How to get a value in controller from get method and return it back to another view? - laravel

The problem looks basic but it is really painful!
I'm using get method and getting value in controller and I want the same value to return in another view.
How can I do that???
Please help!!!
This is my function from controller:
public function guest(){
if (Input::get('Cash On Delivery')){
$get = Input::get('Cash On Delivery');
return Redirect::to('guest/guestview/'.$get);

Well, with regards to your answer, using $_REQUEST directly is not Laravel's way of doing things :(
I believe this is better
public function guest(Request $request)
if ($request->payment_method == ('Cash On Delivery'))
return view('guest/guestview', ['guest'=>$request->payment_method]);

Ok Guys, I figured it out,
Just do this below.
public function guest(Request $request){
if ($request->payment_method == ('Cash On Delivery')){
$get = $_REQUEST['payment_method'];
return view('guest/guestview', compact('get'));


Automatically Load/Show Laravel View File

I am thinking of any techniques of autoloading the view files according to url.
For example:
public function addProducts()
return view('admin.addProducts');
public function editProducts()
return view('admin.editProducts');
public function allProducts()
return view('admin.allProducts');
Here, the Controller's method name is identical to view file name. So, I am thinking, if it is possible to load the view files without writing same kind of method again and again.
Enlighten me.
If your route only needs to return a view, you may use the Route::view method.
For example:
Route::view('/welcome', 'welcome');
Route::view('/welcome', 'welcome', ['name' => 'Taylor']);
read more here
It's the call PHP magic, man.
public function __call($method, $parameters)
if (str_contains($method, 'Product')) {
return view("admin.{$method}");
btw, it's not a good practice for controller.

Returning same variable to every controller in laravel

I need to send the same result to almost every view page, so I need to bind the variables and return with every controller.
My sample code
public function index()
$drcategory = DoctorCategory::orderBy('speciality', 'asc')->get();
$locations = Location::get();
return view('visitor.index', compact('drcategory','locations'));
public function contact()
$drcategory = DoctorCategory::orderBy('speciality', 'asc')->get();
$locations = Location::get();
return view('', compact('drcategory','locations'));
But as you see, I need to write same code over and over again. How can I write it once and include it any function whenever I need?
I thought about using a constructor, but I cannot figure out how I can implement this.
You are able to achieve this by using the View::share() function within the AppServicerProvider:
public function __construct()
use View::Share('variableName', $variableValue );
Then, within your controller, you call your view as normal:
public function myTestAction()
return view('');
Now you can call your variable within the view:
<p>{{ variableName }}</p>
You can read more in the docs.
There are a few ways to implement this.
You can go with a service, a provider or, like you said, within the constructor.
I am guessing you will share this between more parts of your code, not just this controller and for such, I would do a service with static calls if the code is that short and focused.
If you are absolutely sure it is only a special case for this controller then you can do:
class YourController
protected $drcategory;
public function __construct()
$this->drcategory = DoctorCategory::orderBy('speciality', 'asc')->get();
// Your other functions here
In the end, I would still put your query under a Service or Provider and pass that to the controller instead of having it directly there. Maybe something extra to explore? :)
For this, you can use View Composer Binding feature of laravel
add this is in boot function of AppServiceProvider
View::composer('*', function ($view) {
$view->with('drcategory', DoctorCategory::orderBy('speciality', 'asc')->get());
$view->with('locations', Location::get());
}); //please import class...
when you visit on every page you can access drcategory and location object every time
and no need to send drcategory and location form every controller to view.
Edit your controller method
public function index()
return view('visitor.index');
#Sunil mentioned way View Composer Binding is the best way to achieve this.

Laravel 5 How to follow DRY in my simple controller logic?

I have some simple logic in my Controller. But I often use it in other method. Here is an example.
In my controller.
public function method1()
$showroomName = Auth::user()->showroom->name;
$showroomName = "Belum Ada Izin";
return view('method1view', compact('showroomName'));
public function method2()
$showroomName = Auth::user()->showroom->name;
$showroomName = "Belum Ada Izin";
return view('method2view', compact('showroomName'));
... so on
How I can follow DRY principle in my case?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
For cleaner and shorter syntax, use data_get helper:
data_get(Auth::user(), '', 'your default value');
This in most cases comes handy, but not always is the best way.
However, in your example it seems, that maybe in fact you'd like to simply share this variable across your views - use share or a View Composer described in the docs.
In your Showroom model you could include the following function:
public function getNameAttribute($value)
return isset($value) ? $value : 'Belum Ada Izin';
That's assuming you want that behavior everywhere showroom->name is used. If not, make the function getNameWithDefaultAttribute, check $this->name in the body, and reference it in the controller like Auth::user()->showroom->name_with_default

The return of view() in Laravel?

I am just learning Laravel 5.1 framework, I find a puzzling problem.
First, I create a model named 'Page', then I create a controller named 'HomeController', the method code is following:
public function index()
return view('home')->withPages(Page::all());
I cannot find 'withPages()' function, so I find helper function view() return \Illuminate\View\View, so I find 'vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php', there is a "__call()", so I get it.
But I try to delete this function, my site is still normal.
did I find the wrong place? I am very puzzled.
... there is a "__call()", so I get it. But I try to delete this function, my site is still normal. did I find the wrong place? I am very puzzled.
Laravel 'compiles' all it's core classes into a single file as a performance optimisation.
Try running php artisan clear-compiled and your site should start failing.
This is how I would do it -
public function index()
return view()->with('pages', Page::all());
If you want to use withPages method, you need to have a variable $pages set in the method.
So your method would look like:
public function index()
pages = Page::all();
return view('home')->withPages($pages);
Other two options:
public function index()
return view('home')->with('pages', Page::all());
public function index()
pages = Page::all();
return view('home')->with(compact('pages));
You can use any of these methods.

pagination in codeigniter and passing values to a function do not work

public function category($id = '') {
$var = $this->pm->get_items_by_category($id,$offset,$start_row);
But in my view I have :
I think I know what you are trying to say but it's not very clear.
Your link needs to pass the limit and offset as well as the id. So do something like this
Then in your controller set up your function like this.
public function category($limit, $offset, $id){
If you give more info I can give better answer.
