Want to create serial numbers - oracle

I want to generate the serial no.s
I have,
and I want,
1 ABD90
2 BGJ89
3 HSA76
What code should I run for this outcome?
Please help me.

Since you tagged SAS, I'll answer with SAS.
Based on your question, getting that result from that input would be as simple as this
data result;
set input;
proc sql;
select ID as monotonic()
from input
In pure Oracle you would do this
select rownum, NID
from input
However you might want to throw on ORDER BY in there because you'll likely get different results every time you run that.


How to spool a number in oracle in correct format

I am trying to spool the records by executing script in SqlDeveloper, everything is working fine except printing the record of columns which are NUMBER(38,0) data type.
All numbers record are printing in below format:
I tried many combinations by using set but nothing working.
You can use to_char; for example:
SQL> select to_char(n, '999999999999999999999') from numbers;
This way you can decide the exact format you want to use; for example:
SQL> select to_char(n, 'FM999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999') from numbers;
If you don't need a full control on the format, and/or you don't want to chenge your code, you can follow the suggestion by Nicholas Krasnov :
SQL> set numwidth 50
SQL> select n from numbers;

Import blob through SAS from ORACLE DB

Good time of a day to everyone.
I face with a huge problem during my work on previous week.
Here ia the deal:
I need to download exel file (blob) from ORACLE database through SAS.
I am using:
First step i need to get data from oracle. I used the construction (blob file is nearly 100kb):
proc sql;
connect to oracle;
create table SASTBL as
select * from connection to oracle (
select dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,1,32767) as blob_1,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,32768,32767) as blob_2,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,65535,32767) as blob_3,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,97302,32767) as blob_4
from my_tbl;
And the result is:
blob_1 = 70020202020202...02
blob_2 = 02020202020...02
blob_3 = 02020202...02
I do not understand why the field consists from "02"(the whole file)
And the length of any variable in sas is 1024 (instead of 37767) $HEX2024 format.
If I ll take:
dbms_lob.substr(my_blob_field,2000,900) from the same object the result will mush more similar to the truth:
blob = "A234ABC4536AE7...."
The question is: 1. how can i get binary data from blob field correctly trough SAS? What is my mistake?
Thank you.
I get the information but max string is 2000 kb.
Use the DBMAX_TEXT option on the CONNECT statement (or a LIBNAME statement) to get up to 32,767 characters. The default is probably 1024.
PROC SQL uses SQL to interact with SAS datasets (create tables, query tables, aggregate data, connect externally, etc.). The procedure mostly follows the ANSI standard with a few SAS specific extensions. Each RDMS extends ANSI including Oracle with its XML handling such as saving content in a blob column. Possibly, SAS cannot properly read the Oracle-specific (non-ANSI) binary large object type. Typically SAS processes string, numeric, datetime, and few other types.
As an alternative, consider saving XML content from Oracle externally as an .xml file and use SAS's XML engine to read content into SAS dataset:
libname tempdata xml 'C:\Path\To\XML\File.xml';
data Work.XMLData;
set tempdata.NodeName; /* CHANGE TO REPEAT PARENT NODE OF XML. */
Adding as another answer as I can't comment yet... the issue you experienced is that the return of dbms_lob.substr is actually a varchar so SAS limits it to 2,000. To avoid this, you could wrap it in to_clob( ... ) AND set the DBMAX_TEXT option as previously answered.
Another alternative is below...
The code below is an effective method for retrieving a single record with a large CLOB. Instead of calculating how many fields to split the clob into resulting in a very wide record, it instead splits it into multiple rows. See expected output at bottom.
Disclaimer: Although effective it may not be efficient ie may not scale well to multiple rows, the generally accepted approach then is row pipelining PLSQL. That being said, the below got me out of a pinch if you can't make a procedure...
connect to oracle (authdomain=YOUR_Auth path=devdb DBMAX_TEXT=32767 );
create table clob_chunks (compress=yes) as
select *
from connection to Oracle (
, key
, level clob_order
, regexp_substr(clob_value, '.{1,32767}', 1, level, 'n') clob_chunk
SELECT id, key, clob_value
FROM schema.table
WHERE id = 123
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(clob_value, '.{1,32767}',1,'n')
order by id, key, clob_order;
disconnect from oracle;
Expected output:
1 1 1 short_clob
2 2 1 long clob chunk1of3
2 2 2 long clob chunk2of3
2 2 3 long clob chunk3of3
3 3 1 another_short_one
DBMAX_TEXT tells SAS to adjust the default of 1024 for a clob field.
The regex .{1,32767} tells Oracle to match at least once but no more than 32767 times. This splits the input and captures the last chunk which is likely to be under 32767 in length.
The regexp_substr is pulling a chunk from the clob (param1) starting from the start of the clob (param2), skipping to the 'level'th occurance (param3) and treating the clob as one large string (param4 'n').
The connect by re-runs the regex to count the chunks to stop the level incrementing beyond end of the clob.
SAS KB article for DBMAX_TEXT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_COUNT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_SUBSTR
Oracle regex syntax
Stackoverflow example of regex splitting

Creating Easy Way to update variables in large code

I am using Oracle SQL Developer and have a rather large query built. The query is going to be run on a monthly or quarterly basis. I was wondering if there was a way that I can do a declare statment up top and then in the code just reference these variables created. That way when someone wants to run the query they can just change the dates at the top of the code rather then have to dig through all of it. I am kind of new to Oracle SQL Developer but I know in other sql codes I built I could simply declare the variable and then set it and then in the code call the variable name. Below is an example of what I know how to do but i am having trouble in Oracle SQL Developer.
Example: I have a data base that contains the columns Business, business type(small,medium,large) number of deposits, deposit amount and deposit date. I want to build a query that outputs a quarterly summary of the number of deposits and the deposit amount and be able to change the quarter and size of the business.
Example Code from my previous SQL expereince this is an example of what I am trying to do since i can not disclose my code with the table names etc in them.
Declare #busstype,#qbegindate,#qenddate
Set #busstype = 'small'
Set #qbegindate = '01-JAN-2013'
Set #qenddate = '01-MAR-2013'
Select business,numberofdeposits,depositamount
From business_transactions
Where ('#qbegindate'<=depositdate<='#qenddate'
And businesstype = '#busstype')
Group By Business
The results would list out the businesses name and then the total deposits and total amount.
I know this code is not right but its just an example of what I am looking to do in Oracle SQL Developer. The query I have built is working fine I just find it a pain to dig through the code to change dates and criteria and was wondering how I would do something like this since i have figured out that I am not able to do this in ORACLE Sql Developer.
Here is an example with predefined variable:
set feedback off
var abc varchar2
:abc := 'abc';
select :abc as a from dual;
Common table expressions allow variables to be defined at the top of the query. For performance and style reasons this is generally not a good way to
use common table expressions. The advantage is this query can be run in any IDE and it is completely self-contained.
--Variables - change these before running.
with busstype as (select 'small' value from dual),
qbegindate as (select date '2013-01-01' value from dual),
qenddate as (select date '2013-03-01' value from dual)
--Query - do not modify code below.
select business,numberofdeposits,depositamount
from business_transactions
where depostiddate between
(select value from qbegindate)
(select value from qenddate)
and businesstype = (select value from busstype)
group by business, numberofdeposits,depositamount;

Another client to replace sqlplus for access to oracle?

I have some issues with how sqlplus output is formatted for the terminal and I am just thinking of writing a script around sqlplus and fixing these.
On the other hand, wow that seems really lame. Because Oracle has several tons of tools written. Yet it seems difficult to get what I want. Does anyone have another suggestion?
First, I want smarter column widths. If I create a table with a column whose max size is 200 characters but then I put "abc", "xyz" and "123" in it, do I need a 200-space wide column on the terminal to display the contents? I do not think so. I think I need 3 characters plus a couple for padding. Yet Oracle insists on giving me a 200-character wide column. Unless there is somewhere to fix this.
Second, I want easy access to a sideways display of the columns, like using \G at the end of the command in MySQL. I know there is a way to do this in Oracle but it seemed complicated. Why could there not just be a simple switch? Like a \G at the end of the command? There can be if I wrap the output to sqlplus and do this myself.
So, the question seems to be this. Should I write a simple script around sqlplus to give me what I want, or is there a way to get Oracle to give me this behavior In sqlplus? And if there is, how much extra information will I have to stuff into my head to make this work? Because it does not seem as though it should be very complicated. But Oracle is certainly not making it easy.
First of all I suggest you look over the SQL*plus reference - you might find some useful tips there like adjusting a column width
COL column_name for a20
you can set up your own settings in the GLOGIN file. over time, like any other CMD, you'll get your preferences just right.
To describe a table you can use DESC. if you want more data write your own script and reuse it with #.
If all this doesn't work for you, you can always switch to a GUI like Toad or SQL developer.
I'm adding one of my own scripts to show you some tricks on how to make SQL*Plus more friendly on the command line. This one is for getting segment sizes.
/* This is the trick - clears &1 and &2 if received an empty string */
set ver off feed off
col 1 new_v 1
col 2 new_v 2
select 1,2 from dual where 1=0;
variable p_owner varchar2(30)
variable p_segment varchar2(30)
/* set bind variables */
:p_owner := '&1';
:p_segment := '&2';
set feed 1
break on segment_type skip 1
column MB for a25
decode(gi_segment_name + gi_segment_type + gi_tablespace_name , 3 ,'...Grand Total', segment_name) SEGMENT_NAME,
to_char(round(MB,3),'99,999,999.99') MB ,
nvl(tablespace_name,'-*-') tablespace_name
from (
select tablespace_name , segment_type , segment_name , sum(bytes/1024/1024) MB ,
grouping_id(segment_name) gi_segment_name ,
grouping_id(segment_type) gi_segment_type ,
grouping_id(segment_type) gi_tablespace_name
from dba_segments
where ((:p_owner is null and owner = user) or owner like upper(:p_owner))
and (:p_segment is null or segment_name like upper('%'||:p_segment||'%'))
group by rollup(tablespace_name, segment_type , segment_name)
where not (gi_segment_name = 1 and gi_segment_type = 0 and gi_tablespace_name = 0)
order by decode(segment_type,'TABLE','0','TABLE PARTITION','1','INDEX','2','INDEX PARTITION','3',segment_type) ,
(case when segment_name like '.%' then 'z' else 'a' end) ,
gi_segment_name ,
MB desc ,
clear break
/* clear definition for &1 and &2 after being used.
allows the variable to be null the next run. */
undefine 1
undefine 2
I'll walk you through some of the things iv'e done here
The script accepts two parameters. The first 4 lines clears the
parameter if none received. if you don't do this SQL*Plus will prompt
you for them. And we dont want that.
Setting the binds was more of a big deal in past version. It's
intended to save Hard / Soft parse. latest version solve this
problem. It's still a best practice though.
The break is a nice touch. You'll see it.
The grouping Id show me the sub totals on several levels.
I've added two parameter, owner and segment name. both can contain
wild card. both can be null. If non provided the query will fetch the
current user segments.
Order by decode enabled me to set a custom sort order for different
segment types. You can change it as you wish.
I'm executing the script like this
my segments :
Scott's segments
#seg scott
Scott's Emp related segments
#seg scott emp
I have similar scripts for session, longops, wait events, tables, constraints, locks, kill session etc .... during my daily routine i rarely write SQL for querying this stuff any more.

Variables in PL/SQL

I am working on a rather large SQL script to be used with Oracle, but I'm running into an issue. First, let me outline how the script operates.
Create a customer if it doesn't exist
Create the server if it doesn't exist, using the `CUSTOMERID` value to relate the server to the customer.
`SELECT ID INTO SERVERID WHERE HOSTNAME = 'the.server.i.just.created';`
For each service belonging to this server, insert the service using the `SERVERID` value to relate the service to the server.
Go to 2
Now this process seems to work well for just one customer with 15 servers, each having 6 services. But as soon as the next customer is introduced, I receive prompts for variable substitution. The way I'm using the variables on my insert is pretty straightforward:
SELECT CUSTOMERID, 'the.server.i.just.created' FROM DUAL
WHERE HOSTNAME = 'the.server.i.just.created'
I have also attempted using the DECLARE ... BEGIN ... END; method, but I receive the same general results. Some examples I've seen suggest to use the :CUSTOMERID style variables, but those don't seem to work at all, where they are ending up with null values, which shouldn't be happening given the previous queries.
What I am needing help with is in understanding how to achieve this. I have very limited access to the production environment, so anything I do needs to be kept basic (e.g., no new functions, types, or procedures).
I actually stumbled across the answer after beating my head on the desk repeatedly.
Basically, what was happening was some of the customer names had ampersands in them, and the word immediately following the ampersand was attempting to bind as a variable. The solution was to SET DEFINE OFF; and all was well after that.
Thank you all for your time and consideration.
You can avoid some of the requerying using a RETURNING clause. For example:
SQL> var v number
SQL> print v
SQL> insert into demo1 (col1) values (12345) returning col1 into :v;
1 row inserted
SQL> print v
This tends to be cleaner and more controllable in PL/SQL than in in a series of standalone statements called from a script.
