BlueprintJS Module build failed due to syntax error - blueprintjs

I am getting the following errors when I run npm run storybook.
I am almost positive it's due to something I am missing in my webpack.config or a missing npm package.
I have researched as much as I know how/what to look for to fix this issue and would appreciate a helping hand.
Link to my sample Github repo
Errors I can see in my terminal when I start my server
ERROR in ./~/css-loader?{"importLoaders":1}!./~/postcss-loader/lib?{"ident":"postcss","plugins":[null,null]}!./~/#blueprintjs/core/dist/index.js
Module build failed: Syntax Error
(7:1) Unknown word
5 | * and
6 | */
> 7 | "use strict";
| ^
8 | function __export(m) {
9 | for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
# ./~/css-loader?{"importLoaders":1}!./~/postcss-loader/lib?{"ident":"postcss"}!./css/global.css 3:10-151
# ./css/global.css
# ./stories/index.js
# ./.storybook/config.js
# multi ./~/#storybook/react/dist/server/config/polyfills.js ./~/#storybook/react/dist/server/config/globals.js (webpack)-hot-middleware/client.js?reload=true ./.storybook/config.js
ERROR in ./~/css-loader?{"importLoaders":1}!./~/postcss-loader/lib?{"ident":"postcss","plugins":[null,null]}!./~/#blueprintjs/table/src/table.scss
Module build failed: Syntax Error
(1:1) Unknown word
> 1 | // Copyright 2016 Palantir Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
| ^
2 | // Licensed under the BSD-3 License as modified (the “License”); you may obtain a copy
3 | // of the license at
# ./~/css-loader?{"importLoaders":1}!./~/postcss-loader/lib?{"ident":"postcss"}!./css/global.css 4:10-167

I just had the same exact issue. I managed to get it to work by
in global.css:
// replacing
#import '~#blueprintjs/core';
// by the more explicit
#import "~#blueprintjs/core/dist/blueprint.css";
in webpack.config.js I included loaders for css and files:
{ test: /\.css$/, use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"] },
test: /\.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2)$/,
// We need to resolve to an absolute path so that this loader
// can be applied to CSS in other projects (i.e. packages/core)
loader: require.resolve("file-loader") + "?name=fonts/[name].[ext]"

Includes for scss files within .css file - BAD
Webpack config was incorrect. The setup below fixes the issue
const path = require('path');
const srcPath = path.join(__dirname, '../src');
const genDefaultConfig = require('#storybook/react/dist/server/config/defaults/webpack.config.js');
module.exports = (baseConfig, env) => {
const config = genDefaultConfig(baseConfig, env);
test: /\.scss$/,
use: [{
loader: "style-loader" // creates style nodes from JS strings
}, {
loader: "css-loader" // translates CSS into CommonJS
}, {
loader: "sass-loader" // compiles Sass to CSS
config.resolve.extensions.push('.css', '.scss', '.sass');
return config;


CssSyntaxError in plugin "gulp-postcss" / You tried to parse SCSS with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-scss parser

I'm using this plugin for years now, and it's the first time I get this error.
I'm working on an old project which i recently upgraded to the latests versions of node & npm, so I'm working with node v16.15.0 and npm v8.5.5. I also upgraded all of my npm packages to their latests versions (yes, I like to live dangerously).
Gulp v4.0.2 with gulpfile.js as such (there is some commented code in it because I'm still in the process of making it work with these versions of node & npm. Originally, this project was running fine with node v12.6.0 and npm v7.20.03 .
After upgrading, I encountered many errors, as for example the need to switch from node-sass to dart-sass, because it's deprecated. ) :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const gulp = require('gulp'),
//sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('dart-sass'), require('node-sass')),
sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'), require('dart-sass')),
globImporter = require('node-sass-glob-importer'),
postcss = require('gulp-postcss'),
stylelint = require('gulp-stylelint'),
svgstore = require('gulp-svgstore'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
cssnano = require('cssnano'),
uglifyjs = require('uglify-js'),
del = require('del'),
autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'),
// This is based on node-sass, which is deprecated
// find a replacement which works with something else...
//inliner = require('sass-inline-svg'),
connect = require('gulp-connect'),
openBrowser = require('open');
// Basic config for paths (cfg = config)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const cfg = {
scssDir: 'src/scss/',
builtCssDir: 'dist/css/',
scssPattern: '**/*.scss',
svgDir: 'src/assets/svg/',
compiledSvgDir: 'dist/svg/',
compiledSvgFileName: 'symbols.twig',
svgPattern: '**/*.svg',
jsLibsDir: 'src/js/libs/',
jsDir: 'src/js/',
compiledJsLibsDir: 'dist/js/libs/',
compiledJsDir: 'dist/js/',
jsPattern: '*.js'
// Launch a server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function serve() {
port: 8080,
livereload: true,
root: ['src']
// Open application in browser
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function open() {
await openBrowser('http://localhost:8080/');
// Construct style.css (Combine all scss files into one css final file)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function style() {
return gulp
// Test files with `gulp-stylelint` to ckeck the coding style
reporters: [
{formatter: 'compact', console: true}
importer: globImporter(),
functions: {
svg: inliner(cfg.svgDir, {encodingFormat: 'uri'})
.on('error', sass.logError)
// Use postcss with autoprefixer and compress the compiled file using cssnano
.pipe(postcss([autoprefixer(), cssnano()]))
// Construct svg symbol file (Combine svg files into one with <symbol> elements)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*function svg() {
return gulp
.src(cfg.svgDir+cfg.svgPattern, {base: cfg.svgDir})
.pipe(rename((filePath) => {
const name = filePath.dirname !== '.' ? filePath.dirname.split(filePath.sep) : []
filePath.basename = `symbol-${name.join('-')}`
.pipe(svgstore({ inlineSvg: true }))
// Catch JS libs and transfer it to dist folder
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function jslibs() {
return gulp
// Compile JS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function js() {
return gulp
// Watcher
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function watch() {'../'+cfg.scssDir+cfg.scssPattern, style)'../'+cfg.scssDir+cfg.scssPattern), style), svg);
// Empty the build folder of its front asset like css & svg (We're not emptying it totally, because there is other assets in it)
function clean() {
return del([
], {force: true});
clean.description = 'Delete the content of the build folder.';
// Serve
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Launch server
const launch = gulp.series(open, serve);
// Builder
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Regenerate the build folder.
const build = gulp.series(clean, style, jslibs, js);
// Export default task
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Regenerate the build folder & launch watcher
const defaultTask = gulp.series(clean, style, jslibs, js, watch);
// Export Tasks
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = {
default: defaultTask
I get the following error when I try to throw my gulp default task in my terminal :
[11:42:55] CssSyntaxError in plugin "gulp-postcss"
/Users/emma/Desktop/www/photosbroth/src/scss/styles.scss:3:1: Unknown word
You tried to parse SCSS with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-scss parser
1 | #charset "UTF-8";
2 |
> 3 | // Import EXTERNAL libs
| ^
4 | // - `sass-mq` for breakpoints management
5 | #import '../../node_modules/sass-mq/mq';
Apparently, it doesn't like the // scss comments, which were perfectly fine before I tried to upgrade my stack.
Could anyone help please ? I wasn't able to find a solution to this.
I tried this in the gulpfile :
postcss = require('gulp-postcss')(require('postcss'))
postcss = require('gulp-postcss')(require('postcss-scss'))
and this
postcss = require('gulp-postcss')(require('postcss'), require('postcss-scss'))
None of those expressions worked.
Is this a bug or anything else ? Am I missing something ?
Thank you.

How to bundle d3 v4 using webpack

I was using D3 v3 with webpack which was simple with one single package. Now that D3 v4 has become modular with separate packages, I am unable to bundle them into single package.
I have referred to mbostock's article below using rollup but it fails saying it is unable to load d3 from index.js. Can anyone help me with how to bundle them using webpack?
I removed d3 from the rollup options and the rollup worked fine. I have explained the steps below
D3 v4 installed.
Added rollup config and storing to ./dist/d3.min.js
pointed webpack to the ./dist/d3.min.js
tried resolve.alias in webpack and require("d3") in one home.js. But no luck it says
cannot resolve module d3 in home.js
tried webpack.Provideplugin in home.js. Still the above error.
Can anyone please help me with getting this d3 loaded?
import node from "rollup-plugin-node-resolve";
export default {
entry: "index.js",
format: "umd",
moduleName: "d3",
plugins: [node()],
dest: "./dist/d3.js"
export * from "d3-selection";
export * from "d3-zoom";
export * from "d3-scale";
export * from "d3-drag";
export * from "d3-force";
export * from "d3-axis";
var webpack = require('webpack')
var path = require('path')
module.exports = {
entry: [
,output: {
path: path.join(__dirname,'dist')
// ,path: '/static'
,publicPath: 'http://localhost:3000/scripts/'
,filename: 'bundle.js'
,plugins :[
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
jquery : "jquery"
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
compress: {
warnings: false
,module: {
// avoid webpack trying to shim process
noParse: /es6-promise\.js$/,
loaders: [
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue'
test: /\.js$/,
// excluding some local linked packages.
// for normal use cases only node_modules is needed.
exclude: /node_modules|vue\/dist|vue-router\/|vue-loader\/|vue-hot-reload-api\//,
loader: 'babel-loader',
query : {
presets : ['es2015']
//,optional : ["runtime"]
,resolve : {
//root : [path.resolve('./node_modules')],
alias : [ {"d3": path.join(__dirname,"dist/d3.min.js") } ],
modulesDirectories : ["node_modules"]
There are quite a few incompatibilities with D3 v4's rollup approach and webpack—yours is totally a sensible approach.
It looks like you're missing the minification step? (Rollup.js creates d3.js, but webpack.config.js expects d3.min.js)
It's also possible that webpack v2's new configuration has some relevant fixes.
This setup works for me (using webpack v2):
let d3 = require('d3');
import npm from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
export default {
entry: './d3.bundle.js',
format: 'umd',
moduleName: 'd3',
plugins: [npm({jsnext: true})],
dest: './dist/d3.js'
export * from "d3-selection";
export * from "d3-zoom";
export * from "d3-scale";
export * from "d3-drag";
export * from "d3-force";
export * from "d3-axis";
"scripts": {
"prepublish": "rollup -c && uglifyjs dist/d3.js -c -m -o dist/d3.min.js"
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'd3': path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/d3.min.js')

Error when combining sass-loader with css-modules

I'm getting the following error when using SASS's map-get.
ERROR in ./src/special.scss
Module build failed: ModuleBuildError: Module build failed: Unknown word (11:14)
9 |
10 | #mixin mediaquery($name) {
> 11 | #media #{map-get($breakpoints, $name)} {
| ^
12 | #content;
13 | }
14 | }
This is only happening when I use both the sass-loader and another loader.
I first thought this was caused by the PostCSS Loader, but it seems like it's the sass-loading causing problems and not transforming the scss when using css-modules.
I've created a sample repo illustrating the problem:
You can use the different branches to test:
master: CSS Modules + SASS
postcss CSS Modules + SASS + PostCSS
log-source: Uses CSS modules + SASS + Custom source logging module
no-css-modules: SASS + Custom source logging module
Only the first and the last branch run without errors.
I've created the log-source example to see what the sass-loader is returning and it looks like it's not transforming the sass (but this might also be me misinterpreting how the loaders work).
The other example without css modules does show the right transformed code..
I'm puzzled why the master branch (without postcss or another custom loader) is working fine though.. if something would be wrong with the sass-loader then that one should also fail right?
I've filed an issue, but I'm thinking this has more chance on StackOverflow since it's such a specific problem and might be more a config problem. Here's my webpack config:
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
const WriteFilePlugin = require('write-file-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
devtool: 'source-source-map',
debug: true,
context: path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),
entry: {
app: './index.js'
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, './static'),
filename: '[name].js',
publicPath: '/static/'
devServer: {
outputPath: path.resolve(__dirname, './static'),
plugins: [
new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),
new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].css'),
new WriteFilePlugin()
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.scss$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style-loader', [
// 'postcss-loader',
// + js loader
postcss: [
autoprefixer({ browsers: ['> 0.5%'] })
resolveLoader: {
fallback: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'loaders'),
path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules')
resolve: {
extensions: ['', '.js', '.json'],
You need to increase the importLoaders query parameter as you add loaders. That feature is poorly documented and confusing, but in your samples repo, importLoaders=2 with both Sass and PostCSS works.

Webpack 2.1.0-beta.6 config file not picking up loaders for styling on windows

I'm trying to get webpack 2.1.0-beta.6's style, css, less, and file loaders to catch on Windows Server 2008, Babel 6, and Node 4.3. If webpack has this loader configuration:
loaders: [
test: /\.less$/,
loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'less-loader']
test: /.gif$/,
loader: 'file'
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
query: {
presets: ['es2015-native-modules']
The import require('../styling/my-style.less') fails with
ERROR in ../styling/my-less.less Module parse failed:
Unexpected character '#' (1:0) You may need an appropriate loader to
handle this file type. | #import "other.css";
./my-js.js 8:0-38
require('style!css!less!../styling/my-style.less') sort of works though. At least until it gets to a .gif file.
ERROR in ../styling/themes/base/images/animated-overlay.gif Module
parse failed:
Unexpected character ' ' (1:7) You may need an appropriate loader to
handle this file type. (Source code omitted for this binary file) #
My webpack config is in with my src directory and styles is a parallel directory
my-js.js // file doing the import from styling
None of my loaders were getting picked up because under module.exports, I didn't have a module wrapping my loaders.
module.exports.loaders //doesn't work and require acts like there aren't loaders associated with the file type
module.exports.module.loaders //works

Getting Babel 6 to work with IE8 (via. Gulp/Webpack)

I've got Babel 6 working nicely with Gulp and Webpack. I now need to polyfill it to get IE8 support.
I've installed the babel-polyfill, but can't get it working and the docs and Google haven't helped so far.
My Gulp task (inc. Webpack config):
gulp.task('webpack', function(callback) {
var webpackConfig = {
context: __dirname + '../../../js',
entry: {
homepage: [
output: {
path: __dirname + '../../../dist/public/scripts/',
filename: '[name].bundle.js'
module: {
loaders: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
test: /\.js$/, // Only run .js files through Babel
include: /js/, // Only include the /js dir
query: {
//plugins: ['transform-runtime'], // Disabled pending fix to
presets: ['es2015'],//, 'stage-0'
webpack(webpackConfig, function(err, stats) {
if (err) {
throw new gutil.PluginError('webpack', err);
gutil.log('[webpack]', stats.toString({
// output options
From the docs (
Usage in Node / Browserify / Webpack
To include the polyfill you need to require it at the top of the entry point to > your application.
Usage in Browser
Available from the dist/polyfill.js file within a babel-polyfill npm release. This needs to be included before all your compiled Babel code. You can either prepend it to your compiled code or include it in a before it.
NOTE: Do not require this via browserify etc, use babel-polyfill.
I've tried simply adding the polyfill.js file to the top of the page, but IE8 still isn't happy with the compiled code's use of the default keyword.
I've also tried adding the polyfill to the webpack process, as per and other suggestions from Google
What am I doing wrong?
