Port 8005 is used By Windows 10 System Process - windows

Since today, the port 8005 is used for a Windows System Process. When i try to acces to the url http:localhost:8005 ,i can see a Blank Web Page, with no code and no info from any Web Server (No welcome web page or similar).
With the netstat command i can see that the process that uses this port is System process. Any idea why windows is using suddenly this port?
EDIT: Not duplicate question. I don't have another Tomcat installation, the problem comes from a windows process, not for another tomcat instance.

Check if port 8005 is really in use by Windows :
Install and run Sysinternals TCPView and
Check if the line with "Local Port" 8005 has as "Process" System
Or check the file c:\Windows\CCM\Logs\DeltaDownload.log for port 8005
If the port is in use by system, go to Computer Management and stop the service "SMS Agent Host" or open a command prompt as administrator and type:
sc stop CcmExec

The problems comes from a Windows Service:
Not from another Tomcat instance.

I too was facing the same with windows 10 and ran the command netstat -a -b which showed CmRcService.exe is using the port 8005 on the machine.
The most weird part is sometimes if i hit localhost:8005 in the browser url its asking for username and password to access the page and in the developers tools I cannot see any application name or data whatsoever


Unable to find the processes that uses a certain port on Windows 10

unforuneatelly I am not able to start any process on port 2022 on my computer. I'm using Windows 10 Enterprise 1803. I tried to start an IIS site on that port and got an "HRESULT: 0x80070020" error. The same happens when I start an angular "ng serve" on that port.
I tried to find out what process is using that port via netstat -ano | find ":2022" but that gave no output at all (works for other ports). The Windows Resource Manager does not show that port eigther.
Sometimes if I'm lucky after re-adding the site to IIS and reboot the IIS can start on that port.
You should not simply filter on port number, like 2022: "netstat" sometimes returns ranges or wildcards, check the entire "netstat" result if any range or wildcard might cover your 2022 port.

Windows 10 Kill EDB Postgres 8080 server

I want to kill and remove the software that uses the 8080 port that EDB Postgres localhost server so I can use the port for Jenkins.
Using tasklist it tells me the port which is processing, fine for kill the process, but where can I delete uninstall the software.
Just find the server named "PEM HTTPD" and turn it off.Also you can change its start mode to manual.
tasklist is good but you can also use netstat -ano to find the port if you didn't find the process but in taskmanager in windows 10 there is a services tab with a PID column. Just click the column and find the PID. Then right click it and hit properties to find the path of the software. Kill the process and remove the software. Restart and see if it works.

Logging to Adobe CQ5 using PuTTY

I would like to learn about connecting to the CQ5 server using Putty SSH/telnet client for windows to perform operations like server start/stop, check status etc
I tried connecting, but got connection refused.
If anyone could help with the steps to connect, it would be useful.
This is not CQ5 related!
If the server you are trying to connect to is not offering ssh access you won't be able to connect this way. Maybe you are trying to connect to a windows-server? Try remote-desktop in this case.
The below is the Example that might be useful when you are using a putty client from windows, and the CQ5 is hosted in the Linux box.
open the putty window, provide the details
1)HostName or (Ip Address)
2) Enable SSH radio button(which defaults to port 22)
then click on open which prompts you for the linux box username and
Then navigate to the bin folder which is inside of your
crx-quickstart folder is located.
Example: Navigate to "/CQ5/Author/crx-quickstart/bin/"
Use "sh start" or "sh stop" commands to run start and stop scripts of the CQ. Some more info
You can list the process which are up and running on which address by " netstat -lnptu " command
Use " kill -15 PID " for killing a process with specific process id (Example : kill -15 5574)
Apache Felix provides a shell that allows you to interact with the OSGi framework and with shell extensions that CQ5 or applications that run on it can supply. Maybe that's what you're looking for.
Installing the org.apache.felix.shell, org.apache.felix.shell.remote and org.apache.felix.shell.tui bundles provides a remote shell that's accessible via telnet 6666 by default.
Adding the org.apache.felix.gogo.command, org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime and
org.apache.felix.gogo.shell bundles activates the richer Gogo shell.

Not able to start novnc on Windows 2008 # port 80

I have started noVnc on windows using port 6080 and its working fine. Now I would like to start on port 80 and but script shows error on start.
"socket.error: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted"
I tried the following command: utils/launch.sh --listen 80 --vnc localhost:5900
Please let me know how can I fix it, I don't have any IIS installed on windows 2008 R2 machine.
Laxmilal Menaria
Ports less than 1024 are considered privileged so you must have administrative privilege when you run something that wants to use them.
See this answer about using runas.exe: How to run an application as "run as administrator" from the command prompt?

Setting up weinre remote debugging

Instructions for running weinre state that I need to insert following script:
<script src="http://a.b.c:8081/target/target-script-min.js"></script>
where http://a.b.c is my server IP or host name.
Couple of questions:
Does this mean that I must open port 8081 on my remote server?
Also what is the target-script-min.js? It looks like I need to upload it to a target folder?
The way you start the weinre sever is by running the command
in your command line. And then you leaving it running for as long as you're still using weinre. You have options for this command that you can find by type weinre --help, but the important ones are --boundHost, and --httpPort. --boundHost defaults to localhost and --httpPort defaults to 8080. So run
weinre --boundHost
where is your ip address, which you can find by running ipconfig. Put the following in your code:
<script src=""></script>
Then, in your browser, go to
I wrote a blog post about it here: https://adam.garrett-harris.com/how-to-setup-remote-debugging-in-phonegap
To answer your second question, the target-script-min.js is just a javascript file that's a part of weinre whenever you install it. When you have weinre running, you can visit
to see the file if you want.
The weinre server is "started" by executing this command weinre --boundHost a.b.c.d where a.b.c.d stands for the local IP of the desktop used for debugging. The port 8080 will be opened (default port, but you may configure an other one).
At this point, the script http://a.b.c.d:8080/target/target-script-min.js becomes available on your local network, and may be called by your application located on an other device in the same local network.
If your application or tested web page call this script, it will be seen by your desktop.
Therefore, you don't have anything to upload on your target...
Weinri debug resume
After successfully installed weinri,
1 - Run this command with your ip address:
weinre --boundHost
2 - Attach in your code header:
<script src=""></script>
3 - Access your website in your tablet or whatever device
3 - Get the wenri debug screen on:
Obs: 'anonymous' word can be replaced by another of your choice.
if you can't debug your html page even after completing all of the steps mentioned in the Nokia Developer Article,
then check your windows firewall settings.Please be sure that the firewall setting for private network is TURNED OFF ..
