Stack fails to install a package while reporting no error message - haskell-stack

When I try to install Haskell's scientific package using stack, it returns with no input as if scientific is already installed.
$ stack install scientific
and yet scientific is not installed.
Listing installed packages with $ ghc-pkg list returns no match.
$ ghc-pkg list | grep scientific
And furthermore, there is no directory on my entire system named scientific, as shown by the empty result of this find command.
$ find / -name scientific 2>/dev/null
Why is $ stack install scientific failing to install scientific?
I am using NixOS 17.03.


Building FMINUIT from source for Octave

I'm trying to install a package called fminuit
on ubuntu 18.04 machine using Octave. The installation step "make -f Makefile.f2c_lnx.Octave" gives me the following error
WrapIO_Matlab.c:4:10: fatal error: mex.h: No such file or directory
Any idea how to remedy this,
cheers, Damir
The build instructions provided by FMINUIT ask you to manually adapt the Makefile to your setup. I'm guessing you did one of those steps incorrectly. I'm running Octave 6.0.0 (current development sources) and worked fine:
$ wget
$ tar xzf fminuit-src.tar.gz
$ cd fminuit-2011.05.31/fminuit/
# modify Makefile.f2c_lnx.Octave
$ make -f Makefile.f2c_lnx.Octave
$ make -f Makefile.f2c_lnx.Octave install
The tricky part is knowing what to modify on the Makefile. For my case, these were the lines (you need to know the exact Octave version and where you installed it):
#Octave prefix directory (typically /usr or /usr/local): modify if needed
#major version number
#minor-release version number
OBJS= mnintr_wrkrnd.o intrac.o WrapIO_Matlab.o doflush.o
The fminuit Makefile will "install" inside the fminuit source directory. You may also want to adjust its INSTDIR value. You need to adjust your Octave path to use it:
>> addpath('/wherever/you/build/fmunuit/fminuit-2011.05.31/bin/linux_x86_64/octave6')
>> fminuit # you probably can figure out how to call this function
error: fminuit: Too few input arguments

how to install and where to install bash bc on windows

I do not know how to install and where to install bc on windows
$ bash -help
GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release-(x86_64-pc-msys)
$ bc
bash: bc: command not found
I use git-bash / mingw64 on windows.
please help
GIT Bash uses MINGW compilation of GNU tools. It uses only selected ones. You can install the whole distribution of the tools from and run a command to install bc. And then copy some files to installation folder of Git. This is what you do:
Install before-mentioned msys2 package and run msys2 shell.
Install bc using the following command: pacman -S bc
Go to msys2 directory, for me it's C:\msys64\usr\bin
Copy bc.exe to your Git for Windows directory, for me this is C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\usr\bin
Why do you even need bc on a GIT bash?
A typical usage would be:
Prompt>echo $(1+2 | bc) // or something similar
Recently I've found out that double brackets do the thing, even without bc:
Prompt>$ echo $((1+2))
Edit after first comment
In case you need floating point calculations, you might use awk, as in this example:
Prompt>awk 'BEGIN {print (20.0+5)/7}'
There are more examples under this URL.

/bin/bash: --timeout: command not found on macos

I'm installing harbor with source code.
✗ make install
the error is below:
Successfully built b917c04731a3
Successfully tagged goharbor/nginx-photon:dev
/bin/bash: --timeout: command not found
make[1]: *** [_build_registry] Error 127
make: *** [build] Error 2
I've tried to get coreutils and config my path
brew install coreutils
Edit :
The answer of #Arne Vogel is more likely to point the real problem.
Indeed it would be surprising that you don't have the command /bin/bash (so the steps I described here won't solve the issue).
coresutil is composed of GNU version of the most famous commands (cat, head, tail, wc, sort...), so it's not directly related to your problem.
You can use brew to install the latest version (version 5) of bash:
brew install bash
Double check if you really don't have a bash inside your /bin/:
sudo ls /bin/bash
It should returns a line like this (pay attention to the permission):
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 618416 Nov 30 12:55 /bin/bash
If it returns no result, then you may create a link:
sudo ln -s $(which bash) /bin/bash
TBH, I don't know about harbor, but this error seems to be caused by bad formatting in a script, specifically something like:
some-command --some-option --some-other-option \
Now if the backslash (to continue the line) is missing, some-command will first be executed (without the --timeout option), and then bash will try to execute a command called --timeout, which, unsurprisingly, does not exist.
This problem can also be caused by an extraneous space after the backslash, a stray semicolon, wrong line terminators (in particular, Windows-style CRLF) etc.
Here are some suggestions for what you could do:
Make sure you have downloaded the source package appropriate for Mac OS X. Many open source packages are distributed in different formats, e.g. .zip and/or .7z for Windows, .tar.gz and/or .tar.bz2 for UNIX. You need either of the latter.
Check the documentation and/or forums, obviously.
If that doesn't help, use ktrace to find the offending script, and then look at it in a text editor. If you do find a bug in a script, consider reporting it to the developers.

How to install catdoc on Mac (without using macports)

I really would like to search for a term in a directory full of Word docs. So I stumbled across this lovely solution. However this solution requires that catdoc is installed on mac.
what I have tried
now homebrew obviously doens't have catdoc:
$ brew install catdoc
Updating Homebrew...
Error: No available formula with the name "catdoc"
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching taps...
Error: No formulae found in taps.
macports does, but I use homebrew and It's not a good idea to have both on my machine.
So I did what any self respecting semi-programmer would do: try to install it from source:
$ ./configure
see outpout
$ ./make
see output
the last part of ./make gives me this
1 warning generated.
gcc -o catppt catppt.o pptparse.o charsets.o substmap.o fileutil.o confutil.o numutils.o ole.o -lm
echo "#! /usr/bin/wish" >wordview
echo set charset_lib "\"/usr/local/share/catdoc\"">>wordview
cat wordview.tcl >>wordview
chmod 0755 wordview
touch build
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
then when i run make install i get this
make: `install' is up to date.
and obviously catdoc doesn't work:
$ which catdoc
>> nothing
How can I install this?
You could just use the built-in textutil to convert MS-Word documents to text:
textutil -stdout -cat txt SomeFile.doc
textutil -stdout -cat txt *.doc
To build catdoc / catppt / xls2csv on Mac OS X (macos)
tested with catdoc-0.95 on Mac OS X 10.9.5
First, unless your documents are likely to be written in a Cyrillic language, start with:
$ ./configure --with-input=cp1252 --with-output=mac-roman
(if you are more likely to encounter files from Windows)
... or ...
$ ./configure --with-input=mac-roman --with-output=mac-roman
(if you are more likely to encounter files from MacOS)
$ make all (or just $ make)
make --directory=src install; make --directory=doc install; make --directory=charsets install
This should compensate for the error you received, abbood. It appears the primary Makefile isn't running the install portion of the three subdirectories, for some reason. If a permissions error is reported, precede the above command with "sudo".
I don't believe this should be necessary, but I'm not familiar enough with makefiles to provide a more proper (textbook) fix.
One can, of course, get the same effect by:
$ cd src
$ make install
$ cd ../doc
$ make install
$ cd ../charsets
$ make install
$ cd ..
To remove all files created by make, type:
$ make clean
To remove all files created by make as well as those created by ./configure, type
$ make distclean

How to use GNU sed on Mac OS 10.10+, 'brew install --default-names' no longer supported

Under Mac OS 10.10.3, I installed gnu-sed by typing:
brew install gnu-sed --default-names
When I type it again, I get the message:
gnu-sed-4.2.2 already installed
However, even after rebooting the system and restarting Terminal, I still cannot use the GNU version of sed. For example:
echo a | sed ’s_A_X_i’
bad flag in substitution command 'i'
What should I do to get the GNU version working?
Here are the paths in my $PATH variable.
I'm sorry if my question seems obvious, but I am learning shell scripting on my own and don't quite understand yet how UNIX programs are installed. Any help to use GNU compliant commands (in this case sed, but soon I'll need others as well) on my Mac without causing damage or unnecessary clutter would be greatly appreciated.
Note (2019):
The --with-default-names option is removed since January 2019, so now that option is not available anymore.
When installing, Homebrew instructs on how to adapt the path, if one wants to use sed without the g prefix.
You already have the gnu-sed installed without the --with-default-names option.
With --with-default-names option it installs sed to /usr/local/bin/
Without that option it installs gsed
So in your case what you gotta do is:
$ brew uninstall gnu-sed
$ brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
Update path if needed...
$ echo $PATH | grep -q '/usr/local/bin'; [ $? -ne 0 ] && export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
$ echo a | sed 's_A_X_i'
or use gsed as others suggested.
When you install the GNU version of sed for Mac OS X using:
$ brew install gnu-sed
The program that you use is gsed.
So for example:
$ echo "Calimero is a little chicken" > test
$ cat test
Calimero is a little chicken
$ gsed -i "s/little/big/g" test
$ cat test
Calimero is a big chicken
Also, to compliment the use of GNU command tools on Mac OS X, there is a nice blog post here to get the tools from linux:
Install and use GNU command line tools on Mac OS/OS X
$ brew install gnu-sed
$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
With these two commands gnu-sed works properly
The sed that ships with OS X is in /usr/bin.
The sed that homebrew installs is in /usr/local/bin.
If you prefer to use the homebrew one, you have two options:
Option 1
Every time you want to use homebrew sed, type
or, preferably
Option 2
Move /usr/local/bin/ ahead (i.e. before) /usr/bin in your PATH in your login profile, like this
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:<other places>
If you need to use gnu-sed command with their normal names, you
can add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc. Just use the following command in your bash or terminal.
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
--with-default-names didn't work for me on Mac OS X 10.14.2 so I created a symlink named sed to gsed higher in the $PATH
I also created a symlink named sed.1 to the gsed.1 manpage higher in the $MANPATH so man would access the gsed manpage instead of the default sed manpage
this export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
is only valid per terminal SESSIOn as soon as you restart its GONE ( Mojave )
Since the --with-default-names option was removed in Jan. 2019, my hack solution is:
# hack to override mac tools with homebrew versions (ls, sed, etc)
for p in `find "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" -type d -name gnubin` ; do
export PATH="${p}:${PATH}"
which is a little slow (crawling the dir every login) but works without forcing me to modify my .bashrc for every gnu tool I happen to install with brew.
A slightly faster way to do what #pjz suggests is the following:
for p in $(ls -d ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX:-/usr/local}/Cellar/*/*/libexec/gnubin); do
export PATH="${p}:${PATH}"
Of course this assumes every GNU package in brew will always have the same level of directories to get to gnubin.
Alternatively, you can speed up find by adding the -maxdepth 4 flag before -type d to reduce how far it has to do into directories.
When running brew install gnu-sed on latest homebrew it reports at the end:
==> Caveats
GNU "sed" has been installed as "gsed".
If you need to use it as "sed", you can add a "gnubin" directory
to your PATH from your bashrc like:
gnu-sed installs by default as gsed. However, if you look in /opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubi you'll find a sed command. So following the above instructions to update the path should mean sed runs gnu-sed.
