Hosts file autocomment (self-report) all entries that I add - laravel

My Hosts file looks like:
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
::1 localhost
I am working with Laravel. Every 1 hour approximately (without touch PC) (or always when I restart Homestead, or I do any change on Laravel files, etc...) Hosts file looks like:
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
::1 localhost
Ergo, my domain is autocommented (self-reported) (# and I do not understand why. I have been searching in several sites but I have not found solution yet.
Hope if you could help me.
Thank you all.

Ergo, my domain is autocommented (self-reported) (# and I do not understand why.
That’s most likely some kind of security application trying to protect your machine (from malware that would simply change or add entries in there, trying to redirect your requests for popular sites to their own servers.)
Might be Bitdefender, according to windows 10 hosts file entries been commented out on; but there’s probably other programs that do this as well.


Cannot access wsl web app from windows after installing docker

I had no issues with accessing my apps running in Ubuntu through WSL from windows until I installed docker and did a reboot.
I checked my hosts configuration file and it looked something like the following:
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost
# Added by Docker Desktop host.docker.internal gateway.docker.internal
# To allow the same kube context to work on the host and the container: kubernetes.docker.internal
# End of section
I commented out the second to last line
# kubernetes.docker.internal
and flushed my dns using
ipconfig /flushdns
but still if I try to access my node app running on port 3001 in wsl my browser gives the "Can't reach this page message"
This isn't an issue with node or my app because I am able to successfully curl my app from the ubuntu terminal
I was able to fix the issue by simply adding the ip address for wsl to my hosts file above the docker declaration:
<ip address of wsl> localhost

Why does changing a hostname in the hosts file not change my computer name?

I have to run some servers with different names. So I changed the hostname in Windows 10 inside C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. I changed the name from localhost to brandcil.local:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# brandcil.local
# ::1 brandcil.local
Now when I am running nslookup in powershell terminal, it is showing this:
Server: UnKnown
Name: localhost
I restarted my machine but it does not take effect. How do I change the hostname then?
Changing the hosts file will not change the hostname. It is only used for hostname-IP-resolution. Besides that, each line that begins with # is a comment and not an active configuration. You can rename a computer with the following PowerShell cmdlet:
Rename-Computer -NewName brandcil -Restart
First of all, any line in the hosts file that begins with # is a comment and will be ignored. The file itself tells you this if you read it. Second, the hosts file has nothing to do with your computer's hostname. All you're doing is creating aliases that will only work on the machines you modify the hosts file on. You're not changing the hostname at all. Third, localhost -> is a static mapping no longer controlled by the hosts file so it will always map to Again, the hosts file tells you this if you read it.
To rename your computer go into Settings --> System --> About. There's a "Rename this PC" button.
If you don't want to use that, then I recommend using the Rename-Computer Powershell command.

VPN Cisco IPSec change DNS

When I make connection vpn on macos (10.14.4) my dns will be change.
with normal wifi connection:
# bash-3.2# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# macOS Notice
# This file is not consulted for DNS hostname resolution, address
# resolution, or the DNS query routing mechanism used by most
# processes on this system.
# To view the DNS configuration used by this system, use:
# scutil --dns
# dns-sd(1), scutil(8)
# This file is automatically generated.
with vpn connection:
bash-3.2# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# macOS Notice
# This file is not consulted for DNS hostname resolution, address
# resolution, or the DNS query routing mechanism used by most
# processes on this system.
# To view the DNS configuration used by this system, use:
# scutil --dns
# dns-sd(1), scutil(8)
# This file is automatically generated.
I don't want change nameserver.
I wonder why does it change and how to fix?
its set by the Cisco, like
username USER attributes
vpn-group-policy POLICY
group-policy POLICY
dns-server value
not sure if you can override it by system -> network -> your-vpn -> options -> dns..

Putting EC2 Instance public Ip in Ansible Host File

Hey I am new to Ansible and working with it for a project one of the steps is to input our rhel7 instance public ip address into the Ansible hosts file. We weren't given any other instruction and I wanted to make sure I did so correctly (line 11 of my Hosts File), any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Hosts File
# This is the default ansible 'hosts' file.
# It should live in /etc/ansible/hosts
# - Comments begin with the '#' character
# - Blank lines are ignored
# - Groups of hosts are delimited by [header] elements
# - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses
# - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups
# Ex 1: Ungrouped hosts, specify before any group headers.
# Ex 2: A collection of hosts belonging to the 'webservers' group
# If you have multiple hosts following a pattern you can specify
# them like this:
## www[001:006]
# Ex 3: A collection of database servers in the 'dbservers' group
## [dbservers]
# Here's another example of host ranges, this time there are no
# leading 0s:
## db-[99:101]
To add-on Vladimir's answer, the servers created in AWS normally come with Elastic IP and it can be changed after you restart the server
So you need to make it dynamic inventory when your system becomes bigger and more complex, take an example from this article: This approach works for me and I use it to manage more than 50 AWS EC2 instances with dynamic IPs
And looks like there is AWS plugin here:, I haven't give a try on this solution yet, but it may have some advantage as this is from Ansible official document
Yes. It's correct. Here is a link to Working with Inventory (for the record).

Impossible to kill processes via SNMP

I'm trying to kill processes using SNMP.
I know that is possible setting to 4 the "status" field of a process like:
snmpset -v 2c -c community_string ipaddress i 4
I always receive the same message:
Error in packet.
Reason: not Writable (That Object does not support modification)
Failed object: iso.
I don't know why, but this also happens when I use the "localhost" that normally has all the privileges. Maybe there is something wrong in my settings? This is my snmpd.conf file:
# Listen for connections from the local system only
agentAddress udp:161
# Listen for connections on all interfaces (both IPv4 *and* IPv6)
#agentAddress udp:161,udp6:[::1]:161
# system + hrSystem groups only
view systemonly included .
view systemonly included .
# Full access from the local host
rwcommunity public localhost
rwcommunity ubuntulaptop
# Default access to basic system info
rocommunity public default -V systemonly
# rocommunity6 is for IPv6
rocommunity6 public default -V systemonly
# Full access from an example network
# Adjust this network address to match your local
# settings, change the community string,
# and check the 'agentAddress' setting above
#rocommunity secret
# Full read-only access for SNMPv3
rouser authOnlyUser
# Full write access for encrypted requests
# Remember to activate the 'createUser' lines above
#rwuser authPrivUser priv
# It's no longer typically necessary to use the full 'com2sec/group/access' configuration
# r[ow]user and r[ow]community, together with suitable views, should cover most requirements
# Note that setting these values here, results in the corresponding MIB objects being 'read-only'
# See snmpd.conf(5) for more details
sysLocation Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
sysContact Me <>
# Application + End-to-End layers
sysServices 72
# Process Monitoring
# At least one 'mountd' process
proc mountd
# No more than 4 'ntalkd' processes - 0 is OK
proc ntalkd 4
# At least one 'sendmail' process, but no more than 10
proc sendmail 10 1
# Walk the UCD-SNMP-MIB::prTable to see the resulting output
# Note that this table will be empty if there are no "proc" entries in the snmpd.conf file
# Disk Monitoring
# 10MBs required on root disk, 5% free on /var, 10% free on all other disks
disk / 10000
disk /var 5%
includeAllDisks 10%
# Walk the UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskTable to see the resulting output
# Note that this table will be empty if there are no "disk" entries in the snmpd.conf file
# System Load
# Unacceptable 1-, 5-, and 15-minute load averages
load 12 10 5
# Walk the UCD-SNMP-MIB::laTable to see the resulting output
# Note that this table *will* be populated, even without a "load" entry in the snmpd.conf file
Error in packet. Reason: not Writable (That Object does not support >modification) Failed object: iso.
This message above is probably just what it says. The variable is a read-only and cant be edited. If the variable is writable or not is specified in the MIB. You better check the MIB first. If a variable is read-only it doesnt matter what you do.
Killing processes with SNMP, as far as i know, is not that usual. At least you usually do not do it in that way. SNMP is for managing the network. But again if you have a proprietary MIB you must check it and see what it says there.
