How to do customized template design using mvc - model-view-controller

I want to include customized card design feature in my MVC application.We need the feature like MS paint.I want to do insert picture, shapes and text. Also I need to format the text. How do I proceed? Is there any tools available to include this feature in my MVC application ?


MVC backed auto form generation & editable grid

We've been working on web solutions for over past 9+ years and just like many of you, we've migrated from the legacy ASP to ASP.Net, MVC, knockoutjs and so on. jQuery played a keyrole and now it seems its the age of MVVM libraries like KO with declarative data binding based approach.
I'll stop here and ask for expert opinions on our two requirements -
An editable grid with inbuilt sorting, paging and basic search. And if possible a grid capable of handling its own editable dialog (i.e. like - but its paid)
Is there a way to take the declarative binding to the next level and auto-generate forms backed with knockoutjs like data-binding technology.
I believe no need to mention that we're working in ASP.Net v4.0+ and MVC. Most of our forms are backed by one or more table(s) and we can easily manage the backend CRUD operations once the correct actions are triggered from front end and we can have requests serving JSON as and when requested.
PS: We don't need the old school approachs like the #Html.EditorFor in MVC.

Optimizing Spring / Hibernate project for mobile devices

I have to optimize a Spring / Hibernate project (which was created without keeping mobile devices in mind) to be viewed in mobile devices such as iphone.
This project uses Spring MVC tags in the front end. Is it possible to attach a mobile friendly renderer to Spring MVC? (it is possible in JSF)
Otherwise what are the options available to me?
(My intention is to provide a mobile friendly UI for the existing project without changing the backend)
Spring MVC doesn't have tags for UI components that could be rendered differently. It just has low-level tags to render form fields, and messages.
If you want specific pages for the mobile app, you'll have to tweak the CSS, and/or rewrite the pages. It can help you with its support for themes, but you won't find any magic wand that converts an HTML page and give it mobile-friendly aspect.

MVC compatible Grid, which will have Excel functionality

In our project we need to implement Excel-like grid for web, which will look and fell like Excel cells(not fully, but as much as it possible for web).
The most important functionality, which we need, is ability to input formulas in cells (and they could be like "=A1+C4")
Aspose.Cells looks good, but it is not compatible with MVC at all. Only with ASP.Net. And ASP.Net is not a good way to go, as large part of our system is already working and is based on MVC.
Any help\experience will be appreciated.
Thank You in advance!
You can get a long way with jQuery (jsGrid) but if you want your users to use excel why not just let them?
Excel supports Restful data
Some reading:
How can Excel 2007 / 2010 consume a REST web service?
Book list - getting book details from amazon using Excel VBA barcode lookups

MVC sitemap provider & css styling

Does anyone know how to customise the rendering of the MVC sitemap provider so my ul element has a specific css class?
Try MvcSiteMapProvider hosted on CodePlex. You should be able to fairly easily migrate your existing Sitemap file to the slightly different but essentially compatible format. This will give you the ability to output your sitemap using the simple Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMap() helper method.
The source of the project includes the default templates which you can edit to produce any rendering you like...or just pass in the name of a template in accordance with MVC convention. The model types you'll be rendering are SiteMapHelperModel, SiteMapNodeModel and SiteMapNodeModelList (namespaces removed for terseness).
I appreciate this may not be exactly what you're after as it relies on a 3rd party tool but its a useful project that supports much more than just rendering sitemaps. You'll want version 3.0.0 for MVC3.

jqGrid filtering

I want to implement filtering in my jqGrid in my Spring Framework MVC 3.0 project. Where can I find sample code or documentation telling how to use filtering in this?
I just posted an answer on the same question (probably from you) on To make other people easy to read the answer I post the same information here.
The answer on your question depends a little how you interpret the "filtering". If you want use some external controls (selects, checkboxes and so on on the same page where you have jqGrid) to filter your data I recommend you to read How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box.
If you want to implement data filtering inside of jqGrid you can choose between serching with respect of "search" and reset of serching results with respect of "refresh" buttons of the navigator (simple searching and advanced searching), the usage of toolbar searching (conside the usage of stringResult: true to be more conform with other form of searching) and custom searching.
If you decide to use advance searching you can just add string filter parameter to the (see Guidance on a better way to retain filtering options when using ASP.NET MVC 2) action which provide the grid data or add three string parameters searchField, searchString, searchOper if you want to use simple searching feature. In all cases you will have to add WHERE to the SELECT statments which will be constructed in your program based on the values of the new parameters.
Probably other people post you more URLs to the good full code examples which you could use.
UPATED: I don't use Spring Framework myself, so I could not help you with any Spring MVC 3.0 examples. Some general solution is more common. For example in ASP.NET MVC solutions I prefer don't fill the data in the grid directly using MVC. Instead of that I provide a JSON web service (implemented as a part of ASP.NET MVC solutions or as WCFservice which are the part of the same web site) which URL I place in the jqGrid parameter. So you should just invest in the writing on business logic in form of JSON/XML web service which provide the data. The most jqGrid specific code you can write in JavaScript. So you can share the experience of other people in the usage of jqGrid and have a clear separation of HTML code from the business logic. Moreover JSON/XML web services can be better tested for example with respect of unit tests.
