How to know which particular Wix Template the existing Wix site is using? - velo

Is there any way to get the information about the particular Wix template the existing Wix site is using?


installer to replace installShield

I need a recommendation for an installer.
I was using InstallShield but unfortunately it was a demo version that only allowed me to get a quick start.
Now I need to switch to an installer that is open source and allows to:
create environment variables on user's computer
add files to a giving path
create .exe (via Release Wizard in IstallShield)
I came across tools like NSIS but I am not sure it has the same features as InstallShield.
Please advice!
Thank you
You can use Wix tool. It is open source and it has most of the capability of Installshield. Only problem with WiX is there would be a learning curve of MSI technology and WiX itself.

What is the best way to deploy a Template project in C#?

Heyy all =)
We create a custom project template in C# following This topic to force all developers to develop uniformly, all inherit from the same class and receive the same development tools we developed in four separate DLLs and all have the App.config file with default keys etc.
We work on vs2012 or vs2013.
Since I have put the DLLs manually and attach them to come into the same project ZIP file (are that is the right way to do it or somthing like this answare?) Now if there are any changes we will have time to re-export it, etc. So we thought the installation project.
Now I'm not sure what type of project to use.
I saw that there are a number of options I will list below and I would love advice about the right, the best, and most appropriate way to do it:
Creating Extensions By Using the VSIX Project Template or other Extensibility projects
The WIX way
Using Wizards somthing like this perfect answare
One of the project from the Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension

How to create the web setup project

I have a application which I want to make it easy to depoly in client machine by click the .ext or .msi file.
Then I found the "web setup project" in vs.
However I have no idea how to make it.
In my case,my application need .Net 4.
And after the app is deployed I have to modify something in the web.config which I want to gather through the install wizard.
Also I need to do some clean work after deploy(modify some files).
So I wonder if my requirement is possible using "web setup project",and how to make it?
In Visual Studio you can modify files during install only through custom actions. So you will need to write custom code which does what you need. Regarding .NET Framework 4, it can be added as a prerequisite.
If you want an easier solution, you can try a commercial setup authoring tool:
For example, Advanced Installer has a dedicated project type for ASP.NET applications.
Yes,We can make Custom Actions(Framing Connection during installation ,Consuming WCF service for Web App)to .msi file during installation.
If you want to have more clear picture about this refer my articles.
This is to create or change Connection string along with setup creation for Windows Application
In this creating setup file for Web App which consumes WCF service

I need a WIX Bootstrapper Project that installs MY software and prerequisites

I have a solution in VS2010 that defines 3-4 individual applications.
These 3-4 apps are individual (but related) components that I need to have individually installed on our production servers during deployment. I toyed with using WIX mondo to generate a multi-feature WIX installer, but found that it would be more beneficial to allow that these applications be able to be installed individually as well as via a single-source for all of them, preferably configurable to choose which to install during an installation.
I noticed that there is a WIX project type called "Bootstrapper Project" but I cannot find much documentation around it on the web, and do not know if it is a project type that will actually assist me in creating a deployment installation bootstrapper for my projects. (i.e. a setup.exe file that will install, one after the other, each project as either defined in the installer, or optionally selectable via the installer as it runs)...
what is the best method to do this within WIX, using pre-existing WIX installers for individual programs?
In Wix, the support to create a bootstrapper is through a tool called "Burn". Burn has been pushed out to v4.0 (or version 3.6). So that isn't much help.
You can use an open source tool like dotNetInstaller:
Here is an overview on how to create a setup installer that checks for the .NET Framework (which in and of itself is not very useful, but shows you how to work with dotNetInstaller):
Or you can follow the instructions here:
And use the Bootstrapper Manifest Generator here (although there appear to be 64-bit issues):

Localized License Agreements in Visual Studio Setup Projects?

I've added a EULA using VS2005's built in License Agreement UI form in a Setup Project.
This form has a LicenseFile property that you set to an RTF file that displays the EULA.
Assuming I have a number of translated RTFs, how can I make the EULA that is displayed point to the appropriate RTF localized to the user's Windows CurrentCulture settings?
I've seen some articles on WiX but at this point I need to stick with our current installation setup.
In VS you have to create a setup for each language you support. If VS enables you to localize your setup it doesn't support multilanguage setups. Therefore, if you have a specific setup for each language you have to reference the right translated licence RTF in each setup.
