CPLEX giving different OPTIMAL solutions with very different objective values - algorithm

When running CPLEX on the same ILP problem (exactly the same input file):
With MIPEmphasis = 3 I get an objective value of 6.81613e-06
With MIPEmphasis = 4 I get an objective value of 1.03858
In both cases, CPLEX returns an OPTIMAL status.
From the CPLEX user manual:
To make clear a point that has been alluded to so far: every choice of MIPEmphasis results in the search algorithm proceeding in a manner that eventually will find and prove an optimal solution, or will prove that no integer feasible solution exists. The choice of emphasis only guides CPLEX to produce feasible solutions in a way that is in keeping with the user's particular purposes, but the accuracy and completeness of the algorithm is not sacrificed in the process.
Am I missing something here? I am facing this problem not only with the MIPEmphasis parameter, but with other parameters as well (ScaInd for example), where by varying the parameter I get different OPTIMAL solutions that greatly vary in quality.
Here's some more info which I can't seem to decipher.
For MIPEmphasis = 3:
Maximum condition number = 5.03484e+12,
Attention level = 0.290111,
Suspicious bases: 0.0111111,
Unstable bases = 0.966667,
Ill-posed bases = 0,
CPLEX Status = `OptimalTol`
For MIPEmphasis = 4:
Maximum condition number = 4.73342e+08,
Attention level = 0.00925,
Suspicious bases: 0.925,
Unstable bases = 0,
Ill-posed bases = 0,
CPLEX Status = `Optimal`

This looks like numerical-trouble which is common and depends greatly on your modelling (e.g. usage of big-M constants).
I never used CPLEX, but this official page talks about ill-conditioned MIP models.
Small excerpt relevant here:
You should reconsider your model if CPLEX reports any ill-posed bases or more than 5% unstable bases.
In your case A, you got more than 95% unstable bases:
For MIPEmphasis = 3: .... Unstable bases = 0.966667 ...
So it's quite possible, that the result of A can't be trusted. Furthermore i would try to reformulate my model.
If we look at B, you got > 92.5% suspicious bases, so maybe even in this case the model is asking for trouble.
As i'm not familiar with all the tunings and defaults, i can't give any insight on the source of these pretty different computational results in regards to your MIPEmphasis and co. (maybe generating more cutting-planes due to MIPEmphasis result in a more stable problem; just guessing).


Hashing algorithms for data summary

I am on the search for a non-cryptographic hashing algorithm with a given set of properties, but I do not know how to describe it in Google-able terms.
Problem space: I have a vector of 64-bit integers which are mostly linearlly distributed throughout that space. There are two exceptions to this rule: (1) The number 0 occurs considerably frequently and (2) if a number x occurs, it is more likely to occur again than 2^-64. The goal is, given two vectors A and B, to have a convenient mechanism for quickly detecting if A and B are not the same. Not all vectors are of fixed size, but any vector I wish to compare to another will have the same size (aka: a size check is trivial).
The only special requirement I have is I would like the ability to "back out" a piece of data. In other words, given A[i] = x and a hash(A), it should be cheap to compute hash(A) for A[i] = y. In other words, I want a non-cryptographic hash.
The most reasonable thing I have come up with is this (in Python-ish):
# Imagine this uses a Mersenne Twister or some other seeded RNG...
NUMS = generate_numbers(seed)
def hash(a):
out = 0
for idx in range(len(a)):
out ^= a[idx] ^ NUMS[idx]
return out
def hash_replace(orig_hash, idx, orig_val, new_val):
return orig_hash ^ (orig_val ^ NUMS[idx]) ^ (new_val ^ NUMS[idx])
It is an exceedingly simple algorithm and it probably works okay. However, all my experience with writing hashing algorithms tells me somebody else has already solved this problem in a better way.
I think what you are looking for is called homomorphic hashing algorithm and it has already been discussed Paillier cryptosystem.
As far as I can see from that discussion, there are no practical implementation nowadays.
The most interesting feature, the one for which I guess it fits your needs, is that:
H(x*y) = H(x)*H(y)
Because of that, you can freely define the lower limit of your unit and rely on that property.
I've used the Paillier cryptosystem a few years ago (there was a Java implementation somewhere, but I don't have anymore the link) during my studies, but it's far more complex in respect of what you are looking for.
It has interesting feature under certain constraints, like the following one:
n*C(x) = C(n*x)
Again, it looks to me similar to what you are looking for, so maybe you should search for this family of hashing algorithms. I'll have a try with Google searching for a more specific link.
This one is quite interesting, but maybe it is not a viable solution because of your space that is [0-2^64[ (unless you accept to deal with big numbers).

metafor() non-negative sampling variance

I am trying to learn meta regression using the metafor() package. In running
one of the mixed regression models, I received an error indicating
"There are outcomes with non-positive sampling variances."
I am at lost as to how to proceed with this error. I understand that certain
model statistics (e.g., I^2 and QE) cannot be computed with due to the
presence of non-positive sampling variances. However, I am not sure whether
these results can be interpreted similarly as we would have otherwise. I
also tried using other estimators and/or the unweighted option; the error
still persists.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
First of all, to clarify: You are getting a warning, not an error.
Aside from that, I can't think of many situations where it is reasonable to assume that the sampling variance is really equal to 0 in a particular study. I would first question whether this really makes sense. This is why the rma() function is generating this warning message -- to make the user aware of this situation and question whether this really is intended/reasonable.
But suppose that we really want to go through with this, then you have to use an estimator for tau^2 that can handle this (e.g., method="REML" -- which is actually the default). If the estimate of tau^2 ends up equal to 0 as well, then the model cannot be fitted at all (due to division by zero -- and then you get an error). If you do end up with a positive estimate of tau^2, then the results should be okay (but things like the Q-test, I^2, or H^2 cannot be computed then).

Is it worth it to rewrite an if statement to avoid branching?

Recently I realized I have been doing too much branching without caring the negative impact on performance it had, therefore I have made up my mind to attempt to learn all about not branching. And here is a more extreme case, in attempt to make the code to have as little branch as possible.
Hence for the code
A = C; //A and C have to be the same type here obviously
expression can be A == B, or Q<=B, it could be anything that resolve to true or false, or i would like to think of it in term of the result being 1 or 0 here
I have come up with this non branching version
A += (expression)*(C-A); //Edited with thanks
So my question would be, is this a good solution that maximize efficiency?
If yes why and if not why?
Depends on the compiler, instruction set, optimizer, etc. When you use a boolean expression as an int value, e.g., (A == B) * C, the compiler has to do the compare, and the set some register to 0 or 1 based on the result. Some instruction sets might not have any way to do that other than branching. Generally speaking, it's better to write simple, straightforward code and let the optimizer figure it out, or find a different algorithm that branches less.
Jeez, no, don't do that!
Anyone who "penalize[s] [you] a lot for branching" would hopefully send you packing for using something that awful.
How is it awful, let me count the ways:
There's no guarantee you can multiply a quantity (e.g., C) by a boolean value (e.g., (A==B) yields true or false). Some languages will, some won't.
Anyone casually reading it is going observe a calculation, not an assignment statement.
You're replacing a comparison, and a conditional branch with two comparisons, two multiplications, a subtraction, and an addition. Seriously non-optimal.
It only works for integral numeric quantities. Try this with a wide variety of floating point numbers, or with an object, and if you're really lucky it will be rejected by the compiler/interpreter/whatever.
You should only ever consider doing this if you had analyzed the runtime properties of the program and determined that there is a frequent branch misprediction here, and that this is causing an actual performance problem. It makes the code much less clear, and its not obvious that it would be any faster in general (this is something you would also have to measure, under the circumstances you are interested in).
After doing research, I came to the conclusion that when there are bottleneck, it would be good to include timed profiler, as these kind of codes are usually not portable and are mainly used for optimization.
An exact example I had after reading the following question below
Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?
I tested my code on C++ using that, that my implementation was actually slower due to the extra arithmetics.
For this case below
if(expression) //branched version
A += C;
A += (expression)*(C); //non-branching version
The timing was as of such.
Branched Sorted list was approximately 2seconds.
Branched unsorted list was aproximately 10 seconds.
My implementation (whether sorted or unsorted) are both 3seconds.
This goes to show that in an unsorted area of bottleneck, when we have a trivial branching that can be simply replaced by a single multiplication.
It is probably more worthwhile to consider the implementation that I have suggested.
** Once again it is mainly for the areas that is deemed as the bottleneck **

SVM training performance

I'm using SVMLib to train a simple SVM over the MNIST dataset. It contains 60.000 training data. However, I have several performance issues: the training seems to be endless (after a few hours, I had to shut it down by hand, because it doesn't respond). My code is very simple, I just call ovrtrain on the dataset without any kernel and any special constants:
function features = readFeatures(fileName)
[fid, msg] = fopen(fileName, 'r', 'ieee-be');
header = fread(fid, 4, "int32" , 0, "ieee-be");
if header(1) ~= 2051
fprintf("Wrong magic number!");
M = header(2);
rows = header(3);
columns = header(4);
features = fread(fid, [M, rows*columns], "uint8", 0, "ieee-be");
function labels = readLabels(fileName)
[fid, msg] = fopen(fileName, 'r', 'ieee-be');
header = fread(fid, 2, "int32" , 0, "ieee-be");
if header(1) ~= 2049
fprintf("Wrong magic number!");
M = header(2);
labels = fread(fid, [M, 1], "uint8", 0, "ieee-be");
labels = readLabels("train-labels.idx1-ubyte");
features = readFeatures("train-images.idx3-ubyte");
model = ovrtrain(labels, features, "-t 0"); % doesn't respond...
My question: is it normal? I'm running it on Ubuntu, a virtual machine. Should I wait longer?
I don't know whether you took your answer or not, but let me tell you what I predict about your situation. 60.000 examples is not a lot for a power trainer like LibSVM. Currently, I am working on a training set of 6000 examples and it takes 3-to-5 seconds to train. However, the parameter selection is important and that is the one probably taking long time. If the number of unique features in your data set is too high, then for any example, there will be lots of zero feature values for non-existing features. If the tool is implementing data scaling on your training set, then most probably those lots of zero feature values will be scaled to a certain non-zero value, leaving you astronomic number of unique and non-zero valued features for each and every example. This is very very complicated for a SVM tool to get in and extract efficient parameter values.
Long story short, if you had enough research on SVM tools and understand what I mean, you either assign parameter values in the training command before executing it or find a way to decrease the number of unique features. If you haven't, go on and download the latest version of LibSVM, read the ReadME files as well as the FAQ from the website of the tool.
If non of these is the case, then sorry for taking your time:) Good luck.
It might be an issue of convergence given the characteristics of your data.
Check the kernel you have as default selection and change it. Also, check the stopping criterion of the package. Additionally, if you are looking for faster implementation, check MSVMpack which is a parallel implementation of SVM.
Finally, feature selection in your case is desired. You can end up with a good feature subset of almost half of what you have. In addition, you need only a portion of data for training e.g. 60~70 % are sufficient.
First of all 60k is huge data for training.Training that much data with linear kernel will take hell of time unless you have a supercomputing. Also you have selected a linear kernel function of degree 1. Its better to use Gaussian or higher degree polynomial kernel (deg 4 used with the same dataset showed a good tranning accuracy). Try to add the LIBSVM options for -c cost -m memory cachesize -e epsilon tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001). First run 1000 samples with Gaussian/ polynomial of deg 4 and compare the accuracy.

Is there a way to predict unknown function value based on its previous values

I have values returned by unknown function like for example
# this is an easy case - parabolic function
# but in my case function is realy unknown as it is connected to process execution time
[0, 1, 4, 9]
is there a way to predict next value?
Not necessarily. Your "parabolic function" might be implemented like this:
def mindscrew
#nums ||= [0, 1, 4, 9, "cat", "dog", "cheese"]
You can take a guess, but to predict with certainty is impossible.
You can try using neural networks approach. There are pretty many articles you can find by Google query "neural network function approximation". Many books are also available, e.g. this one.
If you just want data points
Extrapolation of data outside of known points can be estimated, but you need to accept the potential differences are much larger than with interpolation of data between known points. Strictly, both can be arbitrarily inaccurate, as the function could do anything crazy between the known points, even if it is a well-behaved continuous function. And if it isn't well-behaved, all bets are already off ;-p
There are a number of mathematical approaches to this (that have direct application to computer science) - anything from simple linear algebra to things like cubic splines; and everything in between.
If you want the function
Getting esoteric; another interesting model here is genetic programming; by evolving an expression over the known data points it is possible to find a suitably-close approximation. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Not the language you were looking for, but Jason Bock shows some C# code that does this in .NET 3.5, here: Evolving LINQ Expressions.
I happen to have his code "to hand" (I've used it in some presentations); with something like a => a * a it will find it almost instantly, but it should (in theory) be able to find virtually any method - but without any defined maximum run length ;-p It is also possible to get into a dead end (evolutionary speaking) where you simply never recover...
Use the Wolfram Alpha API :)
Yes. Maybe.
If you have some input and output values, i.e. in your case [0,1,2,3] and [0,1,4,9], you could use response surfaces (basicly function fitting i believe) to 'guess' the actual function (in your case f(x)=x^2). If you let your guessing function be f(x)=c1*x+c2*x^2+c3 there are algorithms that will determine that c1=0, c2=1 and c3=0 given your input and output and given the resulting function you can predict the next value.
Note that most other answers to this question are valid as well. I am just assuming that you want to fit some function to data. In other words, I find your question quite vague, please try to pose your questions as complete as possible!
In general, no... unless you know it's a function of a particular form (e.g. polynomial of some degree N) and there is enough information to constrain the function.
e.g. for a more "ordinary" counterexample (see Chuck's answer) for why you can't necessarily assume n^2 w/o knowing it's a quadratic equation, you could have f(n) = n4 - 6n3 + 12n2 - 6n, which has for n=0,1,2,3,4,5 f(n) = 0,1,4,9,40,145.
If you do know it's a particular form, there are some options... if the form is a linear addition of basis functions (e.g. f(x) = a + bcos(x) + csqrt(x)) then using least-squares can get you the unknown coefficients for the best fit using those basis functions.
See also this question.
You can apply statistical methods to try and guess the next answer, but that might not work very well if the function is like this one (c):
int evil(void){
static int e = 0;
if(50 == e++){
e = e * 100;
return e;
This function will return nice simple increasing numbers then ... BAM.
That's a hard problem.
You should check out the recurrence relation equation for special cases where it could be possible such a task.
