elasticsearch - index size change - elasticsearch

I insert some data to elasticsearch and here is result screen from es-head.
I do nothing but size is getting smaller. why? and can it be bigger somehow?

Elasticsearch (or actually the underlying Apache Lucene) writes data immutably. The only way to decrease the file size is through a merge, which will happen automatically in the background.
Quoting from the documentation:
Smaller segments are periodically merged into larger segments to keep the index size at bay and to expunge deletes.
I would only expect bigger changes if you have lots of deleted documents. Note however that every update is treated as a (soft) delete and insert — immutable nature of Lucene segments.


Elastic Search force merging and merging(to do or not to do force merge)

I have a scenario in which we have indices for each month, and each document has a field, say expiry date, and according to that expiry date, documents will be deleted when they reach their expiry. One-month-old index will be moved to a warm node from a hot node(All my queries below will be pertaining to the indexes that are on warm nodes).
Now I understand Elastic search will merge the segments as needed.
here is my first question, how will elastic search determine that now is the need to merge the segments?
I have come across a property index.merge.policy.expunge_deletes_allowed which has a default value of 10%, does this property dictate when the merging will happen? And it says 10% deleted document, what does that exactly mean? let's suppose if a segment has 100 documents and I deleted 11 of them(that happens to be on the same segment) does that mean the default limit of 10% has been met?
Coming back to the scenario when my documents get deleted at some point there will come a time when all the documents in an index get deleted. What will segments of that index look like then? will it have 0 segments or just 1 to hold index metadata?
Another question regarding the force merge is if I happen to choose force merge to get rid of all the deleted documents from the disk and if force merging resulted in a segment of size greater than 5 GB so as written here. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-forcemerge.html#forcemerge-api-desc
Snippet :
Force merge should only be called against an index after you have finished writing to it. Force merge can cause very large (>5GB) segments to be produced, and if you continue to write to such an index then the automatic merge policy will never consider these segments for future merges until they mostly consist of deleted documents. This can cause very large segments to remain in the index which can result in increased disk usage and worse search performance.
When will my segment(greater than 5GB will get merged automatically if at all?) as it says it will when it consists mostly of deleted documents? That's vague what does mostly mean here? what's the threshold?
Another question is, it is suggested that force merge should only be done on indexes that are read-only. Why is that? how does it degrade performance? coming back to the scenario I will have some updates and new documents coming on my indexes on warm nodes even after I force merge them, but the frequency of those updates and new documents will be very less(we can say less than 5% of the documents will be updated, and less than and maybe a couple of hundred new documents could be added to those indexes).
Also what if I am force-merging 4 450GB indexes( each with 16 shards) in parallel, how will it affect my searching speed? I read somewhere that by default each force merge request is executed in a single thread and that too is throttled if need be? does that mean if search requests increases the merging will be paused?
Thank you for your patience and time.

Does huge number of deleted doc count affects ES query performance

I have few read heavy indices(started seeing performance issues on these indices) in my ES cluster which has ~50 million docs and noticed most of them have around 25% of total documents as deleted, I know that these deleted document count decrease over time when background merge operation happens, But in my case these count is always around ~25% of total documents and I have below questions/concerns:
Will these huge no of deleted count affects the search performance as they are still part of lucene immutable segments and search happens to all the segments and latest version of document is returned, so size of immutable segments would be high as they contains huge number of deleted docs and then another operation to figure out the latest version of doc.
Will periodic merge operation would take lot of time and inefficient if huge number of deleted documents are there?
is there is any way to delete these huge number of deleted docs in one shot as looks like background merge operation is not able to keep up with huge number?
your deleted documents are still part of the index so they impact the search performance ( but I can't tell you if its a huge impact ).
For the periodic merge, Lucene is "reluctant" to merge heavy segments as it requires some disk space and generates a lot of IO.
You can get some precious insight on your segments thanks to the Index Segments API
If you have segments close to the 5GB limit, it is probable that they won't be merged automatically until they are mostly constituted with deleted docs.
You can force a merge on your index with the force merge API
Remember a force merge can generate some stress on a cluster for huge indices. An option exists to only delete documents, that should reduce the burden.
only_expunge_deletes (Optional, boolean) If true, only expunge
segments containing document deletions. Defaults to false.
In Lucene, a document is not deleted from a segment; just marked as
deleted. During a merge, a new segment is created that does not
contain those document deletions.

Elasticsearch: Can i safely delete shrunk index?

I used the Shrink API to shrink an index from 500 shards down to 100. But it seems that no new disk space was taken after the operation was complete.
Can i safely delete the original index with 500 shards? or does the new index rely on that?
Can i safely delete the original index with 500 shards? or does the new index rely on that?
Yes, deleting an index does not affect any other indices.
But it seems that no new disk space was taken after the operation was complete.
This is expected, at least initially. The documentation for the shrink API notes that usually the shrunken index is made by hard-linking the files of the original index rather than copying them. Hard-linking works pretty much just like copying except that it doesn't take up any extra space. In particular, if you have two hard links to the same underlying data then you can delete one of them without affecting the other, and this is the property that Elasticsearch is using when shrinking.

Why segment merge in Elasticsearch requires stopping the writes to index

I am looking to run the optimize(ES 1.X) which is now known as forcemerge API in ES latest version. After reading some articles like this and this. it seems we should run it only on read-only indices, quoting the official ES docs:
Force merge should only be called against read-only indices. Running
force merge against a read-write index can cause very large segments
to be produced (>5Gb per segment)
But I don't understand the
Reason behind putting index on read-only mode before running forcemerge or optimize API.
As explained in above ES doc, it could cause very large segments which shouldn't be the case as what I understand is that, new updates are first written in memory which are written to segments when refresh happens, so why having write during forcemerge can produce the very large segments?
Also is there is any workaround if we don't want to put the index on read-only mode and still run force merge to expunge delete.
Let me know if I need to provide any additional information.
forcemerge can significantly improve the performance of your queries as it allows you to merge the existing number of segments into a smaller number of segments which is more efficient for querying, as segments get searched sequentially. While merging, also all documents marked for deletion get cleaned up.
Merging happens regularly and automatically in the background as part of Elasticsearch‘s housekeeping based on a merge policy.
The tricky thing: only segments up to 5 GB are considered by the merge policy. Using the forcemerge API with the parameter that allows you to specify the number of resulting segments, you risk that the resulting segment(s) get bigger than 5GB, meaning that they will no longer be considered by future merge requests. As long as you don‘t delete or update documents there is nothing wrong about that. However, if you keep on deleting or updating documents, Lucene will mark the old version of your documents in the existing segments as deleted and write the new version of your documents into new segments. If your deleted documents reside in segments larger than 5GB, no more housekeeping is done on them, i.e. the documents marked for deletion will never get cleaned up.
By setting an index to readonly prior to doing a force-merge, you ensure that you will not end up with huge segments, containing a lot of legacy documents, which consume precious resources in memory and on disk and slow down your queries.
A refresh is doing something different: it‘s correct that documents you want to get indexed are first processed in memory, before getting written to disk. But the data structure that allows you to actually find a document (the „segment“) does not get created for every single document right away, as this would be highly inefficient. Segments are only created when the internal buffer gets full, or when a refresh occurs. By triggering a refresh you make a document immediately available for finding. Still the segment at first only lives in memory, as - again - it would be extremely inefficient to immediately sync every segment to disk right after it got created. Segments in memory get periodically synced to disk. Even if you pull the plug before a sync to disk happened you don‘t lose any information, as Elasticsearch maintains a translog that will allow Elasticsearch to „replay“ all indexing request that did not make it yet into a segment on disk.

efficiently getting all documents in an elasticsearch index

I want to get all results from a match-all query in an elasticsearch cluster. I don't care if the results are up to date and I don't care about the order, I just want to steadily keep going through all results and then start again at the beginning. Is scroll and scan best for this, it seems like a bit of a hit taking a snapshot that I don't need. I'll be looking at processing 10s millions of documents.
Somewhat of a duplicate of elasticsearch query to return all records. But we can add a bit more detail to address the overhead concern. (Viz., "it seems like a bit of a hit taking a snapshot that I don't need.")
A scroll-scan search is definitely what you want in this case. The
"snapshot" is not a lot of overhead here. The documentation describes it metaphorically as "like a snapshot in time" (emphasis added). The actual implementation details are a bit more subtle, and quite clever.
A slightly more detailed explanation comes later in the documentation:
Normally, the background merge process optimizes the index by merging together smaller segments to create new bigger segments, at which time the smaller segments are deleted. This process continues during scrolling, but an open search context prevents the old segments from being deleted while they are still in use. This is how Elasticsearch is able to return the results of the initial search request, regardless of subsequent changes to documents.
So the reason the context is cheap to preserve is because of how Lucene index segments behave. A Lucene index is partitioned into multiple segments, each of which is like a stand-alone mini index. As documents are added (and updated), Lucene simply appends a new segment to the index. Segments are write-once: after they are created, they are never again updated.
Over time, as segments accumulate, Lucene will periodically do some housekeeping in the background. It scans through the segments and merges segments to flush the deleted and outdated information, eventually consolidating into a smaller set of fresher and more up-to-date segments. As newer merged segments replace older segments, Lucene will then go and remove any segments that are no longer actively used by the index at large.
This segmented index design is one reason why Lucene is much more performant and resilient than a simple B-tree. Continuously appending segments is cheaper in the long run than the accumulated IO of updating files directly on disk. Plus the write-once design has other useful properties.
The snapshot-like behavior used here by Elasticsearch is to maintain a reference to all of the segments active at the time the scrolling search begins. So the overhead is minimal: some references to a handful of files. Plus, perhaps, the size of those files on disk, as the index is updated over time.
This may be a costly amount of overhead, if disk space is a serious concern on the server. It's conceivable that an index being updated rapidly enough while a scrolling search context is active may as much as double the disk size required for an index. Toward that end, it's helpful to ensure that you have enough capacity such that an index may grow to 2–3 times its expected size.
