How to hide the metadata of the article (about us)? (Joomla 3.7.3) - joomla

I'm trying to hide the date of publication of the article and anoter metadata.The visibility of these metadata on the "about us" page is rather unacceptable. Removing this from the template will not solve the problem, because in other places I need to have information about it.
Maybe someone knows another way to create a site about us?

Probably you have to hide it in "about us" menu item too


How do I change the text "There are no articles in this category" in Joomla 3?

I am looking to customize the wording that displays when there are no articles in a category for a category blog. Right now, Joomla displays "There are no articles in this category. If subcategories display on this page, they may contain articles."
I know how to turn this message off, but I can't seem to find where I can edit the text, or override it. I've searched through all the Joomla files (Find phrase in Dreamweaver in all files) and nothing came up.
Thanks for your help.
You should utilize the Joomla Language Manager under Extension Manager in the Joomla Administrator. Just select Language Override, click New, and search for your phrase.
Here is the Joomla docs for this:
This will ensure that when Joomla core is updated you don't loose the change. Otherwise you would need to hack the Joomla core files which is a very bad idea.

Joomla show content article in a other article

Does anyone know if it's possible to show the content of one article in another article
I got a page for visitors and i got a page for members (both different template).
both have a link to the same article, is it possible to link them to the same article with keeping their own template?
I think its possible to make a new article to show the content of the original article,
but i dont know how.
Please help!
Please try to make two menu items and set the template selection there.

Joomla 2.5 + How to display the category in the url

I was hoping someone could help me. I've searched high and low for an answer for this one, and I haven't been able to find the exact answer (even within the forum).
How can I display the category name in the url in Joomla (v2.5). I have 2 categories in my site so far. For example, I have a category called Refrigeration. I created an article called test and put it under the Refrigeration category. But for some reason, it will only display in the URL as:
I would like it to display like this:
I know you can create a hidden menu, using the category (such as "Refrigeration") as the parent, and placing the related articles underneath that category (ie - with "Refrigeration" as their parent). But this seems rather inefficient. I just really want to be able to separate my articles on the site into different categories, and have that category display in the url.
Or, is the only way to accomplish this to install an SEF extension?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to provide further information.
The default Joomla SEF functions solely on the menus structure. It's hard to believe, but once you accept that Joomla Menu's aren't for actually "building menus" and more for build url / site structure, life will become a bit easier.
To do what you want, you can create the hidden menu for each category, and it should work without having to put each article as a menu item underneath in the hidden menu. However, it would be much easier to use a SEF component to handle it for you. There may be some lightweight plugins available, but I haven't seen one.
SEF components can be found here:

Collaborative Choose-Your-Own-Adventure system... how do i build it?

I've had this idea bouncing around in my head, and I decided I'm going to do it and learn a little in the process.
Okay, if you don't mind, I'm going to pitch my website project to you.
It is based on collaboration, so I thought MediaWiki would be the best place to start, but I don't know where to go from here. I also checked out SemanticMediaWiki and SemanticForms, but it doesn't seem to do what I want.
My project is a site revolving around Multiple Choice Adventures. There are already sites that do this, like but I aim to have it entirely user friendly.
On that site, users must employ wiki markup effectively and set up the links manually. That's functional and effective, but I want it to be totally user friendly.
I want the links and content submission to be a fluid process with no worrying about wiki markup.
Here's what I want:
A user creates a top level page. A new story. (Possibly a category?) He titles it "Knights and Princesses".
He is asked to fill in the story text. He writes, "You are a handsome knight with a brand new sword. A dragon is swooping towards you."
He saves the page.
The page now contains the title, the story text, and a link/button saying "Add a new story branch".
A second user comes along. He reads this page, and clicks "Add a new story branch".
He is prompted to fill in a form. Absolutely no technical markup or manual editing.
He fills in his chosen title "Run Away".
He fills in his story text "The dragon chases you as you flee, but you concentrate on running as fast as you can. You notice a rabbit hopping along side you."
He saves the page.
Two things happen.
1: The previous page is automatically updated. Above the link "Add a new story branch" a new link appears, titled "Run Away". This new button links to the new page.
2: The new page is published with the title, the story text, and also a link/button saying "Add a new story branch".
Anyone can come along, click that button, write a new page, and the links will be added seamlessly. No need for messing with editing the page and adding wiki markup or URLs.
In addition, I hope to have the ability to categorize stories by adult content,and have a method to police and filter that.
I hope to have the ability for the original authors of a new story to define what the permissions will be, i.e. "Authorized users only", "anyone can edit", "only registered users".
I hope to have the ability for only original authors to lock certain pages from being edited.
I hope to have the ability for authors to make stories private for a select group of users.
I hope to enable users to edit story text without seeing nasty code and markup.
Am I dreaming here, or is this possible with MediaWiki? I am only experienced in Joomla and MediaWiki.
Do I need to learn a web framework? (Rails, Django, Pylons, etc) Where do I start? Are there solutions that are already geared toward my project?
Thanks for the advice!
This definitely sounds doable. Did you know that one of the original iterations of was built on mediawiki? Mediawiki is very flexible software, and with a little bit of technical know-how and time you will have no problem accomplishing this.
In fact, I bet if you made it an open source project others would help you.
If you want heavy access control (access control lists, extra privileges for the creator of the pages etc.) then MediaWiki is not a good match.
If you want easy-to-use WYSIWYG editing which does not hinder collaboration, then it is again not a good match (though it is coming along, and I am not sure there is a good match currently).
For the automatic creation of links, I think Semantic MediaWiki is the right tool. You need to define a precedes-follows relationship, use semantic forms or something similar to create new pages which reference the current page as predecessor, and list the names of following pages on the bottom of each page.

Get preview link to article before publishing

In Joomla 1.5, I created an article. Before publishing it, I want to send a preview URL to my colleagues (they are not registered to Joomla).
I'm looking for something like adding task=preview to the URL and it would show the article.
It would be enough if the article would be normally published but would not be displayed on the main page in the latest news. I tried to set "Front Page" to "No" but without success.
How can I solve the problem?
Joomla! 1.5 doesn't have a feature like this and from the way it's built I'm not sure it's possible without modifying the core com_content files. You could try a search of the Joomla! Extension Directory to see if someone has implemented what you're after.
In the meantime if the article is turning up on the websites front page even when you've set it not to - then the front page must be using a Section/Category Blog page style rather than a Joomla Frontpage page. In this case you could find out which category is set to show on the menu item being used for the front page and then temporarily change your article to another that doesn't appear there.
Once you've got it in another Category you should be able to get a link to the article by doing a search from the front end (assuming you don't want to create a menu link).
try creating a new category called Preview and since that wouldn't have been assigned to any pages yet, it should not appear. If you have trouble finding the article then, you could temporarily publish it either on the home page or somewhere in the menu. Then when you have found and copied the url, you can remove the article from the home page or menu or wherever you temporarily have it appear.
If you should ever want several 'preview' articles appearing on one page, create a new menu item, assign it to the Preview category you made, and in System Parameters, click on Show Title: 'No' so it doesn't appear in the menu. I don't know about what shows up in Google for example so if it's sensitive data I can't say it won't show in search engines, it probably will.
It probably appears on the Front Page because as you say it's part of the 'latest news' module. You could also try removing it from the module feed, but a new category is what I'd do.
I just selected Section: "Uncategorised" and the article went out from the latest news. Hope it's not accessible any other way in the current setup (there is no search function hopefully). It's not a cleanest solution, but it seems to work.
