memory-bus-speed access to all the RAM in the same enclosure. Which makes for a node which itself is a shared-memory computer. But that's just detail and a topic for another answer.

How much clusters must I use in elastic stack?

I am confused which approach would be better having single cluster with 12 nodes or having 3 cluster with 4 nodes each in elastic stack. What are the advantages and disadvantages of single cluster? Does elastic charge me for 3 cluster as far as I know they charge for nodes but can someone clarify which would be better approach and which would be cost effective solution?
I am planning to use these nodes in my cluster :
What the optimal cluster size is depends on various requirements / tradeoffs:
Do you have multiple users / systems that you might want to isolate against each other (so that one running wild won't overload the cluster for everyone)? Then you might be better off with multiple clusters.
On the other hand a single larger cluster would be able to absorb extra load from one user / system better.
Smaller clusters are quicker to upgrade and you don't have one "big bang" upgrade. Or you might just upgrade some part but not everything at once.
Every cluster should have 3 master eligible nodes.
Most features in the Elastic Stack are free, but some are paid. Besides the cloud service where it's resource based, there are 2 modes for pricing:
The classic node based pricing. Every Elasticsearch process would need a license. So larger nodes (within the technical limits) would cost you less than many smaller ones, but the cluster size itself doesn't matter.
The newer pricing model for ECE / ECK is resource based where you buy chunks of memory and you can slice that into as many nodes or clusters as you want.

H2O cluster uneven distribution of performance usage

I set up a cluster with a 4 core (2GHz) and a 16 core (1.8GHz) virtual machine. The creation and connection to the cluster works without problems. But now I want to do some deep learning on the cluster, where I see an uneven distribution for the performance usage of those two virtual machines. The one with 4 cores is always at 100% CPU usage while the 16 core machine is idle most of the time.
Do I have to make additional configuration during the cluster generation? Because it is odd for me that the stronger machine of the two is idle while the weaker one does all the work.
Best regards,
Two things to keep in mind here.
Your data needs to be large enough to take advantage of data parallelism. In particular, the number of chunks per column needs to be large enough for all the cores to have work to do. See this answer for more details: H2O not working on parallel
H2O-3 assumes your nodes are symmetric. It doesn't try to load balance work across the cluster based on capability of the nodes. Faster nodes will finish their work first and wait idle for the slower nodes to catch up. (You can see this same effect if you have two symmetric nodes but one of them is busy running another process.)
Asymmetry is a bigger problem for memory (where smaller nodes can run out of memory and fail entirely) than it is for CPU (where some nodes are just waiting around). So always make sure to start each H2O node with the same value of -Xmx.
You can limit the number of cores H2O uses with the -nthreads option. So you can try giving each of your two nodes -nthreads 4 and see if they behave more symmetrically with each using roughly four cores. In the case you describe, that would mean the smaller machine is roughly 100% utilized and the larger machine is roughly 25% utilized. (But since the two machines probably have different chips, the cores are probably not identical and won't balance perfectly, which is OK.)
[I'm ignoring the virtualization aspect completely, but CPU shares could also come into the picture depending on the configuration of your hypervisor.]

Distributed Spark and HDFS Cluster with 6 to 7 Nodes hardware configuration

I am planning to spin my development cluster for trend analysis for Infrastructure Monitoring application which I am planning to build using Spark for analysing failure trend and Cassandra for storing incoming data and analysed data.
Consider collecting performance matrix from around 25000 machines/servers (probably set of same application on different servers). I am expecting performance matrix of size 2MB/sec from each machine, which I am planning to push into Cassandra table having timestamp, server as primary key and application along with some important matrix as clustering key. I will be running Spark job on top of this stored information for performance matrix failure trend analysis.
Comming to the question, How many nodes (machines) and of what configuration in terms of CPU and Memory do I need to kick start my cluster considering above scenario.
Cassandra needs a well planned out data model for things to run well. It is very much worth spending time planning things out at this stage before you have a large data set and find out you probably would have done better re-arranging the data model!
The "general" rule of thumb is you shape your model to the queries, while paying attention to avoiding things like really large rows, large deletes, batches and such the like which can have big performance penalties.
The docs give a good start on planning and testing you would probably find useful. I would also recommend using the Cassandra stress tool. You can use it to push performance tests into your Cassandra cluster to check latencies and any performance problems. You can use your own schema too which I personally think is super-useful!
If you are using cloud based hardware like AWS then its relatively easy to scale up / down and see what works best for you. You dont need to throw big hardware at Cassandra, its easier to scale horizontally than vertically.
I'm assuming you are pulling back the data into a separate spark cluster for the analytics side too so these nodes would be running plain Cassandra (less hardware specs). If however you are using the Datastax Enterprise version (where you can run nodes in spark "mode") then you will need more beefier hardware with the additional load you need for spark driver programs, executors and such the like. Another good docs link is the DSE hardware recommendations

Is it good to create virtual machines(nodes) to get better performance on cassandra?

I know Cassandra is good in multiple nodes set up. The more nodes,the better performance. If I have two dedicated servers with same hardware, it would be good I create some virtual machines in both of them to have more nodes, or not?
For example I have two dedicated server with this specifications:
1TB hard drive
8 core CPU
then create 8 virtual machine(nodes) in both of them. each of them has:
~150GB hard drive
share 8 core CPU
So I have 16 nodes. Are these 16 nodes had better performance than 2 nodes with this two dedicated server?
In the other word which side of this trade off is better, more nodes with lower hardware or two stronger nodes?
I know it should be tested, but I want to know basically is it reasonable or not?
Adding new nodes always adds some overhead, they need to communicate within each other and sync their data. Therefore, the more nodes you add, you'd expect the overhead to increase with adding each node. You'd add more nodes only in a situation where the existing number of nodes can't handle the input/output demands. Since in the situation you are describing , you'd be actually writing on the same disk, you'd actually effectively be slowing down your cluster by adding more nodes.
Imagine the situation: you have a server, it receives some data and then writes it on disk. Now imagine the same situation, where the disk is shared between two servers and they both write the same information at the almost same time on the same disk. The two servers also use cpu cycles to communicate between each other that the data has been written so they can sync up. I think this is a sufficient enough information to describe to you why what you are thinking is not a good idea if you can avoid it.
Of course, this is the information only in layman's terms, C* has a very nice architecture in which data is actually spread according to an algorithm to a certain range of nodes (not all of them) and when you are querying for a specific key, the algorithm actually can tell you where to find the data. With that said, when you add and remove nodes, the new nodes have to communicate with the cluster that they want to share 'the burden' and as a result, a recalculation of what is known as a 'token-ring' takes place at the end of which data may be shuffled around so it is accessible in a predictable way.
You can take a look at this:
But in general, there is indeed some overhead when nodes communicate with each other, but the number of the nodes would almost never negatively or positively impact your query speed dramatically if you are querying for a single key.
"I know it should be tested, but I want to know basically is it reasonable or not?"
That will answer most of your assumptions.
The basic advantage of using cassandra is availability. If you are planning to have just two dedicated servers, then there is a question mark on your availability of data. Considering the worst case, you always have just two replicas of data at any point of time.
My take is to go for a nicely split dedicated set up in small chunks. Everything boils down to your use case.
1.If you have a lot of data flowing in and if you consider data as king(in such a case , you need more replicas to handle in case of failures), i would prefer a high end distributed set up.
2.If you are looking for the other way around(data is not your forte and your data is just another part of your set up), you shall just go for the set up what you have mentioned.
3.If you have a cost constraint and if you are a start up with a minimal data that is important to you, set up in two nodes what you have with replication of 2(Simple Strategy ) and replication of 1(Network Topology)
