"Beautify" Brackets Equivalent for Visual Studio IDE - visual-studio

I've got a question. As Brackets WebDev IDE has its plugin called Beautify to clean up the syntax, make it more readable, is there some Visual studio Package with such function?
Every answer matters :)

I don't know about an extension as such, but if you press Ctrl+K and then Ctrl+F in sequence it will auto-indent your code for you. I believe the style of auto indentation you want can be configured in the Settings pane.


Visual Studio code completion like ctrl+k in netbeans?

My question is there code completion for Visual studio like in Netbeans where you cycle the buffer with ctrl+k, when you type something?
There's now a nice extension called Simple Autocomplete which adds one command simpleAutocomplete.next that you can map to a shortcut of your choice.
No, there isn't a similar feature in Visual Studio.
The traditional Visual Studio autocomplete is using intellisense.
When you start typing, intellisense may bring up a drop down with suggestions. In that case you can tab to complete using the current suggestion or use the arrow keys to choose another.
Ctrl-Space (or Alt-Right arrow) will bring up this intellisense menu if it's not up.
I find it does a pretty good job overall.
Some extensions like Resharper or Visual Assist offer their own code completion or other similar features (like Suggestion List for Visual Assist).
I know it's been ages since I asked this question but I found the next best thing to do this. What I would suggest is to use VsVim extension and to use Vim's anyword completion; however, in order for this work, what must be resolved is the keyboard shortcuts that conflict:
Go to "Tools options" in Visual Studio.
Then go to VsVim category(alternatively you can search "VsVim" and
should bring the options) and click keyboard.
As far as I know vim deals with this type of completion with these keys
CTRL+P and CTRL+N so what we do is to let Visual Studio give up
these keybindings and let VsVim deal with it by Selecting from the drop
down of the keys(CTRL+P and CTRL+N) and let it be "Handled by VsVim".
I hope this has helped someone out.

C# Tools that can be used to replace F12 command

I was curious if there is/are tools that can be used to embed so the the function name in C# can have a link in order to jump to its definition. In this case no need to right click and select 'go to definition' or F12. I was having hard time explaining what i meant. Hope someone can understand. Thanks a lot.
Ctrl + Left Mouse Button does the trick. Just Ctrl+Click the name of the function.
(assuming you are using Visual Studio with JetBrains ReSharper plugin).
Not sure if I understand what you are after, but ReSharper from JetBrains is an incredibly powerful addin to Visual Studio.
One of the functions is a replacement of the Go to Definition function.
There is an extention in the visual studio gallery which allows Ctrl+Click Navigation

Visual Studio surround with current line if nothing selected

I'm using the Surround With feature in Visual Studio with some custom code snippets. Is there a way to configure visual studio (or a custom surround snippet) to treat the entire line like it is selected, if there is currently no selection?
The same functionality is provided when you do a keyboard shortcut such as Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V etc. If you have no selected text, it performs the action on the entire line.
If someone still wants to answer this as far as doing this with Visual Studio's native functions, they can - However it was pointed out to me in a comment that resharper does this automatically. Which is something I did not realize. Seem's I'll be moving all my VisualStudio surround snippets over to Resharper Surround templates!

Code editing in Visual Studio like it is in Aptana Studio

Is there any plugins to Visual Studio that enables you to have the wonderful type-style you get in Aptana Studio, ie:
Auto brace completion
Auto indentation of braces (and other characters) whenever 'enter' is pressed inside the braces, like so:
Before enter:
After enter:
Is it possible to make this work in Visual Studio (via plugin or otherwise)?
You can use, for instance, Resharper, http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper, which is a pay-for plugin for code style, code refactoring and formatting. Rather advanced.
There's also Visual Assist X, http://www.wholetomato.com/, as well as JustCode, http://www.telerik.com/products/justcode.aspx and a whole lot more. Several products available, most of them for money, most of them good. =)
Check Productivity Power Tools. It has plenty of nice stuff:
Auto Brace Completion
Quick Find
Enhanced Scrollbar
Searchable Add Reference Dialog
and others.

Can I have Visual Studio IDE auto-comple brackets?

Suppose I have a line of code that starts like the following:
Is it possible to set up Visual Studio (2005, 2008, 2010) IDE, so that when I hit ';' it will auto-complete all the brackets. I am only interested in brackets, nothing fancier. It doesn't have to be ';' key, it can be another key that auto-completes both brackets and ';'. This is a tiny thing that pops-up time and time again, and I've always wondered if I had to live with it.
Check CodeRush, or implement your own add-in...
You could also check out Resharper: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/
Once you go Resharper, you can't go back. ;)
Also, Telerik has a product called JustCode that can do these sorts of things too.
