Ruby: How can I group multiple blocks? - ruby

I have this code where execute is a Chef resource:
execute 'phpbrew_0' do
command 'phpbrew --verbose install 5.6 +apxs2'
execute 'phpbrew_1' do
command 'phpbrew --verbose install 7.0 +apxs2'
execute 'phpbrew_2' do
command 'phpbrew --verbose install 7.1 +apxs2'
Does ruby have this feature where I can provide a collection of command and have them all be passed to the execute resource. Something like Javascript's

Yep, Hash#each, for example:
resource_to_command = {
'phpbrew_14' => 'phpbrew --verbose install 5.6 +apxs2',
'foo' => 'bar'
resource_to_command.each do |resource, cmd_text|
execute resource do
command cmd_text


Running bash scripts in Homebrew Formulae

I have created a brew formulae for one of my github repos. Now I want run 2 bash scripts that are present in the project.
My formulae looks likes this :
class UnifaiCore < Formula
##branch_name = "brew-installer"
desc ""
homepage "homepage_url"
url "project_url",
:branch => ##branch_name
version "v0.1.0"
license ""
def install()
puts "inside install"
puts %x(whoami)
venv_setup_script = ""
installer_script = ""
bin.install venv_setup_script
bin.install installer_script
# I have also tried system, %x() to run these bash scripts, have also tried adding source in front.
Now when ever I am trying to run this using brew install command. I am getting permission denied error.
Error: An exception occurred within a child process:
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /usr/local/Cellar/unifai-core/v0.1.0/bin/
I have tried following things till now :
How to fix homebrew permissions?
giving chmod 775 to the folder
I also checked which user it's using to execute the scripts but printing whoami. It's the same user that I have used to run these bash scripts in my terminal.

Install a particular Ruby version using chef-run

I have been trying to install a particular (latest) version of Ruby using Chef Workstation and its included chef-run CLI.
This is the recipe I'm using for Ruby:
package 'ruby' do
version '2.5.3'
action :install
Which, running with the command line
chef-run -i /path-to/private_key user#host ruby.rb
Produces the not very helpful message:
[✔] Packaging cookbook... done!
[✔] Generating local policyfile... exporting... done!
[✖] Applying ruby from ruby.rb to target.
└── [✖] [] Failed to converge ruby.
The converge of the remote host failed for the
following reason:
Expected process to exit with [0], but received '100'
I have tried to run it with the -V flag, or look for a log file, but I can't seem to find it. Any idea?
raise the log_level by setting it to debug in the chef-workstation configuration
$ cat ~/.chef-workstation/config.toml

Set environment variables for current chef-client run

I'm trying to use chef to install OpenJDK, as well as downoad Eclipse and install a few plugins using p2 director on a Windows 2008 node. OpenJDK installs and I set my environment variables JAVA_HOME and add it to the path.
However, this change does not take affect until I close and re-open PowerShell. The chef-client run needs these in the current session to run the eclipse p2 director. Is there any way to do this so that I can run chef-client only once?
In my recipe for installing openJDK I included:
env "JAVA_HOME" do
value 'C:\\Program Files\\Zulu\\zulu-8'
env "path" do
delim ";"
value '%JAVA_HOME%\\bin'
action :modify
#For Command Prompt
execute "setPathCMD" do
command "set PATH=#{node['java']['path']}\\bin;%PATH%"
#For PowerShell
powershell_script "setPathPS" do
code <<-EOH
ENV['Path'] += ";C:\\Program Files\\Zulu\\zulu-8\\bin"
And in the recipe for installing the eclipse plugins I have:
if not node['eclipse']['plugins'].empty?
node['eclipse']['plugins'].each do |plugin_group|
repo, id = plugin_group.first
execute "eclipse plugin install" do
command "#{node['eclipse']['unzip_location']}/eclipse/eclipse.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -noSplash -repository #{repo} -installIUs #{id}"
action :run
Try using setx:
execute 'set java_home' do
command "setx -m JAVA_HOME \"C:\\Program Files\\Zulu\\zulu-8\""
only_if { ENV['JAVA_HOME'] != 'C:\\Program Files\\Zulu\\zulu-8' }
# Set JAVA_HOME for this process
ENV['JAVA_HOME'] = 'C:\\Program Files\\Zulu\\zulu-8'
# do something similar for path...
Adapted from the visualstudio cookbook for enabling NuGet package restore:
Put on your client.rb or solo.rb:
ENV['VAR'] = 'value'

Error executing Ruby in Jenkins

I'm running Jenkins ver. 1.537 on Win7 64.
I'm trying to run a Ruby script in Jenkins using the "Execute Ruby script" build function.
The command is C:/autotest/Ultrapos_FX2-3/lib/testout.rb.
The script I'm trying to run is a simple hello world type thing:-
I can run this sucessfully from the command prompt, but Jenkins gives me the following error:-
Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\ruby\workspace
[workspace] $ ruby -v C:\Users\ithomp\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson8549990801552818192.rb
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27) [i386-mingw32]
C:/Users/ithomp/AppData/Local/Temp/hudson8549990801552818192.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting end-of-input
Build step 'Execute Ruby script' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
It seems that Jenkins is not executing the script that I'm specifing and instead calling some temp file.
Any ideas as to what the issue is?.

How do I uninstall DMG's with puppet?

So I have a local DMG that I'm installing with puppet (VirtualBox-4.2.18-88780-OSX.dmg), and I run it with
sudo puppet resource package virtualbox ensure=present provider=pkgdmg source=puppet:///virtualbox/VirtualBox-4.2.18-88780-OSX.dmg,
and everything works fine. But when I try to remove it with sudo puppet resource package virtualbox ensure=absent, I get an error
Error: Could not set 'absent' on ensure: undefined method 'uninstall' for #<Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPkgdmg:0x107cb8218>
I have a vague idea of why this is happening, it doesn't look like puppet is recognizing the virtualbox uninstall tool. How do I fix this?
millmouse is correct OS X packages can't be uninstalled, at least by this method. Puppet doesn't support 'absent' on appdmg or apppkg providers.
You can however trick Puppet to reinstall a package by removing the 'cookie' like file it creates to track the package was installed. Puppet creates a file in /var/db with a pattern like .puppet_<provider>_installed_<package_name>-<version> on OS X; for example you'll have a file like /var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_VirtualBox-4.2.18-88780
You could do something like the following, but it won't actually uninstall the app only trick Puppet into allowing it to be installed again:
exec {'rm -f .puppet_pkgdmg_installed_VirtualBox-4.2.18-88780':
cwd => /var/db/',
user => 'root',
onlyif => 'test -f /var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_VirtualBox-4.2.18-88780',
file {'/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_VirtualBox-4.2.18-88780':
ensure => 'absent',
force => true,
Otherwise the version number or name of the package needs to change in order to install again.
I would use an exec resource to do the uninstall rather than the package resource.
exec { "uninstall_mypkg" :
command => "uninstall mypkg",
onlyif => "check if the package is installed",
path => "/path/to/command/",
