Site Search/Point Location in Voronoi Diagram - computational-geometry

Given Voronoi diagram, how to locate which polygon contains query point q? What if q is one of the Voronoi sites, would it make any difference?
Do we walk through each polygon and check point-in-polygon? It is too expensive and slow to do that.

This is a well-studied topic. Search for "point location within a convex subdivision." Here is one paper that can lead you to others:
Cheng, Siu-Wing, and Man-Kit Lau. "Adaptive point location in planar convex subdivisions." International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015. (Journal link.)
Or maybe this presentation is easier to penetrate:
Subhash Suri, "Point Location." (PDF download.)


Algorithm for shortest distance from point to extended shape, on the geoid

Is there a standard algorithm for finding the shortest distance from a point to an arbitrary extended shape (a MultiPolygon, in GIS terms — might be concave, might have holes, might be a cluster of islands) on the surface of the Earth?
I'm aware of an algorithm to do this on the Euclidean plane, and I'm aware of an algorithm to find the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the Earth (the "geodesic inverse problem"), but I'm not having any luck with literature searches for point-to-extended-shape.
The best thing I've come up with so far is to project the extended shape into an azimuthal-equidistant projection centered on the point, and then use the Euclidean shortest-distance algorithm, but this is slow and also drags an entire map projection library into the application, which I would prefer to avoid for operational reasons.
If it matters, I don't particularly need to know the closest point on the boundary of the extended shape, just the distance.

Non-euclidian distance Voronoi diagrams

As a CG novice I was wondering does there exist Voronoi partition that is not based solely on euclidian distance between sites but some other measure, and would such partition still conserve properties of Voronoi diagram?
Reading a textbook I've encountered an example of Voronoi diagram where sites on 2D plane represent football players, and if ball happens to be in Voronoi region of certain player it meant he should go towards it since he's closest to it. Now what if instead of just accounting for the Euclidian distance between players we also considered their speed, with faster players having a larger Voronoi cell.
Would the fact that we lose bisection ruin the structure of Voronoi diagram itself?
Take a look at Power Diagrams and Weighted Voronoï Diagrams. They are generalized Voronoï Diagrams with weights (a circle radius in the case of Power Diagrams) associated with each site.
You can use it to weigh each site with the speed or alter the notion of distance to include speed. By doing so, you will loose the straight line property of bisectors because they might become curved depending on the new distance calculation (look here).
In the case of football players, the new distance function from a point p to a site p_i with player speed v_i is:
d(p, p_i) = EuclideanDistance(p, p_i) / v_i
which can be better interpreted as the time that it takes to reach the point if the player runs at speed v_i. This can produce diagrams like this, where the displayed numbers are the weights 1/v_i:

Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in R-Tree

I'am reading the Paper from Guttman Link to paper/book
And I was wondering how do nearest neighbor queries work with R-Trees or how it is implemented actually.
What I have thought of is that you traverse the tree starting at the root and check if one of the entries inlcude the query point.
So the first question is, if a rectangle include the query point, this does not mean all rectangles inside this rectangle will automatically be the nearest to the query point. It is also possible that there is another rectangle which has a fewer distance, even if the query point lies not inside the rectangle?
Second, assume the query point is actually a minimum bouding box, for example mbr = [left,bottom, right, top] and I want all rectangles that overlap this region or better all rectangles where its centroid lies inside the given region. Is this also possible?
Doing numerous experiments, the algorithm by
Hjaltason, Gísli R., and Hanan Samet. "Distance browsing in spatial databases." ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 24.2 (1999): 265-318.
(as posted in the answer by #Anony-Mousse) is clearly superior to the algorithms I describe here.
As far as I know, the best kNN search algorithm is the one by
Cheung, King Lum, and Ada Wai-Chee Fu. "Enhanced nearest neighbour search on the R-tree." ACM SIGMOD Record 27.3 (1998): 16-21. (copied from answer by #Anony-Mousse) PDF download
The basic algorithm is also explained in this presenation
If I remember correctly, it does the following things:
Traverse all nodes in the tree, except if they can be excluded based on the current maximal known distance.
Order candidate subnodes before traversing them such that the 'closest' subnodes are traversed first.
As a result, this algorithm very quickly finds the closest neighbours and traverses hardly, if any, nodes that do not contain part of the end-result.
Interestingly, the algorithm by Cheung et al improves previous algorithms by removing some checks that were meant to exclude even more subnodes before traversing them. They could show that the additional checks could not possibly exclude nodes.
There are many papers on finding nearest neighbors in R-trees.
Roussopoulos, Nick, Stephen Kelley, and Frédéric Vincent. "Nearest neighbor queries." ACM sigmod record. Vol. 24. No. 2. ACM, 1995.
Papadopoulos, Apostolos, and Yannis Manolopoulos. "Performance of nearest neighbor queries in R-trees." Database Theory—ICDT'97 (1997): 394-408.
Hjaltason, Gísli R., and Hanan Samet. "Distance browsing in spatial databases." ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 24.2 (1999): 265-318.
Cheung, King Lum, and Ada Wai-Chee Fu. "Enhanced nearest neighbour search on the R-tree." ACM SIGMOD Record 27.3 (1998): 16-21.
Berchtold, S., Böhm, C., Keim, D. A., & Kriegel, H. P. (1997, May). A cost model for nearest neighbor search in high-dimensional data space. In Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems (pp. 78-86). ACM.

How to find Voronoi diagram with specific distance function?

There are quite many algoritms for finding Voronoi diagram with Euclidean distance. However, I haven't found any algorithms other distance functions, for example, Manhattan distance (perhaps, because of no practical applications).
You can see example at Wikipedia:
Manhattan Voronoi diagram also consists of polygons (but non-convex), so I guess that algorithm similar to Fortune's algorithm can be constructed.
However, using more complex distance functions, boundaries won't be polygons anymore. There will be need in different data structure and algorithm.
Are there any algorithms for finding Voronoi diagram with specific distance function (in 2D for simplicity)?
I don't need an algorithm which works with pixels, it's pretty straightforward, I need algorithm, which founds the boundaries of cells.
Note 2
Practically I need Voronoi diagram with distance function abs(dx)^3 + abs(dy)^3, however, theoretically, I'm interested how one do make an algorithm for other distance functions.
Here is how Voronoi with abs(dx)^3 + abs(dy)^3 look like. Sites are continous and their edges resemble graphs of y=x^3 (just assumption).
Most likely you can use the pixel taxi voronoi and give each polygon a different color. You can then use a pixel color test to check the bounds.

Algorithm to compute a Voronoi diagram on a sphere?

I'm looking for a simple (if exists) algorithm to find the Voronoi diagram for a set of points on the surface of a sphere. Source code would be great. I'm a Delphi man (yes, I know...), but I eat C-code too.
Update in July 2016:
Thanks to a number of volunteers (especially Nikolai Nowaczyk and I), there is now far more robust / correct code for handling Voronoi diagrams on the surface of a sphere in Python. This is officially available as scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi from version 0.18 of scipy onwards. There's a working example of usage and plotting in the official docs.
The algorithm follows quadratic time complexity. While loglinear is the theoretical optimum for Voronoi diagrams on the surfaces of spheres, this is currently the best we've been able to implement. If you'd like to find out more and help with the development effort there are some open issues related to improving the way Python handles spherical Voronoi diagrams and the related data structures:
Effort to improve the plotting of spherical polygons in matplotlib
Effort to improve the handling of spherical polygon surface area calculations in scipy
For further background on the theory / development / challenges related to this Python code and related computational geometry efforts you can also check out some talks from Nikolai and I:
Nikolai PyData London 2016 talk
Tyler PyData London 2015 talk
Tyler PyCon 2016 Computational Geometry tutorial
Original Answer:
I've actually recently written some open source Python code for Voronoi diagrams on the surface of a sphere:
The usage, algorithm, and limitations are documented on readthedocs ( There are some detailed examples there but I'll place one or two below as well. The module also handles the calculation of the Voronoi region surface areas, albeit with some numerical weaknesses in the current development version.
I haven't seen many well-documented open source implementations for spherical Voronoi diagrams, but there has been a bit of buzz about the JavaScript implementation on Jason Davies' website ( I don't think his code is open though. I also saw a blog post about using Python to deal with part of the problem ( Many of the primary literature sources cited in the above posts seemed very challenging to implement (I tried some of them) but maybe some people will find my implementation useful or even suggest ways to improve it.
1) Produce a Voronoi diagram for a pseudo-random set of points on the unit sphere:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import voronoi_utility
#pin down the pseudo random number generator (prng) object to avoid certain pathological generator sets
prng = np.random.RandomState(117) #otherwise, would need to filter the random data to ensure Voronoi diagram is possible
#produce 1000 random points on the unit sphere using the above seed
random_coordinate_array = voronoi_utility.generate_random_array_spherical_generators(1000,1.0,prng)
#produce the Voronoi diagram data
voronoi_instance = voronoi_utility.Voronoi_Sphere_Surface(random_coordinate_array,1.0)
dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices = voronoi_instance.voronoi_region_vertices_spherical_surface()
#plot the Voronoi diagram
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
for generator_index, voronoi_region in dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices.iteritems():
random_color = colors.rgb2hex(sp.rand(3))
#fill in the Voronoi region (polygon) that contains the generator:
polygon = Poly3DCollection([voronoi_region],alpha=1.0)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6)
2) Calculate the surface areas of the Voronoi region polygons and verify that the reconstituted surface area is sensible:
import math
dictionary_voronoi_polygon_surface_areas = voronoi_instance.voronoi_region_surface_areas_spherical_surface()
theoretical_surface_area_unit_sphere = 4 * math.pi
reconstituted_surface_area_Voronoi_regions = sum(dictionary_voronoi_polygon_surface_areas.itervalues())
percent_area_recovery = round((reconstituted_surface_area_Voronoi_regions / theoretical_surface_area_unit_sphere) * 100., 5)
print percent_area_recovery
97.87551 #that seems reasonable for now
Here's a paper on spherical Voronoi diagrams.
Or if you grok Fortran (bleah!) there's this site.
Original link (dead):
Notice that Delaunay triangulation on a sphere is just the convex hull.
Thus you can compute the 3D convex hull (e.g. using CGAL)
and take the dual.
In short, try cssgrid from NCAR Graphics. I wrote a longer answer for a similar question at
There is a paper from INRIA about the Delaunay Triangulation (DT) of points lying on a sphere: CAROLI, Manuel, et al. Robust and Efficient Delaunay triangulations of points on or close to a sphere. 2009. where they talk about an implementation in CGAL.
The paper refers to various available implementation of DT algorithms.
Quoting from the paper:
An easy and standard answer consists in computing the 3D convex hull
of the points, which is notoriously equivalent.
for computing the convex hull the paper suggests:
Hull, a program for convex hulls.
Three-dimensional convex hulls. in FORTRAN.Three-dimensional convex hulls.
The DT C++ class of CGAL has the method dual to get the Voronoi Diagram.
According to this post by Monique Teillaud (one of the author of the above mentioned paper) it seems to me that in November 2012 the implementation was not still ready.
It's been a while since the question has been answered, but I've found two papers that implement Fortune's algorithm (efficiency O(N lg N), memory O(N)) over the surface of the sphere. Maybe a future viewer will find this information useful.
"Sweeping the Sphere" by Dinis and Mamede, published in the 2010 International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. Can be purchased at
"A Plane Sweep Algorithm for the Voronoi Tessellation of the Sphere" by Zheng et al. I'm not sure it was published because of the first one, but it is dated 13 December 2011. It is available for free at
I'm working through them myself at the moment, so I can't explain it well. The basic idea is that Fortune's algorithm works on the surface of the sphere so long as you calculate the points' bounding parabolas correctly. Because the surface of the sphere wraps, you can also use a circular list to contain the beach line and not worry about handling cells at the edge of rectangular space. With that, you can sweep from the north pole of the sphere to the south and back up again, skipping to sites that introduce new points to the beach line (adding a parabola to the beach line) or the introduction of cell vertices (removing a parabola from the beach line).
Both papers expect a high level of comfort with linear algebra to understand the concepts, and they both keep losing me at the point they start explaining the algorithm itself. Neither provide source code, unfortunately.
I think the Voronoi plane for each point can be constructed using non-Euclidian geometry. What was normally a line on a 2d plane, is now a 'great circle' on the sphere (see Wikipedia:elliptic geometry). It is easy to find which points are on the wrong side of any great circle between two points, by simply rotating the sphere such that the dividing great circle is the equator, and then it's all points on the other hemisphere than the point you're constructing the Voronoi plane for.
This is not the entire answer, but this is where I'd start..
There's a nice Voronoi diagram example program here (including source code for Delphi 5/6).
I think "points on the surface of a sphere" means that you first have to remap them to 2D-coordinates, create the Voronoi diagram and then remap them to sphere surface coordinates. Are the two formulas from Wikipedia UV mapping article working here?
Also notice that the Voronoi diagram will have the wrong topology (it is inside a rectangle and does not "wrap around"), here it could help to copy all the points from (0,0)-(x, y) to the neighbour regions above (0, -y * 2)-(x, 0), below (0, y)-(x, y * 2), left (-x, 0)-(0, y) and right (x, 0)-(x*2, y). I hope you know what I mean, feel free to ask :)
CGAL is working on the "spherical kernel" package, which would allow to compute exactly these kind of things. Unfortunately, is not released yet, but maybe it will be in their next release, since they already mentioned it in a google tech talk in march
If your points are within one hemisphere, you could do a gnomonic projection from spherical to planar coordinates, and then triangulate, since great-circles become straight lines of shortest distance.
Quoting from this reference:
To compute the Delaunay triangulation of points on a sphere, compute their convex hull. If the sphere is the unit sphere at the origin, the facet normals are the Voronoi vertices of the input.
