How to enable monitoring in Oracle Service Bus 11g? - oracle

I have been looking to enable monitoring in OSB 11g? I am not exactly sure how to achieve this?

It depends on what you mean by "monitoring" as there are many different kinds and a lot depends on your functional requirements around monitoring too.
Monitoring can be:
* Proactive (When you actively look for patterns - preferably automatically but also possible manually - and detect issues before they occur or get alerted to those immediately after they occur)
* Reactive (when you are trying to debug an issue after it has occurred)
Monitoring can also be:
* Technical - check for signs of timeouts, long running invocations etc. Technical monitoring can be at:
Application level (OSB specific in your case)
Platform level (Application server/JVM/operating system - after all, for OSB monitoring to work, you need to ensure/monitor that the OSB itself is running!)
*Functional (often involves explicit logging from your code but can be co-related to technical patterns - e.g. number of invocations of a particular API/service might indicate number of orders).
Functional monitoring can also include SLA monitoring
Finally, in the Oracle Service bus:
* You can enable monitoring at the individual service level (via the Operations tab under each service or via scripting in WSLT)
* The monitoring above can be combined with rules to alert on specifc scenarios (such as SLA breaches)
* You can use specific log entries within your pipelines and then monitor those at runtime
There is a lot more you can do to "monitor" services depending on what is relevant for your services. Although OSB monitoring can be performed via various consoles (/sbconsole or /em in 12c), a lot of good monitoring combines these features into well designed alerts so that you are always on top of potential problems. You can reach this stage by constantly observing your system's behaviour and then improving/tweaking your monitoring solution(s).
This is a good document to read to start:


Performance Testing in Mirth Connect Using JMeter

Mirth Connect is a software that is designed to handle a message flow and it has built-in support to handle HL7 messages in particular and therefore this software is widely used for interfacing in Healthcare applications. Over the years I have seen the Mirth software experiencing performance issues primarily due to the message build up over time and in scenarios where it receives a heavy message load in quick succession.
Mirth has a channel-based architecture and it's ideal if there is some way we can performance test the Mirth channel and get JMeter statistics for its performance. Whereby we can gather the necessary information to optimize the channel transformers and also to set the purge routines accordingly.
However in the Internet there was little to no information on this area, that is how one can use JMeter to test a Mirth channel. A team in Sri Lanka did some research on this area back in 2013 and I found their findings and achievements below
However this is very specific the output here was a JSon object which they extracted, in Mirth however we can have outputs in various forms and there need to be a better way to do this. An important takeaway from this is the input that is the input is general we can use JMeter to generate HL7 messages and pass them to Mirth that's great but how to capture the response generally, it would be ideal if there is a way to read the Mirth Dashboard through JMeter, all the output statistics are there it's just a matter of reading them.
I have an application where Mirth reads HL7 messages both ADT and RDE and creates a text file accordingly with appropriate content and drops it to a shared location. Then the application reads the files and shows the information to the user.
I wish to do two performance tests here
Measure how much time the complete system takes and how it varies with load from the arrival of a message to its information being available to the user
Measure how much time the channel takes and how it does it as the load increases
I can do the first one because I can generate HL7 messages using JMeter and I can get JMeter to read the output in the application or the database. The problem is with the second, can I do this in a general way.
You asked for suggestions, so I'm going to share my general strategy for performance testing Mirth channels. I suspect that this won't be a complete answer to your question, and I might not be telling you anything you don't already know, but I'm hoping this will help you find an answer that you are comfortable with.
For several reasons, try not to spend too much time "testing the complete system":
Firstly, testing the entire system necessarily includes testing low-level configuration like the number of CPU cores, the NICs being used in the box, and kernel level software like the TCP/IP stack. You don't usually have any control over these things, so you can't optimize them in any way.
Secondly, the performance of the entire system is going to be heavily dependant on whatever ancillary code is running on the box. If a sysadmin decides to 'nice' my Mirth process down, or to use that box to also host a SQL server, that will have an impact on the system that I (again) have no control over.
Thirdly and most frankly, I find that the "performance of an entire system" is something that management asks about during system setup so they can get a cost estimate; but they know that they're only getting an estimate. You do your best to use test metrics to give a good guess for the initial hardware provisioning, but everyone knows that it's really the production performance metrics that will drive later provisioning costs.
Make sure that you build your channels for testability. I find that it's much easier to test a channel when the source and destination can be changed to "Channel Reader" and "Channel Writer" without changing message handling. One way to look at this is that you're not going to overhaul Mirth's MLLP stack or Java's TCP stack, so just eliminate these things from your testing.
I keep a source of useful test messages. I have a couple of files on a network drive that have around a hundred messages that test for nasty edge cases that I've run into over the years on my HL7 interfaces. I wrote a small Mirth channel that reads these in from a file and spews out copies as fast as it can. By turning on "Queueing" on the destination side of that channel, I can queue up a bajillion test messages that are ready to send to the channel I want to test. In the past I took the time to build a test interface that acted like a fake EMR to spew out randomly constructed messages, but there didn't seem to be any advantage over just spewing copies of the same messages from my test files.
Finally, and most importantly, it's critical that you measure the performance of your test instance using the same metrics that you'll use to measure the performance of your production instance. If the sole production metric you care about is 'messages per second', then that's what you need to measure on your test box. If memory footprint is a concern in production, then you need to measure memory usage in your test environment as well. When you make a change to to your test instance that decreases an important metric by 10%, you'll need to make sure your management is aware before you push that change to production.
Note that getting some of these metrics can be tricky, since Mirth doesn't include good tools to monitor its own performance. The Mirth dashboard is a good place to keep an eye on errors or crashes, but it's not a great place to find performance data. During my testing I make sure that I use whatever resource monitoring tool that the sysadmins will be using to monitor the performance of the production instance. Beyond that, I use a manual process to test performance: If I want to count message per second, I send through a batch of messages and look at the timestamps of the first and last messages. If I want to get an idea of the CPU load of a Mirth channel, I use the Windows Performance Monitor or the posix 'top' command.

Connecting to Cassandra on startup, and monitoring session health

Two related questions
1) Currently, the session to C* is established in a lazy fashion - aka, only on the first any table is accessed.
Instead, we would like to establish a session as soon as the application is started (in case there is a connectivity problem, etc. ). What would be the best way to do that? Should I just get a session object in my startup code?
2) How would I then monitor the health of the connection? I could call
but I'm not sure it will do the job.
I wouldn't manually rely on that mechanism per say as you may want to get more metrics out of the cluster, for which purpose you have native JMX support, so through the JMX protocol you can look at metrics in more detail.
Now obviously you have OpsCenter which natively leverages this feature, but alternatively you can use a combination of a JMX listener with something like Graphana(just a thought) or whatever supports native compatibility.
In terms of low level methods, yes, you are on the money:
But you also have heartbeats that you can log and look at and so on. There's more detail here.

CPU bound/stateful distributed system design

I'm working on a web application frontend to a legacy system which involves a lot of CPU bound background processing. The application is also stateful on the server side and the domain objects needs to be held in memory across the entire session as the user operates on it via the web based interface. Think of it as something like a web UI front end to photoshop where each filter can take 20-30 seconds to execute on the server side, so the app still has to interact with the user in real time while they wait.
The main problem is that each instance of the server can only support around 4-8 instances of each "workspace" at once and I need to support a few hundreds of concurrent users at once. I'm going to be building this on Amazon EC2 to make use of the auto scaling functionality. So to summarize, the system is:
A web application frontend to a legacy backend system
task performed are CPU bound
Stateful, most calls will be some sort of RPC, the user will make multiple actions that interact with the stateful objects held in server side memory
Most tasks are semi-realtime, where they have to execute for 20-30 seconds and return the results to the user in the same session
Use amazon aws auto scaling
I'm wondering what is the best way to make a system like this distributed.
Obviously I will need a web server to interact with the browser and then send the cpu-bound tasks from the web server to a bunch of dedicated servers that does the background processing. The question is how to best hook up the 2 tiers together for my specific neeeds.
I've been looking at message Queue systems such as rabbitMQ but these seems to be geared towards one time task where any worker node can simply grab a job form a queue, execute it and forget the state. My needs are a little different since there could be multiple 'tasks' that needs to be 'sticky', for example if step 1 is started in node 1 then step 2 for the same workspace has to go to the same worker process.
Another problem I see is that most worker queue systems seems to be geared towards background tasks that can be processed anytime rather than a system that has to provide user feedback that I'm dealing with.
My question is, is there an off the shelf solution for something like this that will allow me to easily build a system that can scale? Would love to hear your thoughts.
RabbitMQ is has an RPC tutorial. I haven't used this pattern in particular but I am running RabbitMQ on a couple of nodes and it can handle hundreds of connections and millions of messages. With a little work in monitoring you can detect when there is more work to do then you have consumers for. Messages can also timeout so queues won't backup too greatly. To scale out capacity you can create multiple RabbitMQ nodes/clusters. You could have multiple rounds of RPC so that after the first response you include the information required to get second message to the correct destination.
0MQ has this as a basic pattern which will fanout work as needed. I've only played with this but it is simpler to code and possibly simpler to maintain (as it doesn't need a broker, devices can provide one though). This may not handle stickiness by default but it should be possible to write your own routing layer to handle it.
Don't discount HTTP for this as well. When you want request/reply, a strict throughput per backend node, and something that scales well, HTTP is well supported. With AWS you can use their ELB easily in front of an autoscaling group to provide the routing from frontend to backend. ELB supports sticky sessions as well.
I'm a big fan of RabbitMQ but if this is the whole scope then HTTP would work nicely and have fewer moving parts in AWS than the other solutions.

Is there a way to find out how long it takes for websphere process a request

I have an issue where I need to monitor how long it takes for Websphere to process a request. Specifically I need to know how much time is spent in the "application world", that is time spent processing code in the ear file.
I can't just compute request_time - reponse_time because that contains time spent in the container or what I call "websphere world". I need to know the time spent only in the ear file.
Is there some performance setting I can toggle in websphere so this information gets logged to the server system log file? The application does not have log4j.
I am using Websphere 6.1
Take a look at the PMI interface under the WAS admin console. It provides some performance metrics -- not the prettiest or easiest interface, but it might provide what you're looking for.
A monitoring plugin is often used to do this. My company uses Introscope via a WAS JBM plugin, and it provides a better interface than PMI for viewing the performance data. Of course, it isn't free, but there may be free or cheap alternatives that are better than PMI.
WebSphere has something called "request metrics"
It gives you the possibility to log braked down request execution times on different levels. As you may expect with such monitoring it's easy to collect to much data so there is a possibility to filter events based on additional criteria like java package namespace, EJB name, URI etc.

What Windows API to look into for building a scheduling application?

Why not use the Windows scheduler?
I have several applications that have to run at certain times according to business rules not the typical every weekday at 1pm.
I also need a way for the applications to provide feedback of their progress so that I can have rules that notify me when the applications are running slow or aren't even running anymore.
What Windows API should I be looking into? (like, a time version of the FileWatcher apis)
What's the best way to have the application notify the scheduler of its progress (files, sockets, windows messages, ???)?
For Vista/Win2k8, there's the nice Task Scheduler 2.0 API: Previous version have the Task Scheduler 1.0 API, but I've never used it.
AppControls has a CronJob component that you can use to create scheduled events. This saves your program from having to wake up every minute and check the schedule itself. Instead, just schedule the job and indicate a callback method.
I have used this component for scheduling jobs myself and have been very happy with the way that it works.
I think what you really want is a common framework for your applications that report to something (you or the system messages or tracing or perfmon, event log, whatever) and also to receive via some inter process protocol a way to receive messages and respond.
based on the reporting you can change the scheduling or make changes, etc.
So, there is some monitor app, and then each of your other apps does common reporting.
events I can think of:
- started
- stopped
- error
- normal log messages
- and of course specific things your apps do.
I think there are probably existing classes/framework that do this - you'll have to check around.
If it were me, I would make a service that could talk to all the other apps and perhaps was even an http server. It would be able to route messages to particular apps and start stop those processes and query them.
There are lots of ways to do what you want though. those were just off the top of my head.
Alternatively you might just be able to get these to be services and they handle messages sent to them. Their normal processing does nothing until they are "woken up" with some task command.
You have more questions in one. Normally you should split them. But let's overlook this and try to answer.
To schedule certain events (including running an application): Use TJvScheduledEvents from JVCL. IMHO JVCL is the best Delphi open source library around with extensive number of components, developers & support. TJvScheduledEvents is quite neat, uses threads for event scheduling and also you have in JVCL a detailed editor for your events (it needs a small hack to use it though).
To provide 'feedback' from your applications to a (remote) central point: A very very very good solution (if your requirements permit) is to log the progress of your applications in a table (let's call it LOG) on a Firebird server. In LOG you can have the following fields: COMPUTER, USERNAME, APPNAME, MSG, LOGDATE (etc. etc.). In the After Insert trigger of the LOG table you can fire an event (let's call it NEW_LOG). In your console app you can register the interest for this event and so, your application will be automatically updated with everything which happens in any of your applications, so you can do log analysis, graphs etc. Of course you can do it with IB, but IB costs.
...going on Windows API route you need headers (which probably aren't translated), you'll encounter our dearest Pointers/PChars etc. etc. Of course, building from scratch everything isn't worthwhile but when this is already done in a Delphi way, why don't use it?
Use service with a timer that is fired regulary (for example each minute). It reads the schedule and looks if some are due before the next iteration. If so, you can execute them.
You can add an interface that shows all running apps. For the feedback and query that using a desktop application.
