Is there a way to create a local installation of conda in a completely portable way that will handle all dependencies not currently linkable on the system?
I had thought I could create an isolated, local installation. But it turns out you seem to need links to system packages belonging to root. I think this is the essence of this question, which remains unanswered.
I've been using conda quite a bit with non-root installs on servers. Right now, I'm trying to install it on a Bluehost shared server. They have recently changed the ssh shell to a jailshell that does not allow linking to system packages. I did not realize this would be an obstacle. However...
[/home7/arielbal/miniconda3] >>> /home7/arielbal/test/conda
installing: python-3.6.1-2 ...
tar: bin/2to3: Cannot create symlink to `2to3-3.6': Permission denied
tar: bin/idle3: Cannot create symlink to `idle3.6': Permission denied
tar: bin/pydoc: Cannot create symlink to `pydoc3.6': Permission denied
tar: bin/pydoc3: Cannot create symlink to `pydoc3.6': Permission denied
tar: bin/python: Cannot create symlink to `python3.6': Permission denied
tar: bin/python3: Cannot create symlink to `python3.6': Permission denied
tar: bin/python3-config: Cannot create symlink to `python3.6m-config': Permission denied
tar: bin/python3.6-config: Cannot create symlink to `python3.6m-config': Permission denied
tar: bin/pyvenv: Cannot create symlink to `pyvenv-3.6': Permission denied
tar: lib/ Cannot create symlink to `': Permission denied
tar: share/man/man1/python3.1: Cannot create symlink to `python3.6.1': Permission denied
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Bluehost does allow compiling (unlike, so I actually went through the trouble of compiling the dependencies to get the initial miniconda install. I was eventually able to get that to work. But when I tried to install further packages, I again ran into permissions/linking issues.
I think after assigning all the priviledges to the current login use in terminal you would be able to install miniconda. Please let me know if you trind something different and worked!
You can find the miniconda repository here:
When trying to use "grunt build", I get the following warning
Warning: Running "compass:dist" (compass) task
directory .tmp/styles
error app/styles/main.scss \
(C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/chunky_png-1.4.0/lib/chunky_png/canvas/png_encoding.rb:43:in `initialize': \
Permission denied # rb_sysopen - C:/Users/some folders/.tmp/styles/ui/images/flags-sa787615a22.png)
Compilation failed in 1 files.
Warning: ↑ Use --force to continue.
From what I can understand, it's trying to write an image but it can't because of permissions. I installed Ruby with admin rights and I'm using VS Code's terminal to execute "grunt build", which I also started up as administrator. When going to the properties of the folder SYSTEM, my account and administrators have full control.
I found similar problems, but almost all of the solutions were for Linux (I'm using Windows 11) and as they stated it was because of permission errors, I can't think of anything else than using admin rights.
One day, as my Ubuntu user, there was a problem with my installation of conda,
/home/data/userleo/anaconda3/conda/bin: Permission denied
Even when I gave annaconda3 chmod -R 777, this problem still occurs. So I deleted conda, but when I reinstalled, the following problem appeared,
bash /home/data/userleo/anaconda3/conda.exe
Unpacking payload ... line 381: /home/data/userleo/anaconda3/conda.exe: Permission denied line 383: /home/data/userleo/anaconda3/conda.exe: Permission denied
381 "$CONDA_EXEC" constructor --extract-tar --prefix "$PREFIX"
383 "$CONDA_EXEC" constructor --prefix "$PREFIX" --extract-conda-pkgs || exit 1
How do I get Anaconda to work without permission denied errors?
Assuming you have installed conda correctly , no idea why there is exe with ubuntu .
what you can do is to Check the cached installed earlier , the remaining files in any , and the installed files .
with ls -ld /path/to/folder
you will noticed that root is the owner for some files , then you can change it with chown
I got the Access is denied error as I am trying to pip install a package.
I would not want to run the command window with escalated privileges as I'm doing the work in a VM which the pip install is triggered by an external build agent without admin provilages. I'm using Python 3.7.5.
Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5]
Access is denied: 'c:\program files (x86)\python37-32\lib\site-packages\pip-10.0.1.dist-info\entry_points.txt'
Consider using the --user option or check the permissions
I wonder if either python.exe or pip.exe is still holding on to entry_point.txt therefore stopping a user with normal privilege changing it?
I am working on installing another version of ruby on another server which is CentOS 6.7 When while trying to configure ruby within the tmp directory I receive a:
sudo: unable to execute ./configure: Permission denied
Here is exactly what I am doing leading up to this:
mkdir /tmp/ruby && cd /tmp/ruby
curl --progress | tar xz
cd ruby-2.1.2
./configure --disable-install-rdoc <!-- here is were we fail with permission denied
I am currently logged in as root. I have played around with changing my file permissions and that did not seem to help at all.
Any suggestions?
From this link it appears /tmp is mounted as read-only.
Open /etc/fstab, find the line that mounts your /tmp dir, and remove the noexec flag. Then remount the filesystem (or simply restart your system).
As a side note, you will also want to avoid running ./configure and make as root user. Only when it comes to run make install should you run as root.
I have an issue when TeamCity connects to the git server. We use gitolite
Error message
Failed for the root 'myroot' #84: List remote refs failed: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NoRemoteRepositoryException: git#mygitserver:repo.git: bash: /home/git/.gitolite/src/gl-auth-command: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: Permission denied
This issue occurs intermittently.
Do you have any ideas how can I identify and fix the root cause?
Check if any of the perl script have a ^M (in which case a dos2unix would fix it).
But for the permission denied part, as in this thread, check if the partition is being mounted noexec (mount).
Especially the /tmp one, which can be used (or not used) depending on gitolite operation.
sudo mount -o remount,exec /tmp