Logstash omitting daylight saving time when parsing date - elasticsearch

My log file contains a timestamp without timezone indicator.
In format dd-MMM-yyyy::HH:mm:ss
My server is located in central Europe, so is in timezone UTC+1 but currently uses DST that results in UTC+2.
A date in the log file: 2017-07-25::17:30:00 is parsed as 2017-07-25T16:30:00Z. But it should be 2017-07-25T15:30:00Z. As we are in DST now.
Logstash seems to consider only the timezone but not DST.
How can I fix this?
My logstash config:
date {
match => ["logdate", "dd-MMM-yyyy::HH:mm:ss"]
target => "#timestamp"
remove_field => "logdate"

You need to specify the timezone your dates are in:
date {
match => ["logdate", "dd-MMM-yyyy::HH:mm:ss"]
target => "#timestamp"
remove_field => "logdate"
timezone => "Europe/Zurich" <-- add this line
You may change "Europe/Zurich" to whatever timezone makes sense to you (other list of time zones that might be of use)


date parsefailure to convert in logstash

Mon Nov 18 09:38:45 2019
Is there any idea on how to convert this above date so that it can be digest in grok filter ?
Here is what i did but still date parsefailure is there in logstash
date { match => ["starttime","E MMM dd HH:mm:s yyyy"]
target => starttime }
You are using wrong the filter. You need to specify that you want a Grok match and give it a name. In addition, it seems that your date format does not follow any of the standards (that can be checked in Github), so you'll need a custom one that adjusts to your format. Something like this should work:
grok {
match => { "starttime" => "%{DAY} %{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY} %{TIME} %{YEAR}"}
This should go inside your filter and then you can use starttime as you wish.

Date filter in logstash: bad results(shows one day back)

I am loading a CSV file into elastic using logstash
This CSV file contains a column 'deadline' which has dates of the format
"deadline": "15-06-2014"
I am using the date filter plugin in logstash to get this in date format into elastic
date {
match => ["deadline","dd-MM-yyyy"]
target => "deadline_date"
But in the output I am receiving the date which has moved one day back
"deadline_date": "2014-06-14T18:30:00.000Z"
I have one more instance with format like this "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
date {
match => ["launched","dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"]
target => "launched_date"
Gives result with time changed
"launched": "09-09-2013 18:19"
"launched_date": "2013-09-09T12:49:00.000Z"
Please help me figure out this issue.
You're missing your timezone:
date {
match => ["deadline","dd-MM-yyyy"]
target => "deadline_date"
timezone => "Etc/GMT"

date format convertion in logstash elk stack

I have a date column in my table that I fetch using jdbc input in logstash. The problem is logstash gives a wrong value to elasticsearch stack.
For example if I have a date start_date="2018-03-01" in elasticsearch I would get the value "2018-02-28 23:00:00.000".
What I want is to keep the format of start_date or at least output the value "2018-03-01 00:00:00.000" to elasticsearch.
I tried to use this filter :
date {
timezone => "UTC"
match => ["start_date" , "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
but it didn't work.
It is because, you are trying to convert it to UTC timezone. You need to change your configuration like this:
date {
match => ["start_date" , "yyyy-MM-dd"]
This would be enough to parse your date.
Let me know if that works.

Parsing a date field in logstash to elastic search

I am trying to parse log files from IIS to the ELK stack (Logstash:2.3, Elastic:2.3 and Kibana:4.5, CentOS 7 vm).
I have attempted to parse a date field from the log message as the event timestamp using the date filter below in my logstash configuration:
date {
match => ["date_timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
timezone => "Europe/London"
locale => "en"
target => "#timestamp"
The first few characters of the entire log message that was parsed to Elastic Search is:
"message": "2016-03-01 03:30:49 .........
The date field above was parsed to Elastic Search as:
"date_timestamp": "16-03-01 03:30:49",
However, the event timestamp that was parsed to Elastic Search using the date filter above is:
"#timestamp": "0016-03-01T03:32:04.000Z",
I will like the #timestamp to be exactly 2016-03-01T03:30:49 as I can't immediately figure out why there is a difference between the hours and minutes.
I have looked at similar problems and documentations such as this one on SO and this one on logstash documentation and logstash documentation.
Any pointer in the right direction will be appreciated.
in your date_timestamp you have only 2 characters for year: "16-03-01 03:30:49", so the date pattern in your date filter is incorrect, should be:
date {
match => ["date_timestamp", "yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
timezone => "Europe/London"
locale => "en"
target => "#timestamp"

Syslog timestamp without year?

I am backfilling my logs into Elasticsearch. So for creating an index by log date in it's timestamp, I use date filter like this:
date {
"locale" => "en"
match => ["timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601"]
target => "#timestamp"
I am using logs from syslog, and syslog timestamp format doest not have year:
# Syslog Dates: Month Day HH:MM:SS
So after using date filter, the index created is like logstash-2015.12.26
if I am reading a log of 26th Dec 2014. So since timestamp is not available in log, it's picking the current year by default.
Any idea how to make the correct index?
Absent a year in the string being parsed by Joda Time, Logstash currently defaults to the year the Logstash process was started. See github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-date bug #3. As a temporary workaround, add a temporary filter to append the correct year (2014) to the end of the timestamp field and adjust your date filter pattern to include YYYY.
filter {
mutate {
replace => ["timestamp", "%{timestamp} 2014"]
date {
locale => "en"
match => ["timestamp",
"MMM d HH:mm:ss YYYY",
"MMM dd HH:mm:ss YYYY",
You can convert your string of date to a date format using date filter. By default, when you use date filter, the date (or datetime) of your log will overwritte the #timestamp.
So, in your filter you don't need target. You just use it if you want convert a variable string to date.
match => ["timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601"]
If the log files you are loading have the year in the filename, you can extract it using a grok filter, create a new field that has the date you've pulled from the syslog plus the year from the filename.
An example of how to extract the date/time from filename can be found here: Logstash: How to use date/time in a filename as an imported field
Using a ruby function, I was able to dynamically set the date to the previous year (If the log date is greater than present YYYY). The event date is read, and computed to see if its greater than the current system date. If YES, subtract 365 days, and overwrite the timestamp.
ruby {
code => 'require "date"
am_date = "%b %d %H:%M:%S"
parsed=DateTime.strptime(event.get("timestamp"), am_date)
if parsed>m_now
event.set("timestamp", parsed.to_s) '
This will prevent any hard-coding of dates.
