Can't find spring integration aws schema location online - spring

I can't find
Any help?

You shouldn't care about that these days. The normal IDEs are able to resolve XSD against classpath, reading the content of the jars you provide for your project.
That schema is located here:


How to report/fix Spring framework documentation issues

I found few typos/mistakes in Spring Boot reference guide.
Could you please suggest whom can I contact, or even better how to fix it myself (e.g via pull request if possible) ?
I checked spring GitHub repository but spring-boot-actuator-docs seems to have nothing to do with reference guide.
Thanks in advance.
Spring Boot is like any regular github project. It is located here:
If you want to fix the typos, create a pull request. You'll find all you need to know in our contributing page. The documentation is located in the spring-boot-docs module

Where are log files when using Spring with built-in Tomcat?

My company uses Spring to provide RESTful service, But I can't find the log files as I usually do(from Tomcat/logs).All I can find is a jar file when Tomcat is built-in. So how can I find the log files?
Following Link will Help you Just check it

Spring Boot v1.2 AbstractMethodError due to RepositoryInformation

Im building an application based on Spring Boot v1.2. While my application boots successfully and executes well (so far.. ), I'm unable to test using the spring boot framework because of an AbstractMethodError.
The last few lines of the trace are as below
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError:;Lorg/springframework/data/repository/core/RepositoryInformation;)V
... 55 more
To analyze the above error, I checked the jar files from classpath involving the above classes. So the info is available as below
I'm not exactly sure on why spring-data-commons is coming up from maven repostory folder, while the others are being served from the project library.
While I debug that, I meanwhile need your help in figuring out the version compatibility between the above libraries.
I wasnt able to exactly pin point on what exactly is causing the error. Please help!
The issue was with the intellij configuration of libraries which conflicts with Spring boot application. I manually replaced the required libraries from Maven repository and that worked out for me.
Per request from Elron..
Open the project folder in explorer and verify if the third party library versions in your project matches the ones you actually expect it to be. If something doesnt match, just replace the file with the one you expect it to be. In my case, since I use Maven, I didnt see a need for explicitly saving those libraries in a new lib folder under the project. So, I just deleted all of the files inside the lib folder and things started working again.
For fix this error, change the spring-data-jpa version to 1.5.0.RELEASE
I have faced this issue .
Get rid of spring-data-commons and change spring-data-jpa version to 1.9.0.RELEASE.
For more details , please follow this link :-
Spring Data Rest PagingAndSortingRepository AbstractMethodError (RepositoryFactorySupport)

SpringFramework schema/integration/websocket namespace does not exist

I am creating a SpringFramework websocket app and I am using examples from the SpringFramework website.
When I used the spring-integration websocket namespace my NetBeans IDE warned that it couldn't find the xml definition at:
I took a look at:
and discovered that there is no "websocket" directory.
Has this definition been moved or replaced by something or is this by design for some reason?
If it has been moved where can I find it?
If it is just missing from the website, where can I find a copy so my IDE will be able to resolve its autocomplete helpers for me?
We'll take a look why it isn't there. Because WebSockets support has been added since Spring Integration 4.1.
Anyway the IDE should determine XSD from the spring-integration-websocket dependency. The XSD is on location \org\springframework\integration\websocket\config\ within that jar.
The schemata are delivered with the jars and are listed in the META-INF/spring.schemas file in the jar. (they are not loaded from any website).
Therefore make sure that you have the spring-integration-websocket.jar in your classpath.

Setting up Hibernate+C3P0 in Spring

I am using Netbeans as my IDE, currently developing an Web app using:
Spring 3
Hibernate 3
I'm relying on netbeans to build the project(in contrast to others using maven). On deployment, the console shows this error:
...noClassDefFoundError: com/mchange/v2/c3p0/DataSources
I've already added the jar file to the Hibernate library.
(And oh, this is my first time asking here. Needed 10 points to post the screenshot.)
So I'm confused why would it need THAT class. (whatever that class does.)
Ideas why did this happen?
I've finally manage to solve the problem. The c3p0 distribution has 3 .jar files on the lib directory. I initially added the "c3p0*.jar" only. Which in turn produces the error.
It needs the OTHER jar file, mchange-commons*.jar in the directory. Hope this helps to others stuck in here.
Download this jar mchange-commons-java- This helps me to resolve the issue.
C3P0 is used to support connection pooling. See for further information on C3P0 and for information on configuring C3P0 with Hibernate.
Add this jar file "c3p0-" to library
If you are still getting the error, you need to remove and add again Hibernate library because this "c3p0-" is conflict version with c3p0 in Hibernate library
