SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe end execution ERROR - sonarqube

Please find the error details in screen shot. Please suggest your ideas to resolve this error.
Version Used:


PACT error while loading pact_helper.rb (Malformed version number string )

When I run the pact test, I get the following error.
An error occurred while loading ./spec/mailers/mailing_spec.rb.
mock_service :core_service do
port "3003"
Malformed version number string
Any ideas around this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Can you please raise an issue in the pact-ruby and include all the relevant versions, and the steps to recreate the issue, preferably with an executable code example.

Since I Type ''mvn -version'' This shows up to me

When I type "mvn -version" in CMD and this show up to me.
Error: Could not find or load main class C:\Users\acer\Desktop\apache-maven-3.5.3\bin
How To Solve This?? Hope Guys can help me out.

Xcode error: Command failed with exit code 1

I imported a new code into Xcode and I am getting this error:
failed with exit code 1.
How do you fix it?
Try cmd+alt+shift+k. This cleans your derived data and might fix the issue.
As far as I know there can be multiple reasons why a compiler fails. Although cmd+alt+shift+k will help most of the time. If this fails, then click on the error message and try to debug it.
For example in the image below, if you read the message, we get to know that, there has been a name duplication. Fixing the name duplication will fix the

MAC go get

On MAC i am trying to setup GO-GL, but when i run
go get
I get the following error:
In file included from src/ fatal error: 'GL/glew.h' file not found
Someone please help me figure this out!
Unless you have a good reason not to, you should use go-gl/glow package instead of go-gl/gl. It will provide you and your users with a better experience.

Exceed installation Error

Hi i install Exceed got error message: "Error 1317 :an error occured while attempting to create the directory c:/programdata/hummingbird/ connectivity/12.00/global/exceed ". Anyone suggest me how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance
Seems like a permissions problem! Have you set the permissions for the /global/exceed folder?
If so, then depending on the OS you might need to reboot :)
Hope it helps!
