Xamarin DataPicker how to handle done button click event - xamarin

I added to my DataPicker unfocused event. And in this event I would like to check if Done button was clicked.
private void DatePicker_Unfocused(object sender, FocusEventArgs e)
Or other option.
Is it possible to add listener to button Done, and if was clicked then fired some method?
How can I do it?
Thank you.

Every UI control which receives input always has some event handlers which you can listen to.
In your case the DatePicker has an Event Handler which fires when the Date property changes.
Here is the documentation:
DatePicker Event Handler - Xamarin Documentation
The implementation of this handler is simple:
DatePicker datePicker;
DateTime newDate;
DateTime oldDate;
public YourPage()
datePicker.DateSelected += Date_DateSelected;
void Date_DateSelected(object sender, DateChangedEventArgs e)
newDate = e.NewDate;
oldDate = e.OldDate;
Always read the documentation first, as that's the best way to learn how to use a specific control.


WPF Shown Event fires while not fully painted

I want to open a form, make a screenshot and close it.
So I tried the Shown Event, but this fired before everything is painted.
Since Shown is the last event fired (according to MSDN), what can I do?
I think just delaying isn't such a good idea in an event driven environment.
Any advice? Thx in adv.
this.Shown += new System.EventHandler(this.PrintForm_Shown);
private void PrintForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)

How to enable PhoneApplicationPage_BackKeyPress event when set textbox.Focus() on textbox_LostFocus event in windows phone 8

How to enable
event when set textbox.Focus() on textbox_LostFocus event in windows phone 8.
I want to show keyboard when i add some item into listbox from textbox. Listbox gets update but my keyboard always gets hide on button click.
I want to make it open all the time till i press back key.
you can get BackKeyPress Event by :
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
You can write textbox.Focus() at the end of button click when all work is done
try this :
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TextBoxName.Text = "";
I have implemented. Its working...

Make a difference between a tab event and a flick event on listbox

I have a listbox which contains a list of images; I don't know how to differentiate betwwen a Flick event and a Tap event, to make a zoom on the chosen image?
There is a Tap event on all elements (in Mango). Tap event don't raised when user scrolls a list.
Also, you can place an image inside a retemplated Button (leave only content holder). Then you get for free Click event and Tilt Effect as well
There is additional support for detecting touch in the XNA library. Trying adding the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch reference to your project
Include the following using statement:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch;
Subscribe to the required events in your constructor as follows:
TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.Tap | GestureType.Flick;
On your list box create an event for Manipulation Completed as follows:
You could add code to the that event method to track the type of events that have been completed with the following code:
private void ListBoxDays_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable)
GestureSample gesture = TouchPanel.ReadGesture();
if (gesture.GestureType == GestureType.Tap)
//Do something
if (gesture.GestureType == GestureType.Flick)
//Do something else
Hope this Helps

Where Can I Find Key Events in LightSwitch?

I'm working on a project in Lightswitch and I'm trying to handle the keyup event on specific screen
I couldn't find it, where can I find those events (such us KeyUp KeyDown LostFocus ext. )
and if they are not supported what should I do to handle a situation like that?
I guess you are referring to controls and not the actual screen. So, for example, to handle keyboard events on a textbox, one way of achieving it is like in this example, where I have an "Address1" textbox and I want to change its text whenever the user types a certain letter:
1 - On the Activated event of the screen, you can get to the required textbox:
partial void CustomersListDetail_Activated()
this.FindControl("Address1").ControlAvailable += AddressTextBoxAvailable;
2 - On the Available event handler, you can connect with the required event (you can have KeyUp, KeyDown, LostFocus and others):
private void AddressTextBoxAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)
((System.Windows.Controls.TextBox) e.Control).KeyUp += AddressTextBoxKeyUp;
3 - On the KeyUp event handler, you can do your manipulation:
private void AddressTextBoxKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.A)
((System.Windows.Controls.TextBox) sender).Text = "You typed A";

RoutedEvents in WP7 Custom Control

In normal version of silverlight you can create an event handler by registering it by EventManager. Windows Phone 7 hasn't got that class.
My question is: How to create an event, which will be handled by the parent panels.
My scenario: I've created a custom class with some textbox in it. Foreach I've added my custom behavior, which raises when textblock is clicked. Behavior works like: "When this Textblock in custom control is clicked, please raise a custom event with my custom args (i want to pass them to the Custom Control itself (for example to specify to which VisualState change it)."
Can you help me how to handle my problem?
Could you provide sample code of what you are trying to do? it seems you want to create an event for when the TextBlock is clicked.
Add an event handler to the textblock:
public Event EventHandler<RoutedEventsArgs> TextClicked;
// Fire the event
private void OnTextClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (TextClicked != null)
TextClicked(sender, e);
TextBlock.Click =+ OnTextBlockClicked;
private void OnTextBlockClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Raise event
OnTextClicked(sender, e);
Something along those lines I think.
