ABCPDF.Net AddText Control hyphenation - abcpdf

I'm using for generating PDF Pages. We've got a problem with the hyphenation system.
For example if we add a text with long words using
doc.AddText("This is a Verylongwordwhichdoesntfit");
and the Rect is too small, we get:
this is a verylongwo
My Question now is:
Can i control where it starts a new line. to have it break between long and word.
And can i tell it to use a - before the break like this?
this is a verylongwo-
Thanks a lot.

Details in the documentation here:

Firstly, with .AddText() there is no possibility of hyphenation at all. You'd have to switch to .AddHtml().
Secondly, no, abcpdf has no intelligence about hyphenating at all; it can be told to break lines after certain characters (default is space), but it has no knowledge of English words or syllables.
See (search for canBreakAfter at that link)
If you're able to edit your text, you can use soft hyphen characters, last line of the "Chars" section
If you require fine control over hyphenation you can make use of the soft hyphen character – ­. This character is invisible and indicates a point at which a chunk of text may reasonably be broken.
For example, you'd use this command, and it might break at any of the places where the ­ appears:
doc.AddHtml("This is a Very­long­word­which­doesnt­fit");
But even this won't add the visible hyphens at the break, I don't think.


How can I refactor an existing source code file to normalize all use of tab?

Sometimes I find myself editing a C source file which sees both use of tab as four spaces, and regular tab.
Is there any tool that attempts to parse the file and "normalize" this, i.e. convert all occurrences of four spaces to regular tab, or all occurrences of tab to four spaces, to keep it consistent?
I assume something like this can be done even with just a simple vim one-liner?
There's :retab and :retab! which can help, but there are caveats.
It's easier if you're using spaces for indentation, then just set 'expandtab' and execute :retab, then all your tabs will be converted to spaces at the appropriate tab stops (which default to 8.) That's easy and there are no traps in this method!
If you want to use 4 space indentation, then keep 'expandtab' enabled and set 'softtabstop' to 4. (Avoid modifying the 'tabstop' option, it should always stay at 8.)
If you want to do the inverse and convert to tabs instead, you could set 'noexpandtab' and then use :retab! (which will also look at sequences of spaces and try to convert them back to tabs.) The main problem with this approach is that it won't just consider indentation for conversion, but also sequences of spaces in the middle of lines, which can cause the operation to affect strings inside your code, which would be highly undesirable.
Perhaps a better approach for replacing spaces with tabs for indentation is to use the following substitute command:
:%s#^\s\+#\=repeat("\t", indent('.') / &tabstop).repeat(" ", indent('.') % &tabstop)#
Yeah it's a mouthful... It's matching whitespace at the beginning of the lines, then using the indent() function to find the total indentation (that function calculates indentation taking tab stops in consideration), then dividing that by the 'tabstop' to decide how many tabs and how many spaces a specific line needs.
If this command works for you, you might want to consider adding a mapping or :command for it, to keep it handy. For example:
command! -range=% Retab <line1>,<line2>s#^\s\+#\=repeat("\t", indent('.') / &tabstop).repeat(" ", indent('.') % &tabstop)
This also allows you to "Retab" a range of the file, including one you select with a visual selection.
Finally, one last alternative to :retab is that to ask Vim to "reformat" your code completely, using the = command, which will use the current 'indentexpr' or other indentation configurations such as 'cindent' to completely reindent the block. That typically respects your 'noexpandtab' and 'smarttabstop' options, so it use tabs and spaces for indentation consistently. The downside of this approach is that it will completely reformat your code, including changing indentation in places. The upside is that it typically has a semantic understanding of the language and will be able to take that in consideration when reindenting the code block.

DT_WORDBREAK: list of word break symbols

I use DT_WORDBREAK flag when I call DrawTextEx. About this flag MSDN says:
Lines are automatically broken between words if a word extends past
the edge of the rectangle specified by the lprc parameter. A carriage
return-line feed sequence also breaks the line.
But I cannot find "official" list of symbols that are used as word break symbols. Is it exist?
If you get the TEXTMETRICs for the font you're using, it corresponds to the tmBreakChar field.
For any Latin font, this is almost certainly just the plain old space character (Unicode U+0020 SPACE or ASCII 32).
I don't think DrawTextEx does anything fancier. You'd have to use a more advanced API to get more sophisticated behavior such as breaking after hyphens, soft-hyphens, other kinds of spaces, etc.

GS1-128 barcode with ZPL does not put the AI in ()

i was expecting this command
to generate a
(420) 11118888
interpretation line, instead it generates
anyone have idea how to generate the expected output?
If the firmware is up to date, D mode can be used.
D = UCC/EAN Mode (x.11.x and newer firmware)
This allows dealing with UCC/EAN with and without chained
application identifiers. The code starts in the appropriate subset
followed by FNC1 to indicate a UCC/EAN 128 bar code. The printer
automatically strips out parentheses and spaces for encoding, but
prints them in the human-readable section. The printer automatically
determines if a check digit is required, calculate it, and print it.
Automatically sizes the human readable.
The ^BC command's "interpretation line" feature does not support auto-insertion of the parentheses. (I think it's safe to assume this is partly because it has no way of determining what your data identifier is by just looking at the data provided - it could be 420, could be 4, could be any other portion of the data starting from the first character.)
My recommendation is that you create a separate text field which handles the logic for the parentheses, and place it just above or below the barcode itself. This is the way I've always approached these in the past - I prefer this method because I have direct control over the font, font size, and formatting of the interpretation line.

Terminal overwriting same line when too long

In my terminal, when I'm typing over the end of a line, rather than start a new line, my new characters overwrite the beginning of the same line.
I have seen many StackOverflow questions on this topic, but none of them have helped me. Most have something to do with improperly bracketed colors, but as far as I can tell, my PS1 looks fine.
Here it is below, generated using bash -x:
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\w \[\033[1;36m\]☔︎ \[\033[00m\] '
Yes, that is in fact an umbrella with rain; I have my Bash prompt update with the weather using a script I wrote.
My BashWeather script actually can put any one of a few weather characters, so it would be great if we could solve for all of these, or come up with some other solution:
If the umbrella with rain is particularly problematic, I can change that to the regular umbrella without issue.
The symbol being printed ☔︎ consists of two Unicode codepoints: U+2614 (UMBRELLA WITH RAIN DROPS) and U+FE0E (VARIATION SELECTOR-15). The second of these is a zero-length qualifier, which is intended to enforce "text style", as opposed to "emoji style", on the preceding symbol. If you're viewing this with a font can distinguish the two styles, the following might be the emoji version: ☔︉ Otherwise, you can see a table of text and emoji variants in Working Group document N4182 (the umbrella is near the top of page 3).
In theory, U+FE0E should be recognized as a zero-length codepoint, like any other combining character. However, it will not hurt to surround the variant selector in PS1 with the "non-printing" escape sequence \[…\].
It's a bit awkward to paste an isolated variant selector directly into a file, so I'd recommend using bash's unicode-escape feature:
Note that \[ and \] are interpreted before parameter expansion, so WEATHERCHAR as defined above cannot be dynamically inserted into the prompt. An alternative would be to make the dynamically-inserted character just the $'\u2614' umbrella (or whatever), and insert the $'\[\ufe0e\]' in the prompt template along with the terminal color codes, etc.
Of course, it is entirely possible that the variant indicator isn't needed at all. It certainly makes no useful difference on my Ubuntu system, where the terminal font I use (Deja Vu Sans Mono) renders both variants with a box around the umbrella, which is simply distracting, while the fonts used in my browser seem to render the umbrella identically with and without variants. But YMMV.
This almost works for me, so should probably not be considered a complete solution. This is a stripped down prompt that consists of only an umbrella and a space:
PS1='\342\230\[\224\357\270\] '
I use the octal escapes for the UTF-8 encoding of the umbrella character, putting the last three bytes inside \[...\] so that bash doesn't think they take up space on the screen. I initially put the last four bytes in, but at least in my terminal, there is a display error where the umbrella is followed by an extra character (the question-mark-in-a-diamond glyph for missing characters), so the umbrella really does occupy two spaces.
This could be an issue with bash and 5-byte UTF-8 sequences; using a character with a 4-byte UTF-encoding poses no problem:
# (looks like a lowercase delta)
PS1='\360\220\220\200 '

Putting spaces back into a string of text with unreliable space information

I need to parse some text from pdfs but the pdf formatting results in extremely unreliable spacing. The result is that I have to ignore the spaces and have a continuous stream of non-space characters.
Any suggestions on how to parse the string and put spaces back into the string by guessing?
I'm using ruby. Or should I say I'musingruby?
Edit: I've pulled the text out using pdf-reader. Some of the pdf files are nicely formatted and some are not. An example of text mixed with positioning:
and if I print just string data (I added returns at the end of each line to keep it from
messing up the layout here:
The data is spit out by callbacks so if I print each string as it is returned it looks like this:
On examination it looks like the true spaces are large negative numbers < -300 and the false spaces are much smaller positive numbers. Thanks guys. Just getting to the point where i am asking the question clearly helped me answer it!
Hmmmm... I'd have to say that guessing is never a good idea. Looking at the problem root cause and solving that is the answer, anything else is a kludge.
If the spacing is unreliable from the PDF, how is it unreliable? The PDF viewer needs to be able to reliably space the text so the data is there somewhere, you just need to find it.
EDIT following comment:
The idea of parsing the file using a dictionary (your only other option really, apart from randomly inserting spaces and hoping for the best) and inserting spaces at identified word boundaries (a real problem when dealing with punctuation, plurals that don't alter the base word i.e. plural, etc) would, I believe, be a much greater programming challenge than correctly parsing the PDF in the first place. After all, PDF is clearly defined whereas English is somewhat wooly.
Why not look down the route of existing solutions like ps2ascii in linux, call the function from your Ruby and pick up the result.
PDF doesn't only store spaces as space characters, but also uses layout commands for spacing (so it doesn't print a space, but moves the "pen" to the right). Perhaps you should have a look at the PDF reference (the big PDF on the bottom of the site), Chapter 9 "Text" should be what you're looking for.
EDIT: After reading your comment to Lazarus' answer, this doesn't seem to be what you're looking for. I think you should try to get a word list from somewhere and try to split your text using it. A good strategy would be to do that using recursion, because for example:
The first word could be "me" or "mean", but if you try "mean", "dyou" doesn't make sense, so it will be "me", same for the next word that could be "a" or "an" or "and", only "and" makes sense.
If it were me I'd go back to the source PDFs and try a different method of extracting the text, such as iText (for Java) or maybe some kind of PDF-to-HTML to text conversion software method.
