Call to undefined method stdClass::delete() - laravel

First I make a connection with the CMS trouw API the store method works fine but the update and the delete gives my error undefined method.
If I dd $basket in the delete I get all the data out which means it works fine for the delete method but unfortunately doesn't work, any suggestions.
public function add(Request $request)
$productId = $request->get('id');
$amount = $request->get('amount');
$this->basketService->add($productId, $amount);
return redirect()->route('basket.index');
public function update(Request $request)
foreach ($request->get('amount') as $key => $amount) {
$this->basketService->update($key, $amount);
return redirect()->back();
public function delete($id)
$basket = $this->basketService->getCart();
return redirect()->route('basket.index');

Depends which methods are in basketService Class.
Show source code basketService Class.
(Possible you need call method so: $this->basketService->delete();)


Can I use return to a public function in controller in Laravel 8

I got an error which is undefined function.
I tried to use a public function in return:
public function CreateForm() //This the function that I want to use back
$names2 = DB::table('pendaftaran')
return view('contact')->with($variables);
So this a function I want to return to a function
public function AddUserSubmit(Request $request)
return CreateForm(); //Can I return to a public function ?
Yes this should work but you need to add context and use the $this keyword otherwise return CreateForm(); will be interpreted as trying to invoke a global function.
Try replacing:
return CreateForm();
return $this->CreateForm();
See this other question for more information:

Why Observer's Saved method not working for while update the record in laravel 5.3

I have project in laravel 5.3 and i am using Observer for activity log of user, for that i have created one obeserver with saved() and deleted() method.
The saved() method is working fine for new record, while update the record saved() is not getting call nor updated() method.
I also try with deleted() method, that is also not getting call, here below is my code, please help.
public function __construct()
// echo "dsd"; die();
public function saved($user)
if ($user->wasRecentlyCreated == true) {
// Data was just created
$action = 'created';
} else {
// Data was updated
$action = 'updated';
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
'action' => $action,
'action_model' => $user->getTable(),
'action_id' => $user->id
public function deleting($user)
public static function boot() {
parent::observe(new \App\Observers\UserObserver);
Everything seems ok, so i guess something bigger is at fault here. Normally the best practice for registering observers is to do it in a provider class boot() method.
public function boot()
For model events to trigger you have to use the model and not update the data through a query.
$discount = Discounts::find($request->edit_id);

How to call a function in one controller to the other controller in laravel

I want to call a function in another controller. when i call this gives me an error.
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::defaultBuckets()
I dont know why it gives me this error. I don't know i am calling this function rightly in another controller. Here is my code. Please Help.
Here is my function i created in my BucketController:
public function defaultBuckets()
$buckets = Bucket::where('bucket_type', 'default')->get();
And here is my Profile controller function Where i call this function:
public function show(User $user)
$authUser = JWTAuth::parseToken()->toUser();
if (! $user->isBlocking($authUser) && ! $user->isBlockedBy($authUser)) {
if($authUser->id == $user->id){
$profile = $user->where('id', $user->id)->defaultBuckets()->with([
'posts', 'likes', 'followers', 'following'])->first();
} else{
$profile = $user->where('id', $user->id)->with([
'posts' => function ($query) {
$query->where('post_type', 'public');
'buckets' => function ($query) {
$query->where('bucket_type', 'public');
'likes' => function ($query) {
$query->where('post_type', 'public');
'followers', 'following'])->first();
return response()->json(['profile'=> $profile], 200);
return response()->json(['message'=> 'Your are not able to open profile of this user'], 200);
I Think there is mistake. You said you have this function in your BucketController
public function defaultBuckets()
$buckets = Bucket::where('bucket_type', 'default')->get();
and then you are firing the function from user model in your ProfileController
$profile = $user->where('id', $user->id)->defaultBuckets()->with([
'posts', 'likes', 'followers', 'following'])->first();
That is the reason it says that there is no function named "defaultBuckets".
You have to put this function in your User model and everything will work fine.
Also don't forget to return the buckets as well like this:
To return all buckets
public function defaultBuckets()
$buckets = Bucket::where('bucket_type', 'default')->get();
return $buckets; // all buckets
To return a user's buckets only
public function defaultBuckets()
return $this->hasMany(Bucket::class)->where('bucket_type', 'default');
Make sure to accept the relationship from user in bucket model like this:
public function user(){
return $this->hasOne(User::class, 'bucket_id' , 'user_id');
You can replace column names (bucket_id,user_id) according to your database.
Let me know if this fixes your problem

show error while fetch username

show error : Missing argument 1 for App\Http\Controllers\AdminLoginController::name()
public function name($username) {
$user = AdminLogin::find($username);
return response()->json($user);
AdminLoginController: Its a adminlogin controller code
class AdminLoginController extends Controller{
public function show(){
$res ="Hello world!";
return response()->json($res);
public function log() {
$users = AdminLogin::all();
return response()->json($users);
public function name($username) {
$user = AdminLogin::where('username',$username)->first();
return response()->json($user);
RouteLoginController: Its a adminlogin controller code :
$app->get('/', function () use ($app) {
return $app->version();
$app->group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function ($app)
$app->get('adminlogin', 'AdminLoginController#show'); //get single route
$app->get('user', 'AdminLoginController#log'); //get single route
$app->get('username', 'AdminLoginController#name'); //get single route
$app->post('adminlogin', 'AdminLoginController#login'); //get single route
Error :
(1/1) ErrorException
Missing argument 1 for App\Http\Controllers\AdminLoginController::name()
Your controller method is taking the username param but the route binding is not passing one. Change your route
$app->get('username', 'AdminLoginController#name');
$app->get('user/{username}', 'AdminLoginController#name');
If you don't want to change your route, change your controller function signature to the below (as shown in the other answers), and make sure you are passing the 'username' as request param while invoking the url.
public function name(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
$user = AdminLogin::where('username',$request->username)->first();
return response()->json(['user' => $user]);
You are probably calling this function using an ajax request and putting the name in the query string. In this case, the name parameter will not be sent as an attribute of the function but will be part of the request object.
You can solve this like so:
public function name(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
$user = AdminLogin::find($request->username);
return response()->json($user);
You should try this :
public function name($username) {
$user = AdminLogin::where('username',$username)->first();
return response()->json(['user' => $user]);
public function name(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
$user = AdminLogin::where('username',$request->username)->first();
return response()->json(['user' => $user]);

How to redirect store to update method?

How to redirect store to update method? I tryed the following code:
public function store(ProductRequest $request)
return $this->update(new Product, $request);
public function update(Product $product, ProductRequest $request)
// code
However, the first parameter of update need an already in database user and the above code does not work as expected. (it update the entire users in db!)
What is the correct way to achieve that?
public function store(UserRequest $request)
return $this->maintain(new User, $request);
public function update(User $user, UserRequest $request)
return $this->maintain($user, $request);
private function maintain($user, $request)
The model for the update method could be the problem, your code is okay for this part:
public function store(Request $request)
return $this->update(new Product, $request);
public function update(Product $product, Request $request)
// code
For example, with route model binding:
Route::resource('products', 'ProductController');
Route::model('products', App\Product::class);
Or with a custom binding:
Route::resource('products', 'ProductController');
Route::bind('products', function($param) {
return Product::where('slug', $param)->first();
Make sure you are not using get() in custom binding, it will pass back a collection.
