Can Fabric be used to log events from the backend? - events

We're using Fabric for our mobile apps and now we'd like to also log some events and data from the backend directly. Is this possible?

that's not currently possible but something interesting for us to consider. All events need to be called via the device.


Creating realtime alerts for stock quotes

I want to create a realtime stock alert app where users can subscribe to specific stock instrument with target price. Once that target price hit, The subscribed user will be notified over the app.
A good example of such platform is
For stock API's I will be receiving realtime stock quotes from My API vendor over.
As far my knowledge is concern, I'm looking at this app as Web socket OR MQTT pub/sub platform where users can subscribe to that specific instrument topic and get notified once stock price is hit.
But my knowledge is limited when it comes to thousands of users subscribing to thousands of alerts.
What technologies must be going at the backend for such kind of apps ? What must be the data flow ?
Bit late answer to this, I was working on something similar with all custom NodeJS server and instruments you want to subscribe on. It is very simple server and you can find it here
I am working on desktop App built on top of Electron which is used for subscribing to instruments, monitoring multiple instruments and creating visual and sound alerts for every instrument individually. I have not release Electron app source to the public yet.
Creating mobile app will be harder as it would require backround data and best bet would be using Flutter and Google Firestore to send alerts. Well this is very top level.. I will eventually make flutter app and share it on Github
Overlooking the fact that there are literally thousands of apps out there that do all of this already....
Your best bet might be to do one of two things:
1) Just send out the stock price and let the client app figure out the alert, or
2) Have a back-end system that just sends out the alert to the specific customer when their price point is reached.
Option 1 is something that MQTT could easily do. Option 2 could be done using MQTT, but its something of an overkill IMHO. MQTT is built for applications where one node is publishing data, and many nodes are subscribing to that data -- hence Option 1 is more in line with what MQTT was built for.

Client Side Transactions in Azure App Service Offline Sync

Is it possible to leverage transaction on the client, when using azure app service offline sync?
It seems to me that you can pretty much only insert into the SQLite store a record at a time, but ideally i'd like to be able to commit multiple records in a transaction.
I'm using Xamarin with Android right now,but will be also supporting iOS.
Unfortunately, on Windows, Xamarin, and Android you can only commit one record at a time on the local MobileServicesSQLiteStore. This is because changes need to be made one at a time using methods like SyncTable.UpdateAsync, which is how you mark a change as being tracked to send to the server.
On native iOS, the Mobile Services offline sync feature uses Core Data, which does support a form of transaction ( If you use these APIs, you still need to make calls to the Mobile Services SDK methods to track each individual change in the internal tracking tables.
Why do you need transactions on the client side? There might be a different way to achieve your goal.

Broadcast events in Firefox OS

I am wondering if there is a way for a Firefox OS app to broadcast an event to all other apps and for the interested apps to hook on that event and trigger a corresponding action.
An example of use case I have in mind: the Camera app broadcasts the event "picture taken" and another app hooks on this event and take some action on the new picture that has been taken (for example, uploads it to a server).
There's not currently a web API in Firefox OS to broadcast events to all open and/or interested apps.
For your particular use-case of apps being notified when a new photo is taken by Camera, the best approach is probably to open DeviceStorage for "pictures" and listen to "change" events.
Documentation for this is at:
Alternatives exist but are more restricted functionally, and available in fewer releases and contexts:
The system can broadcast messages, but only certified apps can listen.
The InterAppCommunication API allows web applications to message one or more other apps, but in a more tightly coupled way than a general broadcast. However this API is not yet standardized, and is only available to certified apps.
Access to system preferences is coming soon for non-certified apps, and maybe could be used to do this, but that's a hacky way of accomplishing messaging and data sharing.
Note: For every example here, your app would have to be running for it to work. There's no mechanism for waking an app up when a specific action or event occurs. Web Activities is the closest API for event-specific app loading. Timers API is for non-specific app loading.
From this article[1]:
App authors can build an app that will handle one or more activities. That means that the app will be callable by another app to perform some specific actions defined by the activity. For example, let's pretend we want to build a photo manager. It could be used by another application to pick a photo. As an activity handler our app will become part of the other application's workflow.

Can I use PubNub for realtime data collection?

I'm interested in collecting realtime data periodically (say every 1 min.) through a mobile app on my server. Can I use services like PubNub or Pusher for it or are they only for communication in the other direction - like sending push notifications from a server?
If I can use, could you please explain how exactly the setup would work?
PubNub can provide bi-directional real-time datastreams on all devices, including mobile! Any phone (or server) can be a publisher, or a subscriber, or both.
You can choose your SDK of choice here -- each client has docs for a simple hello world app.
If you need more assistance in getting setup with PubNub on mobile, just shoot us an email at and we will assist!

broadcasting data to mobile devices

I working on a project were mobile users can receive alerts based on diferent factors, the server side will be implemented using the MVC framework.
My question is regarding the client side; what would be the most efficient way to send the alerts to the clients? is there any way to broadcast the alerts to each device or do I have to set up some system where each device pulls the data from the server on an interval of mins/seconds? I am afraid pulling the data every X secs/mins would create an unnesesary overhead on the mobile devices.
One way would be using SMS but SMS gateway services are expensive and not on my budget right now.
I haven't personally tried it, but this service might work for you:
It is free for limited use. Downside is it appears to be a separate install on the mobile device. This might means less control of the content of the message or its look. Upside is it looks quick and easy if you just need a proof of concept at this point.
