vscode set terminal gopath to match go.gopath - macos

I have a Go project that I'm maintaining with vscode.
I have set the GOPATH for the project using the go.gopath setting in vscode, and this seems to work just fine for the most part.
However, when I open the integrated terminal, and type echo $GOPATH, the value shown is the value from .bashrc not the value from go.gopath.
I need the integrated terminal to respect the GOPATH that's defined by vscode so when I run commands in the terminal, everything runs properly.
I've tried setting values in terminal.integrated.shell.osx and terminal.integrated.shell.osx, but nothing seems to do what I want.
I want the intergrated terminal to understand the proper GOPATH when vscode is opened, and not have to manually set this each time I open an instance of the terminal.
I've found resources that seem like the should work, such as https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/14973 and many others, but nothing seems straight forward.

VSCode uses go.gopath i used for tools like go vet and go import... You will have to export the GOPATH on the integrate terminal with each use or set it in the bashrc... the integrate terminal is just a "clone" of the systems actual terminal. If you read the thread you provided you'll notice that what you want is a feature requests and not a current feature


Why does run fail after I compile a GoLang project to Web Assembly?

I created a Go(lang) project in Visual Studio Code. I created a main.go file that I will compile to WebAssembly, and another main.go that I will run as a server (to serve my Web Assembly glue file).
For reference, I'm following the tutorial here: https://golangbot.com/webassembly-using-go/
In a Visual Studio Code terminal, I do the following:
[cd to my wasm source folder with the first main.go]
${env:GOOS} = "js"
${env:GOARCH} = "wasm"
go build -o ../../assets/json.wasm
[cd to my server folder with the other main.go]
go run main.go
[I get the following error]
exec: "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build3258126417\b001\exe\main": file does not exist
I was able to run this server prior to the build. What's going on?
This should have just run. But now I'm not able to run the server. I get that strange "file does not exist" error.
I spent a lot of time trying to figure this out and finally got it! Here's the deal:
Either or both of the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables that are required by the build go command (for webassembly) seem to conflict with the go run command. I don't know why. I discovered this in a backwards kind of way.
(TLDR: use different terminals to build and run and don't set these environment variables globally -- set them prior to every build. Use the Terminal>Split Terminal to maintain the build settings between tests! ).
Using the Visual Studio Code Powershell terminal, I set these 2 variables (or so I thought) and then ran the build. Then I ran the server to try to see the fruits of my labor and got a strange error in the Chrome console (something about expecting one magic word but receiving another). It turns out this error is fairly generic and after some googling, determined it probably meant something happened with my build. After trying a few more times unsuccessfully to build, I decided to set the environment variables in windows (as SYSTEM variables) so that I didn't have to keep setting them when I did my build.
I built again (still no build errors), but then when I went to run the server, I got the
exec: "C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build3258126417\b001\exe\main": file does not exist
error. At this point, I couldn't run any of my Go servers in any project. Since the only "global" thing I'd done was set those 2 environment variables, I decided to remove them. I could now run my Go servers. But I still couldn't execute my builds in the browser. What's going on??
I figured that since setting the global environment variables had an effect (albeit, a negative effect) whereas I hadn't experienced that issue when manually setting them directly in the terminal prior to each build, then maybe there was something wrong with the way I was setting the variables (I don't use Powershell very often).
After more googling and some experimentation, I discovered the "correct" way to set these variables in the terminal (noted in my original question). So manually setting them (the right way) prior to the build fixed the build issue (it wasn't building correctly since those variables weren't being set properly).
Now I knew the variable were getting set properly because now I was getting that error when I set them manually prior to the build. So now what?
I killed the terminal after build, and then started a new terminal, and the run was successful.
So bottom line: the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables should not be set when running a server, so don't start a server in the same terminal that you used to build the web assembly code!

Can I set a workspace specific alias, rc, or another dotfile for the Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code?

I've looked at the Terminal Profiles documentation but it looks like you can only set args here, not any commands to run like source $cwd/.vscode/.customrc or alias foo='foo cmd'. Any ideas? Trying to achieve specific aliases that only make sense for a single development environment/workspace.

Go extension for Visual Studio Code add a go folder in my GOPATH or the current folder that i open

I am using VScode with the go extension so I created a new folder in my repo folder called go-workspace and change the GOPATH environment variable to that folder (C:\Users\username\Documents\Repo) but when I check the GOPATH detected by VScode using the GO: Current GoPath and the command returns C:\Users\username\Documents\Repo\go-workspace\go. I tried changing the folder but it keeps adding \go to the root folder, I also tried to create a new folder in a different path but it is still not working.
I don't know how you changed the GOPATH environment variable from the question yet. VSCode currently picks up the environment variables from either
Login shell (~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ... see your shell manual) if launched from the system default launcher, or
Inherit the environment from the terminal you invoke the VS Code application (code) even when you open a new vscode window from another vscode window,
(warning: the behavior I described above may change over time :-( )
and VS Code Go extension uses the environment variables VSCode picked up. So, please check if vscode itself picked up your setup.
The last resort is "go.gopath" as you figured out already.
Ive fixed it by adding "go.gopath" in my settings.json in VScode

In VS Code (Go extension), where do I run commands?

From here:
At any point in time, you can run the command Go: Current GOPATH to see the GOPATH being used by the extension.
But... WHERE do I type that command?
Is there a specific command pane I need to open or something?
(I'm on the Mac client, if that's relevant.)
Press Shift Command P, that is the command palette.
From there, type that command.
But, GOPATH is a lot less important with recent Go versions that support Go modules.
Honestly, there are some limited commands with the extension cmd+shift+p but if you want the full range of commands just open the terminal and run what you need.
If you are looking for custom tasks like building in a certain way them up can create them in vscode. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks

where is $PATH set in xcode?

It looks like xcode's $PATH environment setting is different from my user shell environment.
Where does xcode get the $PATH setting from and what's the best way to append to the search path?
if you're writing a Run Shell Script build phase, you can just do:
or whatever inside the script content.
There's some confusion in these answers, as some of them are trying to solve the $PATH for the built executable being run by Xcode. But the question is about Xcode, implying that it's about the build process itself.
For example, in a Build Phase Run Script step that runs an executable installed by Homebrew. It's not a good idea to hard-code the build process to include a path that is specific to one build machine (New macOS versions come out, new developers join the team, etc.)
The problem has multiple layers:
Changing $PATH in bashrc/zshrc/profile takes effect on shell sessions, but not in macOS applications
To solve this, you can set the PATH for applications using:
sudo launchctl config user path $PATH
You will then need to restart your machine for the change to take effect. You will need to run this again if you change your $PATH.
(This came from a comment on GitHub.)
Xcode by default does not use the system $PATH, and replaces it with its own sanitized value
This is solved by changing a User Default. This probably has some risk, since Xcode does this sanitization to ensure that its own build tools are used, and if you have executables with the same name in other places, they might be run instead. Caveat emptor!
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode UseSanitizedBuildSystemEnvironment -bool NO
And it looks like this gets reset on every restart of macOS, so be prepared to issue this command every time you restart.
(This part came from this answer.)
The easiest solution is to add the PATH variable in Xcode.
This applies for OSX 10.7 and earlier ONLY.
XCode gets its environment variables the same way as other OS X processes, from ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist.
Check developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1067.html for details on how to set things.
In Xcode 5 you can add your PATH as a variable to either a target or the project settings.
Add a custom variable with the +sign on the top of the page
Edit the name of the variable to be PATH and add your preferred value (e.g. /usr/local/bin for a default install of homebrew.
If you are talking specifically about the executable search path environment variable named PATH, then there are a few places that it is set:
In your shell settings if it is a command line tool. Depending on your shell, this could be ~/.cshrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.
In the environment.plist file that was mentioned earlier.
If you are in a debugger, then it is whatever gdb uses. I believe that gdb will read commands from ~/.gdbinit if it exists.
XCode lets you set environment variables within the Info page for executables.
This is an update for later versions of macOS and Xcode as things have altered. This is with Xcode 11.0 and macOS 10.14
The biggest issue is that ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist does not get read now.
Build Settings
This means that if in the build you need the PATH set, e.g. for external builds and they run executables there is no simple solution. /etc/paths does not seem to be read either.
The solution is as in #GhostLyrics answer to add the PATH variable in Build Settings. However as noted in comments Xcode will not just use that value but it puts its own values before that. Also it does a straight textual substitution and so you need to also add the separator that PATH uses i.e. the : (colon). The value I have added is :opt/local/bin I also found that you can only do this for a target and not at the project level.
Run Shell Script
This is the simple case as in this answer
or whatever inside the script content.
Alternatively put this change in your non login shell starter file e.g. ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc
Running the executable
This is done in the Schema in the Run portion.
Set PATH in the environment variables as stated in answers here. Note I have not tried this and I am not certain how much of the PATH needs setting.
Xcode doesn't look at your shell path environment.
Have a look at NSProcessInfo; and do an NSLog to see what comes up.
If you want a path to apply to all graphical programs you need to set up the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist. as described.
The recommended way to set the environmen variables are actually in /etc/paths and etc/paths.d although these are also not picked up by Xcode.
I asked about this here.
Nothing was working for me in XCode 7.
You need to set the PATH variable in XCode schemes.
Found the solution at:
Where to set environment variables for app?
Try opening your xcode project from the terminal, this worked for me: open some.xcodeproj
Instead of opening xcode and then loading the project or double clicking on it.
I know... silly
