Oracle Apex: Update selective columns based on column range - oracle

I have columns as 001,002,003 till 254. want to update columns based on start date and end date range. Let's say I have selected start date as 01 Jan and end date as 10 Jan, then table columns 001-010 should get updated with user id, rest columns will be as it is.

Probably with multiple cases
UPDATE YourTable
SET 001 = CASE WHEN 2017-01-01 BETWEEN startRange AND endRange
THEN newValue
ELSE 001
002 = CASE WHEN 2017-01-02 BETWEEN startRange AND endRange
THEN newValue
ELSE 002
xxx = CASE WHEN 2017-0x-0x BETWEEN startRange AND endRange
THEN newValue
ELSE xxx


MDX query count Login occurences over time interval

Im puzzle as to how to build my fact and dimensions to procude the following results:
I want to count the number of occurences of logged people for each time interval.
In this case every 30 mins. It would look like this
Example: Person1 login at 10:05:00 and logout at 12:10:00
Person2 login at 10:45:00 and logout at 11:25:00
Person3 login at 11:05:00 and logout at 14:01:00
TimeStart TimeEnd People logged
00:00:00 00:30:00 0
00:30:00 01:00:00 0
10:00:00 10:30:00 1
10:30:00 11:00:00 2
11:00:00 11:30:00 3
11:30:00 12:00:00 2
12:00:00 12:30:00 2
12:30:00 13:00:00 1
13:00:00 13:30:00 1
13:30:00 14:00:00 1
14:00:00 14:30:00 0
23:30:00 00:00:00 0
So i have a DimTime and DimDate table that contain hour, halfhour, quarterhour
and i have a FactTimestamp table that has the following:
DateLoginID that points to DimDate dateID
DateLogoutID that points to DimDate dateID
TimeLoginID that points to DimTime timeID
TimeLogoutID that points to DimTime timeID
I'd like to know what kind of cube design i would need to achieve that?
Ive done it in sql if that can help:
--Create tmp table for time interval
StartRange time(0),
EndRange time(0),
--Interval set to 30 minutes
DECLARE #Interval int = 30
-- Example with #Date = 2017-07-27: Set starttime at 2017-07-27 00:00:00
DECLARE #StartTime datetime = DATEADD(HOUR,0, #Date)
--Set endtime at 2017-07-27 23:59:59
--Populate tmp table with the time interval. from midnight to 23:59:59
;WITH cSequence AS
#StartTime AS StartRange,
DATEADD(MINUTE, #Interval, #StartTime) AS EndRange
DATEADD(MINUTE, #Interval, EndRange)
FROM cSequence
WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, #Interval, EndRange) <= #EndTime
INSERT INTO #tmp SELECT cast(StartRange as time(0)),cast(EndRange as time(0)) FROM cSequence OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0);
--Insert last record 23:30:00 to 23:59:59
INSERT INTO #tmp (StartRange, EndRange) values ('23:30:00','23:59:59');
SELECT tmp.StartRange as [Interval], COUNT(ts.TimeIn) as [Operators]
FROM #tmp tmp
JOIN Timestamp ts ON
--If timeIn is earlier than StartRange OR within the start/end range
(CAST(ts.TimeIn as time(0)) <= tmp.StartRange OR CAST(ts.TimeIn as time(0)) BETWEEN tmp.StartRange AND tmp.EndRange)
--AND If timeOut is later than EndRange OR within the start/end range
CAST(ts.[TimeOut] as time(0)) >= tmp.EndRange OR CAST(ts.[TimeOut] as time(0)) BETWEEN tmp.StartRange AND tmp.EndRange
GROUP BY tmp.StartRange, tmp.EndRange
Really any kind of hint as to how to achieve it in mdx would be greatly appreciated.
Honestly, I wouldn't do it in MDX against that table structure. Even if you succeed in getting an MDX query that returns that value, and surely it can be done, it will most likely be tremendously complex and hard to maintain and debug, and will probably require multiple passes on the fact table to get the numbers, hurting performance.
I think this is a clear cut case for a periodic snapshot table. Pick your granularity, but even at 1 min snapshots you get 1440 points of data per day for each tuple of all other dimensions. If your login/logout table is large you may need to decrease this to keep its size manageable. In the end, you get a table with time_id, count_of_logins, and whatever other keys you need to other dimensions, and the query you need is just a filter on which time periods you want (give me all hours of the day, but filter on only minutes 00 and 30 of each hour) and the count of total number of logged in users is trivial.

Passing Numeric Variable into Simple oracle query

I have table
123 200 01-SEP-2015
456 500 01-AUG-2015
In my query i want to show date when (date + X months)< sysdate else show null.
I have issue using variable in that query.
Forexample in record 1
(01-SEP-2015 + 3 months) = 01-DEC-2015 is not less than sysdate so, I don't want to show that date.
but on the other hand for second record
(01-AUG-2015 + 3 months) = 01-NOV-2015 is less than sysdate so, I want to show that date.
x number(5);
set x:=3;
case when( ADD_MONTHS(a.DATE, x) < sysdate() )
then a.DATE
end as NEW_DATE
from TableA a;
You need to put an ampersand (&) before the variable name to tell SQL*Plus to substitute in the value of the variable:
x number(5);
set x:=3;
select a.ID,
when ADD_MONTHS(a.DATE, &x) < sysdate then a.DATE
else NULL
end as NEW_DATE
from TableA a;
Also, DATE is a data type in Oracle - don't use it as a column name. You can do that but it's going to cause problems down the line somewhere.
Best of luck.

Showing Different aggregate for different products

I want a code which is used to generate aggregate product by product. The product aggregate can be any like from Year to Date(YTD), Months to Date(MTD) and Quarter to Date(QTD). The user will pass the parameter on that basis the code should decide what kind of output the user wants.
If the Year is passing in the parameter than the code should generate the aggregate from the starting of the year to the sysdate.
If the Quarter No is passing in the parameter than the code should generate the aggregate from the starting of the quarter to the sysdate.
If the Month is passing in the parameter than the code should generate the aggregate from the starting of the month to the sysdate.
It means that on the basis of the parameter it should be able to decide which kind of user want from those 3. My input data is like this-
Product Table
Product_ID Product_name Price
1 Mobile 200
2 T.V. 400
3 Mixer 300
Sales Table-
Product_ID Sales_Date Quantity
1 01-01-2015 30
2 03-01-2015 40
3 06-02-2015 10
1 22-03-2015 30
2 09-04-2015 10
3 21-05-2015 40
1 04-06-2015 40
2 29-07-2015 30
1 31-08-2015 30
3 14-09-2015 30
And my ouput column contains 3 columns that are- Product_id, Product_Name and Total. The column Total_Amount(quantity*price) have to calculate sale on the basis of input given by user and is be something like this-
For example ,
If pro_test is the procedure then
call pro_test('YTD') -- Should Return the ProductWise YTD,
call pro_test('QTD') -- Should Return the ProductWise QTD and so on..
You are looking for a WHERE clause :-) List your conditions with OR and you are done.
coalesce(sum(s.quantity * p.price), 0) as total
from product p
left join sales s on s.product_id = p.product_id
(:aggregate = 'YTD' and to_char(s.sales_date, 'yyyy') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy'))
(:aggregate = 'MTD' and to_char(s.sales_date, 'yyyymm') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymm'))
(:aggregate = 'QTD' and to_char(s.sales_date, 'yyyyq') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyq'))
group by p.product_id, p.product_name;
EDIT: Here is how the corresponding PL/SQL function would look like:
create or replace function matches_date_aggregate(in_sales_date date, in_aggregate char)
return integer as
if (in_aggregate = 'YTD' and to_char(in_sales_date, 'yyyy') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy'))
or (in_aggregate = 'MTD' and to_char(in_sales_date, 'yyyymm') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymm'))
or (in_aggregate = 'QTD' and to_char(in_sales_date, 'yyyyq') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyq')) then
return 1;
return 0;
end if;
end matches_date_aggregate;
Your query's WHERE clause would become:
where matches_date_aggregate(s.sales_date, :aggregate) = 1
The function cannot return BOOLEAN unfortunately, for even though Oracle's PL/SQL knows the BOOLEAN data type, Oracle SQL doesn't.

How to identify duplicate rows having value within data range in oracle

I want to identify rows where value in Name column is same and value in start/ end column lies within range of Start and End value of another row...
for eg. for me row with ID value 4 & 1 are duplicate because they have same value in Name column and value in start column 26 of ID 4 lies within start & End values of ID 1 (24-56)
ID Name Start End
1 Adam 24 56
2 Max 1 5
3 Neil 6 4
4 Adam 26 30
You can use EXISTS for this:
select *
from yourtable y
where exists (
select 1
from yourtable y2
where <>
and =
and (y2.startfield between y.startfield and y.endfield
y.startfield between y2.startfield and y2.endfield))
SQL Fiddle Demo
I wasn't completely sure from your question if the end range had to be included as well. If so, you'll need to add that to the where criteria:
select *
from yourtable y
where exists (
select 1
from yourtable y2
where <>
and =
and ((y2.startfield > y.startfield and y2.endfield < y.endfield)
(y.startfield > y2.startfield and y.endfield < y2.endfield)))

Grouping data by date ranges

I wonder how do I select a range of data depending on the date range?
I have these data in my payment table in format dd/mm/yyyy
Id Date Amount
1 4/1/2011 300
2 10/1/2011 200
3 27/1/2011 100
4 4/2/2011 300
5 22/2/2011 400
6 1/3/2011 500
7 1/1/2012 600
The closing date is on the 27 of every month. so I would like to group all the data from 27 till 26 of next month into a group.
Meaning to say I would like the output as this.
Group 1
1 4/1/2011 300
2 10/1/2011 200
Group 2
1 27/1/2011 100
2 4/2/2011 300
3 22/2/2011 400
Group 3
1 1/3/2011 500
Group 4
1 1/1/2012 600
It's not clear the context of your qestion. Are you querying a database?
If this is the case, you are asking about datetime but it seems you have a column in string format.
First of all, convert your data in datetime data type (or some equivalent, what db engine are you using?), and then use a grouping criteria like this:
GROUP BY datepart(month, dateadd(day, -26, [datefield])), DATEPART(year, dateadd(day, -26, [datefield]))
So, you are in Linq?
Different language, same logic:
.GroupBy(x => DateTime
.ParseExact(x.Date, "dd/mm/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) //Supposed your date field of string data type
If you are going to do this frequently, it would be worth investing in a table that assigns a unique identifier to each month and the start and end dates:
INSERT INTO MonthEndings VALUES(201101, '27/12/2010', '26/01/2011');
INSERT INTO MonthEndings VALUES(201102, '27/01/2011', '26/02/2011');
INSERT INTO MonthEndings VALUES(201103, '27/02/2011', '26/03/2011');
INSERT INTO MonthEndings VALUES(201112, '27/11/2011', '26/01/2012');
You can then group accurately using:
SELECT M.MonthID, P.Id, P.Date, P.Amount
FROM Payments AS P
JOIN MonthEndings AS M ON P.Date BETWEEN M.StartDate and M.EndDate
ORDER BY M.MonthID, P.Date;
Any group headings etc are best handled out of the DBMS - the SQL gets you the data in the correct sequence, and the software retrieving the data presents it to the user.
If you can't translate SQL to LINQ, that makes two of us. Sorry, I have never used LINQ, so I've no idea what is involved.
SELECT *, CASE WHEN datepart(day,date)<27 THEN datepart(month,date)
ELSE datepart(month,date) % 12 + 1 END as group_name
FROM payment
