'Word2Vec' object has no attribute 'compute_loss' - gensim

I want to know the loss for my w2v model and I upgrade gensim to the latest version, but still can't use the argument compute_loss, am I miss something??

No released version of gensim (through 2.2.0 of June 2017) yet has that feature. It is a work-in-progress in the develop branch, which should appear in a future release.


Support for PHP 7.4? in Propel 1.7.x?

I upgraded to php7.4 on my dev box and am receiving a lot of deprecated errors with Propel 1.7.2. I see there is a closed thread in the support channel indicating fixes are in master, but they sure haven't made it to Propel 1.7.3 at http://propelorm.org/Propel/download.html. Does anyone know if/when the Propel folks are going to release a 1.7.x that is compatible with php74 (php 7.4)?
I wouldn't expeced to much from propel. The Project is more or less dead as of March 21.
As of their official github-page propel1 is outdated and unmaintained. See: https://github.com/propelorm/Propel
Current stable (and outdated and unmaintained) version of Propel -
Please use v2 https://github.com/propelorm/Propel2
Propel2 on the other hand is still in alpha. See: http://propelorm.org/download.html
Note: The version 2 of Propel is still under development. Please visit
http://propelorm.org/Propel/ if you want to use a stable version.
There is also Propel3. Which is not even in alpha yet. See: https://github.com/propelorm/Propel3
Propel3 is an open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for modern
PHP 7.1+. Version 3 of Propel ORM replaces Propel2, which is not
maintained anymore.
Maybe also see the discussion here: https://github.com/propelorm/Propel3/issues/92

When is the right time to update a major version and not minor version in your pom?

I have a utility service x which is in maven repo and is used by some of my other services. We normally update the minor version of the service x when we make small changes and we are currently on version 1.0.15.
No I am making another change and I was thinking whether I should update version to 1.0.16 or I should update the version like 1.1.0.
If anyone can provide an explanation on how this should be done in general, that would I am sure help other developers as well as me. Please let me know if you need further information.
Different projects follow different standards on this, so follow what the repository has done to date.
A well-regarded standard for this is called Semantic Versioning (https://semver.org/). If you are starting a new project or there isn't a standard already in place, I would recommend using this.
Semantic Versions are in the format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
If you have fixed a bug: increase the patch version
If you have introduced new functionality in a non-breaking way: increase the minor version (and reset patch to 0)
If you have introduced breaking changes: increase the major version (and reset the patch and minor version to 0).
If you are unsure whether your change is a breaking change or not - consider your package (or API) from its consumers' perspectives. If their code has to change as a result of your change then it's a breaking change.

What is the meaning of "Major Update backward-incompatible updates" when using Yarn?

I'm using Yarn and when I installed my packages, I wanted to update them. I am really new to this so I having trouble understand what each one meaning.
An explanation would be helpful as I am not getting it from Googling.
(I am using this to install and working with SPFx).
yarn outdated v1.17.3 outdated
info Color legend :
"<red>" : Major Update backward-incompatible updates
"<yellow>" : Minor Update backward-compatible features
"<green>" : Patch Update backward-compatible bug fixes
Edit: - Finally think I understand..
red = Major Update. The updates are NOT backward-compatible.
yellow = Minor Update. The updates have backward-compatible features.
green = Patch Update. The updates are just patches to fix bugs, and are backward-compatible.
Please correct if wrong.
You are quite correct. NPM packages use Semver (Semantic Versioning) to indicate a package version. The version number isn't merely just an incremented number, it tells you a bit about what happened with an upgrade.
So you will most of the time have a version numbers that look like 1.2.3 or (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), where:
MAJOR - Big changes that changes the way the package is used, so you might need to update how you use/call the corresponding package. The update is thus not backward compatible.
MINOR - New functionality was added to the corresponding package, your code doesn't have to change. The change is backward compatible.
PATCH - No features were added, patches normally include bug fixes or small optimisations to a package.
Sometimes there is more meta data in the version number, for example 1.0.0-rc.1
indicates that this is a Release Candidate. Other examples include 1.0.0-alpha or 1.0.0-beta.
You can read more on Semantic Versioning at https://semver.org/

what is the difference between the various versions of gcc?

When I go to gcc's web site https://gcc.gnu.org/, I see 3 current versions: 5.5, 7.2, and 6.4. Unfortunately, there's no explanation anywhere I could see of what the differences between the three might be. One would expect that 7.2 would be the most recent but that doesn't appear to be the case, as they are all relatively recent (in fact 5.5 is more recent than 7.2). Does anyone know what the differences are and why one might be preferable to the others?
Major versions add new features. Minor versions fix bugs. If a bug is found in an earlier major version, a new minor version is released to fix it.

Ruby version syntax, x.x.x-dev, preview, rc, what is the oldest and newest?

I want to ask about naming convention of ruby version.
According to this quesion ruby follows Semantic Versioning, but I could not find about x.x.x-dev and x.x.x-preview syntax in the document.
I think dev comes first and then preview, and at last rc comes up.
Do you know where is the ruby official document that explains about their versioning convention?
I'm not sure this is documented somewhere, however these are the most common conventions used in the Ruby core development
dev means the development version. It's the first stage, no public release. Normally you can download a night build or snapshot
preview is also what other projects normally call beta release.
rc is the release candidate, very close to the release
finally, you have the stable release
