how to find whole squares between 2 numbers - algorithm

I want to find perfect square between two numbers A, B (numbers can be positive/negative). I also want to achieve time complexity of O(sqrt(abs(B))).
I wrote the following code for this :
count = (int)(Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(B)) - Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(A))) + 1);
This normally works well but fails when the range is between -ve and +ve numbers.
For example is range is A = -1, B = 1. Then I think it should return 2 (0, 1) but returns 1.
I could not find the solution in other answers in SO. So, any help would be appreciated.

Let us assume A, B ≥ 0.
Then A ≤ n² ≤ B is equivalent to √A ≤ n ≤ √B and to ceil(√A) ≤ n ≤ floor(√B).
Thus, the number of solutions is floor(√B) - ceil(√A) + 1.
If A < 0, replace A by 0. Then if B < A, there is no solution.
Update by #Bathsheba:
Finally, if you don't want 0 to be considered to be a perfect square then replace "If A < 0, replace A by 0" with "If A < 1, replace A by 1."

There will be no perfect squares (unless we consider numbers with i from -infinity to 0. So you could/should throw an IllegalArgumentException on negative start number, or just set the start to 0.


algorithm proof - building least number after deleting k digits from an n-digit number

Problem: given an n-digit number, which k (k < n) digits should be deleted from it to make the number left is the smallest among all cases (the relative sequence of remaining digits should not be changed). e.g. delete 2 digits from '24635', the smallest left number is '235'.
A solution: Delete the first digit (from left to right) which is larger than or equal to its right neighbor, or the last digit, if we cannot find one as such. Repeat this procedure for k times. (see codecareer for reference. There are other solutions such as geeksforgeeks, stackoverflow, but I thought the one described here is more intuitive, so I prefer this one.)
The problem now is, how to prove the solution above is correct, i.e. how can it guarantee the final number is smallest by making it the smallest after deleting a single digit at each step.
Suppose k = 1.
Let m = Σi=0,...,n aibi and n+1 digit number anan-1...a1a0 with base b, i.e. 0 ≤ ai < b ∀ 0 ≤ i ≤ n (e.g. b = 10).
∃ j > 0 with aj > aj-1 and let j be maximal.
This means aj is the last digit of a (not necessary strictly) increasing sequence of consecutive digits.
Then the digit aj is now removed from the number and the resulting number m' has the value
m' = Σi=0,...,j-1 aibi + Σi=j+1,...,n aibi-1
The aim of this reduction is to maximize the difference m-m'. So lets take a look:
m - m' = Σi=0,...,n aibi - (Σi=0,...,j-1 aibi + Σi=j+1,...,n aibi-1)
= ajbj + Σi=j+1,...,n (aibi - aibi-1)
= anbn + Σi=j,...,n-1 (ai - ai+1)bi
Can there be a better choice of j to get a bigger difference?
Since an...aj is an increasing sub sequence, ai-ai+1 ≥ 0 holds. So choosing j' > j instead of j, you get more zeros where you now have a positive number, i.e. the difference gets not bigger, but lower if there exists an i with ai+1 < ai (strict smaller).
j is supposed to be maximal, i.e. aj-1-aj < 0. We know
bj-1 > Σi=0,...,j-2(b-1)bi = bi-1-1
This means, that if we choose `j' < j', we get a negative addition to the difference, so it also gets not bigger.
If ∄ j > 0 with aj > aj-1 the above proof works for j = 0.
What is left to do?
This is only the proof that your algorithm works for k = 1.
It is possible to extend the above proof to multiple sub sequences of (not necessary strictly) increasing digits. It's exact the same proof but much less readable, due to the number of indexes you need.
Maybe you can also use induction, since there are no interactions between the digits (blocking following next choices or something).
Here is a simple argument that your algorithm works for any k. Suppose there is a digit in the mth place that is less than or equal to it's right (m+1)th digit neighbor, and you delete the mth digit but not the (m+1)th. Then you can delete the (m+1)th digit instead of the mth, and you will get an answer less than or equal to your original answer.
notice: this proof is for building the maximum number after removing k digits, but the thinking is similar
key lemma: maximum (m + 1)-digit number contains maximum m-digit
number for all m = 0, 1, ..., n - 1
greedy solution to delete one digit from some number to get the maximum
result: just delete the first digit which next digit is greater than it, or the last digit if digits are in non-ascending order. This is very easy to prove.
we use contradiction to proof the lemma.
suppose the first time the lemma is broken when m = k, so S(k) ⊄ S(k + 1). Notice that the S(k) ⊂ S(n) as the initial number contains all sub optimal ones, so there must exist a x that S(k) ⊂ S(x) and S(k) ⊄ S(x - 1), k + 2 <= x <= n
we use the greedy solution above to delete only one digit S[X][y] from S(x) to get S(x - 1), so S[X][y] ∈ S(x) and S[X][y] ∉ S(x - 1) and S(k) must contain it. We now use contradiction to prove that S(k) does not need to contain this digit .
According to our greedy solution, all digits from beginning to S[X][y] are
in non-ascending order.
if S[X][y] is at the tail, then S(k) can be the first k digits of S(x) ---> contradiction!
otherwise, we firstly know that all digits in S[X][1, 2,..., y] are in S[k]. If there is a S[X][z] is not inS(k), 1 <= z <= y - 1, then we can shift digits of S(k) that in range S[X][z + 1, y] to left one unit to get a greater or equal S(k). Therefore, there are at least 2 digit after S[X][y] that are not in S(k) as x >= k + 2. Then, we can follow the prefix of S(k) to S[X][y], but we do not use S[X][y], we use from S[X][y + 1]. As S[X][y + 1] > S[X][y], we can build a greater S(k) -------> contradiction!
so, we prove lemma. If we have got S(m + 1), and we know S(m + 1) contains S(m), then S(m) must be the maximum number after removing one digit from S(m + 1)

arrangement with constraint on the sum

I'm looking to construct an algorithm which gives the arrangements with repetition of n sequences of a given step S (which can be a positive real number), under the constraint that the sum of all combinations is k, with k a positive integer.
My problem is thus to find the solutions to the equation:
x 1 + x 2 + ⋯ + x n = k
0 ≤ x i ≤ b i
and S (the step) a real number with finite decimal.
For instance, if 0≤xi≤50, and S=2.5 then xi = {0, 2.5 , 5,..., 47.5, 50}.
The point here is to look only through the combinations having a sum=k because if n is big it is not possible to generate all the arrangements, so I would like to bypass this to generate only the combinations that match the constraint.
I was thinking to start with n=2 for instance, and find all linear combinations that match the constraint.
ex: if xi = {0, 2.5 , 5,..., 47.5, 50} and k=100, then we only have one combination={50,50}
For n=3, we have the combination for n=2 times 3, i.e. {50,50,0},{50,0,50} and {0,50,50} plus the combinations {50,47.5,2.5} * 3! etc...
If xi = {0, 2.5 , 5,..., 37.5, 40} and k=100, then we have 0 combinations for n=2 because 2*40<100, and we have {40,40,20} times 3 for n=3... (if I'm not mistaken)
I'm a bit lost as I can't seem to find a proper way to start the algorithm, knowing that I should have the step S and b as inputs.
Do you have any suggestions?
You can transform your problem into an integer problem by dividing everything by S: We want to find all integer sequences y1, ..., yn with:
(1) 0 ≤ yi ≤ ⌊b / S⌋
(2) y1 + ... + yn = k / S
We can see that there is no solution if k is not a multiple of S. Once we have reduced the problem, I would suggest using a pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithm to solve the subset sum problem and then reconstruct the solution from it. Let f(i, j) be the number of ways to make sum j with i elements. We have the following recurrence:
f(0,0) = 1
f(0,j) = 0 forall j > 0
f(i,j) = sum_{m = 0}^{min(floor(b / S), j)} f(i - 1, j - m)
We can solve f in O(n * k / S) time by filling it row by row. Now we want to reconstruct the solution. I'm using Python-style pseudocode to illustrate the concept:
def reconstruct(i, j):
if f(i,j) == 0:
if i == 0:
yield []
for m := 0 to min(floor(b / S), j):
for rest in reconstruct(i - 1, j - m):
yield [m] + rest
result = reconstruct(n, k / S)
result will be a list of all possible combinations.
What you are describing sounds like a special case of the subset sum problem. Once you put it in those terms, you'll find that Pisinger apparently has a linear time algorithm for solving a more general version of your problem, since your weights are bounded. If you're interested in designing your own algorithm, you might start by reading Pisinger's thesis to get some ideas.
Since you are looking for all possible solutions and not just a single solution, the dynamic programming approach is probably your best bet.

Generating a stateless, pseudo-random permutation of integers from 0 to n?

Question spawned from this one. The problem can be formulated as follows:
Given two positive integers n and m, with m <= n, is there a way to find a suite of numbers, which cycles and covers all possible values from 0 to n?
As a basic example, if we take 3 as a number, for whatever number current between 0 and 3, we can compute the next value as:
next = (current+3) % 4
This will cycle. For instance: 1 -> 0 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 etc. I found this solution by "chance" and it is even general ((i + n) % (n + 1) for any n), I cannot prove it mathematically. And it is a little too obvious.
Are there better ways to generate such a permutation?
I'm not sure what you intend m in the question to refer to, or how you're defining "a suite of numbers"). However, one way of getting a cycle of number is to use a recursion (or iteration) of the form:
next = f(current)
for some function f. For example, linear congruential RNGs use the iteration:
x = ( a · x + c ) mod m where 0 < a, c < m
They don't always produce all values from 0 to m-1, but under certain circumstances they do:
c and m are relatively prime
a - 1 is divisible by every prime factor of m (not including m)
if m is divisible by 4, a - 1 is divisible by 4.
(This is the Hull-Dobell theorem.)
Note that a, c == 1 satisfies the above criteria for any m. Futhermore, if m is prime, any values of a and c satisify the criteria, and if m is a power of 2, then the criteria are satisfied by any a, c such that a == 1 mod 4 and c == 1 mod 2. However, for certain values of m (eg. 6), the only value of a which will work is 1.
This might not qualify as "stateless", but I don't think that there is any strictly stateless solution; for example, you might look for some function f such that:
f(0), f(1),... f(m-1)
is a permutation of
0, 1, ..., m-1
so that you could generate the cycle by calling f(i) for successive values of i. But that's still a state, since you have to remember the last value of i you used,
Incrementing each subsequent number by any number that does not share a common prime divisor with (n-m+1) would cover the sequence (e.g. for the sequence [2-11] (10 numbers) incrementing by 3, 7, or 9 would work but 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 would not because they share a common divisor (2 and/or 5)
I took out the shuffling idea since it seems that you want to increment by the same number each time. If you want a truly "random" sequence that has m at the first element just take m out and place it at the beginning. I'm not sure how that helps you, though.

Algorithm to find smallest N such that N! is divisible by a prime raised to a power

Is there an efficient algorithm to compute the smallest integer N such that N! is divisible by p^k where p is a relatively small prime number and k, a very large integer. In other words,
factorial(N) mod p^k == 0
If, given N and p, I wanted to find how many times p divides into N!, I would use the well-known formula
k = Sum(floor(N/p^i) for i=1,2,...
I've done brute force searches for small values of k but that approach breaks down very quickly as k increases and there doesn't appear to be a pattern that I can extrapolate to larger values.
Edited 6/13/2011
Using suggestions proposed by Fiver and Hammar, I used a quasi-binary search to solve the problem but not quite in the manner they suggested. Using a truncated version of the second formula above, I computed an upper bound on N as the product of k and p (using just the first term). I used 1 as the lower bound. Using the classic binary search algorithm, I computed the midpoint between these two values and calculated what k would be using this midpoint value as N in the second formula, this time with all the terms being used.
If the computed k was too small, I adjusted the lower bound and repeated. Too big, I first tested to see if k computed at midpoint-1 was smaller than the desired k. If so, midpoint was returned as the closest N. Otherwise, I adjusted the highpoint and repeated.
If the computed k were equal, I tested whether the value at midpoint-1 was equal to the value at midpoint. If so, I adjusted the highpoint to be the midpoint and repeated. If midpoint-1 was less than the desired k, the midpoint was returned as the desired answer.
Even with very large values for k (10 or more digits), this approach works O(n log(n)) speeds.
OK this is kind of fun.
Define f(i) = (p^i - 1) / (p - 1)
Write k in a kind of funny "base" where the value of position i is this f(i).
You do this from most-significant to least-significant digit. So first, find the largest j such that f(j) <= k. Then compute the quotient and remainder of k / f(j). Store the quotient as q_j and the remainder as r. Now compute the quotient and remainder of r / f(j-1). Store the quotient as q_{j-1} and the remainder as r again. Now compute the quotient and remainder of r / f(j-2). And so on.
This generates a sequence q_j, q_{j-1}, q_{j-2}, ..., q_1. (Note that the sequence ends at 1, not 0.) Then compute q_j*p^j + q_{j-1}*p^(j-1) + ... q_1*p. That's your N.
Example: k = 9, p = 3. So f(i) = (3^i - 1) / 2. f(1) = 1, f(2) = 4, f(3) = 13. So the largest j with f(j) <= 9 is i = 2 with f(2) = 4. Take the quotient and remainder of 9 / 4. That's a quotient of 2 (which is the digit in our 2's place) and remainder of 1.
For that remainder of 1, find the quotient and remainder of 1 / f(1). Quotient is 1, remainder is zero, so we are done.
So q_2 = 2, q_1 = 1. 2*3^2 + 1*3^1 = 21, which is the right N.
I have an explanation on paper for why this works, but I am not sure how to communicate it in text... Note that f(i) answers the question, "how many factors of p are there in (p^i)!". Once you find the largest i,j such that j*f(i) is less than k, and realize what you are really doing is finding the largest j*p^i less than N, the rest kind of falls out of the wash. In our p=3 example, for instance, we get 4 p's contributed by the product of 1-9, 4 more contributed by the product of 10-18, and one more contributed by 21. Those first two are just multiples of p^2; f(2) = 4 is telling us that each multiple of p^2 contributes 4 more p's to the product.
Code always helps to clarify. Save the following perl script as and run it as <p> <k>. Note that ** is Perl's exponentiation operator, bdiv computes a quotient and remainder for BigInts (unlimited-precision integers), and use bigint tells Perl to use BigInts everywhere.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use bigint;
#ARGV == 2
or die "Usage: $0 <p> <k>\n";
my ($p, $k) = map { Math::BigInt->new($_) } #ARGV;
sub f {
my $i = shift;
return ($p ** $i - 1) / ($p - 1);
my $j = 0;
while (f($j) <= $k) {
my $N = 0;
my $r = $k;
while ($r > 0) {
my $val = f($j);
my ($q, $new_r) = $r->bdiv($val);
$N += $q * ($p ** $j);
$r = $new_r;
print "Result: $N\n";
exit 0;
Using the formula you mentioned, the sequence of k values given fixed p and N = 1,2... is non-decreasing. This means you can use a variant of binary search to find N given the desired k.
Start with N = 1, and calculate k.
Double N until k is greater or equal than your desired k to get an upper bound.
Do a binary search on the remaining interval to find your k.
Why don't you try binary search for the answer, using the second formula you mentioned?
You only need to consider values for N, for which p divides N, because if it doesn't, then N! and (N-1)! are divided by the same power of p, so N can't be the smallest one.
I = (pn)!
and ignore prime factors other than p. The result looks like
I = pn * pn-1 * pn-2 * ... * p * 1
I = pn + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... 2 + 1
I = p(n2 +n)/2
So we're trying to find the smallest n such that
(n2 +n)/2 >= k
which if I remember the quadratic equation right gives us
N = pn, where n >= (sqrt(1+8k) -1)/2
(P.S. Does anyone know how to show the radical symbol in markdown?)
This is wrong. Let me see if I can salvage it...

Why do we check up to the square root of a number to determine if the number is prime?

To test whether a number is prime or not, why do we have to test whether it is divisible only up to the square root of that number?
If a number n is not a prime, it can be factored into two factors a and b:
n = a * b
Now a and b can't be both greater than the square root of n, since then the product a * b would be greater than sqrt(n) * sqrt(n) = n. So in any factorization of n, at least one of the factors must be smaller than the square root of n, and if we can't find any factors less than or equal to the square root, n must be a prime.
Let's say m = sqrt(n) then m × m = n. Now if n is not a prime then n can be written as n = a × b, so m × m = a × b. Notice that m is a real number whereas n, a and b are natural numbers.
Now there can be 3 cases:
a > m ⇒ b < m
a = m ⇒ b = m
a < m ⇒ b > m
In all 3 cases, min(a, b) ≤ m. Hence if we search till m, we are bound to find at least one factor of n, which is enough to show that n is not prime.
Because if a factor is greater than the square root of n, the other factor that would multiply with it to equal n is necessarily less than the square root of n.
Suppose n is not a prime number (greater than 1). So there are numbers a and b such that
n = ab (1 < a <= b < n)
By multiplying the relation a<=b by a and b we get:
a^2 <= ab
ab <= b^2
Therefore: (note that n=ab)
a^2 <= n <= b^2
Hence: (Note that a and b are positive)
a <= sqrt(n) <= b
So if a number (greater than 1) is not prime and we test divisibility up to square root of the number, we will find one of the factors.
It's all really just basic uses of Factorization and Square Roots.
It may appear to be abstract, but in reality it simply lies with the fact that a non-prime-number's maximum possible factorial would have to be its square root because:
sqrroot(n) * sqrroot(n) = n.
Given that, if any whole number above 1 and below or up to sqrroot(n) divides evenly into n, then n cannot be a prime number.
Pseudo-code example:
i = 2;
is_prime = true;
while loop (i <= sqrroot(n))
if (n % i == 0)
is_prime = false;
exit while;
Let's suppose that the given integer N is not prime,
Then N can be factorized into two factors a and b , 2 <= a, b < N such that N = a*b.
Clearly, both of them can't be greater than sqrt(N) simultaneously.
Let us assume without loss of generality that a is smaller.
Now, if you could not find any divisor of N belonging in the range [2, sqrt(N)], what does that mean?
This means that N does not have any divisor in [2, a] as a <= sqrt(N).
Therefore, a = 1 and b = n and hence By definition, N is prime.
Further reading if you are not satisfied:
Many different combinations of (a, b) may be possible. Let's say they are:
(a1, b1), (a2, b2), (a3, b3), ..... , (ak, bk). Without loss of generality, assume ai < bi, 1<= i <=k.
Now, to be able to show that N is not prime it is sufficient to show that none of ai can be factorized further. And we also know that ai <= sqrt(N) and thus you need to check till sqrt(N) which will cover all ai. And hence you will be able to conclude whether or not N is prime.
So to check whether a number N is Prime or not.
We need to only check if N is divisible by numbers<=SQROOT(N). This is because, if we factor N into any 2 factors say X and Y, ie. N=XY.
Each of X and Y cannot be less than SQROOT(N) because then, XY < N
Each of X and Y cannot be greater than SQROOT(N) because then, X*Y > N
Therefore one factor must be less than or equal to SQROOT(N) ( while the other factor is greater than or equal to SQROOT(N) ).
So to check if N is Prime we need only check those numbers <= SQROOT(N).
Let's say we have a number "a", which is not prime [not prime/composite number means - a number which can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself. For example, 6 can be divided evenly by 2, or by 3, as well as by 1 or 6].
6 = 1 × 6 or 6 = 2 × 3
So now if "a" is not prime then it can be divided by two other numbers and let's say those numbers are "b" and "c". Which means
Now if "b" or "c" , any of them is greater than square root of "a "than multiplication of "b" & "c" will be greater than "a".
So, "b" or "c" is always <= square root of "a" to prove the equation "a=b*c".
Because of the above reason, when we test if a number is prime or not, we only check until square root of that number.
Given any number n, then one way to find its factors is to get its square root p:
sqrt(n) = p
Of course, if we multiply p by itself, then we get back n:
p*p = n
It can be re-written as:
a*b = n
Where p = a = b. If a increases, then b decreases to maintain a*b = n. Therefore, p is the upper limit.
Update: I am re-reading this answer again today and it became clearer to me more. The value p does not necessarily mean an integer because if it is, then n would not be a prime. So, p could be a real number (ie, with fractions). And instead of going through the whole range of n, now we only need to go through the whole range of p. The other p is a mirror copy so in effect we halve the range. And then, now I am seeing that we can actually continue re-doing the square root and doing it to p to further half the range.
Let n be non-prime. Therefore, it has at least two integer factors greater than 1. Let f be the smallest of n's such factors. Suppose f > sqrt n. Then n/f is an integer ≤ sqrt n, thus smaller than f. Therefore, f cannot be n's smallest factor. Reductio ad absurdum; n's smallest factor must be ≤ sqrt n.
Any composite number is a product of primes.
Let say n = p1 * p2, where p2 > p1 and they are primes.
If n % p1 === 0 then n is a composite number.
If n % p2 === 0 then guess what n % p1 === 0 as well!
So there is no way that if n % p2 === 0 but n % p1 !== 0 at the same time.
In other words if a composite number n can be divided evenly by
p2,p3...pi (its greater factor) it must be divided by its lowest factor p1 too.
It turns out that the lowest factor p1 <= Math.square(n) is always true.
Yes, as it was properly explained above, it's enough to iterate up to Math.floor of a number's square root to check its primality (because sqrt covers all possible cases of division; and Math.floor, because any integer above sqrt will already be beyond its range).
Here is a runnable JavaScript code snippet that represents a simple implementation of this approach – and its "runtime-friendliness" is good enough for handling pretty big numbers (I tried checking both prime and not prime numbers up to 10**12, i.e. 1 trillion, compared results with the online database of prime numbers and encountered no errors or lags even on my cheap phone):
function isPrime(num) {
if (num % 2 === 0 || num < 3 || !Number.isSafeInteger(num)) {
return num === 2;
} else {
const sqrt = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num));
for (let i = 3; i <= sqrt; i += 2) {
if (num % i === 0) return false;
return true;
<label for="inp">Enter a number and click "Check!":</label><br>
<input type="number" id="inp"></input>
<button onclick="alert(isPrime(+document.getElementById('inp').value) ? 'Prime' : 'Not prime')" type="button">Check!</button>
To test the primality of a number, n, one would expect a loop such as following in the first place :
bool isPrime = true;
for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){
if(n%i == 0){
isPrime = false;
What the above loop does is this : for a given 1 < i < n, it checks if n/i is an integer (leaves remainder 0). If there exists an i for which n/i is an integer, then we can be sure that n is not a prime number, at which point the loop terminates. If for no i, n/i is an integer, then n is prime.
As with every algorithm, we ask : Can we do better ?
Let us see what is going on in the above loop.
The sequence of i goes : i = 2, 3, 4, ... , n-1
And the sequence of integer-checks goes : j = n/i, which is n/2, n/3, n/4, ... , n/(n-1)
If for some i = a, n/a is an integer, then n/a = k (integer)
or n = ak, clearly n > k > 1 (if k = 1, then a = n, but i never reaches n; and if k = n, then a = 1, but i starts form 2)
Also, n/k = a, and as stated above, a is a value of i so n > a > 1.
So, a and k are both integers between 1 and n (exclusive). Since, i reaches every integer in that range, at some iteration i = a, and at some other iteration i = k. If the primality test of n fails for min(a,k), it will also fail for max(a,k). So we need to check only one of these two cases, unless min(a,k) = max(a,k) (where two checks reduce to one) i.e., a = k , at which point a*a = n, which implies a = sqrt(n).
In other words, if the primality test of n were to fail for some i >= sqrt(n) (i.e., max(a,k)), then it would also fail for some i <= n (i.e., min(a,k)). So, it would suffice if we run the test for i = 2 to sqrt(n).
