Bash/JQ - parse error: Expected separator between values at line 1, column 63 - bash

I'm having what I suspect is a quoting error in a bash script.
SECRET_VALUE_CMD="curl -s -L -H \"X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN\" -X GET \"https://$VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/$secret_path\""
SECRET_VALUE=$(echo "$SECRET_VALUE_RESPONSE" | jq --raw-output '.data.value')
When I execute this in my script, I get the following to stderr:
parse error: Expected separator between values at line 1, column 63
and $SECRET_VALUE is blank.
An example of $SECRET_VALUE_RESPONSE is:
I've tried adding escaped quotes around the parameters to eval and echo, but can't seem to find a working combination. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Don't use eval. You could create a function to execute curl, for example:
get_secret_value() {
curl -s -L -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" -X GET "https://$VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/$secret_path"
secret_value=$(get_secret_value | jq --raw-output '.data.value')


How to pass a variable to a curl command in a bash script?

I am using the bash code below to store the result of a curl command in a text file.
cat /c/customer_files/Bain/artifacts1.txt
sample=$(curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <my_token>' '<api_>' | jq -r '.items[] | .id')
echo "$sample" >> /c/my_files/artifacts1.txt
This generates a text file with content below:
Now, I want to iterate through this file line by line. I am using the code below to do that.
while read -r line; do
#reading each line
echo "Line No. $n : $line";
This is producing correct result as expected.
Line No. 1 : 606b69cff140fe0d98e78d2a
Line No. 2 : 60a40910c403d464225343b5
Line No. 3 : 607f1e14d514043adcf4a0f6
Line No. 4 : 60c36c380093aa519b816554
I want to pass variable $line to CURL command via json body below.
input_json="{"executable": "<some ID>", "keepTargetResources": true,"keepTargetRunProfiles": true,"advanced": {"artifactId": "$line","artifactType": "ACTION"}}"
However, this produces a result below:
,artifactType: ACTION}}d6a50bb75bbe81, keepTargetResources: true,keepTargetRunProfiles:
true,advanced: {artifactId: 606b69cff140fe0d98e78d2a
,artifactType: ACTION}}d6a50bb75bbe81, keepTargetResources: true,keepTargetRunProfiles:
true,advanced: {artifactId: 60a40910c403d464225343b5
,artifactType: ACTION}}d6a50bb75bbe81, keepTargetResources: true,keepTargetRunProfiles:
true,advanced: {artifactId: 607f1e14d514043adcf4a0f6
{executable: 60ca3bf02ed6a50bb75bbe81, keepTargetResources: true,keepTargetRunProfiles:
true,advanced: {artifactId: 60c36c380093aa519b816554,artifactType: ACTION}}
It creates an output in the desired format only for the last record:
{executable: 60ca3bf02ed6a50bb75bbe81, keepTargetResources:
true,keepTargetRunProfiles:true,advanced: {artifactId:
60c36c380093aa519b816554,artifactType: ACTION}}
For 1st 3 records, it looks like it is overwriting content at the start of the line.
What am I doing wrong? Please advice.
Thanks in Advance.
JSON needs to have its variables and values surrounded with ". Use \ to prevent the shell to interpret the ".
The extra carriage return is a mystery...
Maybe an extra clean up of line could make it
Prefer printf to echo and use "${line}" for more safety.
Give this a try:
artifact_id="$(printf "%s" "${line}" | sed 's/^\(.*[^[:blank:]]\)[[:blank:]]*$/\1/g')"
input_json="{\"executable\": \"<some ID>\", \"keepTargetResources\": true,\"keepTargetRunProfiles\": true,\"advanced\": {\"artifactId\": \"${artifact_id}\",\"artifactType\": \"ACTION\"}}"

Sanitize a string for json [duplicate]

I'm using git, then posting the commit message and other bits as a JSON payload to a server.
Currently I have:
MSG=`git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+'`
which sets MSG to something like:
Calendar can't go back past today
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/text' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d "{'payload': {'message': '$MSG'}}" \
My real JSON has another couple of fields.
This works fine, but of course when I have a commit message such as the one above with an apostrophe in it, the JSON is invalid.
How can I escape the characters required in bash? I'm not familiar with the language, so am not sure where to start. Replacing ' with \' would do the job at minimum I suspect.
jq can do this.
Lightweight, free, and written in C, jq enjoys widespread community support with over 15k stars on GitHub. I personally find it very speedy and useful in my daily workflow.
Convert string to JSON
echo -n '猫に小判' | jq -Rsa .
# "\u732b\u306b\u5c0f\u5224"
To explain,
-R means "raw input"
-s means "include linebreaks" (mnemonic: "slurp")
-a means "ascii output" (optional)
. means "output the root of the JSON document"
Git + Grep Use Case
To fix the code example given by the OP, simply pipe through jq.
MSG=`git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+' | jq -Rsa .`
Using Python:
This solution is not pure bash, but it's non-invasive and handles unicode.
json_escape () {
printf '%s' "$1" | python -c 'import json,sys; print(json.dumps('
Note that JSON is part of the standard python libraries and has been for a long time, so this is a pretty minimal python dependency.
Or using PHP:
json_escape () {
printf '%s' "$1" | php -r 'echo json_encode(file_get_contents("php://stdin"));'
Use like so:
$ json_escape "ヤホー"
Instead of worrying about how to properly quote the data, just save it to a file and use the # construct that curl allows with the --data option. To ensure that the output of git is correctly escaped for use as a JSON value, use a tool like jq to generate the JSON, instead of creating it manually.
jq -n --arg msg "$(git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+')" \
'{payload: { message: $msg }}' > git-tmp.txt
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/text' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d #git-tmp.txt \
You can also read directly from standard input using -d #-; I leave that as an exercise for the reader to construct the pipeline that reads from git and produces the correct payload message to upload with curl.
(Hint: it's jq ... | curl ... -d#- '' )
I was also trying to escape characters in Bash, for transfer using JSON, when I came across this. I found that there is actually a larger list of characters that must be escaped – particularly if you are trying to handle free form text.
There are two tips I found useful:
Use the Bash ${string//substring/replacement} syntax described in this thread.
Use the actual control characters for tab, newline, carriage return, etc. In vim you can enter these by typing Ctrl+V followed by the actual control code (Ctrl+I for tab for example).
The resultant Bash replacements I came up with are as follows:
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//\'/\\\'} # ' (not strictly needed ?)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW// /\\t} # \t (tab)
/\\\n} # \n (newline)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//^M/\\\r} # \r (carriage return)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//^L/\\\f} # \f (form feed)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//^H/\\\b} # \b (backspace)
I have not at this stage worked out how to escape Unicode characters correctly which is also (apparently) required. I will update my answer if I work this out.
OK, found out what to do. Bash supports this natively as expected, though as always, the syntax isn't really very guessable!
Essentially ${string//substring/replacement} returns what you'd image, so you can use
To do this. The next problem is that the first regex doesn't work anymore, but that can be replaced with
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s'
In the end, I didn't even need to escape them. Instead, I just swapped all the ' in the JSON to \". Well, you learn something every day.
git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+' | jq --slurp --raw-input
The above line works for me. refer to for more jq tools
I found something like that :
MSG=`echo $MSG | sed "s/'/\\\\\'/g"`
The simplest way is using jshon, a command line tool to parse, read and create JSON.
jshon -s 'Your data goes here.' 2>/dev/null
[...] with an apostrophe in it, the JSON is invalid.
Not according to A single quote is allowed in a JSON string.
How can I escape the characters required in bash?
You can use xidel to properly prepare the JSON you want to POST.
As can't be tested, I'll be using (see this answer) as an example.
Let's assume 'çömmít' "mêssågè" as the exotic output of git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s'.
Create the (serialized) JSON object with the value of the "text"-attribute properly escaped:
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se 'serialize({"text":$raw},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})'
{"text":"'\u00E7\u00F6mm\u00EDt' \"m\u00EAss\u00E5g\u00E8\""}
Curl (variable)
$ eval "$(
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se 'msg:=serialize({"text":$raw},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})' --output-format=bash
$ echo $msg
{"text":"'\u00E7\u00F6mm\u00EDt' \"m\u00EAss\u00E5g\u00E8\""}
$ curl -d "$msg"
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Curl (pipe)
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se 'serialize({"text":$raw},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})' | \
curl -d#-
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Actually, there's no need for curl if you're already using xidel.
Xidel (pipe)
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -s \
-d '{serialize({"text":read()},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})}' \
"" \
-e '$raw'
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Xidel (pipe, in-query)
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se '
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Xidel (all in-query)
$ xidel -se '
{"text":system("git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'\''%s'\''")},
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
This is an escaping solution using Perl that escapes backslash (\), double-quote (") and control characters U+0000 to U+001F:
$ echo -ne "Hello, 🌵\n\tBye" | \
perl -pe 's/(\\(\\\\)*)/$1$1/g; s/(?!\\)(["\x00-\x1f])/sprintf("\\u%04x",ord($1))/eg;'
Hello, 🌵\u000a\u0009Bye
I struggled with the same problem. I was trying to add a variable on the payload of cURL in bash and it kept returning as invalid_JSON. After trying a LOT of escaping tricks, I reached a simple method that fixed my issue. The answer was all in the single and double quotes:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"text":'"$data"'}'
Maybe it comes in handy for someone!
I had the same idea to send a message with commit message after commit.
First i tryed similar was as autor here.
But later found a better and simpler solution.
Just created php file which is sending message and call it with wget.
in hooks/post-receive :
wget -qO - "http://localhost/git.php"
in git.php:
$git_log = exec("git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+'");
And then create JSON and call CURL in PHP style
Integrating a JSON-aware tool in your environment is sometimes a no-go, so here's a POSIX solution that should work on every UNIX/Linux:
json_stringify() {
[ "$#" -ge 1 ] || return 1
LANG=C awk '
for ( i = 1; i <= 127; i++ )
repl[ sprintf( "%c", i) ] = sprintf( "\\u%04x", i )
for ( i = 1; i < ARGC; i++ ) {
s = ARGV[i]
printf("%s", "\"")
while ( match( s, /[\001-\037\177"\\]/ ) ) {
printf("%s%s", \
substr(s,1,RSTART-1), \
repl[ substr(s,RSTART,RLENGTH) ] \
s = substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)
print s "\""
' "$#"
Or using the widely available perl:
json_stringify() {
[ "$#" -ge 1 ] || return 1
LANG=C perl -le '
for (#ARGV) {
print "\"$_\""
' -- "$#"
Then you can do:
json_stringify '"foo\bar"' 'hello
Doesn't handle NUL bytes.
Doesn't validate the input for UNICODE, it only escapes the mandatory ASCII characters specified in the RFC 8259.
Replying to OP's question:
MSG=$(git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+')
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/text' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"payload": {"message": '"$(json_stringify "$MSG")"'}}' \

CURL error "URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL" when trying to pass variable as a part of URL

When I'm trying to execute script below and getting error: "curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL"
getDefinition=$(curl -u -X GET "")
for def in $(echo "$getDefinition" | jq '.value[] | select (.path=="\\Some_path\\'$stage'") | .id'); do
getBuildInfo=$(curl -u -X GET "${def}\?api-version=5.1")
# echo $def
body=$(echo "${getBuildInfo}" | jq '.repository.defaultBranch = "refs/heads/release/'"${branch}"'"' | jq '.options[].inputs.branchFilters = "[\"+refs/heads/release/'"${branch}"'\"]"' | jq '.triggers[].branchFilters[] = "+refs/heads/release/'"${branch}"'"')
echo ${body} > data.json
It happens when I'm trying to pass variable ${def} into a line:
curl -u -X GET "${def}\?api-version=5.1"
But when I declare an array, curl works as expected.
declare -a def
def=(1 2 3 4)
curl -u -X GET "${def}\?api-version=5.1"
Could you please suggest how can I pass variable into URL properly?
Do you need to call curl for 4 times? If so.
for def in 1 2 3 4; do curl -u -X GET "${def}\?api-version=5.1"; done
Set IFS=$' \t\r\n' at the top of your script.
IFS is the Interactive Field Separator.
In UNIX, IFS is space, tab, newline, or $' \t\n', but on Windows this needs to be $' \t\r\n'.
The ^M character is \r.

jq built-in method select(): command not found

I used the jq built-in method select to parse the json string in shell script, and got an error: command not found.
Here is my shell script:
function test(){
detail=`echo $json | jq .[]|select\(.id==2\)`
I just ran the script on the command line and got the following error:
$ bash行5: select(.id==2): 未找到命令 (means "command not found")
the select is built-in method of jq command, and I don't know why
Does the function need to be imported? How to import method of jq?
It's not a jq problem, it's a shell quoting issue:
detail=$(echo "$json" | jq '.[]|select(.id==2)')
echo "$detail"
"id": 2,
"name": "imagetookit"
Notice the single quote ' around the jq command and so no need for backslash \.
Also prefer the $(...) instead of the old backtick notation.

Curl as variable, assign output to variable

I have problem with assigning curl as variable and assign curl's output to variable:
#get results url, format json
#jq is a cli json interpreter
#resultUrl contains the final URL which we want download
OK= "$URL" | jq '.resultsUrl'
#api probably is running
sleep 5
curl "$OK"
Maybe it is trivial, but I don't know where is the problem.
My guess is:
jq '.resultsUrl'
outputs the field resultsUrl with quotes, so curl does not process it correctly. Furthermore, $URL | ... does not work, you would have to use echo or curl directly.
OK=$(curl -s | jq -r '.resultsUrl')
curl -s "$OK"
which results for me in
[{ "id": 2, "url": "", "loadedUrl": "", "requestedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:52.611Z", "loadingStartedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:54.663Z", "loadingFinishedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:55.642Z", "loadErrorCode": null, "pageFunctionStartedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:55.839Z", "pageFunctionFinishedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:55.841Z", "uniqueKey": "", "type": "UserEnqueued", ...
This should be what you expect.
However, sometimes the first API call yields an error:
"message": "The act is already running and concurrent execution is not allowed"
so resultsURL will be null, you will have to handle this error case.
Your line
OK= "$URL" | jq '.resultsURL'
sets the environment variable OK to an empty string, then tries to execute "$URL" as a command and pipe its output to jq. If you want to setOK to the result of a command, you have to use $OK=(...), just like you did when setting URL. The correct syntax is:
OK=$(echo "$URL" | jq '.resultsURL')
And to remove the quotes from the output of .jq, you can do:
OK=$(echo "$URL" | jq '.resultsURL' | tr -d '"')
