The requested application with ID xxxxxx was not found - google-play-games

I 'm trying to post/get score from google play leaderboards
I met all the meta-tag from the documentation including my client id
<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="" />
I also have setup the google sign-in system and all is fine, however when I try to call the leaderboards API I get the message error: The requested application with ID xxxxxx was not found
I am calling the API like the mentioned in the doc
path: '/games/v1/leaderboards/LEADERBOARD-ID',
params: { maxResults: 3 },
callback: function(response) {

I am not sure if the problem is the missing argument to execute a request.
Try to use this API requests method.
An object encapsulating an HTTP request. This object is not
instantiated directly, rather it is returned by gapi.client.request.
There are two ways to execute a request. We recommend that you treat
the object as a promise and use the then method, but you can also use
the execute method and pass in a callback.
You can refer to this Github post for additional reference.
This message: W/AchievementAgent( 3558):
{"code":404,"errors":[{"message":"The requested application with ID
571707973781 was not found.","domain":"global","reason":"notFound "}]}
is a little cryptic but points to a mismatch with the auth
configuration on the console and the application.
You'll want to double check the keystore SHA1 fingerprint of the
keystore you signed the app with and the one configured in the dev
It could also be the bundle ID, but that is hard to mess up since it
is part of the resource data used when running Setup for the plugin.
Also, it could be that the player is not a tester for this game.

For anyone having the same issue, you need to publish the beta version of the game to be able to interact with the game scoreboard.
Note: In the beta version, only tester accounts added to the game can access the scoreboard.


Epic FHR Integrations: Moving from Sandbox to Prod

I've used SMART on FHIR to successfully pull test patient data from Epic's sandbox for a patient-facing app (it's a standalone launch). I'm trying now to pull real patient data from a health system but I keep getting the error when trying to authorize my app: "OAuth2 Error. Something went wrong trying to authorize the client. Please try logging in again."
When I was testing with sandbox data, I used this code as reference and then modified it to work for React. This is code I used to authorize my app:
function pullEpicData() {
'client_id': {Non-Prod Client ID given by Epic},
'redirect_uri': {my website},
'iss': ''
This worked fine.
When I switched to prod mode, I used the following code to try to authorize my app:
function pullEpicData() {
'client_id': {Prod Client ID given by Epic},
'redirect_uri': {my website},
'iss': ''
However, this authorization keeps failing.
I didn't make any other changes to my code. Is there anything else I should be doing when switching from sandbox to prod to make the authorization work properly? I'm not using refresh tokens at the moment. Thanks!
There are two very common causes of this issue:
Your client ID does not qualify for auto-sync.
You didn't wait the ~12 hours for your client ID to sync.
For auto-sync, when you register a client ID, the APIs you select may disqualify you for auto-sync. If you don't qualify for auto-sync, then the healthcare organization you want to connect to just explicitly approve your app before it can be used to connect to their endpoints. There is an indicator near the bottom of the client registration form that indicates if you qualify for auto-sync or not.
Regardless of whether your app qualifies for auto-sync, or was explicitly approved by a health system, any changes to a client can take up to ~12 hours to sync (there is a job that runs every ~12 hours that downloads updates).
Other common OAuth2 connection issues are documented in our Troubleshooting Guide (requires login, but you can signup for an account for free).

Google Cloud identity token oidcToken.GetAccessTokenAsync() fails and without error message

When calling a google oauth library method, it fails without error - no amount of try/catch-ing traps any error messages.
I am trying to get an identity token much as I would if I executed gcloud auth print-identity-token from the command line using the gcloud cli.
The reason for wanting the identity token is that another Cloud Function service requires it as Authorization : Bearer [token], and indeed works correctly when I stuff a manually generated identity token in my code. That is not a suitable solution for development or production
The code snippet I wrote, cobbled from numerous sources, to procure an identity token is this:
using (var stream = new FileStream(credentialsFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var credentials = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream);
if (credentials.IsCreateScopedRequired)
credentials = credentials.CreateScoped(scopes);
OidcToken oidcToken = await credentials.GetOidcTokenAsync(
// this line bombs immediately, jumping out of this method and the calling method.
string token = await oidcToken.GetAccessTokenAsync();
return token;
In the above code, scopes[0] is left over code from a previous attempt which contains the endpoint to Cloud Function service. is the general form of the cloud function endpoint I am calling as a part of a web api.
Is this a valid and reasonable way to get the equivalent of gcloud auth print-identity-token? If so, why the epic failure?
I need to use a google service account for service to service authentication. Development environment is visual studio 2019, .net core 3.1, docker/linux
PS - the service account has the cloud function's Cloud Functions Invoker role.
PPS - the issue seems to be related to docker and a set of error messages I get when starting my project in docker. I had ignored them as they were not until now impairing functionality.
at System.Net.Http.CurlHandler.ThrowIfCURLEError(CURLcode error)
at System.Net.Http.CurlHandler.MultiAgent.FinishRequest(StrongToWeakReference`1 easyWrapper, CURLcode messageResult)
running the code on windows works.
The penultimate problem is that I needed to make an upstream method asynchronous and add an await. Now the code above works every time. This change led me to the ultimate problem whose solution is some code refactoring in ConfigureServices() related to AddHttpClient() setup.
The curl exception was due to trying to add logger.loggerFactory.AddGoogle(…) with a bad configuration. this has been a bad hair day.
This question is also an example of what not to do - ie I used too much minimalism to describe the problem.

Cannot get refresh token for Chrome Web Store API to publish Chrome extension

I'm trying to upload and publish my Chrome Extension using Chrome Web Store API in Azure DevOps. I've been referencing the official Google guide but the problem is that it looks like it's outdated now. I'm failing at the step
To create the client ID and client secret, click on Create New Client ID, select Installed Application, and Other under Installed application type.
When I do this, I don't see option for "Other" in Application Type dropdown.
I've tried the following:
Choosing Web Application as Application Type
With this I'm not able to get an access code with this link:$CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
it's resulting in "Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch". If I add an authorized redirect URI in my Client ID settings, like 'localhost', and replace 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' in URL above with it, I'm able to invoke authorization process and get the code from URL. But when I try to make a curl request to to get the refresh token I don't receive a refresh token, I only get this:
"access_token": "",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "",
"token_type": "Bearer"
Choosing Chrome App as Application Type
Pretty much the same happens here as in previous attempt, except I don't have to substitute the redirect URI in request for access code, but I also don't have Client Secret for this application type, so I just omit it. Anyways, it results in the same response that doesn't have refresh token.
When I enable Chrome Web Store API in dev console and try to create new credentials, it suggests to create API key instead of Cliend ID. But it doesn't look like this API can actually work with this key, I've tried sending it as query param, as a header, and I always get 401 result with "Login Required" message. But when I try to send a request with (invalid) token in a header I get meaningful response (smth like Invalid Credentials).
Apparently I do need to have access token to work with Chrome Web Store API but without refresh token I need to manually authorize my permissions and that's not acceptable because I need to use in my CI/CD pipeline. It looks like Google removed the option to just generate this info for such application types.
So, the question is, how can I get the refresh token to actually be able to continuously deploy the chrome extension?
Ok, so the trick here was to add two params to the request that you use to get the access code (not token):
And so the link should be:$CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force
And Google should do better job in updating their docs.

Analytics reporting API authentication with oAuth2 responds with "Not all scopes are approved."

I`m using Analytics Reporting API in my project to retrieve amount of users currently surfing my website. Consider following code:
'clientId': '<Client_ID>',
'scope': '',
}).then(function(authData) {
return gapi.client.request({
'path': '<VIEW_ID>&metrics=rt:activeUsers&dimensions=rt:latitude,rt:longitude'
But when i set debugger on the line with /*1*/ and want to investigate what`s inside "authData", in the developer console i see following:
And inside authData i have following:
That indicates abscence of authenticated user, i presume.
Furthermore, http response for authentication request returns following error
>{error: "IMMEDIATE_FAILED", detail: "Not all scopes are approved."}
The question is: what does it mean and where can i approve those scopes by myself or maybe there is somone from Google who should approve scopes for my requests. Thanks.
Well i acidentally stumbled upon this solution. The reason for scopes to seem unapproved is that the application is not accepted inside an google account as capabke of accessing analytics data (and it's crucial as i use oAuth2 clientID bound to that particular account). So the solution is to allow your project to have access to your account. Sadly there is no such statement in api's docs, nor any example was found also.

How to add multiple redirect URIs for Google OAuth 2?

I am trying to make Google OAuth 2 authentication work with a toy app I am running on my computer (at localhost:8080) using Social Auth for Java.
However when my app connects to Google to authenticate the user, Google responds with this error page:
My app, named "My Hobby App", is configured in the Developer Console as such:
In the Google OAuth 2 docs, it is specified that:
redirect_uri: One of the redirect_uri values listed for this project
in the Developers Console.
Determines where the response is sent. The
value of this parameter must exactly match one of the values listed
for this project in the Google Developers Console (including the http
or https scheme, case, and trailing '/').
I have a couple of questions:
How can I add multiple redirect_uris to my app?
Why is Google identifying my app as "Project Default Service Account" rather than "My Hobby App"?
It's actually easier than you think, unfortunately, it took me a couple of hours to figure it out.
How can I add multiple redirect_uris to my app?
Normally when you add multiple links to something on Google or elsewhere you separate it by , or ; but with Redirect URIs you have to use a new line, it's actually not very intuitive. So when you press the Edit Settings button, you can add to the URI and/or Origins if you have a couple more links, separated by newlines (enter).
No need for complicated app configurations or new keys.
Why is Google identifying my app as "Project Default Service Account" rather than "My Hobby App"?
On your second question: You have to go to the "Consent Screen" tab to change your app info such as your PRODUCT NAME, HOMEPAGE, LOGO, etc.
This answer may not be an exact answer to the question, but I think this might help those who are using Google OAuth for the first time and are wondering why their multiple URIs are not being recognized.
We use the redirect URI at 2 places in the code. First time, while fetching the auth code and a second time, when exchanging this code for an access token.
In the Google docs, it is clearly mentioned that the response for the auth code request(1st request) will be sent to the redirect URI. So, if you make the request from an endpoint A and specify the rediredt URI as endpoint B, Google will send the auth code to endpoint B. This is clear and worked fine without any errors.
Coming to the second request, the documentation is somewhat ambiguous. The redirect_URI parameter is described as below:
redirect_uri: The URI that you specify in the API Console, as described
in Set a redirect URI.
This is where I made a mistake in understanding how this works. Following a similar approach to the first call, I used a third endpoint C and passed this endpoint C in the redirect_URI parameter while making the second call. I got a URI mismatch error although my endpoints B and C are specified in the API console.
The problem is that, unlike in the case of first call, the response to the second call comes to the same endpoint from where the request is made. I made a request in python like below:
r =, params)
r has the response with the token.
I was getting a URI mismatch because, I am supposed to use the same redirect_URI in both the calls.
So, for a single OAuth request, we need to use a single redirect_URI.
But then, that brings up the question, why are multiple redirect_URIs allowed in the API console for a single app. I am assuming that if we need to make multiple pairs of authCode-token calls in the same app, we have the leeway of using multiple redirect_URIs.
