Mozilla WebExtensions support for Firefox Profiles - firefox

I want to create a Firefox Addon using WebExtensions, that will;
Display user, list of already created Firefox profiles
Ability to switch Profile
Just like User Agent Switcher (it was built on top of Mozilla Addon SDK). Watch
I am unable to find any api reference over to access profiles list or switch profile.
Not sure if Mozilla is going to remove accessing Firefox profiles from within WebExtensions like they have restricted access to Firefox preferences (about:config).

I'm afraid there is no API, at the moment, to deal with user profiles. Other than the list on MDN, there's a list of APIs that have been approved and are being implemented.
However, there is one mid-term possibility: you can file a bug to request the support for a new API. This doesn't necessarily mean that your request will be implemented, but it does mean that it will be at least discussed. There's a guide here on how to do that.
If none of these options address your situation, you can consider
filing an API request. Before you do, please keep in mind:
The goal of WebExtensions is not to support every use case from legacy extensions. In most cases, the functionality you need can be
built with WebExtensions APIs, but it requires some re-thinking and
Generic or very broad bugs are hard to turn into actionable issues. Try to limit the focus if possible.
We do try to review all incoming API requests, but it takes time, so please be patient.
Do a search to see if the bug exists already.
Still want to file a new API? You can do so here.
Please note that there are ideas for filesystem access post Firefox 57: this could potentially be used to at least show the different user profiles.


Can I see the network calls from a Firefox add-on?

I'd like to see the calls made from a Firefox add-on.
I know it's calling its website's REST API, and I would like to see the requests to better understand the API.
However in the Web Developper Network tab, these calls do not appear. Is there an option to see them ? Whether in dev tools or in about:config ?
Edit: I tried the about:debugging too, but it doesn't seem to capture the requests either. There are some background requests yes, but not the ones I know should be there.
As I don't know if this is generic or specific to the extension I'm looking at I'll detail. I'm trying to look at the requests made by the extension ( that offers an API (
When I click on the extension button, I can create a bookmark for the page. For instance: the one I'm editing right now
This goes through requests to the REST API (at least a POST to I know because:
I can see similar requests when doing an operation from the website itself
I can send this request via the JS console and make it work
However I do not see this request in the normal Network console, I see no requests from the extensions.
I do not see it either from the debugging one. I see some requests though, but only background GET requests to a /links API that returns the full list of bookmarks. A request is made after I've added my bookmark, but it is clearly not the one that makes the update.
Another way I know the request is being made is that if I try to bookmark something weird (like the debugging tab), the extension displays an error that is the same I get if I manually sent a malformed request to the API.
So these calls happen. But I can't see them anywhere.
Note that the illustration is on this add-on because this is what I'm looking at right now, but I had the issue with others in the past. No way to see the foreground requests of the add-on.

How can I let others read and edit a google sheet (not shared with them) using googleapi, without them having to download credential?

I am a beginner trying out api for fun.
The problem is, lets say, I want to write a simple windows program with golang to let my friends read and edit one of the sheets saved on my google drive. How can I do this without having them download a credential file?
What I want it to do is simply redirect them to the Oauth Page right away, and if their email address is one recognized by the app it will grant them access to that google sheet.
What i think you need is to integrate your go app with Oauth protocol.
More specifically, with the Google provider.
This is mainly 3 steps:
add the oauth client to your application
something like this:
See their docs on how to do it.
go to google dev documentation and see how to integrate google auth flow into the client:
I'm not sure if google has something more specific for google drive integration and/or go-lang client in particular. Please do some searching.
make the glue code on your go app so that the user can interact with this (the login button (or command, if it is terminal based), error messages, logout, etc)
More questions will appear when you start to do this, however it is a great example to learn Oauth as well.
General guidelines:
https all the queries or oauth is basically useless
oatuh has many auth-flows and you must choose which one(s) you support. use whatever google documentation recommends for m2m scenario (machine 2 machine)
log errors so that your friends can send you a log file for you to debug issues
maybe set some feature flag so that you can simply disable this feature to run/test localhost ? maybe useful? you decide.

How to bulk update "Authorized JavaScript Origins" in Google API Console?

Currently, I have been tasked to utilize the Google People API to ask for a user's basic Google information along with their public phone numbers. So far the results have been positive.
The solution my team and I have incorporated the Google People API integration in has the capacity to be utilized across thousands of domains. As a result, my question is simply, How can my team members and I ensure that any our clients that utilize our solution with their own particular domain get our new functionality built with the Google People API?
Keep in mind, our clients have the flexibility to have http/https and any subdomain on their site. Entering each domain possibility for our client base one by one would not be an easy task. I'm seriously hoping there is a solution around the single, explicit origin entries.
Thank you for your time and help.
You must remember that if this is source code you are giving your clients that you are not allowed to release your client id and client secret. This includes plugins and scripts.
On November 5th 2014 Google made some changes to the APIs terms of Service.
Asking developers to make reasonable efforts to keep their private
keys private and not embed them in open source projects.
So if your clients could view the code of your application and see your client id and secret you should not be giving it to them.
Read more about this issue Can I really not ship open source with Client ID?
The best solution for you will be to instruct your users now to create there own project on Google Developer Console and create their own JS origins.
You may just have to provide your own wrapper around the target API where you authorize the client request yourself and then do the request from Google using your own credentials.

Google directory api always returns 403

I am trying to use the Admin SDK Directory api to look up user profiles. I am able to do this successfully all day (with in quota) with 99% of the time. Though there are certain times where it just fails no matter what.
Yes I have set the service account user, I have the proper scopes, I have admin api turned on.
It even fails in the google api explorer. See screen shots
The call:
The response:
Sorry for the links, images keep showing as broken
After contacting google they supplied an answer. There is a setting for the contacts app that enables and disables this.
Admin console >> Google Apps >> Settings for Contacts >> Advanced settings
Contact sharing: Enable contact sharing
Make sure that is enabled and it works.
Here is a screen shot:
Honestly, it just seems like some sort of transient error on the Google side. Being that it's working ~99% of the time for you, means you're not doing anything wrong. I would consider this more true b/c you're also using a Google Tool rather than your own so you know it's not the code. When it's failing for you, does it also then fail with the API explorer? What about with the OAuth Playground?
If this is reproducible consistently (same times, after X amount of requests, etc.), it would be worth reporting the the Google for Work Support team (assuming you have the ability to contact support) as it sounds like a bug and they would be able to help with break/fix for API issues.

How to hide request from Network tab

How can I hide api service request from the network tab of the browser developer tool?
Any suggestion
Although I would strongly disadvice from doing so (as it won't stop any serious user), it would be possible to for example send it through flash or for that matter any other plugin with such functionality. The easiest way to achieve this would be to use a flash-enabled XHR proxy object like the one provided by the flXHR project (though you would have to force it to also function on the same domain, rather than only cross domain). Let me finish once again with not advicing you to do so, as the use of plugins will cause for a significant subset of your users messages to appear or not to work at all, which is in no way a good experience.
