Mixpanel delete user does not delete events - mixpanel

I'm trying to clean up my mixpanel data. I had test users being tracked so I removed them in order to better understand retention. However, the users are still showing up in the retention report aggregated data.
For example, I only have 138 users in my explore tab but significantly more in the sum of people in the retention report.
Has the event data not been deleted? Or am I missing something? Should deleting the profile cascade delete the associated event data?


How can I find which rule/process is deleting records in ServiceNow?

I have an instance of ServiceNow where SLA tasks are disappearing from associated incidents, even after an SLA repair has been run. According to the deleted records table the deleted records are showing as updated by 'system', which makes me think a rule or script is doing it - how to I determine the cause?

Oracle track changes in database

Good morning,
We have an application which used to create daily reports.
When a daily report is finished it will be locked.
But,sometimes daily report must be changed after locking.
Therefore report will be unlocked.
After the changes made the report will be locked again.
And what we would like to do:
When report is unlocked we would like to take a snapshot
When report is locked again we would like to take another snapshot of the records to compare with the previous snapsnot (at the moment of unlocking) and see what changes were made in the records. We would like to see the before and after values of each field.
The daily report means around 40 tables and more hundred fields. So, when something has been changed in daily report it can happen in a few hundred fields of around 40 tables.
We are interested only to compare the status at the moment of unlock and at the moment of locking again. (With other words, we are not interested in all the changes made between unlock and locking again)
What is the best/recommended way to do this?
Thanks in advance for the answers.
One way to do that is to go for FDA (Flashback Data Archive)
Kindly check the below links that explain how you can do that.

Algolia/Scout - prevent operations update for certain updates

I'm using Algolia, via Laravel
I'm frequently updating some entries in my database (every 5 mins), e.g. $object->update(['field'=>$new_value])
I would NOT like these changes to trigger updates / "operations" in Algolia, as this field is not relevant for Algolia's search indexing, and it would otherwise generate too many operations (which I'm then billed for).
Other changes should trigger updates in Algolia.
How can I do this?
if you using Laravel scout. you could do something like
//update the changes
for more info have a look at this https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/scout

DSpace: Items only appear in Discovery after moving to another collection

I moved all the items from a collection to another. However, these items, on the source collection,didn't appear on the discovery. After the move, these same items appeared on the destination collection. Why these items didn't appear at the source collection before the move?
Still before the move: If I get these item's handle and try to access on a browser it works. Should it be a problem on discovery index?
There could be 2 causes for this issue.
the items need to be re-indexed. Depending on how the move was performed, the index may not have been updated.
If you are using XMLUI, the cocoon cache needs to be cleared
Here is my recommendation.
Since this is quick, clear the cocoon cache from the Admin->Control Panel->Java Information page.
It that does not resolve the issue, re-build your discovery index by running [dspace-install]/bin/dspace index-discovery -b
The re-index can take a while a while to complete. User search results will be impacted during the re-index process.
In addition to what terrywb said in his answer to this question, in order for automatic re-indexing to work, these things also need to be done:
The "discovery" event consumer must be enabled in your dspace.cfg
The solr data directory for the discovery index ([dspace]/solr/search/data) needs to be owned by the same user that tomcat runs under, so that the tomcat user can add/change/delete files and subdirectories
Automatic re-indexing should be triggered whenever you move items through the user interface or via bulk metadata editing.
Honestly, we've been through this before -- it would be helpful if you could give us more information on your original question rather than posting a new one.

Oracle (Continuous Query Notification) - way to get more data in a CQN notification?

We are using oracle CQN for change notifications for specific queries.
This is working fine for all the inserts and updates. The problem is delete, On delete the notification is sent with ROWID amongst other details. We cannot use the ROWID to lookup the row any more because it has been deleted.
Is there a way to get more data in a CQN notification regarding the deleted row ?
I'm afraid not.
My understanding is that this service is tailored to allow servers or clients to implement caches. In which case the cached table or view is supposed to be loaded in memory including the rowid, upon a notification, the cache manager having subscribed to the CQN service is supposed to invalidate the rows affected by the rowid list (or fetch it again in advanced).
Real life example. This can be useful for real time databases like Intelligent Network (i.e. to manage Prepaid Su$bscribers on a telecom network) in which callers need to be put through asap. The machine in charge of authorizing the calls (the SCP, there are several of them on the whole territory) is usually an in-memory database and the real persistent db lives on another node (the SDP at a central datacenter). The SDP with its on-disk db receives life-cycle events and balance refils events and notifies the subscribing SCPs.
You might have a different usage model.
I had this problem too, instead of deleting a row, I used a column "Active", instead of deleting a row I changed "Active" from "YES" to "NO".
