Gradient descent algorithm giving incorrect answer in matlab - algorithm

I'm taking a course in machine learning and trying to implement the gradient descent algorithm in matlab. The function computeCost works fine, as I have tested it separately. I use it to see the cost at every iteration, and it doesn't seem to be decreasing at all. It just fluctuates randomly. The value of alpha was given to be 0.01, so I know it's not an issue with the learning rate being too big. The answers I get for theta are very off from the expected output. Where am I going wrong? Thanks in advance!
function theta = gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters)
%GRADIENTDESCENT Performs gradient descent to learn theta
% Initialize some useful values
m = length(y); % number of training examples
for iter = 1:num_iters
for k = 1:m
temp1 = temp1 + (theta(1) + theta(2)*X(k, 2) - y(k));
temp2 = temp2 + ((theta(1) + theta(2)*X(k, 2) - y(k))*X(k, 2));
theta(1) = theta(1)-(1/m)*alpha*temp1;
theta(2) = theta(2)-(1/m)*alpha*temp2;
computeCost(X, y, theta)
Edit: here is computeCost as well
function J = computeCost(X, y, theta)
m = length(y); % number of training examples
J = 0;
temp = 0;
for index = 1:m
temp = temp + (theta(1) + theta(2)*X(index, 2)-y(index))^2;
J = temp/(2*m);

Try changing:
for iter = 1:num_iters
for iter = 1:num_iters
The gradient needs to be computed fresh for each iteration (or you are effectively building in a momentum term).


Optimizing algorithm calculating (sin(x)-x)*x^{-3} (in matlab)

My task is to write optimal program that calculates matrix Y, given matrix X, where:
y = (sin(x)-x) x-3
Here's the code I have written so far:
n = size(X, 1);
m = size(X, 2);
Y = zeros(n, m);
d = n*m;
for i = 1:d
x = X(i);
if abs(x)<0.1
Y(i) = -1/6+x.^2/120-x.^4/5040+x.^6/362880;
Y(i) = (sin(x)-x).*(x.^(-3));
So, generally the formula was inaccurate around 0, so I have approximated it using Taylor theorem.
Unfortunately this program has accuracy of 91% and efficiency of only 24% (so it's 4 times slower than the optimal solution).
The tests are around 13 million samples, out of which around 6 million have value of less than 0.1. The range of samples is (-8π , 8π).
The target accuracy (100%) is 4*epsilon where epsilon equals 2^(-52) (that means that numbers calculated by program shouldn't be larger or smaller than numbers calculated "perfectly" than 4*epsilon).
100*epsilon means accuracy of 86%.
Do you have any ideas on how to make it faster and more accurate? I'm looking both for mathematical tricks on how to further transform given formula, and general MATLAB tips that can accelerate programs?
Using Horner method, I have managed to bring up efficiency up to 81% (accuracy still 91%) with this program:
function Y = main(X)
Y = (sin(X)-X).*(X.^(-3));
i = abs(X) < 0.1;
Y(i) = horner(X(i));
function y = horner (x)
pow = x.*x;
y = -1/6+pow.*(1/120+pow.*(-1/5040+pow./362880));
Do you have any further ideas on how to improve it?
Program seems to work fine for a great range of input:
x = linspace(-8*pi,8*pi,13e6); % 13 million samples in the desired range
y = (sin(x)-x)./x.^3;
Due due round-off errors, you may have problem calculating it for very small values of x:
x = 0
y = (sin(x)-x)./x.^3
y =
You already have the Taylor series expansion of the function around 0. As the Taylor expansion does not include a division by x, you can expect a better behaviour of the Taylor function around this region:
x = -1e-6:1e-9:1e-6;
y = (sin(x)-x)./x.^3;
y_taylor = -1/6 + x.^2/120 - x.^4/5040 + x.^6/362880;
plot(x,y,x,y_taylor); legend('y','taylor expansion','location','best')
You can replace your loop with vectorized code. This is usually more efficient than loop because the loop has a conditional in it, which is bad for branch prediction:
Y = (sin(X)-X).*(X.^(-3));
i = abs(X) < 0.1;
Y(i) = -1/6+X(i).^2/120-X(i).^4/5040+X(i).^6/362880;
Rewriting the primary equation to avoid the cubic root yields a 3x speedup for that computation:
Y = (sin(X)./X - 1) ./ (X.*X);
Speed comparison:
The following script compares timing for this method compared to OP's loop code. I use data that has 7 million values uniformly distributed in (-8π, 8π), and another 6 million values uniformly distributed in (-0.1,0.1).
OP's loop code takes 2.4412 s, and the vectorized solution takes 0.7224 s. Using OP's Horner method and the rewritten sin expression it takes 0.1437 s.
X = [linspace(-8*pi,8*pi,7e6), linspace(-0.1,0.1,6e6)];
function Y = method1(X)
n = size(X, 1);
m = size(X, 2);
Y = zeros(n, m);
d = n*m;
for i = 1:d
x = X(i);
if abs(x)<0.1
Y(i) = -1/6+x.^2/120-x.^4/5040+x.^6/362880;
Y(i) = (sin(x)-x).*(x.^(-3));
function Y = method2(X)
Y = (sin(X)-X).*(X.^(-3));
i = abs(X) < 0.1;
Y(i) = -1/6+X(i).^2/120-X(i).^4/5040+X(i).^6/362880;
function Y = method3(X)
Y = (sin(X)./X - 1) ./ (X.*X);
i = abs(X) < 0.1;
Y(i) = horner(X(i));
function y = horner (x)
pow = x.*x;
y = -1/6+pow.*(1/120+pow.*(-1/5040+pow./362880));

Efficiently Calculate Frequency Averaged Periodogram Using GPU

In Matlab I am looking for a way to most efficiently calculate a frequency averaged periodogram on a GPU.
I understand that the most important thing is to minimise for loops and use the already built in GPU functions. However my code still feels relatively unoptimised and I was wondering what changes I can make to it to gain a better speed up.
r = 5; % Dimension
n = 100; % Time points
m = 20; % Bandwidth of smoothing
% Generate some random rxn data
X = rand(r, n);
% Generate normalised weights according to a cos window
w = cos(pi * (-m/2:m/2)/m);
w = w/sum(w);
% Generate non-smoothed Periodogram
FT = (n)^(-0.5)*(ctranspose(fft(ctranspose(X))));
Pdgm = zeros(r, r, n/2 + 1);
for j = 1:n/2 + 1
Pdgm(:,:,j) = FT(:,j)*FT(:,j)';
% Finally smooth with our weights
SmPdgm = zeros(r, r, n/2 + 1);
% Take advantage of the GPU filter function
% Create new Periodogram WrapPdgm with m/2 values wrapped around in front and
% behind it (it seems like there is redundancy here)
WrapPdgm = zeros(r,r,n/2 + 1 + m);
WrapPdgm(:,:,m/2+1:n/2+m/2+1) = Pdgm;
WrapPdgm(:,:,1:m/2) = flip(Pdgm(:,:,2:m/2+1),3);
WrapPdgm(:,:,n/2+m/2+2:end) = flip(Pdgm(:,:,n/2-m/2+1:end-1),3);
% Perform filtering
for i = 1:r
for j = 1:r
temp = filter(w, [1], WrapPdgm(i,j,:));
SmPdgm(i,j,:) = temp(:,:,m+1:end);
In particular, I couldn't see a way to optimise out the for loop when calculating the initial Pdgm from the Fourier transformed data and I feel the trick I play with the WrapPdgm in order to take advantage of filter() on the GPU feels unnecessary if there were a smooth function instead.
Solution Code
This seems to be pretty efficient as benchmark runtimes in the next section might convince us -
%// Select the portion of FT to be processed and
%// send copy to GPU for calculating everything
gFT = gpuArray(FT(:,1:n/2 + 1));
%// Perform non-smoothed Periodogram, thus removing the first loop
Pdgm1 = bsxfun(#times,permute(gFT,[1 3 2]),permute(conj(gFT),[3 1 2]));
%// Generate WrapPdgm right on GPU
WrapPdgm1 = zeros(r,r,n/2 + 1 + m,'gpuArray');
WrapPdgm1(:,:,m/2+1:n/2+m/2+1) = Pdgm1;
WrapPdgm1(:,:,1:m/2) = Pdgm1(:,:,m/2+1:-1:2);
WrapPdgm1(:,:,n/2+m/2+2:end) = Pdgm1(:,:,end-1:-1:n/2-m/2+1);
%// Perform filtering on GPU and get the final output, SmPdgm1
filt_data = filter(w,1,reshape(WrapPdgm1,r*r,[]),[],2);
SmPdgm1 = gather(reshape(filt_data(:,m+1:end),r,r,[]));
Benchmarking Code
%// Input parameters
r = 50; % Dimension
n = 1000; % Time points
m = 200; % Bandwidth of smoothing
% Generate some random rxn data
X = rand(r, n);
% Generate normalised weights according to a cos window
w = cos(pi * (-m/2:m/2)/m);
w = w/sum(w);
% Generate non-smoothed Periodogram
FT = (n)^(-0.5)*(ctranspose(fft(ctranspose(X))));
tic, %// ... Code from original approach, toc
tic %// ... Code from proposed approach, toc
Runtime results thus obtained on GPU, GTX 750 Ti against CPU, I-7 4790K -
------------------------------ With Original Approach on CPU
Elapsed time is 0.279816 seconds.
------------------------------ With Proposed Approach on GPU
Elapsed time is 0.169969 seconds.
To get rid of the first loop you can do the following:
Pdgm_cell = cellfun(#(x) x * x', mat2cell(FT(:, 1 : 51), [5], ones(51, 1)), 'UniformOutput', false);
Pdgm = reshape(cell2mat(Pdgm_cell),5,5,[]);
Then in your filter you can do the following:
temp = filter(w, 1, WrapPdgm, [], 3);
SmPdgm = temp(:, :, m + 1 : end);
The 3 lets the filter know to operate along the 3rd dimension of your data.
You can use pagefun on the GPU for the first loop. (Note that the implementation of cellfun is basically a hidden loop, whereas pagefun runs natively on the GPU using a batched GEMM operation). Here's how:
n = 16;
r = 8;
X = gpuArray.rand(r, n);
R = gpuArray.zeros(r, r, n/2 + 1);
for jj = 1:(n/2+1)
R(:,:,jj) = X(:,jj) * X(:,jj)';
X2 = X(:,1:(n/2+1));
R2 = pagefun(#mtimes, reshape(X2, r, 1, []), reshape(X2, 1, r, []));
R - R2

Compute double sum in matlab efficiently?

I am looking for an optimal way to program this summation ratio. As input I have two vectors v_mn and x_mn with (M*N)x1 elements each.
The ratio is of the form:
The vector x_mn is 0-1 vector so when x_mn=1, the ration is r given above and when x_mn=0 the ratio is 0.
The vector v_mn is a vector which contain real numbers.
I did the denominator like this but it takes a lot of times.
function r_ij = denominator(v_mn, M, N, i, j)
%here x_ij=1, to get r_ij.
S = [];
for m = 1:M
for n = 1:N
if (m ~= i)
if (n ~= j)
S = [S v_mn(i, n)];
S = [S 0];
S = [S 0];
r_ij = 1+S;
Can you give a good way to do it in matlab. You can ignore the ratio and give me the denominator which is more complicated.
EDIT: I am sorry I did not write it very good. The i and j are some numbers between 1..M and 1..N respectively. As you can see, the ratio r is many values (M*N values). So I calculated only the value i and j. More precisely, I supposed x_ij=1. Also, I convert the vectors v_mn into a matrix that's why I use double index.
If you reshape your data, your summation is just a repeated matrix/vector multiplication.
Here's an implementation for a single m and n, along with a simple speed/equality test:
%# some arbitrary test parameters
M = 250;
N = 1000;
v = rand(M,N); %# (you call it v_mn)
x = rand(M,N); %# (you call it x_mn)
m0 = randi(M,1); %# m of interest
n0 = randi(N,1); %# n of interest
%# "Naive" version
S1 = 0;
for mm = 1:M %# (you call this m')
if mm == m0, continue; end
for nn = 1:N %# (you call this n')
if nn == n0, continue; end
S1 = S1 + v(m0,nn) * x(mm,nn);
r1 = v(m0,n0)*x(m0,n0) / (1+S1);
%# MATLAB version: use matrix multiplication!
ninds = [1:m0-1 m0+1:M];
minds = [1:n0-1 n0+1:N];
S2 = sum( x(minds, ninds) * v(m0, ninds).' );
r2 = v(m0,n0)*x(m0,n0) / (1+S2);
%# Test if values are equal
abs(r1-r2) < 1e-12
Outputs on my machine:
Elapsed time is 0.327004 seconds. %# loop-version
Elapsed time is 0.002455 seconds. %# version with matrix multiplication
ans =
1 %# and yes, both are equal
So the speedup is ~133×
Now that's for a single value of m and n. To do this for all values of m and n, you can use an (optimized) double loop around it:
r = zeros(M,N);
for m0 = 1:M
xx = x([1:m0-1 m0+1:M], :);
vv = v(m0,:).';
for n0 = 1:N
ninds = [1:n0-1 n0+1:N];
denom = 1 + sum( xx(:,ninds) * vv(ninds) );
r(m0,n0) = v(m0,n0)*x(m0,n0)/denom;
which completes in ~15 seconds on my PC for M = 250, N= 1000 (R2010a).
EDIT: actually, with a little more thought, I was able to reduce it all down to this:
denom = zeros(M,N);
for mm = 1:M
xx = x([1:mm-1 mm+1:M],:);
denom(mm,:) = sum( xx*v(mm,:).' ) - sum( bsxfun(#times, xx, v(mm,:)) );
denom = denom + 1;
r_mn = x.*v./denom;
which completes in less than 1 second for N = 250 and M = 1000 :)
For a start you need to pre-alocate your S matrix. It changes size every loop so put
S = zeros(m*n, 1)
at the start of your function. This will also allow you to do away with your else conditional statements, ie they will reduce to this:
if (m ~= i)
if (n ~= j)
S(m*M + n) = v_mn(i, n);
Otherwise since you have to visit every element im afraid it may not be able to get much faster.
If you desperately need more speed you can look into doing some mex coding which is code in c/c++ but run in matlab.
Rather than first jumping into vectorization of the double loop, you may want modify the above to make sure that it does what you want. In this code, there is no summing of the data, instead a vector S is being resized at each iteration. As well, the signature could include the matrices V and X so that the multiplication occurs as in the formula (rather than just relying on the value of X to be zero or one, let us pass that matrix in).
The function could look more like the following (I've replaced the i,j inputs with m,n to be more like the equation):
function result = denominator(V,X,m,n)
% use the size of V to determine M and N
[M,N] = size(V);
% initialize the summed value to one (to account for one at the end)
result = 1;
% outer loop
for i=1:M
% ignore the case where m==i
if i~=m
for j=1:N
% ignore the case where n==j
if j~=n
result = result + V(m,j)*X(i,j);
Note how the first if is outside of the inner for loop since it does not depend on j. Try the above and see what happens!
You can vectorize from within Matlab to speed up your calculations. Every time you use an operation like ".^" or ".*" or any matrix operation for that matter, Matlab will do them in parallel, which is much, much faster than iterating over each item.
In this case, look at what you are doing in terms of matrices. First, in your loop you are only dealing with the mth row of $V_{nm}$, which we can use as a vector for itself.
If you look at your formula carefully, you can figure out that you almost get there if you just write this row vector as a column vector and multiply the matrix $X_{nm}$ to it from the left, using standard matrix multiplication. The resulting vector contains the sums over all n. To get the final result, just sum up this vector.
function result = denominator_vectorized(V,X,m,n)
% get the part of V with the first index m
Vm = V(m,:)';
% remove the parts of X you don't want to iterate over. Note that, since I
% am inside the function, I am only editing the value of X within the scope
% of this function.
X(m,:) = 0;
X(:,n) = 0;
%do the matrix multiplication and the summation at once
result = 1-sum(X*Vm);
To show you how this optimizes your operation, I will compare it to the code proposed by another commenter:
function result = denominator(V,X,m,n)
% use the size of V to determine M and N
[M,N] = size(V);
% initialize the summed value to one (to account for one at the end)
result = 1;
% outer loop
for i=1:M
% ignore the case where m==i
if i~=m
for j=1:N
% ignore the case where n==j
if j~=n
result = result + V(m,j)*X(i,j);
The test:
disp('looped version')
disp('matrix operation')
The result:
looped version
ans =
Elapsed time is 4.648021 seconds.
matrix operation
ans =
Elapsed time is 0.563072 seconds.
That is almost ten times the speed of the loop iteration. So, always look out for possible matrix operations in your code. If you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox installed and a CUDA-enabled graphics card installed, Matlab will even perform these operations on your graphics card without any further effort on your part!
EDIT: That last bit is not entirely true. You still need to take a few steps to do operations on CUDA hardware, but they aren't a lot. See Matlab documentation.

Code a linear programming exercise by hand

I have been doing linear programming problems in my class by graphing them but I would like to know how to write a program for a particular problem to solve it for me. If there are too many variables or constraints I could never do this by graphing.
Example problem, maximize 5x + 3y with constraints:
5x - 2y >= 0
x + y <= 7
x <= 5
x >= 0
y >= 0
I graphed this and got a visible region with 3 corners. x=5 y=2 is the optimal point.
How do I turn this into code? I know of the simplex method. And very importantly, will all LP problems be coded in the same structure? Would brute force work?
There are quite a number of Simplex Implementations that you will find if you search.
In addition to the one mentioned in the comment (Numerical Recipes in C),
you can also find:
Google's own Simplex-Solver
Then there's COIN-OR
GNU has its own GLPK
If you want a C++ implementation, this one in Google Code is actually accessible.
There are many implementations in R including the boot package. (In R, you can see the implementation of a function by typing it without the parenthesis.)
To address your other two questions:
Will all LPs be coded the same way? Yes, a generic LP solver can be written to load and solve any LP. (There are industry standard formats for reading LP's like mps and .lp
Would brute force work? Keep in mind that many companies and big organizations spend a long time on fine tuning the solvers. There are LP's that have interesting properties that many solvers will try to exploit. Also, certain computations can be solved in parallel. The algorithm is exponential, so at some large number of variables/constraints, brute force won't work.
Hope that helps.
I wrote this is matlab yesterday, which could be easily transcribed to C++ if you use Eigen library or write your own matrix class using a std::vector of a std::vector
function [x, fval] = mySimplex(fun, A, B, lb, up)
%Examples paramters to show that the function actually works
% sample set 1 (works for this data set)
% fun = [8 10 7];
% A = [1 3 2; 1 5 1];
% B = [10; 8];
% lb = [0; 0; 0];
% ub = [inf; inf; inf];
% sample set 2 (works for this data set)
fun = [7 8 10];
A = [2 3 2; 1 1 2];
B = [1000; 800];
lb = [0; 0; 0];
ub = [inf; inf; inf];
% generate a new slack variable for every row of A
numSlackVars = size(A,1); % need a new slack variables for every row of A
% Set up tableau to store algorithm data
tableau = [A; -fun];
tableau = [tableau, eye(numSlackVars + 1)];
lastCol = [B;0];
tableau = [tableau, lastCol];
% for convienience sake, assign the following:
numRows = size(tableau,1);
numCols = size(tableau,2);
% do simplex algorithm
% step 0: find num of negative entries in bottom row of tableau
numNeg = 0; % the number of negative entries in bottom row
for i=1:numCols
if(tableau(numRows,i) < 0)
numNeg = numNeg + 1;
% Remark: the number of negatives is exactly the number of iterations needed in the
% simplex algorithm
for iterations = 1:numNeg
% step 1: find minimum value in last row
minVal = 10000; % some big number
minCol = 1; % start by assuming min value is the first element
for i=1:numCols
if(tableau(numRows, i) < minVal)
minVal = tableau(size(tableau,1), i);
minCol = i; % update the index corresponding to the min element
% step 2: Find corresponding ratio vector in pivot column
vectorRatio = zeros(numRows -1, 1);
for i=1:(numRows-1) % the size of ratio vector is numCols - 1
vectorRatio(i, 1) = tableau(i, numCols) ./ tableau(i, minCol);
% step 3: Determine pivot element by finding minimum element in vector
% ratio
minVal = 10000; % some big number
minRatio = 1; % holds the element with the minimum ratio
for i=1:numRows-1
if(vectorRatio(i,1) < minVal)
minVal = vectorRatio(i,1);
minRatio = i;
% step 4: assign pivot element
pivotElement = tableau(minRatio, minCol);
% step 5: perform pivot operation on tableau around the pivot element
tableau(minRatio, :) = tableau(minRatio, :) * (1/pivotElement);
% step 6: perform pivot operation on rows (not including last row)
for i=1:size(vectorRatio,1)+1 % do last row last
if(i ~= minRatio) % we skip over the minRatio'th element of the tableau here
tableau(i, :) = -tableau(i,minCol)*tableau(minRatio, :) + tableau(i,:);
% Now we can interpret the algo tableau
numVars = size(A,2); % the number of cols of A is the number of variables
x = zeros(size(size(tableau,1), 1)); % for efficiency
% Check for basicity
for col=1:numVars
count_zero = 0;
count_one = 0;
for row = 1:size(tableau,1)
if(tableau(row,col) < 1e-2)
count_zero = count_zero + 1;
elseif(tableau(row,col) - 1 < 1e-2)
count_one = count_one + 1;
stored_row = row; % we store this (like in memory) column for later use
if(count_zero == (size(tableau,1) -1) && count_one == 1) % this is the case where it is basic
x(col,1) = tableau(stored_row, numCols);
x(col,1) = 0; % this is the base where it is not basic
% find function optimal value at optimal solution
fval = x(1,1) * fun(1,1); % just needed for logic to work here
for i=2:numVars
fval = fval + x(i,1) * fun(1,i);

Improving performance of interpolation (Barycentric formula)

I have been given an assignment in which I am supposed to write an algorithm which performs polynomial interpolation by the barycentric formula. The formulas states that:
p(x) = (SIGMA_(j=0 to n) w(j)*f(j)/(x - x(j)))/(SIGMA_(j=0 to n) w(j)/(x - x(j)))
I have written an algorithm which works just fine, and I get the polynomial output I desire. However, this requires the use of some quite long loops, and for a large grid number, lots of nastly loop operations will have to be done. Thus, I would appreciate it greatly if anyone has any hints as to how I may improve this, so that I will avoid all these loops.
In the algorithm, x and f stand for the given points we are supposed to interpolate. w stands for the barycentric weights, which have been calculated before running the algorithm. And grid is the linspace over which the interpolation should take place:
function p = barycentric_formula(x,f,w,grid)
%Assert x-vectors and f-vectors have same length.
if length(x) ~= length(f)
sprintf('Not equal amounts of x- and y-values. Function is terminated.')
n = length(x);
m = length(grid);
p = zeros(1,m);
% Loops for finding polynomial values at grid points. All values are
% calculated by the barycentric formula.
for i = 1:m
var = 0;
sum1 = 0;
sum2 = 0;
for j = 1:n
if grid(i) == x(j)
p(i) = f(j);
var = 1;
sum1 = sum1 + (w(j)*f(j))/(grid(i) - x(j));
sum2 = sum2 + (w(j)/(grid(i) - x(j)));
if var == 0
p(i) = sum1/sum2;
This is a classical case for matlab 'vectorization'. I would say - just remove the loops. It is almost that simple. First, have a look at this code:
function p = bf2(x, f, w, grid)
m = length(grid);
p = zeros(1,m);
for i = 1:m
var = grid(i)==x;
if any(var)
p(i) = f(var);
sum1 = sum((w.*f)./(grid(i) - x));
sum2 = sum(w./(grid(i) - x));
p(i) = sum1/sum2;
I have removed the inner loop over j. All I did here was in fact removing the (j) indexing and changing the arithmetic operators from / to ./ and from * to .* - the same, but with a dot in front to signify that the operation is performed on element by element basis. This is called array operators in contrast to ordinary matrix operators. Also note that treating the special case where the grid points fall onto x is very similar to what you had in the original implementation, only using a vector var such that x(var)==grid(i).
Now, you can also remove the outermost loop. This is a bit more tricky and there are two major approaches how you can do that in MATLAB. I will do it the simpler way, which can be less efficient, but more clear to read - using repmat:
function p = bf3(x, f, w, grid)
% Find grid points that coincide with x.
% The below compares all grid values with all x values
% and returns a matrix of 0/1. 1 is in the (row,col)
% for which grid(row)==x(col)
var = bsxfun(#eq, grid', x);
% find the logical indexes of those x entries
varx = sum(var, 1)~=0;
% and of those grid entries
varp = sum(var, 2)~=0;
% Outer-most loop removal - use repmat to
% replicate the vectors into matrices.
% Thus, instead of having a loop over j
% you have matrices of values that would be
% referenced in the loop
ww = repmat(w, numel(grid), 1);
ff = repmat(f, numel(grid), 1);
xx = repmat(x, numel(grid), 1);
gg = repmat(grid', 1, numel(x));
% perform the calculations element-wise on the matrices
sum1 = sum((ww.*ff)./(gg - xx),2);
sum2 = sum(ww./(gg - xx),2);
p = sum1./sum2;
% fix the case where grid==x and return
p(varp) = f(varx);
The fully vectorized version can be implemented with bsxfun rather than repmat. This can potentially be a bit faster, since the matrices are not explicitly formed. However, the speed difference may not be large for small system sizes.
Also, the first solution with one loop is also not too bad performance-wise. I suggest you test those and see, what is better. Maybe it is not worth it to fully vectorize? The first code looks a bit more readable..
