Configurable Replica Number in Template using ValueFrom - continuous-integration

I have a template.yml file that is used when deploying to any OpenShift project. Each project has specific project-props configMap to be used, this is part of our CICD pipeline, so each project has a unique project.props available to it
I would like to be able to control the number of replicas and CPU/Memory limits based on what project I am deploying to. For example a branch testing OpenShift project vs Performance testing OpenShift project would have a different CPU request and limit than an ephemeral OpenShift project.
My template.yml file looks something like this:
// <snip>
replicas: "${OS_REPLICAS}"
// <snip>
cpu: "${OS_CPU_LIMIT}"
memory: "${OS_MEMORY_LIMIT}"
cpu: "${OS_CPU_REQUEST}"
memory: "${OS_MEMORY_REQUEST}"
// <snip>
displayName: OS Number of Replicas
name: project-props
key: os.replicas
// rest of params are similar
My relevant project-props section is:
When I try to deploy this I get the following error:
quantities must match the regular expression '^([+-]?[0-9.]+)([eEinumkKMGTP]*[-+]?[0-9]*)$'
If I change template.yml to have a parameter defined it works fine
displayName: OS Number of Replicas
value: 2
It seems that valueFrom vs value has a different behavior. Is this impossible to do using valueFrom? Is there another way I can dynamically change spec and resources using a configMap?
The alternative is to deploy and then use oc scale dc <deploy_config_name> --replicas=<number> but it's not very elegant.

Where you have:
replicas: "${OS_REPLICAS}"
you should have:
replicas: "${{OS_REPLICAS}}"
With template parameter of:
displayName: OS Number of Replicas
value: 2
for use of "${{}}".
What it does is interpret the contents of the parameter as JSON/YAML, rather than a string value. This allows you to supply an integer, which replicas requires.
So you don't need valueFrom, which wouldn't work anyway as that is only usable for environment variables and not arbitrary fields like replicas.
As to trying to set a default for memory and CPU for pods deployed in a project, you should look at having a LimitRange resource defined against the project and set a default.

I figured out the answer, it's does not read the values from the file but at least they can be dynamic.
OpenShift has an oc process command that you can be run when using a template.
So this works by doing:
oc process -f <template_name>.yaml -v <param_name>=<param_value>
This will over write the parameter value with the one being inserted by -v.
An actual example would be
oc process -f ./src/main/openshift/service.template.yaml -v OS_REPLICAS=2
You can read more about it OpenShift template documentation
It seems that the OS Origin team does not want to support using files for parameter insertion. You can read more about it here:


Google cloud build with pack and secrets manager not accessing environment variables

I'm using a standard build function to build my app for google cloud run using google cloud build.
In my cloudbuild.yaml I load 2 secrets from google secrets manager and pass it to the build function. The google cloud build has access to those secrets, otherwise I would get an error message for this (I got this kind of error at the beginning when setting up the build, now it seems to have access).
However, it seems like the environment variables don't get set.
I think that it might be a syntactical problem of how I try to pass the variables.
This is the stripped down cloudbuild.yaml
- name:
- build
- ''
- '--network=cloudbuild'
- '--path=.'
- '--env=SEC_A=$$SEC_A'
- '--env=SEC_B=$$SEC_B'
secretEnv: ['SEC_A', 'SEC_B']
id: Buildpack
entrypoint: pack
- versionName: projects/<pid>/secrets/SEC_A/versions/latest
env: SEC_A
- versionName: projects/<pid>/secrets/SEC_B/versions/latest
env: SEC_B
An Error message that I hacked into the build for checking shows me that the env var is empty during this build step.
I tried using $, $$ (as seen above), &&, ${...}, for substitution. But maybe the problem lies somewhere else.
Yes, it's a common issue and a trap on Cloud Build. In fact, your secrets can't be read if you use the args[] arrays to pass argument. you have to use the script mode, like that
- name:
entrypoint: bash
- -c
- |
pack build $_GCR_HOSTNAME/$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME/$_SERVICE_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA --network=cloudbuild --path=. --env=SEC_A=$$SEC_A --env=SEC_B=$$SEC_B
secretEnv: ['SEC_A', 'SEC_B']
id: Buildpack

How to get vertical pod autoscaling recommendations using kubernetes client-go package?

I am using the client-go to generate reports about resources for my team. We are using VPA( to compare its recommendations for pods against our own. I have everything working well except for the part where I get the recommendations from the Pod. In kubectl, I would enter the following to get descriptions of the pods in the namespace:
k describe vpa -n ABC
The description for each pod includes the following section:
Last Transition Time: 2022-02-09T10:33:28Z
Status: True
Type: RecommendationProvided
Container Recommendations:
Container Name: my-service
Lower Bound:
Cpu: 25m
Memory: 442246463
Cpu: 25m
Memory: 442809964
Uncapped Target:
Cpu: 25m
Memory: 442809964
Upper Bound:
Cpu: 25m
Memory: 724829578
I cannot figure out how to get this information using the go-client package. I am using another package, "", to get current resource information for a pod.
I'd appreciate your suggestions... The only thing that I can think to do is to execute kubectl inside my golang app, capture the output, and go from there... Pretty hacky and not very scalable.
Thanks for your time and interest,

Helmfile - "needs" keyword has no effect

I have been trying to make use of the keyword needs (following the doc) to control the order of installation of the releases.
Here is my helmfile:
createNamespace: false
timeout: 600
helmBinary: /usr/local/bin/helm
- name: dev-sjs-pg
chart: ../helm_charts/sjs-pg
- name: dev-sjs
chart: ../helm_charts/sjs
needs: ['dev-sjs-pgg']
Regarding versions:
helmfile version v0.139.9
helm version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.5.4", GitCommit:"1b5edb69df3d3a08df77c9902dc17af864ff05d1", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.15.11"}
When I run helmfile sync , both releases are installed simultaneously. In particular, there is no error due to my spelling error (dev-sjs-pgg instead of dev-sjs-pg). It is like needs is just not read.
Could you help me understanding what I am doing wrong please ?
I tried to reproduce this. When executing helmfile --log-level=debug sync I see in the debug log:
processing 2 groups of releases in this order:
1 dev-sjs-pg
2 dev-sjs
I also see these are deployed one after another (just a few seconds difference because I am deploying a fast nginx chart):

How can I create several executors for a job in Circle CI orb?

NOTE: The actual problem I am trying to solve is run testcontainers in Circle CI.
To make it reusable, I decided to extend the existing orb in my organisation.
The question, how can I create several executors for a job? I was able to create the executor itself.
Executor ubuntu.yml:
description: >
The executor to run testcontainers without extra setup in Circle CI builds.
type: enum
default: medium
enum: [medium, large, xlarge, 2xlarge]
type: string
default: ubuntu-2004:202010-01
resource_class: <<parameters.resource-class>>
image: <<parameters.tag>>
One of the jobs itself:
type: executor
default: openjdk
type: enum
default: medium
enum: [small, medium, medium+, large, xlarge]
executor: << parameters.executor >>
resource_class: << parameters.resource-class >>
# Customize the JVM maximum heap limit
MAVEN_OPTS: -Xmx3200m
# Instead of checking out code, just grab it the way it is
- attach_workspace:
at: .
# Guessing this is still necessary (we only attach the project folder)
- configure-maven-settings
- cloudwheel/fetch-and-update-maven-cache
- run:
name: "Deploy to Nexus without running tests"
command: mvn clean deploy -DskipTests
I couldn't find a good example of adding several executors, and I assume that I will need to add ubuntu and openjdk for every job. Am I right?
I continue looking into other orbs and documentation but cannot find a similar case to mine.
As it is stated in Circle CI documentation, executors can be defined like this:
machine: true
- image: openjdk:11
Side note, there can be many executors of any type such as docker, machine (Linux), macos, win.
See, StackOverflow question how to invoke executors from CircleCI orbs.

How to set JVM arguments when running mvn spring-boot:build-image command in Spring Boot 2.3.0 to generate a docker image?

I am trying to build a docker image using the latest version of Spring Boot (2.3.0) . All I have to create an image now is run the command mvn:spring-boot:build-image . This will create a docker image for me. How do I set the JVM arguments (Max , Min heap sizes) in this case?
As of today, you can't set JVM arguments in spring-boot:build-image.
Spring boot build image uses Packeto internally and it accepts following 4 environment variables as mentioned in bellsoft-liberica GitHub.
"BP_JVM_VERSION" : "13.0.1",
As alternate option, you can pass JVM arguments when you run the image.
docker run -p 8080:8080 --env JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx300m -Xms200m" -t youImageName
If using Kubernetes, you can configure JVM options at deployment level.
- name: yourapp
image: image path
- containerPort: 8080
value: "prod"
value: "2"
value: "35"
value: "10"
- name: JAVA_OPTS
value: >-
There's a GitHub issue open in Spring boot repository discussing this Failed to change JVM arguments for buildpacked image
Build Back Environment Variables
I tried setting JVM arguments when I started using Spring Boot 2.3 & BuildPacks in November 2020, got nowhere and gave up / put it to one side.
Two weeks ago I picked it up again and purely by chance found this:
Basically, you prefix your environment variable with BPE_APPEND_ and this triggers the Environment Variables Build Pack to append your value to the environment variable.
NB: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is what you want here, not JAVA_OPTS.
I needed to attach a Java Agent to monitor our microservices and something like this build.gradle snippet was what worked:
bootBuildImage {
environment = [
'BPE_APPEND_JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS' : '-javaagent:my-java-agent.jar'
I used BPE_DELIM_JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to make sure a space was added to the existing value of JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS before my value was appended (the buildpack also allows you to override or prepend to existing value - see their README).
PS: my value was more like '-javaagent:my-java-agent-${some-dynamic-version}.jar', so I needed double quotes, but that made it a Gradle String which didn't work so I had to write this instead "-javaagent:my-java-agent-${some-dynamic-version}.jar".toString().
None of these answers quite get it right. Here's the full situation at the time of writing.
It's important to understand that there are two different times where code runs: at build time and at runtime.
You can set env variables at build time using Spring Boot in your Maven or Gradle config. You just give it a list of env variables to set. See here Those will only be set at build time though. Not what you want to set things like -Xmx.
If you want env variables set at runtime, then it's not something Spring Boot or the buildpacks can control. It's not a failing of either, it's just that neither are involved in actually running your app image/containers.
To pass env variables to your app image/containers at runtime, you need to use the facilities of whatever is running your app image, like Docker or Kubernetes. For Docker, it's just docker run -e foo=bar .... For Kubernetes, it's in the pod spec.
FYI. Any env variable that is prefixed with BPL_ means it only applies at run time (the L is for launch, which is what buildpacks term the runtime environment). Thus it would only make sense to set those when your app runs.
The environment variables buildpack, mentioned in the other answers, is a mix of the two. If you set env variables using option #1 above but prefixed in a certain way, this buildpack will see them and turn them into env variables that are embedded into the image. This will have the effect of setting them at runtime.
This works well if you want to set default values on your images. Then users of your image won't need to set them unless they need to deviate from the default values you, the image author set. Having said that, you would never want to use this for anything that is sensitive or secret. This is because the env variable and value end up in the image and thus anyone with access to the image can see that value.
To answer the question:
How do I set the JVM arguments (Max , Min heap sizes) in this case?
If you want to set default values that your image users can override, if needed, then you want the environment variables buildpack.
You'll see output like this:
[INFO] [creator] Paketo Environment Variables Buildpack 3.1.1
[INFO] [creator]
[INFO] [creator] Launch Configuration:
[INFO] [creator] $BPE_<NAME> prepend value to $NAME, delimiting with OS path list separator
[INFO] [creator] $BPE_APPEND_<NAME> append value to $NAME
[INFO] [creator] $BPE_DEFAULT_<NAME> set default value for $NAME
[INFO] [creator] $BPE_DELIM_<NAME> set delimeter to use when appending or prepending to $NAME
[INFO] [creator] $BPE_OVERRIDE_<NAME> set $NAME to value
[INFO] [creator] $BPE_PREPEND_<NAME> prepend value to $NAME
[INFO] [creator] Environment Variables: Contributing to layer
[INFO] [creator] Writing env.launch/JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS.append
When you run an instance of your image, the values you set should get passed through to the container, unless the user overrides them.
> docker run -it apps/maven
Setting Active Processor Count to 6
Calculating JVM memory based on 9057276K available memory
Calculated JVM Memory Configuration: -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=10M -Xmx8699636K -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=88839K -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=240M (Total Memory: 9057276K, Thread Count: 50, Loaded Class Count: 13271, Headroom: 0%)
Adding 129 container CA certificates to JVM truststore
Spring Cloud Bindings Enabled
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentpath:/layers/paketo-buildpacks_bellsoft-liberica/jvmkill/ -Xss256k -XX:ActiveProcessorCount=6 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=10M -Xmx8699636K -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=88839K -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=240M
If you want to set the values, then just set them at runtime. For example: docker run -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS '-Xss256k' ... or in your Kubernetes pod spec like this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-cool-app
purpose: my-cool-app-label
- name: my-cool-app
image: my-cool-image
value: "-Xss256k"
You'll see similar output when the container runs and Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: will show the values you set, -Xss256k from this example.
As #jeremyt suggests, you can override the value of this property using BPE_OVERRIDE_BPL_JVM_THREAD_COUNT build variable. Example:
bootBuildImage {
Sadly, as of now, BPE_DEFAULT_BPL_JVM_THREAD_COUNT does not work (the value is ignored). The downside of BPE_OVERRIDE_BPL_JVM_THREAD_COUNT is that it ignores the environment variable set for runtime (in docker run).
