Search algorithm options for ontology querying? - algorithm

I have developed a tool that enables searching of an ontology I authored. It submits the searches as SPARQL queries.
I have received some feedback that my search implementation is all-or-none, or "binary". In other words, if a user's input doesn't exactly match a term in the ontology, they won't get any hit at all.
I have been asked to add some more flexible, or "advanced" search algorithms. Indexing and bag-of-words searching were suggested.
Can anyone give some examples of implementing search methods on an ontology that don't require a literal match?

FIrst of all, what kind of entities are you trying to match (literals, or string casts of URIs?), and what kind of SPARQL queries are you running now? Something like this?
?term ?predicate "user input" .
If you are searching across literals, you can make the search more flexible right off the bat by using case-insensitive regular expression filtering, although this will probably make your searches slower, and it won't catch cases where some of the word tokens are present but in a different order. In the following example, your should probably constrain the types of ?term and ?predicate first, or even filter on a string datatype on ?userInput
?term ?predicate ?someLiteral .
FILTER(regex(?someLiteral), "user input", "i"))
Several triplestores offer support for full-text searching and result scoring. These are often extensions to the SPARQL language.
For example, Virtuoso and some others offer a bif:contains predicate. Virtuoso also offers the faceted search web interface (plus a service, I think.) I have been pleased with the web-based full text search in Blazegraph and Stardog, but I can't say anything at this point about using them with a SPARQL query to get a score on a search pattern. Some (GraphDB) even support explicit integration with Lucene or Solr*, so you may be able to take advantage of their search languages.
Finally... are you using a library like the OWL API or RDF4J to access your ontology? If so, you could certainly save the relationships between your terms and any literals in a Java native data structure, and then directly use a fuzzy search component like Lucene to index each literal as a "document" and then search the user input across the index.
Why don't you post your ontology and give an example of a search you would like to peform in a non-binary way. I (or someone else) can try to show you a minimal implementation.
*Solr integration only appears to be offered in the commercially-licensed version of GraphDB


When is it appropriate to use tensor-based DBs (e.g Marqo) instead of keyword based (e.g Elasticsearch)?

I'm implementing end user search for an e-commerce website. The catalogue contains images, text, prices of different items. LLMs are all the hype at the moment but I'm not sure how well proven the performance is in comparison to keyword based for e-commerce.
I've tried tensor based search and it appears to perform well but its hard to benchmark search against relevance so I'm not sure of putting it into production.
What frameworks are people using to determine when you use tensor/vector based search vs keyword based?

How to search on FHIR using complex nested queries

I haven't really found examples or instructions on how a complex nested query should look like when searching a FHIR resource.
Some examples (pseudo-code):
(name=Mary AND gender=female) OR (address-city=Springfield AND
((name=Mary AND gender=female) OR
(address-city=Springfield & address-state=NY)) AND active=true
Is that even possible? If yes, how?
FHIR supports quite an elaborate search syntax, but it isn't a query language. The searches you want cannot be done in 1 go with this, unless you have access to the server and can implement the queries on that yourself.
If you have access/influence server side, you can implement a named query, and then use the _query search parameter to execute that (see
If you don't have that access, you can perform your queries in a couple of steps. For example your first one would take 2 queries:
GET [fhir endpoint]/Patient?name=Mary&gender=female
GET [fhir endpoint]/Patient?address-city=Springfield&address-state=NY
Both would give you a Bundle of results. The two Bundles together would be the complete list of matching resources you were looking for.
For the second example query, you would need to supply both GETs with &active=true.

NLP - Queries using semantic wildcards in full text searching, maybe with Lucene?

Let's say I have a big corpus (for example in english or an arbitrary language), and I want to perform some semantic search on it.
For example I have the query:
"Be careful: [art] armada of [sg] is coming to [do sg]!"
And the corpus contains the following sentence:
"Be careful: an armada of alien ships is coming to destroy our planet!"
It can be seen that my query string could contain "semantic placeholders", such as:
[art] - some placeholder for articles (for example a / an in English)
[sg], [do sg] - some placeholders for NPs and VPs (subjects and predicates)
I would like to develop a library which would be capable to handle these queries efficiently.
I suspect that some kind of POS-tagging would be necessary for parsing the text, but because I don't want to fully reimplement an already existing full-text search engine to make it work, I'm considering that how could I integrate this behaviour into a search engine like Lucene?
I know there are SpanQueries which could behave similarly in some cases, but as I can see, Lucene doesn't do any semantic stuff with stored texts.
It is possible to implement a behavior like this? Or do I have to write an own search engine?
With Lucene, you could add additional tokens to a single item in a TokenStream, but I wouldn't know how to deal with tags that span more than one word.

to_tsquery() validation

I'm currently developing a website that allows a search on a PostgreSQL
database, the search works with to_tsquery() and I'm trying to find a way to validate the input before it's being sent as a query.
Other than that I'm also trying to add a phrasing capability, so that if someone searches for HELLO | "I LIKE CATS" it will only find results with "hello" or the entire phrase "i like cats" (as opposed to I & LIKE & CATS that will find you articles that have all 3 words,
regardless where they might appear).
Is there some reason why it's too expensive to let the DB server validate it? It does seem a bit excessive to duplicate the ts_query parsing algorithm in the client.
If the concern is that you don't want it to try running the whole query (which presumably will involve table access) each time it validates, you could use the input in a smaller query, just in pseudocode (which may look a bit like Python, but that's just coincidence):
execute("SELECT ts_query($1)", input);
return True
except DatabaseError:
return False
With regard to phrasing, it's probably easiest to search by the non-phrased query first (using indexes), then filter those for having the phrase. That could be done server side or client side. Depending on the language being parsed, it might be easiest to construct a simple regex of the phrase that deals with repeated whitespace or other ignorable symbols.
Search for to_tsquery('HELLO|(I&LIKE&CATS)'), getting back a list of documents which loosely match.
In the client, filter that to those matching the regex "HELLO|(I\s+LIKE\s+CATS)".
The downside is you do need some additional code for translating your query into the appropriate looser query, and then for translating it into a regex.
Finally, there might be a technique in PostgreSQL to do proper phrase searching using the lexeme positions that are stored in ts_vectors. I'm guessing that phrase searches are one of the intended uses, but I couldn't find an example of it in my cursory search. There's a section on it near the bottom of at least.

Lightweight fuzzy search library

Can you suggest some light weight fuzzy text search library?
What I want to do is to allow users to find correct data for search terms with typos.
I could use full-text search engines like Lucene, but I think it's an overkill.
To make question more clear here is a main scenario for that library:
I have a large list of strings. I want to be able to search in this list (something like MSVS' intellisense) but it should be possible to filter this list by string which is not present in it but close enough to some string which is in the list.
When I type 'Gren' or 'Geen' in a text box, I want to see 'Green' in the result set.
Main language for indexed data will be English.
I think that Lucene is to heavy for that task.
I found one product matching my requirements. It's ShuffleText.
Do you know any alternatives?
Lucene is very scalable—which means its good for little applications too. You can create an index in memory very quickly if that's all you need.
For fuzzy searching, you really need to decide what algorithm you'd like to use. With information retrieval, I use an n-gram technique with Lucene successfully. But that's a special indexing technique, not a "library" in itself.
Without knowing more about your application, it won't be easy to recommend a suitable library. How much data are you searching? What format is the data? How often is the data updated?
I'm not sure how well Lucene is suited for fuzzy searching, the custom library would be better choice. For example, this search is done in Java and works pretty fast, but it is custom made for such task:
Soundex is very 'English' in it's encoding - Daitch-Mokotoff works better for many names, especially European (Germanic) and Jewish names. In my UK-centric world, it's what I use.
Wiki here.
You didn't specify your development platform, but if its PHP then suggest you look at the ZEND Lucene lubrary :
As it LAMP its far lighter than Lucene on Java, and can easily be extended for other filetypes, provided you can find a conversion library or cmd line converter - there are lots of OSS solutions around to do this.
Try Walnutil - based on Lucene API - integrated to SQL Server and Oracle DBs . You can create any type of index and then use it. For simple search you can use some methods from walnutilsoft, for more complicated search cases you can use Lucene API. See web based example where was used indexes created from Walnutil Tools. Also you can see some code example written on Java and C# which you can use it for creating different type of search.
This tools is free.
If you can choose to use a database, I recommend using PostgreSQL and its fuzzy string matching functions.
If you can use Ruby, I suggest looking into the amatch library.
#aku - links to working soundex libraries are right there at the bottom of the page.
As for Levenshtein distance, the Wikipedia article on that also has implementations listed at the bottom.
A powerful, lightweight solution is sphinx.
It's smaller then Lucene and it supports disambiguation.
It's written in c++, it's fast, battle-tested, has libraries for every env and it's used by large companies, like
