JMeter encoding issue on "application/soap+msbin1" - jmeter

Working on JMeter and trying to send the soap request to server and shows the below error msg.
Error Msg:- Cannot process the message because the content type 'application/soap+msbin1' was not the expected type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.
We need help to encode XML to 'application/soap+msbin1' format.

Bit late to the party, but I encountered a similar issue - I had a template for SOAP request which uses embedded-binary XML (xop:Include cid="...") and had to scratch my head to figure out how to do that with the stock HTTP Request.
The answer: you can't - not in a simple way. To solve the issue, I ended up customizing JMeter (I also looked at HTTPRawRequest as well but it doesn't seem to support https and I would have to rewrite a lot of the test script to use that). Since HTTP request does 99% of the job, the quickest way to support binary data is to change the source code to handle binary data.
The main issues are two: the Function interface in JMeter is designed around returning String, not byte[]. So already __FileToString() (which I used to read an external binary file to use) encodes the content of the file . Secondly, the HTTP Request Sampler and HTTPHC4Impl itself (excluding the "upload file" bit) encodes the parts of the HTTP request before sending it over to the wire.
Changing that implied changes in Function, AbstractFunction, CompoundVariable and create a new function class FileToStringBinary which encode the binary data in a way that it can be decoded after (by changes made to HTTPHC4Impl).
If I have the time I'll find someplace where to post the idea and the source (can't submit to JMeter because my update to HTTPHC4Impl is limited to handle the specific requests I need to test, where the embedded binary is in a multipart/related part, and I have no time or inclination to handle the general cases), but if you still need help to make it work, drop a line.


JMETER Performance Testing - Dynamic Payload

While doing performance testing via JMETER, I encountered one usecase where the POST request call is taking the dynamic data from the website. So in that case when we run our script it fails as that data is no more available on the website.
Payload looks like given below. It is a POST CALL and the payload is changing everytime.
Could anyone suggest how we can make this payload dynamic when we create a script in JMETER?
I can think of 3 possible options:
Duplicate data is not allowed. If this is the case you can use JMeter Functions like __Random(), __RandomString(), __counter() and so on
The data you're sending needs to be aligned with the data in the application somehow, in this case you can use JDBC PreProcessor in order to build a proper request body basing on the data from the application under test database
The data is present in previous response. In that case it's a matter of simple correlation, the dynamic values should be extracted from the previous response using suitable Post-Processors and variables needs to be sent instead of hard-coded parameters

why Loadrunner Correlation is getting failed

I want to correlate this 181-418-5889 in the following statement: regSend&transferNumber=181-418-5889".
I used the regular web_reg_save_param: But it failed... any suggestion?
You are using the statement in the wrong location, such as using it just before the request is sent containing the correlated value versus just before the location where the response containing the value is sent to the client
You are not receiving the correct page response and as a result you may not be able to collect the value. The page may be an HTTP 200 page but the content could be completely off. Always check for an appropriate expected result
Your left boundary, right boundary and other parameters are incorrect to collect the value you need
You have not been through training and you are being forced by your management to learn this tool via trial and error
1- I am not using the statement in the wrong location since I did find the needed value I want to correlate via the Tree function and put it just before the statement that hold this value
2- The Page is not an HTTP 200
3- The Left and right boundary are correct since I checked the text if it does exist twice in the response body.
4- I know the tool (Loadrunner) but in fact, the application is developed under ZK platform and I am not sure if ZK and Loadrunner are compatible knowing that I did implement the dtid function in my script to have a static desktop id each time I replay the process.

HTTP POST - nameless data VS named data

Our server A notifies 3rd party server B with an XML-formatted message, sent as HTTP POST request. It's us who specify the message format and other aspects of interaction.
We can specify that the XML is sent as
a) raw data (just the XML)
b) single POST parameter having some specific name (say, xml=XML)
The question is which way is better for the 3rd party in general, if we don't know the platform and language they are using.
I thought I had seen some problems in certain languages to easily parse the nameless raw data, though I don't remember any specific case. While my colleague insists that the parameter name is redundant, and it's really better to send the raw data without any name.
If you don't need send extra information in other post parameters the xml parameter name is redundant and innecesary as your teammate said, if the 3rd party waits only for a XML data only send the raw data in the POST body with the correct mime type and encoding and and do not complicate.
The process for Getting raw data is easy in most application server containers, so you dont care about that, most of them uses a Reader to get received data and manipulate it.

meaning of params in a image request

i found sometime image request are passed with prams.
what is the meaning of those prams?
let's have a example.
what is the meaning of the "c=34"
i found it in css, JavaScript file also
It's up to the server that the image request arrives at to do something with any parameters on the image request. There is no standard meaning of those parameters as they can be designed by the server to do anything they want.
To know what those particular parameters do that you're asking about, one would either have to reverse engineer it by looking at the whole application and seeing how they are being used in that application (and try to figure it out) or would have to see the actual server code to see what it does with them.

What are the advantages of using a GET request over a POST request?

Several of my ajax applications in the past have used GET request but now I'm starting to use POST request instead. POST requests seem to be slightly more secure and definitely more url friendly/pretty. Thus, i'm wondering if there is any reason why I should use GET request at all.
I generally set up the question as thus: Does anything important change after the request? (Logging and the like notwithstanding). If it does, it should be a POST request, if it doesn't, it should be a GET request.
I'm glad that you call POST requests "slightly" more secure, because that's pretty much what they are; it's trivial to fake a POST request by a user to a page. Making it a POST request, however, prevents web accelerators or reloads from re-triggering the action accidentally.
As AJAX, there is one more consideration: if you are returning JSON with callback support, be very careful not to put any sensitive data that you don't want other websites to be able to see in there. Wikipedia had a vulnerability along these lines where the user anti-CSRF token was revealed via their JSON API.
All good points, however, in answer to the question, GET requests are more useful in certain scenarios over POST requests:
They can be bookmarked
They can be cached
They're faster
They have known consequences (assuming they don't change data), so visiting them multiple
times is not a problem.
For the sake of posterity, updating this comment with the blog notes re: point #3 here, all credit to Omar AL Zabir (the author of the referenced blog post):
"Atlas by default makes HTTP POST for all AJAX calls. Http POST is
more expensive than Http GET. It transmits more bytes over the wire,
thus taking precious network time and it also makes ASP.NET do extra
processing on the server end. So, you should use Http Get as much as
possible. However, Http Get does not allow you to pass objects as
parameters. You can pass numeric, string and date only. When you make
a Http Get call, Atlas builds an encoded url and makes a hit to that
url. So, you must not pass too much content which makes the url become
larger than 2048 chars. As far as I know, that’s what is the max
length of any url.
Another evil thing about http post is, it’s actually 2 calls. First
browser sends the http post headers and server replies with “HTTP 100
Continue”. When browser receives this, it sends the actual body."
You should use GET where you're doing a request which has no side effects, e.g. just fetching some info. This request can:
Be repeated without any problem - if the browser detects an error it can silently retry
Have its result cached by the browser
Be cached by a proxy
These things are all good. Anything which is only retrieving data (particularly public data) should really be a GET. The server should send sensible Last-Modified: and Expires: headers to allow caching if required.
There is one other difference not mentioned by anyone.
GET requests are passed in the URL string and are therefore subject to a length limit usually dependent on the browser. It seems that most are around 2000 chars.
POST requests can be much much larger - in fact not limited really. So if you're needing to request data from a web server and you're passing in lots of parameter information then a POST request might be the only option.
So, as mentioned before really a GET request is for requesting data (no side effects) while a POST request is generally used for transmitting data back to the server to be stored (with side effects). e.g. Use POST to upload a file. GET to retrieve a file.
There was a time when IE I believe had a very short GET URL string. Some applications like Lotus notes use large numbers of random characters to represent document id's. I had the displeasure of using another product that generated random strings so the page URL was unique each time. The random string was HUGE... and it didn't always work with IE6 from memory.
This might help you to decide where to use GET and where to use POST:
URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST.
POST requests are just as insecure as GETs. The main difference is that POST is used to modify the state of the server application, while GET only requests data from it.
The difference matters when you use clean, "restful" URLs, where the URL itself specifies the resource, and the different methods trigger different actions on the server side.
Perhaps most importantly, GET is book-markable / viewable in url history, and searchable with Google.
POST is important where you don't want the event to be bookmarkable or able to be typed in as a URL - otherwise you (or Google crawling your URLS) could end up accidentally doing things like deleting users from your system, for example.
In GET method, values are visible in the URL
In POST method, values are not visible in the URL.
GET has a limitation on the length of the values, generally 255 characters.
POST has no limitation on the length of the values since they are submitted via the body of HTTP.
GET performs are better compared to POST because of the simple nature of appending the values in the URL.
It has lower performance as compared to GET method because of time spent in including POST values in the HTTP body
This method supports only string data types.
This method supports different data types, such as string, numeric, binary, etc.
GET results can be bookmarked.
POST results cannot be bookmarked.
GET request is often cacheable.
The POST request is hardly cacheable.
GET Parameters remain in web browser history.
Parameters are not saved in web browser history.
Source and more in depth analysis:
