A single user credential to connect to multiple tenants - aspnetboilerplate

I am using ASP.NET Boilerplate for its multi-tenancy support. When a user log in, I would like to present to the user the list of tenants it has access to. For instance, if a user with email admin#example.com is part of Tenant-A and Tenant-B, would like to offer the choice to switch between tenants.
This does not seem to be easily doable. Each user can be mapped to a single Tenant (AbpUsers table).
What would be the best way to allow a user to access multiple tenants? The only way I think this can be done is by adding a N:M table between User and Tenant, but then will ABP allow me to do context switching between tenants?

By design, tenant data (including users, roles...) are completely isolated from each other and can not be shared easily.
We solved this issue with "Account linking" feature in AspNet Zero. With this feature, you can connect your accounts in different tenants and then switch between accounts with a single click. It basically maps those accounts (users) in database and logs out & logs in automatically when you want to switch. See more info: https://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Development-Guide-Core#user-menu


Admin dashboard for microservice application

I am working on an admin dashboard for 5 services using Laravel. It is really complicated to do so in admin. We, for example, want to show a list of transactions with user name for each row. Both of the users and transactions tables are in different databases. We had to make another request to fetch the user name form the other service.
I am wondering about when it comes to statistics and writing complex queries to get data from all of theses services in a report. How can I handle such a case?
Can I make multiple connections to the databases with the admin dashboard project?
Is there any available pattern that facilitate the work for me?

Designing the UI for a Multitenant Application

We are developing a multitenant application with shared schema for a web application. I would like to know the best practices for designing UI strategies.
We will have different roles for saas owners like Adminsitrators, Helpdesk, Account Manager so The SAAS owner may need to have multiple users who will acess the application and do their job.
HelpDesk: If a tenant put up a ticket, helpdesk team shall be able to view and solve.
Account management: Account Managers may need to access the payment information of the tenants for following up the tenants.
ServiceManagers: To perform maintenance and upgrades etc.
In this case
Do we need to have different UI for "Saas owner" and "Tenants" or is it better to manage it with permissions and roles?
Any best practices?
There are many facets to decide on the mode of delivery
In case you prefer to use Micro FrontEnds, admin and tenant functions can be separate. However, the individual functions like help desk,Accounts management can be a separate micro frontend
There should be options for a tenant to white label the UI (custom logo, custom theme, custom layout (more development effort)) etc.
With or without micro frontends, your UI layer should be working based on the permissions that comes as an aggregation of the user's roles (even across tenants).
The UI always has probes to the API to get the permissions and render the various UI components based on the granted permissions to the user.
We used to build custom UI components like custom grid, custom forms etc so that the permissions could be used to show or hide the various UI elements based on the permissions that a user might posses.
Ex: In the context of a Administrator, I will be able to see all the team members, but in the context of a Service Administrator, I will be able to assign members to various tenant functions like help desk, accounting etc which the Administrator will not be able to perform, but can view the mappings.
Similarly, your business requirements will drive the UI, hence if you follow using the permissions for the UI, it is always very fine-grained and easy to manage than depending upon higher levels of abstraction like Roles.

aspnetboilerplate global user table (common for all tenants)

Let's assume below scenario.
There can be multiple tenants. Each tenant offers different services based on their business to clients. Depending on the size of the client, they may have their own database as well (ex:- Large clients prefer their data to be isolated).
Arranging tenants to fulfill above scenario is possible with the AspNetBoilerplate out of the box.
Then comes the customers who consumes various services provided by multiple businesses (tenants). There is a single mobile app for these customers. Once they login, they should be able to get services from any tenant unless a tenant has blocked a user.
Note that the point here is these customers are NOT registering for each tenant separately.
What are my options to get this setup done properly using AspNetBoilerplate? My initial thoughts are;
1) Have a separate table - MyCustomers - All mobile users will get authenticated against this table. For this should i create a separate auth pipeline ?
2) Current AspNetBoilerplate demo; you choose the tenant and login. But in my case; they log in and they will choose a service provider (tenant). At this point;
Should I create a new user automatically IF the selected tenant is in a different database (For large businesses having their own database)?
If the selected service provider is a small customer, who are in the same database differentiated with a TenantId I will have to additionally have a --> (many) relationship maintained so when a new service is selected a new record goes to this table?
At the end of the day, MyCustomers will only be using a single mobile app to get any service from any business after they login. Once they login, they should have access to all tenants (unless they are blocked).
Is there a better way to do this using AspNetBoilerplate existing architecture?

Authentication and authorization with the seperate database multi-tenat approach

starting a proof of concept for this model it appears not to be possible to configure the membership provider per request to the respective clients database. It appears that the web application instantiates the membership providers on application start and doesn't allow modification to this during subsequent requests.
I have tried using reflection and modifying the connection string in the Application_BeginRequest (in the global.aspx) but it appears that the membership provider is designed and implemented to only initialise once per application rather than per request.
This implies for the separate database approach, the default asp.net membership provider wont work with the single application/multiple database (multitenant seperate database) model.
what authentication/authorization model do people use in this architecture? do they use a custom implementation of the Microsoft membership providers or do they use a different package or library?
In the case of a multi-tenant application development scenario, the best preferred is a SSO or to go with a custom profile management system.
In order for you to enable tenant based authentication using the databases, you can have a connection string manager that identifies your tenant based on some of the criteria like the company code or the URL and then use the user login data from that database for that tenant's users.
The usage will be like you identify / infer the tenant code from the login credentials and then choose the database that is available for that tenant and then authenticate the user against this database. Hence the tenants can have their own databases for their user's authentication.
This is feasible and can also comply with the regulatory requirements that may be for different tenants based on their geography.

Apex "security module"?

My manager keeps talking about how I will be "developing" an Application Express "security module", however from what she told me we need to have, I don't see what there would be to develop, seeing as Apex already has authorization/groups which allow for various groups of people to see various content.
Is there something that I am missing? What does she mean by a "module", or is it just general wording?
APEX provides several different ways to authenticate users. One approach is to use the "Application Express" authentication scheme and just to create APEX users. Another approach is to use the "Database Account" authentication scheme and to create Oracle users. A third option is to create a custom authentication scheme and to implement your own user management functionality.
Application Express authentication tends to be the easiest to deploy for a small application but tends to get unwieldy over time. It's hard, for example, to give an application administrator the ability to create APEX accounts. You can't tie an APEX account in to a single sign-on solution. It's not easy to integrate with the permission management systems that other applications use. If you're deploying an application in a large company, the last thing the security department needs is one more place where they need to create user accounts, manage privileges, de-activate accounts when someone leaves or changes roles, etc.
Database authentication tends to be more scalable than APEX authentication since Oracle database account provisioning is likely already part of your organization's authentication and authorization infrastructure. On the other hand, that still means that you're creating an Oracle database user for every user you want to create in your application which probably involves a call to a DBA (technically, you could create database users from your application, but most DBAs are going to be concerned about the security implications of that). If you intend to create an internet-facing application with tens of thousands of users, database accounts may get unwieldy.
I'd wager that the vast majority of medium to large-scale APEX applications use a custom authentication scheme. That may involve creating a USER table where you store the username & the hash of the password or a query against an LDAP/ AD repository. That sort of approach provides the most flexibility since you can code whatever you'd like into the authentication system. You can hook into whatever custom authentication/ single sign-on solution the organization happens to use. It probably makes creating new users from within the application much easier (obviously depending on how the authentication system is designed).
My assumption is that your manager is expecting that you'll be writing a custom authentication scheme for your APEX applications.
