Nuxt window is not defined on server-side rendering - apollo-client

I am trying to get the authorization headers from localStorage inside my middleware. Unfortunately this doesn't work on the first page load, because it is server-rendered.
How could I fix this?
const cookieName = 'feathers-jwt';
import { ApolloClient, createNetworkInterface } from 'apollo-client';
import 'isomorphic-fetch';
const API_ENDPOINT = 'http://localhost:3000/graphql';
const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface({ uri: API_ENDPOINT });
applyMiddleware(req, next) {
if (!req.options.headers) {
req.options.headers = {}; // Create the header object if needed.
req.options.headers['authorization'] = window.localStorage.getItem(cookieName);
const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
transportBatching: true
export default apolloClient;

As I understand it, when you're rendering on the server you don't have access to window and document. In apps that render on both the server and in the client, you need to build in a check to see where you are, and handle that accordingly.
You can use this snippet for the detection of where you are:
var canUseDOM = !!(
typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
window.document &&
Use it to check if you are running server-side or client-side. In your case I would do the following:
If you're server-side you can check the cookies in the HTTP request itself;
If you're client-side you can check your localStorage store instead.
Of course, you can always opt to server-side render your website as an anonymous not authorised user by default. But that would cause the front-end to blink in and out of authorised state and would be annoying for the user.
In your case, I'd try to find authorisation cookies from the actual cookies that are present in your HTTP request.


How do I send CSRFToken in my axios requests using Nuxt and Django on the backend?

I'm using Django Rest as a backend api, and each API call requires a CSRF Token in the headers. In my "Applications" tab in Developer Tools, I clearly have a "csrftoken" value and I somehow need to extract that with each subsequent POST request that my Nuxt application does (using Nuxt/Axios)
My looks like this:
CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS = ['Content-Type', 'X-CSRFToken']
I have tried using js-cookies with Cookies.get("csrftoken") which just returns undefined. Is the cookie not accessible because it's set to HTTPONLY`?
What is the recommended step here? Should I create a view in my django backend to generate a CSRF Token, and then before making each request on the frontend, I call this view in my Django app to fetch the token?
def get_csrf(request):
response = JsonResponse({"detail": "CSRF cookie set"})
response["X-CSRFToken"] = get_token(request)
return response
Not sure how to proceed..
My Nuxt/Axios requests looks something like this:
const response =
await this.$axios.$post("/api/portfolios/", stockData,
{ headers: { "X-CSRFToken": /* Need some value here. */ }
I can however get the cookie using nuxtServerInit in my Nuxt Store:
async nuxtServerInit({commit}) {
console.log(this.$cookies.get("csrftoken")) // this works, can store it in some state
I can store the value from nuxtServerInit in a Nuxt store. However, whenever I logout, how do I make sure to extract the new csrftoken from the browser? The nuxtServerInit part above only works if I do a page reload, which isn't ideal.
Appreciate any guidance I can get.
Setup axios with default xsrfHeaderName and xsrfCookieName values via nuxt plugin.
When configured, axios will include in request your csrf header with cookie value if it's present in cookies.
in nuxt.config.js include your new plugin
// Plugins to run before rendering page:
plugins: [
create plugins/axios.js
There is the option to declare as global default config, or for a nuxt instance.
// content of plugins/axios.js
// This is a global config declaration that works on any axios instance,
// meaning that if you just import axios from 'axios' in any place, you will get those.
// This will also work on the axios instance that nuxt creates and injects.
import axios from 'axios'
axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'x-csrftoken'
axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken'
export default function ({ $axios }) {
// This is a nuxt specific instance config, this will work in
// everyplace where nuxt inject axios, like Vue components, and store
$axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'x-csrftoken'
$axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken'

Nextjs with ApolloClient with basic routing to separate graphql server

I am building a Nextjs App that has a separate GraphQL server endpoint. I wanted to be able to use ApolloClient (React) for this project, just to gain familiarity with the technology.
I used the Nextjs with-apollo example to get started. My understanding is that it creates a separate ApolloClient for Server side and Client side GraphQL requests. My current problem is that the GraphQL endpoint I want to access requires Authorization (meaning I need to pass it a Bearer API token) I don't want to leave that API token in the NEXT_PUBLIC environment variables for fear that someone might be able to find it.
So my question is: What is the best approach here? Do i:
Send the requests to my Nextjs server before sending them to the separate GraphQL endpoint to conceal my environment variable? Can I do that with #apollo/client HTTPLink? Can I still use useQuery or do I need to use something like axios?
Only create 1 ApolloClient (on the server, with the credentials) and pass that to the browser as well? How would I do that?
Create a REST endpoint that my client-side Next Application can query to get the credentials?
Is there a canonical way of getting secrets to the client without exposing them?
Some other method...
// lib/apolloClient.js
// ... imports ignored ...
let apolloClient;
function createApolloClient() {
// this line is the line in question...
// potentially exposing my API_TOKEN because NEXT_PUBLIC_ env variables
// are exposed on both the server and the client
let apiToken = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_TOKEN
return new ApolloClient({
ssrMode: typeof window === "undefined", // set to true for SSR
uri: "https://my-separate-graphql-server/endpoint",
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + apiToken,
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
export function initializeApollo(initialState = null) {
const _apolloClient = apolloClient ?? createApolloClient();
// If your page has Next.js data fetching methods that use Apollo Client,
// the initial state gets hydrated here
if (initialState) {
// Get existing cache, loaded during client side data fetching
const existingCache = _apolloClient.extract();
// Restore the cache using the data passed from
// getStaticProps/getServerSideProps combined with the existing cached data
_apolloClient.cache.restore({ ...existingCache, ...initialState });
// For SSG and SSR always create a new Apollo Client
if (typeof window === "undefined") return _apolloClient;
// Create the Apollo Client once in the client
if (!apolloClient) apolloClient = _apolloClient;
return _apolloClient;
export function useApollo(initialState) {
const store = useMemo(() => initializeApollo(initialState), [initialState]);
return store;

Nuxt Apollo with dynamic headers for a session based authentication

Apollo is not storing the header from the query dynamically.
methods: {
fetchCars() {
const token = Cookies.get('XSRF-TOKEN')
console.log(token) // 🟢 Token is shown in console
query: gql`
query {
cars {
headers: {
'X-XSRF-TOKEN': token, // â­• Fetch without header
Is there a way to set the header value new for every Apollo request?
I have a separate Frontend and Backend. For the Frontend I am using Nuxt.js with Apollo. I want to have a session based communication with my server. For this reason I need to send the CSRF-Token with every Request.
Now the problem: On the first load of the page there is no Cookie set on the browser. I do a GET-Request on every initialization of my Nuxt application.
fetch('', {
credentials: 'include',
Now I have a valid Cookie set on my side and want to communicate with the GraphQL Server but my header is not set dynamically in the query. Does anyone know how I can solve this?
My Laravel Backend is throwing now a 419 Token Mismatch Exception because I did not send a CSRF-Token with my request.
Link to the repository:
[SOLVED] Working solution: Thanks to the help of kofh in the Nuxt Apollo discord channel 🎉
In order to accomplish this, we need to access the code that gets run every time a fetch happens. This code lives inside your Apollo client's HttpLink. While the #nuxtjs/apollo module gives us many options, we can't quite configure this at such a high level.
Step 1: Creating a client plugin
As noted in the setup section of the Apollo module's docs, we can supply a path to a plugin that will define a clientConfig:
// nuxt.config.js
apollo: {
clientConfigs: {
default: '~/plugins/apollo-client.js'
This plugin should export a function which receives the nuxt context. It should return the configuration to be passed to the vue-cli-plugin-apollo's createApolloClient utility. You don't need to worry about that file, but it is how #nuxtjs/apollo creates the client internally.
Step 2: Creating the custom httpLink
In createApolloClient's options, we see we can disable defaultHttpLink and instead supply our own link. link needs to be the output of Apollo's official createHttpLink utility, docs for which can be found here. The option we're most interested in is the fetch option which as the docs state, is
a fetch compatible API for making a request
This boils down to meaning a function that takes uri and options parameters and returns a Promise that represents the network interaction.
Step 3: Creating the custom fetch method
As stated above, we need a function that takes uri and options and returns a promise. This function will be a simple passthrough to the standard fetch method (you may need to add isomorphic-fetch to your dependencies and import it here depending on your setup).
We'll extract your cookie the same as you did in your question, and then set it as a header. The fetch function should look like this:
(uri, options) => {
const token = Cookies.get('XSRF-TOKEN')
options.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = token
return fetch(uri, options)
Putting it all together
Ultimately, your ~/plugins/apollo-client.js file should look something like this:
import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'
export default function(context) {
return {
defaultHttpLink: false,
link: createHttpLink({
uri: '/graphql',
credentials: 'include',
fetch: (uri, options) => {
const token = Cookies.get('XSRF-TOKEN')
options.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = token
return fetch(uri, options)

Making credentialed requests with Bokeh AjaxDataSource

I have a plot set up to use an AjaxDataSource. This is working pretty well in my local development, and was working as deployed in my Kubernetes cluster. However, after I added HTTPS and Google IAP (Identity-Aware Proxy) to my plotting app, all of the requests to the data-url for my AjaxDataSource are rejected by the Google IAP service.
I have run into this issue in the past with other AJAX requests to Google IAP-protected services, and resolved it by setting {withCredentials: true} in my axios requests. However, I do not have this option while working with Bokeh's AjaxDataSource. How do I get BokehJS to pass the cookies to my service in the AjaxDataSource?
AjaxDataSource can pass headers:
ajax_source.headers = { 'x-my-custom-header': 'some value' }
There's not any way to set cookies (that would be set on the viewer's browser... which does not seem relevant in this context). Doing that would require building a custom extension.
Thanks to bigreddot for pointing me in the right direction. I was able to build a custom extension that did what I needed. Here's the source code for that extension:
from bokeh.models import AjaxDataSource
from bokeh.util.compiler import TypeScript
TS_CODE = """
import {AjaxDataSource} from "models/sources";
export class CredentialedAjaxDataSource extends AjaxDataSource {
prepare_request(): XMLHttpRequest {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, this.data_url, true);
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", this.content_type);
const http_headers = this.http_headers;
for (const name in http_headers) {
const value = http_headers[name];
xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value)
return xhr;
class CredentialedAjaxDataSource(AjaxDataSource):
__implementation__ = TypeScript(TS_CODE)
Bokeh extensions documentation:

Sapper/svelte3 session not synchronizing without page reload

I'm having trouble getting Sapper to synchronize session changes made in my server-side routes without a pageload. My example scenario is that I load my app with no user in the session, my server-side login route sets the user to the session, and I use goto to got to the dashboard.
The problem is that the session argument in the dashboard's preload function isn't populated. If I use window.location.href = '/dashboard', it is, because it's running through Sapper's page_handler. But if I do a client-only redirect, Sapper isn't sending the updated session to the client.
Any way around this? Am I using my tools wrong?
Note: I'm using connect-pg-simple and express-session, setting up sapper like this: sapper.middleware({session: (req, res) => req.session.public}).
I found my answer in the Sapper docs
session contains whatever data was seeded on the server. It is a writable store, meaning you can update it with new data (for example, after the user logs in) and your app will be refreshed.
Reading between the lines, this indicates that your app has to manually synchronize your session data.
The solution here is to manually sync the session data to the client, either with a webhook connection, a response header, or a key in the response data.
I've got a decorator I use to create a server route handler, in which I add the session data to the response. Here's a simplified version:
const createHandler = getData => (req, res) => {
res.status(200).json({data: getData(req.body), session: req.session.public})
Obviously there's more to it than that, e.g. error handling, but you get the idea. On the client, I wrap fetch in a helper function that I always use anyway to get my json, set the correct headers, etc. In it, I look at the response, and if there's a session property, I set that to the session store so that it's available in my preloads.
import {stores} from "#sapper/app"
const myFetch = (...args) => fetch(...args).then(r => r.json()).then(body => {
if (body.session) stores().session.set(body.session)
To put it simply, after your session status changes from the front end (user just logged in, or you just invalidated his login), you should update the session store on the front end.
import { goto, stores } from '#sapper/app';
const { session } = stores();
const loginBtnHandler = () => {
const req = await fetch('/api/login', {
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'same-origin', // (im using cookies in this example)
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ ........ })
if (req.ok) {
// here is where you refresh the session on the client right after you log in
$session.loggedIn = true; // or your token or whatever
// next page will properly read the session
