How to get the highest value of a standard deviation for last 2 hours in MQL4? - quantitative-finance

I'm trying to develop an Expert Advisor, so far I can understand and write this which will place orders when a new bar opens.
int BarsCount = 0;
int start()
{ if ( Bars > BarsCount )
{ OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUY, 0.01, Ask, 2, NULL, NULL );
BarsCount = Bars;
return( 0 );
how to get the highest value of standard deviation for last 2 hours to a variable?
E.g.: lets say the EA runs in a 30 mins chart and the bar1 has the standard deviation value 0.003, and bar2 has 0.001, bar3 has 0.004 and bar4 has 0.001.
So, the highest value for past 4 hours is bar3 which has the value of 0.004, so how to get that value to a variable?
I'm trying to make the EA place orders when this formula is true:
( ( current_value_of_standard_deviation
/ highest_value_of_standard_deviation_for_last_2_hours
* 100
) > 10

Use built-in tools:
input int MA_period = 27;
int BarsCount = 0;
int nCells2CMP= ( PERIOD_H1 * 2 / PERIOD_CURRENT ) - 1;
double Sig2H[100];
void OnInit(){
void OnTick(){
if ( Bars > BarsCount ){
if ( BarsCount == 0 ){
for ( int i = MA_period; i > 0; i-- ){
Sig2H[i] = iStdDev( _Symbol,
for ( int i = MA_period; i > 1; i-- ) Sig2H[i] = Sig2H[i-1];
Sig2H[1] = iStdDev( _Symbol, // symbol
PERIOD_CURRENT, // timeframe
MA_period, // MA averaging period
0, // MA shift
MODE_SMA, // MA averaging method
PRICE_CLOSE, // applied price
1 // shift
Sig2H[0] = iStdDev( _Symbol, // symbol
PERIOD_CURRENT, // timeframe
MA_period, // MA averaging period
0, // MA shift
MODE_SMA, // MA averaging method
PRICE_CLOSE, // applied price
0 // shift
if ( 0.1 < ( Sig2H[0]
/ Sig2H[ArrayMaximum( Sig2H,


Reversing this spiral function [duplicate]

I'm using Alberto Santini's solution to this question to get a spiral grid reference based on an items index
Algorithm for iterating over an outward spiral on a discrete 2D grid from the origin
It's not the accepted solution, but it's the best for my needs as it avoids using a loop.
It's working well, but what I want now is to do the inverse. Based on a known x and y coordinate return the index of a location.
This is as a precursor to returning the items surrounding a given location.
Pascal code:
if y * y >= x * x then begin
p := 4 * y * y - y - x;
if y < x then
p := p - 2 * (y - x)
else begin
p := 4 * x * x - y - x;
if y < x then
p := p + 2 *(y - x)
Description: Left-upper semi-diagonal (0-4-16-36-64) contains squared layer number (4 * layer^2). External if-statement defines layer and finds (pre-)result for position in corresponding row or column of left-upper semi-plane, and internal if-statement corrects result for mirror position.
I don't know if there is a concise mathematical equation to derive what you want, but I have a solution that computes what you want in O(1) time per query. No loops like you wanted.
My approach :
(i) For any given point (x,y), find the number of points which lie in the square of side length (2*a-1), where a = Max( |x|, |y| ). These are the interior points. i.e, the number of points lying in all spirals NOT including current spiral.
This is nothing but ( 2*a -1 )*( 2*a -1 )
Eg : Consider the following diagram :
16 15 14 13 12
17 4 3 2 11
-- 18 5 0 1 10 --- x
19 6 7 8 9
20 21 22 23 24
For the point ( 2,1 ), a = 2. The interior points, here are labelled as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - The square with edge length 3
(ii) Now compute the points lying on the current spiral. The spiral has 4 "corner" points -
(a) The starting point ( where the current spiral starts )
(b) The point ( a, a )
(c) The point ( -a, a )
(d) The point ( -a, -a )
So, I compute the number of elements lying between each such pair [ i.e, between (a) and (b), (b) and (c), (c) and (d) ], such that all of these fall before the required input point in the spiral sequence. This can be done by simple subtraction of point co-ordinates.
This value, plus the number of interior points will give you the required answer.
I am not sure whether I have explained this very clearly. Do let me know if you require any clarifications or further explanation.
Attached is the JAVA code I wrote to test my logic. I am sorry but it is not very elegant, but it works :P
import java.util.Scanner;
class Pnt
int x, y;
public Pnt( int _x, int _y )
x = _x;
y = _y;
public class Spiral
static int interior( Pnt p ) // returns points within interior square of side length MAX( x, y ) - 1
int a = Math.max( Math.abs( p.x ), Math.abs( p.y ));
return ( 2*a - 1 )*( 2*a - 1 );
static Pnt startPnt( Pnt p ) // first point in that spiral
int a = Math.max( Math.abs( p.x ), Math.abs( p.y ));
// last pnt in prev spiral = [ a-1, -( a-1 ) ]
// next pnt = [ a, -( a-1 ) ]
return new Pnt( a, -( a-1 ));
static int offSetRow1( Pnt pStart, Pnt p )
return ( p.y - pStart.y ) + 1;
static int solve( Pnt curr )
// check location of curr
// It may lie on 1st row, 2nd row, 3rd or 4th row
int a = Math.max( Math.abs( curr.x ), Math.abs( curr.y ));
int off=0;
int interiorCnt = interior( curr );
Pnt start = startPnt( curr );
if( ( curr.x == a ) && ( curr.y >= start.y ) ) // row 1
off = offSetRow1( start, curr );
return off+interiorCnt;
if( curr.y == a ) // row 2
Pnt start2 = new Pnt( a, a );
int off1 = offSetRow1( start, start2 );
// now add diff in x-coordinates
int off2 = start2.x - curr.x;
off = off1 + off2;
return off+interiorCnt;
if( curr.x == -a ) // row 3
Pnt start2 = new Pnt( a, a );
int off1 = offSetRow1( start, start2 );
// now add diff in x-coordinates
Pnt start3 = new Pnt( -a, a );
int off2 = start2.x - start3.x;
// now add diff in y co-ordinates
int off3 = start3.y - curr.y;
off = off1 + off2 + off3;
return off+interiorCnt;
else // row 4
Pnt start2 = new Pnt( a, a );
int off1 = offSetRow1( start, start2 );
// now add diff in x-coordinates
Pnt start3 = new Pnt( -a, a );
int off2 = start2.x - start3.x;
// now add diff in y co-ordinates
int off3 = start3.y - curr.y;
Pnt start4 = new Pnt( -a, -a );
// add diff in x co-ordinates
int off4 = curr.x - start4.x;
off = off1 + off2 + off3 + off4;
return interiorCnt + off;
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
Scanner s = new Scanner( );
while( true )
int x = s.nextInt();
int y = s.nextInt();
Pnt curr = new Pnt( x, y );
System.out.println( solve( curr ));
I want to throw in my function since it's a bit more concise than the last solution but more complex than the first.
rather than have the indexes adjacent to each-other, my code opts for loops/layers where the first index of the next loop is always on the same axis.
like so:
23 24 9 10 11 +y
22 8 1 2 12
21 7 0 3 13
20 6 5 4 14
19 18 17 16 15 -y
-x +x
it has set directions and uses the smaller vec2 value as the offset from these NSEW axes
func translate_vector2_to_spiral_index(vec2):
#layer is the ring level the position is on
var layer = max(abs(vec2.x),abs(vec2.y))
if layer == 0:
return 0
#the total interior positions before the edge
var base_index = 0
var i = 0
while i < layer:
base_index += 8 * i
var current_layer_total = 8 * i
#non_axis spaces at each corner (not directly any nesw axis)
var non_axis_spaces = (current_layer_total - 4)/4
#direct axes spaces on this layer
var N = 1
var E = N + non_axis_spaces + 1
var S = E + non_axis_spaces + 1
var W = S + non_axis_spaces + 1
var spiral_index = base_index
if abs(vec2.x) > abs(vec2.y):
if vec2.x < 0:
spiral_index += vec2.y
elif vec2.x > 0:
spiral_index -= vec2.y
if vec2.y < 0:
elif vec2.y > 0:
#abs(y) must be equivalent to layers if x is 0
if vec2.y < 0:
spiral_index -= vec2.x
elif vec2.y > 0:
var x = N
x += vec2.x
#if x goes into the negative on the iteration axis (N) it's a subtraction from the layer total
if vec2.x < 0:
x = current_layer_total + 1 + vec2.x
spiral_index += x
if vec2.x < 0:
elif vec2.x > 0:
#abs(x) must be equivalent to layers if y is 0
return spiral_index
there's probably a way to shorten this but i thought to throw this out there.

How to open a Buy when a Buy-order hits a T/P, Sell if a Buy-order hits a S/L; a Sell if Sell-order hits a T/P and open Buy if Sell reaches S/L?

I have tried many things but can't get it to work with the code below.
I've tried variations of the logic of the code below but have failed and am not sure where to implement it:
if ( OrderSelect( OrdersHistoryTotal() - 1, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY ) )
if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY )
if ( OrderClosePrice() > OrderStopLoss() ) Print( "Hit TP" );
else Print( "Hit SL" );
else if ( OrderType() == OP_SELL )
if ( OrderClosePrice() < OrderStopLoss() ) Print( "Hit TP" );
else Print( "Hit SL" );
if ( MathAbs( OrderClosePrice()
- OrderTakeProfit()
) > MathAbs( OrderClosePrice()
- OrderStopLoss()
) Print( "StopLoss" );
if ( MathAbs( OrderClosePrice()
- OrderTakeProfit()
) < MathAbs( OrderClosePrice()
- OrderStopLoss()
) Print( "TakeProfit" );
The OrderSelect() has been an issue for me, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Below is the EA I'm trying to add it to, but just knowing how and where to put it will help.
extern int MagicNumber = 10001;
extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern double StopLoss = 1;
extern double TakeProfit = 1;
extern int TrailingStop = 0;
extern int Slippage = 3;
// expert start function
int start() // New-MQL4.56789 #strict uses another constructor: int OnTick(){...}
double MyPoint = Point;
if ( Digits == 3
|| Digits == 5
) MyPoint = Point*10;
double TheStopLoss = 0;
double TheTakeProfit = 0;
if ( TotalOrdersCount() == 0 )
int result = 0;
if ( ( iMA( NULL, 0, 30, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1 ) < iMA( NULL, 0, 200, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1 ) )
&& ( iMA( NULL, 0, 30, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 ) > iMA( NULL, 0, 200, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 ) )
) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is your open BUY rule
result = OrderSend( Symbol(),
if ( result > 0 )
TheStopLoss = 0;
TheTakeProfit = 0;
if ( TakeProfit > 0 ) TheTakeProfit = Ask + TakeProfit * MyPoint;
if ( StopLoss > 0 ) TheStopLoss = Ask - StopLoss * MyPoint;
OrderSelect( result, SELECT_BY_TICKET );
OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
NormalizeDouble( TheStopLoss, Digits ),
NormalizeDouble( TheTakeProfit, Digits ),
if ( ( iMA( NULL, 0, 30, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1 ) > iMA( NULL, 0, 200, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1 ) )
&& ( iMA( NULL, 0, 30, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 ) < iMA( NULL, 0, 200, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 ) )
) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is your open SELL rule
result = OrderSend( Symbol(),
if ( result > 0 )
TheStopLoss = 0;
TheTakeProfit = 0;
if ( TakeProfit > 0 ) TheTakeProfit = Bid - TakeProfit * MyPoint;
if ( StopLoss > 0 ) TheStopLoss = Bid + StopLoss * MyPoint;
OrderSelect( result, SELECT_BY_TICKET );
OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
NormalizeDouble( TheStopLoss, Digits ),
NormalizeDouble( TheTakeProfit, Digits ),
for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++ )
OrderSelect( cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES );
if ( OrderType() <= OP_SELL
&& OrderSymbol() == Symbol()
&& OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber
if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY )
if ( TrailingStop > 0 )
if ( Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > MyPoint * TrailingStop )
if ( OrderStopLoss() < Bid - MyPoint * TrailingStop )
OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
Bid - TrailingStop * MyPoint,
if ( TrailingStop > 0 )
if ( ( OrderOpenPrice() - Ask ) > ( MyPoint * TrailingStop ) )
if ( ( OrderStopLoss() > ( Ask + MyPoint * TrailingStop ) )
|| ( OrderStopLoss() == 0 )
OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
Ask + MyPoint * TrailingStop,
int TotalOrdersCount()
int result = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++ )
if ( OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber ) result++;
return( result );
... open WHEN ... is the key part of the goal
OrderSelect() is not of much help for you to solve the "Open WHEN" puzzle. It just crawls accross a db.POOL of records, that MetaTrader Terminal 4 localhost internal DBMS takes care of, which is slow and very, very inefficient way to handle event the order-management tasks, so try to avoid any arbitrary scans thereof in a production-grade system. Here, you even will not get any cardinal piece of information you need for your task from such devastating db.POOL scans, so let's focus on the goal first.
... WHAT ... is the idea behind the goal?
The EA is a scholastically trivial variation on a slow-200 / fast-30 simple moving average cross.
There I guess you would like to add your additional idea of opening additional trades on condition the underlying SMA-cross-originated trade has reached it's { SL | TP }-termination respectively, right?
For such case, Brokers with a MetaTrader Server 4 typically allow you to place a so called pending order, which instructs a Broker, to maintain a record about your will to enter market, supposing a price reaches a pre-defined level -- ( guess what, these would be the { SL | TP } as you requested in the title -- and such record is waiting ( with some more configurable options ), until a such price movement happens or not, during which such position is waiting in an inactive state, called a pending order ...
For Terms & Conditions, kindly check your Broker's contract and/or ask their Customer Care representative. Some special limitations may apply ( better to know a-priori ).
... WHERE ... to put the code?
Without re-designing the provided code ( some minor errors/inefficiencies there ) the code shall go here:
result = OrderSend( Symbol(),
if ( result > 0 )
TheStopLoss = 0;
TheTakeProfit = 0;
if ( TakeProfit > 0 ) TheTakeProfit = Bid - TakeProfit * MyPoint;
if ( StopLoss > 0 ) TheStopLoss = Bid + StopLoss * MyPoint;
OrderSelect( result, SELECT_BY_TICKET );
OrderModify( OrderTicket(),
NormalizeDouble( TheStopLoss, Digits ),
NormalizeDouble( TheTakeProfit, Digits ),
// ---------------------------------------------------- HERE ADD
OrderSend( Symbol(),
NormalizeDouble( TheTakeProfit
- MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_SPREAD ),
0, // SL: T.B.D.
0, // TP: T.B.D.
"Sell on Sell.TP",
sTpMagicNumber, // avoid collisions with other logic
0, // never expires
OrderSend( Symbol(),
NormalizeDouble( TheStopLoss
- MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_SPREAD ),
0, // SL: T.B.D.
0, // TP: T.B.D.
"Buy on Sell.SL",
bSlMagicNumber, // avoid collisions with other logic
0, // never expires
The spread-adjustment is not absolute, as during instable periods of time, the market is exposed to spurious spread volatilities. Again, Brokers' Terms & Conditions apply here, so be carefull.

How validate a personal identification number in cakephp

I need to validate a field in my form, this field belongs to the personal identification number of my country, this number has 10 digits
Example: card = 1710034065
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 (coefficient)
1 7 1 0 0 3 4 0 6 (personal identification number)
2 7 2 0 0 3 8 0 12 = 25 (Multiply each digit of the personal number by the
3 coefficient, if the result > 10 add between digits).
add multiplications
The result of the sum
25/10 = 2, Residue 5, divide 10 - residue 5 = 5 (check digit) ** which equals the last number of identity number**
Now I need is to implement this logic in the framework and I have no idea how,
I have a example code in java to get a better idea of what I need to do.
function check_cedula( form )
var cedula = form.cedula.value;
array = cedula.split( "" );
num = array.length;
if ( num == 10 )
total = 0;
digito = (array[9]*1);
for( i=0; i < (num-1); i++ )
mult = 0;
if ( ( i%2 ) != 0 ) {
total = total + ( array[i] * 1 );
mult = array[i] * 2;
if ( mult > 9 )
total = total + ( mult - 9 );
total = total + mult;
decena = total / 10;
decena = Math.floor( decena );
decena = ( decena + 1 ) * 10;
final = ( decena - total );
if ( ( final == 10 && digito == 0 ) || ( final == digito ) ) {
alert( "La c\xe9dula ES v\xe1lida!!!" );
return true;
alert( "La c\xe9dula NO es v\xe1lida!!!" );
return false;
alert("La c\xe9dula no puede tener menos de 10 d\xedgitos");
return false;
Let's say your model name is User and the field in the database is card, you would do the following;
class User extends AppModel {
* Validation rules
public $validate = array(
'card' => array(
'validateCard' => array(
'rule' => array('validateCard'),
'message' => 'Card does not validate'
* Custom validation rule
* #return bool
public function validateCard($field) {
$cardNumber = $field['card'];
// Here, perform your logic and return a boolean
Also, make sure in your view, you're using the FormHelper to output the form inputs and everything should play nice. For example;
echo $this->Form->create();
echo $this->Form->input('User.card');
echo $this->Form->end();

How to Quantise an indicator in MQL4?

I am failing over and over trying to get this indicator to run quantised with 2 buffers in mql4. After a long time reading I have put 2 extra buffers in to squish it :/ because:
the indicator is sitting between 0.1430-0.1427 at present but doesn't have a fixed top and bottom.
I can't seem to suss it; cool indicator but won't play fair!
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color4 CLR_NONE
//#property indicator_minimum 0
//#property indicator_maximum 100
extern int P = 13;
extern int T = 3000;
extern double P2 = 0.001;
//int MIN = 0;
//int MAX = 100;
double G[];
double R[];
double B3[];
double B4[];
int init(){
SetIndexBuffer( 0, G );SetIndexStyle( 0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Lime );
SetIndexBuffer( 1, R );SetIndexStyle( 1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Red );
SetIndexBuffer( 2, B3 );SetIndexStyle( 2, DRAW_NONE );
SetIndexBuffer( 3, B4 );SetIndexStyle( 3, DRAW_NONE );
int start(){
if ( T >= Bars ) T = Bars;
SetIndexDrawBegin( 0, Bars - T + P + 1 );
SetIndexDrawBegin( 1, Bars - T + P + 1 );
SetIndexDrawBegin( 2, Bars - T + P + 1 );
SetIndexDrawBegin( 3, Bars - T + P + 1 );
int Z, C, Opt = IndicatorCounted();
if ( Bars <= 38 ) return(0);
if ( Opt < P ){
for ( Z = 1; Z <= 0; Z++ ) G[T-Z] = 0.0;
for ( Z = 1; Z <= 0; Z++ ) R[T-Z] = 0.0;
Z = T - P - 1;
while( Z >= 0 ){
double A, S1, S2;
S1 = 0.0; for ( C = 0; C <= P - 1; C++ ){ S1 = S1 + ( High[Z+C] + Low[Z+C] ) / 2;}
S2 = 0.0; for ( C = 0; C <= P - 1; C++ ){ S2 = S2 + ( ( High[Z+C] + Low[Z+C] ) * ( C+1 ) / 2 );}
A = S1 / S2;
// if ( A < MIN ){ MIN = A;}
// if ( A > MAX ){ MAX = A;}
// A = ( MIN / MAX ) * 100;
G[Z] = A;
if ( Z > 0 ){ R[Z-1] = A;}
for ( int N = T-P-2; N >= 0; N-- ){
if ( N > 0 ){
if ( G[N-1] > G[N] ){ R[N] = EMPTY_VALUE; continue;}
if ( G[N-1] < G[N] ){ G[N] = R[N]; continue;}
B3[0] = G[0] + P2;
B4[0] = G[0] - P2; //forced quantise using 2 extra buffers
Let´s split the task first
0) indicator logic
1) indicator quantisation step
2) indicator performance
MQL4 Custom Indicator programming relies on deeper understanding of underlying MetaTrader4 Terminal platform. Each external Market Event, changing a traded instrument price, is signalled to a lcoalhost by a network delivery of a QUOTE ... message from MetaTrader4 Server. This is aka Tick and it triggers a call to a function originally called start(), in newer New-MQL4.56789 renamed to OnTick().
The below modified MQL4 listing contains remarks for core-logic disambiguation, which must precede all the below listed steps.
1) indicator quantisation step
While the code is still very inefficient ( as per [2] below ) the logic does not include any straight hurdle form having the output quantised to any form thereof { binary | ternary | arbitrary-number-of-states }-quantised system. Whence the indicator core-logic is cleared, the quantisation step is just a trivial conversion from R(1) to I(1).
2) indicator performance
Any Tick arrival may, but need not modify either High[0] or Low[0], which are the only variable parts of the proposed Custom Indicator calculus.
This is the core idea on how to reduce the scope of re-calculations, that the MQL4 code has to realise per tick. In recent versions of MT4, all Custom Indicators share a single thread, the more stress has been put on efficient algorithmisation of Custom Indicators, at these may block the platform's trading decisions on poor, inefficient code-loops and convolution/recursion re-executions.
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color4 CLR_NONE
extern int P = 13;
extern int T = 3000;
extern double P2 = 0.001;
double G[]; // 0: LINE
double R[]; // 1: LINE
int init(){
SetIndexBuffer( 0, G );SetIndexStyle( 0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Lime );
SetIndexBuffer( 1, R );SetIndexStyle( 1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Red );
SetIndexBuffer( 2, B3 );SetIndexStyle( 2, DRAW_NONE );
SetIndexBuffer( 3, B4 );SetIndexStyle( 3, DRAW_NONE );
int start(){
if ( Bars <= 38 ) return(0); // JIT/RET in case Bars < 39 --^ --^ --^ --^
if ( T >= Bars ) T = Bars; // (TRIM´d) T < Bars .OR. = Bars
int aDrawBegins = Bars - T + P + 1; // ( extern P = 13 ) + 1 + ( Bars - ( extern T = 3000 if T < Bars else Bars ) )
//tIndexDrawBegin( 0, Bars - T + P + 1 ); // PREF: ( reused 4x )
SetIndexDrawBegin( 0, aDrawBegins ); // Draw 14+ last candles -- PREF: why a per tick hard-coded SHIFTING / enforced re-draw?
SetIndexDrawBegin( 1, aDrawBegins ); // Draw 14+ last candles -- PREF: why a per tick hard-coded SHIFTING / enforced re-draw?
SetIndexDrawBegin( 2, aDrawBegins ); // Draw 14+ last candles -- PREF: why a per tick hard-coded SHIFTING / enforced re-draw?
SetIndexDrawBegin( 3, aDrawBegins ); // Draw 14+ last candles -- PREF: why a per tick hard-coded SHIFTING / enforced re-draw?
double A, S1, S2; // auxiliary var for bar-mid-price calculi
int Z; // auxiliary stepper
int Opt = IndicatorCounted(); // Opt ( NEVER RE-USED )
if ( Opt < P ){ // if ( ( extern P = 13 ) > IndicatorCounted() )
// ----------------------- ??? ----------------------------------------------------- NEVER EXEC´d: for( Z = 1++ v/s Z <= 0 )
for ( Z = 1; Z <= 0; Z++ ) G[T-Z] = 0.0; // .STO G[T-Z], 0., BUT NEVER EXEC´d: for( Z = 1++ v/s Z <= 0 )
for ( Z = 1; Z <= 0; Z++ ) R[T-Z] = 0.0; // .STO R[T-Z], 0., BUT NEVER EXEC´d: for( Z = 1++ v/s Z <= 0 )
// ----------------------- ??? ----------------------------------------------------- NEVER EXEC´d: for( Z = 1++ v/s Z <= 0 )
Z = T - P - 1; // .STO Z, ( T = Bars (TRIM´d) ) - ( extern P = 13 ) - 1
while( Z >= 0 ){ // .DEC Z
// !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // PERF: very inefficient to RE-calc STATIC ( ( extern P = 13 ) - 1 )-DEEP CONVOLUTIONS per tick !!
S1 = 0.0; for ( int C = 0; C <= P - 1; C++ ){ S1 = S1 + ( High[Z+C] + Low[Z+C] ) / 2; }
S2 = 0.0; for ( int C = 0; C <= P - 1; C++ ){ S2 = S2 + ( ( High[Z+C] + Low[Z+C] ) * ( C+1 ) / 2 );}
// !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // PERF: very inefficient to RE-calc STATIC ( ( extern P = 13 ) - 1 )-DEEP CONVOLUTIONS per tick !!
A = S1 / S2;
G[Z] = A; // .STO G[Z], A if Z >= 0
if ( Z > 0 ){ R[Z-1] = A;} // .STO R[Z-1], A if Z > 0
for ( int N = T - P - 2; N >= 0; N-- ){ // .STO N, ( T = Bars (TRIM´d) ) - ( extern P = 13 ) - 2
if ( N > 0 ){ // N > 0:
if ( G[N-1] > G[N] ){ R[N] = EMPTY_VALUE; continue;} // .BLNK R[N], EMPTY if G[N-1] > G[N]
if ( G[N-1] < G[N] ){ G[N] = R[N]; continue;} // .SET G[N], R[N] if G[N-1] < G[N]
// ?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // WHY MANY-TIMES RE-ASSIGNED A CONST. VALUE HERE, INSIDE A FOR(){...}-loop body? -------------- ??
B3[0] = G[0] + P2; // .STO B3[0], G[0] + ( extern P2 = 0.001 )
B4[0] = G[0] - P2; // .STO B4[0], G[0] - ( extern P2 = 0.001 )
// forced quantise using 2 extra buffers
// ?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // WHY MANY-TIMES RE-ASSIGNED A CONST. VALUE HERE, INSIDE A FOR(){...}-loop body? -------------- ??
New-MQL4.56789 syntax
The OnCalculate() function is called only in custom indicators when it's necessary to calculate the indicator values by the Calculate event. This usually happens when a new tick is received for the symbol, for which the indicator is calculated. This indicator is not required to be attached to any price chart of this symbol.
The first rates_total parameter contains the number of bars, available to the indicator for calculation, and corresponds to the number of bars available in the chart.
We should note the connection between the return value of OnCalculate() and the second input parameter prev_calculated. During the OnCalculate() function call, the prev_calculated parameter contains a value returned by OnCalculate() during previous call. This allows for economical algorithms for calculating the custom indicator in order to avoid repeated calculations for those bars that haven't changed since the previous run of this function.
For this, it is usually enough to return the value of the rates_total parameter, which contains the number of bars in the current function call. If since the last call of OnCalculate() the price data has changed (a deeper history downloaded or history blanks filled), the value of the input parameter prev_calculated will be set to zero by the terminal.
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate( const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double &high[],
const double &low[],
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[]
// Get the number of bars available now for the current Symbol and chart period
int barsNow = Bars( _Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT );
// .RET value of prev_calculated for a next call
return( rates_total );

Get spiral index from location

I'm using Alberto Santini's solution to this question to get a spiral grid reference based on an items index
Algorithm for iterating over an outward spiral on a discrete 2D grid from the origin
It's not the accepted solution, but it's the best for my needs as it avoids using a loop.
It's working well, but what I want now is to do the inverse. Based on a known x and y coordinate return the index of a location.
This is as a precursor to returning the items surrounding a given location.
Pascal code:
if y * y >= x * x then begin
p := 4 * y * y - y - x;
if y < x then
p := p - 2 * (y - x)
else begin
p := 4 * x * x - y - x;
if y < x then
p := p + 2 *(y - x)
Description: Left-upper semi-diagonal (0-4-16-36-64) contains squared layer number (4 * layer^2). External if-statement defines layer and finds (pre-)result for position in corresponding row or column of left-upper semi-plane, and internal if-statement corrects result for mirror position.
I don't know if there is a concise mathematical equation to derive what you want, but I have a solution that computes what you want in O(1) time per query. No loops like you wanted.
My approach :
(i) For any given point (x,y), find the number of points which lie in the square of side length (2*a-1), where a = Max( |x|, |y| ). These are the interior points. i.e, the number of points lying in all spirals NOT including current spiral.
This is nothing but ( 2*a -1 )*( 2*a -1 )
Eg : Consider the following diagram :
16 15 14 13 12
17 4 3 2 11
-- 18 5 0 1 10 --- x
19 6 7 8 9
20 21 22 23 24
For the point ( 2,1 ), a = 2. The interior points, here are labelled as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - The square with edge length 3
(ii) Now compute the points lying on the current spiral. The spiral has 4 "corner" points -
(a) The starting point ( where the current spiral starts )
(b) The point ( a, a )
(c) The point ( -a, a )
(d) The point ( -a, -a )
So, I compute the number of elements lying between each such pair [ i.e, between (a) and (b), (b) and (c), (c) and (d) ], such that all of these fall before the required input point in the spiral sequence. This can be done by simple subtraction of point co-ordinates.
This value, plus the number of interior points will give you the required answer.
I am not sure whether I have explained this very clearly. Do let me know if you require any clarifications or further explanation.
Attached is the JAVA code I wrote to test my logic. I am sorry but it is not very elegant, but it works :P
import java.util.Scanner;
class Pnt
int x, y;
public Pnt( int _x, int _y )
x = _x;
y = _y;
public class Spiral
static int interior( Pnt p ) // returns points within interior square of side length MAX( x, y ) - 1
int a = Math.max( Math.abs( p.x ), Math.abs( p.y ));
return ( 2*a - 1 )*( 2*a - 1 );
static Pnt startPnt( Pnt p ) // first point in that spiral
int a = Math.max( Math.abs( p.x ), Math.abs( p.y ));
// last pnt in prev spiral = [ a-1, -( a-1 ) ]
// next pnt = [ a, -( a-1 ) ]
return new Pnt( a, -( a-1 ));
static int offSetRow1( Pnt pStart, Pnt p )
return ( p.y - pStart.y ) + 1;
static int solve( Pnt curr )
// check location of curr
// It may lie on 1st row, 2nd row, 3rd or 4th row
int a = Math.max( Math.abs( curr.x ), Math.abs( curr.y ));
int off=0;
int interiorCnt = interior( curr );
Pnt start = startPnt( curr );
if( ( curr.x == a ) && ( curr.y >= start.y ) ) // row 1
off = offSetRow1( start, curr );
return off+interiorCnt;
if( curr.y == a ) // row 2
Pnt start2 = new Pnt( a, a );
int off1 = offSetRow1( start, start2 );
// now add diff in x-coordinates
int off2 = start2.x - curr.x;
off = off1 + off2;
return off+interiorCnt;
if( curr.x == -a ) // row 3
Pnt start2 = new Pnt( a, a );
int off1 = offSetRow1( start, start2 );
// now add diff in x-coordinates
Pnt start3 = new Pnt( -a, a );
int off2 = start2.x - start3.x;
// now add diff in y co-ordinates
int off3 = start3.y - curr.y;
off = off1 + off2 + off3;
return off+interiorCnt;
else // row 4
Pnt start2 = new Pnt( a, a );
int off1 = offSetRow1( start, start2 );
// now add diff in x-coordinates
Pnt start3 = new Pnt( -a, a );
int off2 = start2.x - start3.x;
// now add diff in y co-ordinates
int off3 = start3.y - curr.y;
Pnt start4 = new Pnt( -a, -a );
// add diff in x co-ordinates
int off4 = curr.x - start4.x;
off = off1 + off2 + off3 + off4;
return interiorCnt + off;
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
Scanner s = new Scanner( );
while( true )
int x = s.nextInt();
int y = s.nextInt();
Pnt curr = new Pnt( x, y );
System.out.println( solve( curr ));
I want to throw in my function since it's a bit more concise than the last solution but more complex than the first.
rather than have the indexes adjacent to each-other, my code opts for loops/layers where the first index of the next loop is always on the same axis.
like so:
23 24 9 10 11 +y
22 8 1 2 12
21 7 0 3 13
20 6 5 4 14
19 18 17 16 15 -y
-x +x
it has set directions and uses the smaller vec2 value as the offset from these NSEW axes
func translate_vector2_to_spiral_index(vec2):
#layer is the ring level the position is on
var layer = max(abs(vec2.x),abs(vec2.y))
if layer == 0:
return 0
#the total interior positions before the edge
var base_index = 0
var i = 0
while i < layer:
base_index += 8 * i
var current_layer_total = 8 * i
#non_axis spaces at each corner (not directly any nesw axis)
var non_axis_spaces = (current_layer_total - 4)/4
#direct axes spaces on this layer
var N = 1
var E = N + non_axis_spaces + 1
var S = E + non_axis_spaces + 1
var W = S + non_axis_spaces + 1
var spiral_index = base_index
if abs(vec2.x) > abs(vec2.y):
if vec2.x < 0:
spiral_index += vec2.y
elif vec2.x > 0:
spiral_index -= vec2.y
if vec2.y < 0:
elif vec2.y > 0:
#abs(y) must be equivalent to layers if x is 0
if vec2.y < 0:
spiral_index -= vec2.x
elif vec2.y > 0:
var x = N
x += vec2.x
#if x goes into the negative on the iteration axis (N) it's a subtraction from the layer total
if vec2.x < 0:
x = current_layer_total + 1 + vec2.x
spiral_index += x
if vec2.x < 0:
elif vec2.x > 0:
#abs(x) must be equivalent to layers if y is 0
return spiral_index
there's probably a way to shorten this but i thought to throw this out there.
