I am trying to figure out a way to access struct from multiple packages with name.
Here is my structure:
package1 contains:
package collector
type NewRule struct {
package2 contains:
package collector
type OldRule struct {
In my main.go:
import "github.com/mypackage/collector"
sliceOfCollector := []string{"NewRule", "OldRule"}
for _, col := range sliceOfCollector{
// How to use the above collector name `col` to create struct instance.
Use reflect.New with struct type. In Go you have to use type to create a new instance dynamically not string.
Example: To create struct instance dynamically, you can do
package main
import "reflect"
import (
func main() {
sliceOfCollector := make([]reflect.Type, 0)
sliceOfCollector = append(sliceOfCollector, reflect.TypeOf((*package1.NewRule)(nil)).Elem()})
sliceOfCollector = append(sliceOfCollector, reflect.TypeOf((*package2.OldRule)(nil)).Elem()})
for _, collectorType := range slice sliceOfCollector {
col := reflect.New(collectorType)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", col)
You can use type assertions after that col.Interface().(*package1.NewRule)
After comment interaction, added following.
Creating a instance using factory method. Just an idea.
func main() {
sliceOfCollector := []string{"NewRule", "OldRule"}
for _, col := range sliceOfCollector {
rule := CreateRuleByName(col)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", rule)
func CreateRuleByName(name string) interface{} {
switch name {
case "NewRule":
return &package1.NewRule{}
case "OldRule":
return &package2.OldRule{}
return nil
I am using protobuf to generate a lot of struct, and I want to use gorm.io to Db.AutoMigrate all the struct in the generate package into the database. But the function func (*gorm.DB).AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) error can only accept variadic struct instance as its parameters. The following code can retrieved all the name of structs is string format.
package main
import (
func main() {
// src is the input for which we want to inspect the AST.
src := `
package service
type Screen struct {
Width float64
Height float64
type Memory struct {
Unit float64
// Create the AST by parsing src.
fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "src.go", src, 0)
if err != nil {
for _, node := range f.Decls {
switch node.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
genDecl := node.(*ast.GenDecl)
for _, spec := range genDecl.Specs {
switch spec.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec:
typeSpec := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
fmt.Printf("Struct: name=%s\n", typeSpec.Name.Name)
My Question is:
This code can got all the name of structs , but the gorm.io need initialize the struct DB.AutoMigrate(&User{}). How can I do create a empty struct that specified by the string of the name at the runtime. eg. the "Screen" ===> &Screen{}.
I trying to implement some way to get the reflect.TypeOf() from a *ast.TypeSpec, to work with the struct without needs to import it in the code (I will explain later). For now I have this project structure:
├─ main.go
└─ entities
├─ costumer.go
└─ person.go
// entities/costumer.go
package entities
import "time"
type Costumer struct {
PersonId int
S *int
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt *time.Time
Goods []struct {
Name string
GoodsId int
func (*Costumer) TableName() string {
return "CustomName"
type Goods2 struct {
Name string
Goods2Id int
// entities/person.go
package entities
type Person struct {
Id int
Name string
Age int
// main.go
package main
import (
// Main aa
func main() {
// Create the AST by parsing src.
fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset
packages, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, "./entities", nil, 0)
if err != nil {
for _, pack := range packages {
for _, file := range pack.Files {
// Inspect the AST and print all identifiers and literals.
ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
switch x := n.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec: // Gets Type assertions
v := x.Type.(*ast.StructType)
for _, field := range v.Fields.List {
for _, name := range field.Names {
// get field.Type as string
var typeNameBuf bytes.Buffer
err := printer.Fprint(&typeNameBuf, fset, field.Type)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed printing %s", err)
fmt.Printf("field %+v has type %+v\n", name.Name, typeNameBuf.String())
return true
And I need some way to get Costumer, Goods2 and Person structs to use in the code. For now I want specifically call the Costumer.TableName method and receive the result of it.
I can't import the package because later it will be a CLI and will recive just the folder to parse/inspect (parser.ParseDir(fset, "<folder goes here>", nil, 0))
So any ideas, suggestions or tips?
A long time passed and I find a way:
After you parsed a AST file and get the structs from package, you could use reflection to create a struct in runtime with the following:
t := reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{
Name: "A",
Type: reflect.TypeOf(int(0)),
Tag: `json:"a"`,
Name: "B",
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
Tag: `json:"B"`,
// Other fields ...
d := reflect.New(t).Interface() // Here you recived a struct as interface. And that's it.
Is possible to reflect an struct from ast in Go[...]?
No, you must redesign.
Let's say we have a library provide a function Double to double the integer, we use pointer i to get the result value not by return:
package api
type Action interface {
Double(i *int) error
type NUM struct{}
func (n NUM) Double(i *int) error {
*i *= 2
return nil
in our main function we use this library to do our task. like this:
package app
import (
func main() {
j := job{a: &api.NUM{}}
d := j.task(3)
fmt.Println(3, d)
type job struct {
a api.Action
// double me
func (j job) task(i int) int {
return i
Now we need to test the task() function, how can we get the pointer return bye mock the Double function?
Here is the test:
package app
import (
func TestReq(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
m := mocks.NewMockAction(ctrl)
j := job{a: m}
got := j.task(3)
if got != 6 {
t.Errorf("got = %#v; want 6", got)
The code here: https://github.com/hotsnow/mock.git (stackoverflow branch)
you can use gomock setarg function for this
yourPackage.EXPECT().insert(&pointer).SetArg(0, newPointer)
You can achieve this with the provided Eq() matcher, which internally calls reflect.DeepEqual() on the expected and actual values; as per the documentation for this method:
Pointer values are deeply equal if they are equal using Go's == operator or if they point to deeply equal values.
Say we have a function that depends upon an interface method that takes a pointer parameter:
package resource
type ServiceRequest struct {
Name string
Owner *string // this is a pointer so it can be omitted with `nil`
type Model struct {
// resource model...
type ResourceService interface {
Fetch(req *ServiceRequest) (Model, error)
type getResourceHandler struct {
resourceService ResourceService
type GetResourceEvent struct {
Resource string
Owner *string
func NewResourceHandler(resourceService ResourceService) *getResourceHandler {
return &getResourceHandler{resourceService}
func (h *getResourceHandler) Handle(event GetResourceEvent) (Model, error) {
return h.resourceService.Fetch(&ServiceRequest{event.Resource, event.Owner})
We can use the Eq() matcher when setting up the expectation against our generated mock of the ResourceService interface:
package test
import (
func optionalString(str string) *string {
return &str
func Test_GetResourceHandler_ReturnsResultFromService(t *testing.T) {
resourceName := "my-resource"
owner := optionalString("Joe Bloggs")
resourceReq := &resource.ServiceRequest{resourceName, owner}
event := resource.GetResourceEvent{resourceName, owner}
model := resource.Model{ /* fields here... */ }
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
mockResourceService := mock.NewMockResourceService(ctrl)
handler := resource.NewResourceHandler(mockResourceService)
mockResourceService.EXPECT().Fetch(gomock.Eq(resourceReq)).Return(model, nil)
res, err := handler.Handle(event)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, model, res)
If you change the contents of the service request in either the test or the unit under test, you'll see that the test no longer passes. Otherwise, it will pass in spite of the test and the unit under test having their own respective pointers to separate ServiceRequest{} values.
It seems you don't have to use gomock to test the task method.
Since you have an interface, why not just create a mock implementation of the interface, for example:
type dummy struct{
callCount int
func (d *dummy) Double(i *int) error {
return nil
d := dummy{}
j := job{a: &d}
got := j.task(3)
if d.callCount != 1 {
// XXX
What is the way of printing "Foo" here? In this example, what prints is "string".
type A struct {
Foo string
func (a *A) PrintFoo() {
fmt.Println("Foo value is " + a.Foo)
func main() {
a := &A{Foo: "afoo"}
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(a))
You want val.Type().Field(0).Name. The Field method on reflect.Type will return a struct describing that field, which includes the name, among other information.
There is no way to retrieve the field name for a reflect.Value representing a particular field value, since that is a property of the containing struct.
I think the better way to get the fields' name in the struct is
func main() {
a := &A{Foo: "afoo"}
val := reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()
for i:=0; i<val.NumField();i++{
There are two tips:
use .Elem() after you reflect.ValueOf(a), because in your case, a is a pointer.
val.Field(i).Type().Name is totally different from val.Type().Field(i).Name. The latter one can get the name of the field in the struct
Hope that it is helpful..
If you want to have a look at more cases, please check my 2mins article
You need to Get the Field of the Type Definition not of the Value.
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type A struct {
Foo string
func (a *A) PrintFoo() {
fmt.Println("Foo value is " + a.Foo)
func main() {
a := &A{Foo: "afoo"}
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(a))
With the new Names method of the structs package it's even more easier:
package main
import (
type A struct {
Foo string
Bar int
func main() {
names := structs.Names(&A{})
fmt.Println(names) // ["Foo", "Bar"]
You can also use https://github.com/fatih/structs
// Convert the fields of a struct to a []*Field
fields := s.Fields()
for _, f := range fields {
fmt.Printf("field name: %+v\n", f.Name())
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type A struct {
Foo string
func (a *A) PrintFoo() {
fmt.Println("Foo value is " + a.Foo)
func main() {
a := &A{Foo: "afoo"}
//long and bored code
t := reflect.TypeOf(*a)
if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
} else {
fmt.Println("not a stuct")
//shorthanded call
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(*a).Field(0).Name)//can panic if no field exists
You can use this function, which takes the struct as the first parameter, and then its fields. It returns the map type, which is convenient to use
If you use fields from another structure, nothing will happen
If you try to use a different type, it will cause panic
Note that the field has an ordinal number according to the list (starting from 0). All fields in the structure must start with uppercase
func GetStructFieldName(Struct interface{}, StructField ...interface{}) (fields map[int]string) {
fields = make(map[int]string)
s := reflect.ValueOf(Struct).Elem()
for r := range StructField {
f := reflect.ValueOf(StructField[r]).Elem()
for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
valueField := s.Field(i)
if valueField.Addr().Interface() == f.Addr().Interface() {
fields[i] = s.Type().Field(i).Name
return fields
Full example and playground
package main
import (
type Example struct {
Apple bool
Pear int
func GetStructFieldName(Struct interface{}, StructField ...interface{}) (fields map[int]string) {
fields = make(map[int]string)
for r := range StructField {
s := reflect.ValueOf(Struct).Elem()
f := reflect.ValueOf(StructField[r]).Elem()
for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
valueField := s.Field(i)
if valueField.Addr().Interface() == f.Addr().Interface() {
fields[i] = s.Type().Field(i).Name
return fields
func main() {
e := Example{}
names := GetStructFieldName(&e, &e.Apple, &e.Pear)
fmt.Println(names[0], names[1])
for i := range names {
/* Output:
map[0:Apple 1:Pear]
Apple Pear
In Go, how do you create the instance of an object from its type at run time? I suppose you would also need to get the actual type of the object first too?
I am trying to do lazy instantiation to save memory.
In order to do that you need reflect.
package main
import (
func main() {
// one way is to have a value of the type you want already
a := 1
// reflect.New works kind of like the built-in function new
// We'll get a reflected pointer to a new int value
intPtr := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(a))
// Just to prove it
b := intPtr.Elem().Interface().(int)
// Prints 0
// We can also use reflect.New without having a value of the type
var nilInt *int
intType := reflect.TypeOf(nilInt).Elem()
intPtr2 := reflect.New(intType)
// Same as above
c := intPtr2.Elem().Interface().(int)
// Prints 0 again
You can do the same thing with a struct type instead of an int. Or anything else, really. Just be sure to know the distinction between new and make when it comes to map and slice types.
As reflect.New doesn't automatically make reference types used in struct fields, you could use something like the following to recursively initialize those field types (note the recursive struct definition in this example):
package main
import (
type Config struct {
Name string
Meta struct {
Desc string
Properties map[string]string
Users []string
func initializeStruct(t reflect.Type, v reflect.Value) {
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
f := v.Field(i)
ft := t.Field(i)
switch ft.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
case reflect.Slice:
f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(ft.Type, 0, 0))
case reflect.Chan:
f.Set(reflect.MakeChan(ft.Type, 0))
case reflect.Struct:
initializeStruct(ft.Type, f)
case reflect.Ptr:
fv := reflect.New(ft.Type.Elem())
initializeStruct(ft.Type.Elem(), fv.Elem())
func main() {
t := reflect.TypeOf(Config{})
v := reflect.New(t)
initializeStruct(t, v.Elem())
c := v.Interface().(*Config)
c.Meta.Properties["color"] = "red" // map was already made!
c.Meta.Users = append(c.Meta.Users, "srid") // so was the slice.
You can use reflect.Zero() which will return the representation of the zero value of the struct type. (similar to if you did var foo StructType) This is different from reflect.New() as the latter will dynamically allocate the struct and give you a pointer, similar to new(StructType)
Here's a basic example like Evan Shaw gave, but with a struct:
package main
import (
func main() {
type Product struct {
Name string
Price string
var product Product
productType := reflect.TypeOf(product) // this type of this variable is reflect.Type
productPointer := reflect.New(productType) // this type of this variable is reflect.Value.
productValue := productPointer.Elem() // this type of this variable is reflect.Value.
productInterface := productValue.Interface() // this type of this variable is interface{}
product2 := productInterface.(Product) // this type of this variable is product
product2.Name = "Toothbrush"
product2.Price = "2.50"
Per newacct's response, using Reflect.zero it would be:
var product Product
productType := reflect.TypeOf(product) // this type of this variable is reflect.Type
productValue := reflect.Zero(productType) // this type of this variable is reflect.Value
productInterface := productValue.Interface() // this type of this variable is interface{}
product2 := productInterface.(Product) // the type of this variable is Product
This is a great article on the basics of reflection in go.
You don't need reflect and you can do this easy with factory pattern if they share the same interface:
package main
import (
// Interface common for all classes
type MainInterface interface {
GetId() string
// First type of object
type FirstType struct {
Id string
func (ft *FirstType) GetId() string {
return ft.Id
// FirstType factory
func InitializeFirstType(id string) MainInterface {
return &FirstType{Id: id}
// Second type of object
type SecondType struct {
Id string
func (st *SecondType) GetId() string {
return st.Id
// SecondType factory
func InitializeSecondType(id string) MainInterface {
return &SecondType{Id: id}
func main() {
// Map of strings to factories
classes := map[string]func(string) MainInterface{
"first": InitializeFirstType,
"second": InitializeSecondType,
// Create a new FirstType object with value of 10 using the factory
newObject := classes["first"]("10")
// Show that we have the object correctly created
fmt.Printf("%v\n", newObject.GetId())
// Create a new SecondType object with value of 20 using the factory
newObject2 := classes["second"]("20")
// Show that we have the object correctly created
fmt.Printf("%v\n", newObject2.GetId())