How to make zsock_recv API non-blocking? - zeromq

Hello all I want to use the zsock_recv API in a non-blocking mode. Is there a way to do that? I can't find any reliable documentation on the zsock API's. Could anyone please point me towards one?

ZeroMQ zsock API is documented here:


Proxy API paths

I'm building an API using KOA and have read some best practise on versioning. This answer pointed out that versions should be hidden from the client.
My question is, how would I go about doing this? I've read some mentions of using an API proxy. Would I be using something like "Squid" as a reverse-proxy, or are there better Node/KOA specific solutions for this type of work?
I think GraphQL is the perfect tool to avoid pain in the ass with API.
Yes, in some point it breaks the REST philosophy but gives flexibility.
All you need to build a flexible API with no worry about version is: Koa, Objection + GraphQL.

how to do performance testing of fix protocol

I need to do FIX-API based performance testing.
Can you please let me know few way ahead.
Also if I need to develop the in-house plugin then please can you point in some direction that how to do that?
Also does any 3rd party tool like loadrunner or neoload directly support FIX-API protocol testing?
This has been asked many times before in many different forums. Please leverage Google for keywords of LoadRunner and FIX for FIXML as aprpopriate
If you want to do a test in FIX protocol over a FIX connection you can try using the FIXRobot. FIXRobot allows to easily write the tests in python. You can include a loop in the test script to pump messages and calculate the perf statistics from your application logs writing some scripts.

How to achieve client server communication using GSOCKET

I want to use gio and glib to create client-server communication. However, I'm getting confused with GSocket. Can someone give some examples.
Also, how can GMainLoop be helpful in this?
You don't want to use GSocket directly, go for GSocketService and GSocketClient which abstract the messy parts quite nicely.

How to use Reactive Extensions[RX] in Windows phone Application?

i'm Still looking for a better API for handling asynchronous requests like synchronization operator in my Windows phone Project. well just take few minutes ,i have been found Reactive Extensions[RX] Framework.But i didn't know how to use it .Can any one please suggest me some Suggestion how to learn the technique?
is there have some Step by Step demo 。i'm new guy for this .
The ReactiveUI EBook might be good for you, even if you're only interested in Rx itself, you can find it at

Has anyone written Ruby code to programmatically modify their DNS?

There are a bunch of services (dyndns, nettica, etc.) that offer API's but I'm having trouble with Nettica's and I was just wondering if anyone has a nice gem suggestion for any of the DNS services... I'm not set on one or the other.
Thanks for any help in advance.
This just in, Nettica does work as intended, but you need to buy the bulk DNS service in order to enable the AddRecord API call....... wasn't documented clearly but their support was able to point this out.
