Laravel artisan command from controller - laravel

I update my .env file using a function in my controller.
After I save the settings I need to update, I call Artisan::call('config:cache') to clear the cache of my site's configuration.
Everything works fine on localhost, but when I try to clear config cache on production, it doesn't work. (No warnings or errors.)
I even tried with --no-interaction option attached to this CLI command.
Did anyone have this problem and know what causes it?

check into the PHP security settings and make sure you can run these exec,passthru,shell_exec functions in your server.


Laravel Vapor not using with the updated build

I'm deploying a Laravel app to Vapor and cache is automatically deleted right after the deploy. I also clear it manually via CLI just to be sure. Still, it's not running with the updated build because it can't find a Class that instead it's there (double checked the namespaces and everything else). On my local machine it's working fine, the class is found and so I can instantiate it.
I tried to clear every possible cache (route, config, view, also run a composer dump-autoload) but nothing seems to work. Any clue?

Not working on Laravel Controller, Working on Tinker

Guzzle version(s) affected: 6.3 Laravel: 5.6.3 PHP: 7.2.10
If I am trying to get response in tinker
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get($url);
I am getting response as expected.
but in my controller
$object_res = $client->get($url);
I am getting error
"cURL error 3: malformed (see",…}
Which means, the url is incorrect, but as I have described, this working perfectly in tinker.
I am getting everything working perfectly in my localhost, this is occurring only on my test server.
Please let me know, if I need to give additional information.
Tinker uses a different runtime than your application, this could be causing an issue because in one scenario. php goes directly from your box to the api server and in the other it goes through your webserver before making the request.
The first thing to do would be to clear your laravel cache and config with
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
if that fails I would look into the cross-domain restrictions or settings on your web server.
Please check for Guzzle requirements on your server. specially
To use the PHP stream handler, allow_url_fopen must be enabled in your system's php.ini.
I just ran into this problem on my testing server, I found it using cockpit. but my problem was with alouy/youtube. check selinux if you have that on your production server. check file permission of .env too. Hard to give a solution when the variables of your server are not presented.
also Read your laravel logs, that presented the solution to me.
hope this helps.

How to stop Laravel 5 from caching configurations?

It is written in Laravel 5 documentation that php artisan config:cache stores all the app configuration into one single file which makes the application load faster.
I want to know two things:
The first thing is, how to force Laravel to stop caching my app configurations? For example, I want Laravel to read the name of my database and the password from the .env file or from the database.php configuration file, not from the cached data.
The second thing is, where does Laravel store this cached configuration file, so that I can delete it when needed? I know there is an Artisan command for that, which is php artisan config:clear, but I want to know where the file stored.
You can't stop the caching of config files since it doesn't happen automatically. The only thing you need to do, is not call config:cache.
The file itself can be found in bootstrap/cache/config.php.
Note that the location of the compiled config file has changed recently. Yours might also be in vendor/config.php or storage/framework/config.php. With a fresh install or if you run composer update the file should be in bootstrap/cache though.
As per the post here:
"Change cache driver to array for the local environment."
For me this involves adding CACHE_DRIVER=array to my .env file. This is then picked up by my config/cache.php file which includes the line:
'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),
Obviously you could change it directly in the config/cache.php but I'd prefer to use the .env file so I can disable it for development sites and enable for production.

Laravel's pretty var_dump(), dd(), not working anymore

For some reason laravel's dd() function decided to stop functioning. I have no idea how this happened. I tried composer update already but I'm not sure what else can be going on. The debug key is set to true in the config.
Where should I look to solve this problem? I'm using Laravel 4.2.16
dd() now simply functions as var_dump(), it doesn't prettify it anymore
Solved it. I loaded my vagrant machine with the wrong config and was running hhvm instead of regular php-fpm. Hence xdebug, which handles the pretty dd(), was not being loaded. I reloaded my box with the correct settings (without hhvm and hack) and everything started working again
Is dd the only Laravel helper function that doesn't work? If not then check the contents of vendor/composer/autoload_files.php. The laravel support helpers are loaded here. If the other helper functions are fine you can check the contents of laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php to see what's going on - this is where the function is created.

Getting strange errors installing a Laravel application

The first problem I'm running in to is that when installing I receive a mysql error stating that a table cannot be found. Of course it can't, I finished installing the dependencies much less run the migration. The error was being triggered by a Eloquent query in a view composer. After commenting out the entirety of my routes file Composer let me continue.
I proceed to uncomment out my route file - I get the error once again trying to run any artisan commands (can't migrate my database because I haven't migrated my database). Repeat the solution for step one and I've migrated my database.
Artisan serve is now serving me my layout file in the terminal and exiting. I'm at a bit of a loss to troubleshoot this. I assumed that it was possibly a plugin, trying to disable plugins one by one results in:
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the pre-update-cmd event returned with an error
and being served up my layout file in the terminal.
It seems that the error is directly related to this function in my routes file:
View::composer('layouts.main', function($view) {
$things = Thing::where('stuff', 1)->orderBy('stuff')->get();
This isn't a new introduction to the application however so the underlying cause is coming from somewhere else.
As i said in the comment, if you are finding database errors in production server but not in local, then
check database credentials. if its ok then....
check the different configs in the environment.
using profilers(any) will let you know what environment you are in.
