Can MQSC command output be 'unformatted?' - ibm-mq

I'm trying to write automation routines for IBM MQ (on an IBM i to make life that little more difficult) and struggling with processing the rather over-formatted output.
It seems to insist on two fixed-width columns for all output and as these columns aren't wide enough for some values (notably SYSTEM.* queue names) the output per entry can be on different numbers of lines.
I'd like to avoid writing a parser just to fetch basic values from MQ. Can I force the output to a single (long) line, or specify column widths? I've got enough Unix-fu to combine pairs of lines and even strip out text with the likes of grep, sed, paste, but when the number of lines changes I'm tearing my hair out.

Well, I managed to tame sed and grep enough to get a working solution that can handle the two-or-three line output. It's very specific to this situation but the concepts could be applied to similar scenarios.
In short, I did not find a way to influence the output format of the display command, but did find a way to process it.
The following QShell command (run it with STRQSH) gives me a CSV of queue, current depth, maximum depth. I then use CPYFRMIMPF to move this into a DB2 file for processing.
echo "dis qlocal(*) curdepth maxdepth"
| grep ''[A-Z]\{4,8\}('' +
| sed -e ''/QUEUE([-A-Za-z0-9._\/]*)$/{N;s/\n//;}'' +
-e ''/TYPE([-A-Za-z0-9._\/]*)$/{N;s/\n//;}'' +
-e ''/CURDEPTH([0-9]*)$/{N;s/\n//;}'' +
-e ''s/^\ \ *//'' +
-e ''s/\ \ */,/g'' +
-e ''s/QUEUE[(]\([-A-Za-z0-9._\/]*\)[)]/"\1"/'' +
-e ''s/TYPE[(][-A-Za-z0-9._\/]*[)],//'' +
-e ''s/CURDEPTH[(]\([0-9]*\)[)]/\1/'' +
-e ''s/MAXDEPTH[(]\([0-9]*\)[)]/\1/'' +
| grep -v ''SYSTEM.'' +
> /tmp/mqqueuests.csv+
It allows for queue names with alphanumeric and . - _ / characters.
The fundamental solution to the problem of the variable numbers of lines lies in finding lines that do not end with MAXDEPTH( ) and removing the subsequent linefeed by means of the N command in sed. This pulls the next line of the file into the pattern buffer, where the linefeed can be stripped.

Just ran into the same problem - wanted to have runmqsc output one line per object, without extra messages. I did it this way - on AIX:
echo "DISPLAY CHSTATUS(*) STATUS CHSTATI CHSTADA CURRENT LOCLADDR " | runmqsc MY_MQ_SERVER | sed 's/^[^ ].*$/%/g' | tr -s " " | tr -d "\n" | tr "%" "\n"
So, first of all I created a "separator" out of the unnecessary lines, beginning on the first column (first sed command). Then all series of spaces are shrunk to one space and all newline characteris deleted. Then using the last tr command, the "separators" are converted to newlines, thus creating exactly one line output per object.


Can I filter MQ "display queue" on NOT some queue names?

I'm losing my ever-loving mind over this one.
I'm trying to output a list of local queues with their current depth and maximum depth. The following command basically does the job:
display qlocal(*) curdepth maxdepth
However, I'm getting all the SYSTEM.* queues and I don't want them in the list. Theoretically I can use the where( ) filter to do this, but it seems like this most useful function is just not possible because...
display qlocal(*) where(???? nl 'SYSTEM*') curdepth maxdepth
...what do I put for ???? I've tried all sorts including the seemingly obvious 'queue' but nothing works. Am I stuck with separately processing the output (a chore at the best of times due to its horrid formatting) to rid myself of these?
The command below might help. As you can't filter using the queue name in the 'where' parameter, the best solution would be to parse the output. The below command basically formats the mqsc object output to single lines and the egrep removes everything that starts with SYSTEM.
echo "dis ql(*) curdepth maxdepth" | runmqsc QMNAME | sed 's/^[^ ].*$/%/g' | tr -s " " | tr -d "\n" | tr "%" "\n" | egrep -v "^ QUEUE\(SYSTEM"

Dynamic delimiter in Unix

echo "1234ABC89,234" # A
echo "0520001DEF78,66" # B
echo "46545455KRJ21,00"
From the above strings, I need to split the characters to get the alphabetic field and the number after that.
From "1234ABC89,234", the output should be:
From "0520001DEF78,66", the output should be:
I have many strings that I need to split like this.
Here is my script so far:
echo "1234ABC89,234" | cut -d',' -f1
but it gives me 1234ABC89 which isn't what I want.
Assuming that you want to discard leading digits only, and that the letters will be all upper case, the following should work:
echo "1234ABC89,234" | sed 's/^[0-9]*\([A-Z]*\)\([0-9].*\)/\1\n\2/'
This works fine with GNU sed (I have 4.2.2), but other sed implementations might not like the \n, in which case you'll need to substitute something else.
Depending on the version of sed you can try:
echo "0520001DEF78,66" | sed -E -e 's/[0-9]*([A-Z]*)([,0-9]*)/\1\n\2/'
echo "0520001DEF78,66" | sed -E -e 's/[0-9]*([A-Z]*)([,0-9]*)/\1$\2/' | tr '$' '\n'
Explanation: the regular expression replaces the input with the expected output, except instead of the new-line it puts a "$" sign, that we replace to a new-line with the tr command
Where do the strings come from? Are they read from a file (or other source external to the script), or are they stored in the script? If they're in the script, you should simply reformat the data so it is easier to manage. Therefore, it is sensible to assume they come from an external data source such as a file or being piped to the script.
You could simply feed the data through sed:
sed 's/^[0-9]*\([A-Z]*\)/\1 /' |
while read alpha number
…process the two fields…
The only trick to watch there is that if you set variables in the loop, they won't necessarily be visible to the script after the done. There are ways around that problem — some of which depend on which shell you use. This much is the same in any derivative of the Bourne shell.
You said you have many strings like this, so I recommend if possible save them to a file such as input.txt:
On your command line, try this sed command reading input.txt as file argument:
$ sed -E 's/([0-9]+)([[:alpha:]]{3})(.+)/\2\t\3/g' input.txt
ABC 89,234
DEF 78,66
KRJ 21,00
How it works
uses -E for extended regular expressions to save on typing, otherwise for example for grouping we would have to escape \(
uses grouping ( and ), searches three groups:
firstly digits, + specifies one-or-more of digits. Oddly using [0-9] results in an extra blank space above results, so use POSIX class [[:digit:]]
the next is to search for POSIX alphabetical characters, regardless if lowercase or uppercase, and {3} specifies to search for 3 of them
the last group searches for . meaning any character, + for one or more times
\2\t\3 then returns group 2 and group 3, with a tab separator
Thus you are able to extract two separate fields per line, just separated by tab, for easier manipulation later.

Using both GNU Utils with Mac Utils in bash

I am working with plotting extremely large files with N number of relevant data entries. (N varies between files).
In each of these files, comments are automatically generated at the start and end of the file and would like to filter these out before recombining them into one grand data set.
Unfortunately, I am using MacOSx, where I encounter some issues when trying to remove the last line of the file. I have read that the most efficient way was to use head/tail bash commands to cut off sections of data. Since head -n -1 does not work for MacOSx I had to install coreutils through homebrew where the ghead command works wonderfully. However the command,
tail -n+9 $COUNTER/test.csv | ghead -n -1 $COUNTER/test.csv >> gfinal.csv
does not work. A less than pleasing workaround was I had to separate the commands, use ghead > newfile, then use tail on newfile > gfinal. Unfortunately, this will take while as I have to write a new file with the first ghead.
Is there a workaround to incorporating both GNU Utils with the standard Mac Utils?
The problem with your command is that you specify the file operand again for the ghead command, instead of letting it take its input from stdin, via the pipe; this causes ghead to ignore stdin input, so the first pipe segment is effectively ignored; simply omit the file operand for the ghead command:
tail -n+9 "$COUNTER/test.csv" | ghead -n -1 >> gfinal.csv
That said, if you only want to drop the last line, there's no need for GNU head - OS X's own BSD sed will do:
tail -n +9 "$COUNTER/test.csv" | sed '$d' >> gfinal.csv
$ matches the last line, and d deletes it (meaning it won't be output).
Finally, as #ghoti points out in a comment, you could do it all using sed:
sed -n '9,$ {$!p;}' file
Option -n tells sed to only produce output when explicitly requested; 9,$ matches everything from line 9 through (,) the end of the file (the last line, $), and {$!p;} prints (p) every line in that range, except (!) the last ($).
I realize that your question is about using head and tail, but I'll answer as if you're interested in solving the original problem rather than figuring out how to use those particular tools to solve the problem. :)
One method using sed:
sed -e '1,8d;$d' inputfile
At this level of simplicity, GNU sed and BSD sed both work the same way. Our sed script says:
1,8d - delete lines 1 through 8,
$d - delete the last line.
If you decide to generate a sed script like this on-the-fly, beware of your quoting; you will have to escape the dollar sign if you put it in double quotes.
Another method using awk:
awk 'NR>9{print last} NR>1{last=$0}' inputfile
This works a bit differently in order to "recognize" the last line, capturing the previous line and printing after line 8, and then NOT printing the final line.
This awk solution is a bit of a hack, and like the sed solution, relies on the fact that you only want to strip ONE final line of the file.
If you want to strip more lines than one off the bottom of the file, you'd probably want to maintain an array that would function sort of as a buffered FIFO or sliding window.
awk -v striptop=8 -v stripbottom=3 '
{ last[NR]=$0; }
NR > striptop*2 { print last[NR-striptop]; }
{ delete last[NR-striptop]; }
END { for(r in last){if(r<NR-stripbottom+1) print last[r];} }
' inputfile
You specify how much to strip in variables. The last array keeps a number of lines in memory, prints from the far end of the stack, and deletes them as they are printed. The END section steps through whatever remains in the array, and prints everything not prohibited by stripbottom.

How can I get the SOA serial number from a file with sed?

I store my SOA data for multiple domains in a single file that gets $INCLUDEd by zone files. I've written a small sed script that is supposed to get the serial number, increment it, then re-save the SOA file. It all works properly as long as the SOA file is in the proper format, with the entire record on one line, but it fails as soon as the record gets split into multiple lines.
For example, this works as input data:
# IN SOA dnsserver. ( 2013112202 21600 900 691200 86400 )
But this does not:
# IN SOA dnsserver. (
2013112202 ; Serial number
21600 ; Refresh every day, 86400 is 1 day
900 ; Retry refresh every 15 min
691200 ; Expire every 8 days
86400 ) ; Minimum TTL 1 day
I like comments, and I would like to spread things out. But I need my script to be able to find the serial number so that I can increment it and rewrite the file.
The SED that works on the single line is this:
SOA=$(sed 's/.*#.*SOA[^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//' $SOAfile)
But for multi-line ... I'm a bit lost. I know I can join lines with N, but how do I know if I even need to? Do I need to write separate sed scripts based on some other analysis I do of the original file?
Please help! :-)
I wouldn't use sed for this. While you might be able to brute-force something, it would require a large amount of concentration to come up with it, and it would look like line noise, and so be almost unmaintainable afterwards.
What about this in awk?
The easiest way might be to split your records based on the # character, like so:
SOA=$(awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"} NR==2{print $6}' $SOAfile)
But that will break if you have comments containing # before the uncommented line, or if you have any comments between the # and the serial number. You could make a pipe to avoid these issues...
SOA=$(sed 's/;.*//;/^#/p;1,/^#/d' $SOAfile | awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"} NR==2{print $6}')
It may seem redundant to remove comments and strip the top of the file, but there could be other lines like #include which (however unlikely) could contain your record separator.
Or you could do something like this in pure awk:
SOA=$(awk -v field=6 '/^#/ { if($2=="IN"){field++} for(i=1;i<field;i++){if(i==NF){field=field-NF;getline;i=1}} print $field}' $SOAfile)
Or, broken out for easier reading:
awk -v field=6 '
/^#/ {
if ($2=="IN") {field++;}
for (i=1;i<field;i++) {
if(i==NF) {field=field-NF;getline;i=1;}
print $field; }' $SOAfile
This is flexible enough to handle any line splitting you might have, as it counts to field along multiple lines. It also adjusts the field number based on whether your zone segment contains the optional "IN" keyword.
A pure-sed solution would, instead of counting fields, use the first string of digits after an open bracket after your /^#/, like this:
SOA=$(sed -n '/^#/,/^[^;]*)/H;${;x;s/.*#[^(]*([^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//;p;}' $SOAfile)
Looks like line noise, right? :-) Broken out for easier reading, it looks like this:
/^#/,/^[^;]*)/H # "Hold" the meaningful part of the file...
${ # Once we reach the end...
x # Copy the hold space back to the main buffer
s/.*#[^(]*([^0-9]*// # Remove stuff ahead of the serial
s/[^0-9].*// # Remove stuff after the serial
p # And print.
The idea here is that starting from the first line that begins with #, we copy the file into sed's hold space, then at the end of the file, do some substitutions to strip out all the text up to the serial number, and then after the serial number, and print whatever remains.
All of these work on single line and multi line zone SOA records I've tested with.
You can try the following - it's your original sed program preceded by commands to first read all input lines, if applicable:
SOA=$(sed -e ':a' -e '$!{N;ba' -e '}' -e 's/.*#.*SOA[^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//' \
This form will work with both single- and multi-line input files.
Multi-line input files are first read as a whole before applying the substitutions.
Note: The awkward separate -e options are needed to keep FreeBSD happy with respect to labels and branching commands, which need a literal \n for termination - using separate -e options is a more readable alternative to splicing in literal newlines with $'\n'.
Alternative solution, using awk:
SOA=$(awk -v RS='#' '$1 == "IN" && $2 == "SOA" { print $6 }' "$SOAfile")
Again, this will work with both single- and multi-line record definitions.
The only constraint is that comments must not precede the serial number.
Additionally, if a file contained multiple records, the above would collect ALL serial numbers, separated by a newline each.
Why sed? grep is simplest in this case:
grep -A1 -e '#.*SOA' 1 | grep -oe '[0-9]*'
or: (maybe better):
grep -A1 -e '#.*SOA' 1 | grep 'Serial number' | grep -oe '[0-9]*'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -nr '/# IN SOA/{/[0-9]/!N;s/[^0-9]+([0-9]+).*/\1/p}' file
For lines that contain # IN SOA if the line contains no numbers append the next line. Then extract the first sequence of numbers from the line(s).

Extract Data from CSV in shell script (Sed, AWK, Grep?)

I need to extract some data from a CSV file. The CSV is a 2 column file with multiple records. The first column is the date, the second column is the data that needs to be extracted. The first row of the CSV file is the column headers, so it can be skipped. And I've already created the column header for the extracted data's csv file, so theres no need for that, I'll simply use >> to import the data into it.
Here is 1 record/line (of many) in the CSV file:
"2009-09-20 00:12:37","a:2:{s:15:""info_buyRequest"";a:5:{s:4:""uenc"";s:116:""aHR0cDovL3N0b3JlLmZvcmdldGhhbmdvdmVycy5jb20vcGF0Y2hlcy9pbmRpdmlkdWFsLXBhdGNoZXMvZnJlZS1zYW1wbGUuaHRtbD9fX19TSUQ9VQ,,"";s:7:""product"";s:1:""1"";s:15:""related_product"";s:0:"""";s:7:""options"";a:13:{i:17;s:2:""59"";i:16;s:2:""50"";i:15;s:2:""49"";i:14;s:2:""47"";i:13;s:2:""41"";i:12;s:2:""34"";i:11;s:2:""25"";i:10;s:2:""23"";i:9;s:2:""19"";i:8;s:2:""17"";i:7;s:2:""12"";i:6;s:1:""9"";i:5;s:1:""5"";}s:3:""qty"";i:1;}s:7:""options"";a:13:{i:0;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:25:""How did you hear about us"";s:5:""value"";s:22:""Friend / Family Member"";s:11:""print_value"";s:22:""Friend / Family Member"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""17"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""59"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:1;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:3:""Age"";s:5:""value"";s:5:""21-24"";s:11:""print_value"";s:5:""21-24"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""16"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""50"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:2;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:14:""Marital Status"";s:5:""value"";s:9:""UnMarried"";s:11:""print_value"";s:9:""UnMarried"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""15"";s:11:""option_type"";s:5:""radio"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""49"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:3;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:3:""Sex"";s:5:""value"";s:6:""Female"";s:11:""print_value"";s:6:""Female"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""14"";s:11:""option_type"";s:5:""radio"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""47"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:4;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:10:""Occupation"";s:5:""value"";s:7:""Student"";s:11:""print_value"";s:7:""Student"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""13"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""41"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:5;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:9:""Education"";s:5:""value"";s:16:""College Graduate"";s:11:""print_value"";s:16:""College Graduate"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""12"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""34"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:6;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:16:""Household Income"";s:5:""value"";s:7:""30K-50K"";s:11:""print_value"";s:7:""30K-50K"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""11"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""25"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:7;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:23:""Do You Take Supplements"";s:5:""value"";s:2:""No"";s:11:""print_value"";s:2:""No"";s:9:""option_id"";s:2:""10"";s:11:""option_type"";s:5:""radio"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""23"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:8;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:40:""How would you rank your typical hangover"";s:5:""value"";s:4:""Mild"";s:11:""print_value"";s:4:""Mild"";s:9:""option_id"";s:1:""9"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""19"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:9;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:51:""What type of establishments do you typically prefer"";s:5:""value"";s:10:""Nightclubs"";s:11:""print_value"";s:10:""Nightclubs"";s:9:""option_id"";s:1:""8"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""17"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:10;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:40:""How often do you usually go out per week"";s:5:""value"";s:3:""1-2"";s:11:""print_value"";s:3:""1-2"";s:9:""option_id"";s:1:""7"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:2:""12"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:11;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:49:""How many drinks do you typically consume per week"";s:5:""value"";s:3:""6-8"";s:11:""print_value"";s:3:""6-8"";s:9:""option_id"";s:1:""6"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:1:""9"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}i:12;a:7:{s:5:""label"";s:53:""How would you prefer to buy our Products"";s:5:""value"";s:6:""Online"";s:11:""print_value"";s:6:""Online"";s:9:""option_id"";s:1:""5"";s:11:""option_type"";s:9:""drop_down"";s:12:""option_value"";s:1:""5"";s:11:""custom_view"";b:0;}}}"
The Output should be the data found here:
Were the ? is a number, and {DATA} is the data being extracted.
So the output for example of this 1 record would be:
"2009-09-20 00:12:37","Friend / Family Member","21-24","UnMarried","Female","Student","College Graduate","30K-50K","No","Mild","Nightclubs","1-2","6-8","Online"
I am not proficient in Sed,AWK, or Grep, but I know it can be done using one of these tools if not all three. Any help or nudges in the right direction would be GREATLY appreciated.
I suggest you use PHP to de-serialize the structure.
However, here's a quick and dirty version of what you want using sed and tr. Certainly you can do this much much better:
cat file.csv | \
tr ",;" "\n" | \
sed -e 's/[asbi]:[0-9]*[:]*//g' -e '/^[{}]/d' -e 's/""//g' -e '/^"{/d' | \
sed -n -e '/^"/p' -e '/^print_value$/,/^option_id$/p' | \
sed -e '/^option_id/d' -e '/^print_value/d' -e 's/^"\(.*\)"$/\1/' | \
tr "\n" "," | \
sed -e 's/,\([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*\)/\n\1/g' -e 's/,$//' | \
sed -e 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/"/g' -e 's/,/","/g'
The explanation:
split by commas and semicolons
remove remove the php structure syntax s:X:Y, b:X, ... and remove lines starting with { or } or "{
extract the section from print_value to the next option_id, also keep the date (line start with ")
remove those labels (print and option), and remove quotations around the date
concat all lines with commas
seperate lines (starting with date pattern), and remove extra comma at end
add quotations around all fields
Wow, I know it's embarrassing :)
Here is my anwser:
cat TestData \
| grep -o -P "print_value\"\";.*?:\"\".*?\"\";" \
| perl -pe 's|print_value.*:\"\"(.*?)\"\";|\1|'
The first line show the data (stored in TestData).
The second line asks grep to separate each match from print_value to the nearest '"";'.
Notice that I use '.*?' for non greedy match (needs to use '-P' with it).
The last line use perl to strip all un-needed. See that I use '(.*?)' to match the needed group and use '\1' to show the group.
Hope this helps.
Here's a sed oneliner:
sed -nr 's/^([^,]+),(.*)$/\2#%#\1/;:a;s/""print_value"";s:[0-9]+:""([^"]+)""(.*)$/\2,"\1"/;ta;s/^.*#%#//p' <source
Basically extract the data and append it to the end of the line using a unique delimiter '#%#'.
When the loop/substitute construct fails (i.e. no more data), throw away what is left of the original line leaving the data nicely formatted.
