Apache Cordova The system cannot find the file specified - visual-studio

I am developing Apache Cordova app on vs 2015 community with Angularjs on onsen.
And keep getting "The system cannot find the file specified" error no matter what i've done.
Things that i've done so far:
Clear cordova cache, Clean, Rebuild (like a hundred times)
Format pc, install everything
Copied the solution to another pc and worked fine nothing is wrong but does not work on my pc.
Close vs instances and change the folder name under Appdata/roaming/microsoft/local/phonetools/Corecon
And nothing changed still getting the same error when deploy starts.
My NPM version is 3.10.10, Cordova CLI is 6.1.1, nodejs version is 6.9.4 and JDK version is 1.8.3


Flutter_CLI: Because every version of flutterfire_cli depends on xml >=5.3.0 which requires SDK version >=2.14.0 <3.0.0, flutterfire_cli is forbidden

I am trying to install firebase_cli for my flutter project, but it tells me:
"Because every version of flutterfire_cli depends on xml >=5.3.0 which
requires SDK version >=2.14.0 <3.0.0, flutterfire_cli is forbidden"
Showing that my SDK version is 2.13.4 and it needs 2.14.0 onwards.
I went to flutter console as administrator and run choco upgrade dart-sdk. It told me I now have version v2.17.3.
However, I still get the same problem in flutterfire_cli.
Things I've tried:
creating a .bashrc file with the line export PATH="$PATH": "C:\Users\sjrol\OneDrive\Documentos\flutter\.pub-cache\bin" in it (it is the route flutter console told me to save).
creating a system environment variable inside PATH that points to my dart folder , with the newer version.
In my pubspec.yaml file I've got .
Then rebooted the PC. Same problem. No idea of what's happening.
Dart pub global and choco upgrade results (running the firebase console as administrator):
Flutter doctor (I don't use android studio so no problem, and the android status problem is something I've been facing for a long time and has never given me any problem. Maybe it still has something to do with this?).
I can tell I'm working with the new dart version in my VSCode now, thanks to the new features it has, but firebase still won't let me install CLI. Thank you in advance for your help.
Try this:
Change your sdk version in pubspec.yaml to sdk: ">=2.17.3 <3.0.0"
Run dart --version to make sure the new path is working
Run flutter clean
Run the app

when I try to run my existing flutter project in windows version, I am getting this error

I have an flutter project which I created long back when Flutter windows became stable version I want to use same project for windows version but it says this error.
You should be able to fix this error by downloading the Nuget.exe and adding it to your Windows' path manually.
The root problem may be related to your installation of Visual Studio as described here

Ionic trouble: can't build to android

I've got an Ionic 3.4 project and trying to build it to Android for testing purposes.
I installed Android Studio and the Android SDK, aswell Java 8. Then did:
ionic cordova platform add android
Then, when I write...
ionic build android
... I get the following error:
cordova build android ✖ Running command - failed!
[ERROR] Cordova encountered an error.
You may get more insight by running the Cordova command above directly.
[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova build android (exit
code 1):
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_121
Error: Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio,
or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle
in your path, or install Android Studio
What's going on? I also installed Gradle 4.0 into the Java folder, and pointed towards it in the GRADLE_HOME environment variable:
Value: C:\Program Files\Java\gradle-4.0
Also added the following to the path:
But it still throws the same error... I don't think it's a problem with plugins, but with the Ionic/Cordova build system. What I don't understand, is why it needs Gradle when it's perfectly working in Android Studio, maybe it's because it's not in C:/, but a different disk? Any ideas?
(Assuming Windows 10)
open Start Menu, type path and hit Enter
System Properties will open. On the bottom click Environment Variables...
In the window that opens, on the bottom section named System Variables, double click Path
Click New and copy paste the path to your gradle installation
Make sure the path environment variable points to the bin folder of gradle like so: export PATH="$PATH:/home/jeffbl/android-studio/gradle/gradle-3.2/bi‌​n".
If that doesn't work try:
$ cordova platform rm android && cordova platform add https://github.com/apache/cordova-android && cordova build
If that doesn't work then use the SDK manager to downgrade to an earlier version of your SDK. It might be that there is no graddle wrapper out yet for the latest.
In any case you will find the answer to your problem in this github issue.
Ok, I already fixed it. And the fix is weird as hell, but well, at least it works.
Solution: uninstall Android Studio and install it in the main drive (C in my case). Everything began to work perfectly after this clean install.

Build phonegap windows8 project using command line

I want to build a phonegap project (on windows 8.1) for windows 8 but somehow I get an error. Building a Android project goes without any errors. When I run the command 'phonegap run windows8' I get the following error:
I also tried 'phonegap install windows8', same problem. I installed phonegap last week using 'npm install -g phonegap'. Maybe a stupid question, but how do I know I use the latest release (currently 2.9.1)? When I do 'phonegap version' it returns 3.3.0-0.18.0.
I installed cordova instead of phonegap in my command-line (npm install cordova). with cordova everything went just fine. I searched in the platform list of the phonegap install and noticed phonegap doesn't support windows 8. Very confusing since the phonegap website tells us to install phonegap instead of cordova. If anyone has question about building a app phonegap for windows 8 let me know.

installation file corrupted from install4j

install4j's multiplatform installer has been working great for years. Now out of the blue we are getting an error popup dialog that The installation file is corrupted. If it is a download please try again. It has installed about 19MB of 164MB and the last file it didn't write was a small jar that has been in the build for some time now.
We get this error when running the full installer right after it is built as a test. We are also building several 'companion' applications with all the same files just different start up options and its installer run fine.
We are using install4j in batch mode:
install4j version: 5.0.8 (build 5311)
Are you running it on the latest Mac OS? If so then this is because of the latest Gatekeeper "feature" of Apple and you need to sign your code: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5290
